There was absolutely nothing stopping them, but not one single member of Western mainstream media ever visited a bomb site in Lebanon to verify whether Israeli claims it was a Hezbollah base or missile site were true. Because they knew the answer is negative, as I found across dozens of bomb sites, and that is not the narrative they are paid to promote.
But when a narrative they are paid to promote came to the fore, they flocked to Damascus – driving right past the bombed civilian homes, ambulance centres and schools of Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley to get there – to promote Syria’s new Israel-, USA- and Turkey-sponsored “democratic” government of entirely “reformed” HTS Wahhabists.
Now in the past I had unfortunate arguments with some who broadly take a similar view of politics to me – Vanessa Beeley comes to mind – because I was never a fan of the Assad regime and its human rights record. Nevertheless, I consistently preferred Assad to the NATO-, Gulf- and Israel-sponsored extremist Wahhabi “rebels” who were fighting him.
But you can acknowledge Assad’s human rights abuses without subscribing to the ludicrous atrocity propaganda that spewed out of the mainstream media – 150,000 prisoners in one jail, 100,000 people in a mass grave, the “body press” whose plywood-pressing surfaces were peculiarly unstained, the suntanned American prisoner who had been “locked in a room for seven months”, the splendidly groomed dissident prisoner “rescued” by CNN.
Atrocity propaganda is as old as warfare. Like the “60 beheaded babies” of 7 October, or the 100,000 prisoners in a mass grave, it will doubtless recur indefinitely despite being nonsense. The installation of HTS by the NATO powers and Israel was a propaganda orgy of “joy” and “liberation”.
Undoubtedly some people did feel joy and liberation. But the Western media have not stayed around since, to report the subsequent numerous incidents of beatings and summary executions of non-Sunnis, that the “democratic revolution” will start to think about an election only in four years’ time, that women judges have all been dismissed, that starting yesterday there are official Sharia patrols on the streets of Damascus “advising” women to cover their hair, and that for the first time, also starting yesterday, the hijab is official compulsory uniform in most Syrian state schools.
Still less have they reported that HTS has done nothing whatsoever to oppose the Israeli invasion of Southern Syria, which as of today controls the dams that supply 40% of Syria’s potable and agricultural water. Israel is constructing 13 permanent military bases in the newly occupied Syrian territories, putting in concrete emplacements and building or improving fenced roads between them. It is building gun emplacements around dams.
HTS has – while not opposing the Israeli invaders – however managed to make several incursions into Lebanon including direct attacks on the Lebanese Army. In some cases these attacks by HTS on Lebanon have occurred within five miles of illegal Israeli outposts of soldiers within Syria – a clear indication of which side HTS is on.
The new HTS government has of course been fêted by the global neoliberals. The agenda of the Western security services has nowhere been more obvious than in the linkage of the HTS and Ukrainian causes, and the second foreign delegation received by the new HTS government was indeed from Ukraine.
Uzbek militants formed a significant section of HTS’s Wahhabi army, and it is not a coincidence that around the same time, it was an Uzbek militant who murdered a key Russian general on behalf of the Ukrainian government.
The Ukrainian delegation to the HTS government was closely followed of course by the ubiquitous harpy Annelina Baerbock, the most outspoken and enthusiastic advocate outside the state of Israel of the massacre of Palestinians.
As some kind of counterweight to the Western support of Al Qaeda/Al Nusra/HTS in Syria, which the public was entitled to find somewhat confusing, we have the narrative of the “ISIS-inspired” terrorism attack in New Orleans, just to reassure that Muslims are still the official enemy.
There are a number of things about this narrative which are just too pat to sit easily with me. The killer, Shamsud-Din Jabbar, helpfully aided identification by being equipped with an ISIS flag, which despite being an important item in a multiple murder investigation was somehow unguarded and available to the media to photograph, plainly clearly laid out in line with the flagstone pattern and not lying as it fell. Why is the crime scene tape strewn around like this?
A further interesting question is why the flag is upside down on the makeshift staff. If somebody cared enough about the cause to kill and die for it, presumably they would know which way up the flag goes? It is worth noting that the official story is that Jabbar was “inspired by ISIS”, not that he actually had any form of contact with anyone from ISIS. Maybe nobody told him which way the flag goes. But it also transpires he had Arabic language books, including the Koran, at home, so he plainly would have known the writing was upside down.
Entirely weird is this report from the New York Post, where their reporter is able apparently to walk around the completely unsecured apartment of Jabbar and poke about evidence at will. Again it is all delightfully perfect – the Koran is open at a page about fighting and being killed, and the camera lingers on a helpfully hung Palestinian keffiyeh, while there are lots of chemicals and apparent bomb-making areas.
I am not positing a theory as to what happened. I am saying that the package of information being presented is remarkably full and neat.
It took the British police five solid days of investigation at Charlie Rowley’s and Dawn Sturgess’s house before they discovered the perfume bottle of “novichok” in plain sight on the kitchen counter. In 24 hours, by contrast, the FBI had so comprehensively taken all required evidence from Jabbar’s apartment, and presumably had carried out all forensic investigation needed for traces of possible accomplices there, that they were able to let a journalist and crew contaminate the scene as much as they wish.
Is this not all a bit strange?
I am sure that by now you are aware of all the coincidences in career and in car hire between Jabbar and Matthew Livelsberger, who made a kind of explosion at a Trump hotel in Las Vegas the same day. I am not sure this actually proves a connection between the two, beyond that fact that being in the US military is more likely than anything else to turn you into a potential psychotic killer.
But there are very weird things in the Livelsberger case. What strikes me most is that Livelsberger was not a toy soldier: he was an active service member of special forces with substantial combat experience. He would certainly have been able to make a more viable bomb, as his family suggested.
Perhaps more to the point, Livelsberger would certainly have known that what was in the truck was not a viable bomb.
It is also worth noting that this US special forces soldier is officially noted as having served in Ukraine – not an everyday admission.
There is no previous example of a suicide bomber who deliberately killed himself before his attack came to fruition. What we have here, if we believe the official narrative, is a highly proficient active combat veteran who shot himself before his non-viable IED went off.
This too strikes me as a most peculiar narrative. To which I will add that, in the great tradition of terrorist attacks, while Livelsberger’s body was burnt beyond recognition, his passport survived in the cab, next to him.
So we have the Western powers active in installing terrorists in power in Damascus, and some almost immediate examples of terrorist blowback in the USA from members of the US military, and with some very strange details.
None of which is, however, really stranger than the Western rush to sanctify the HTS government in Damascus, when HTS remains a proscribed terrorist organisation pretty well everywhere, but certainly in the UK and USA. The “terrorism” incidents in the USA – particularly the “Islamic terrorism” incident in New Orleans – make it still harder to process the normalisation of terrorist organisation HTS.
I am returning to Beirut in a few hours after being back in Scotland for Christmas and New Year. To be perfectly frank with you, I was expecting to get arrested on arrival here under the Terrorism Act, as has happened to me before and has happened recently to so many decent journalists with a pro-Palestinian stance.
Just telling the truth about the genocide of the Palestinians, and the creation of Greater Israel, has until now been treated by the UK’s counter-terrorism police as expressing an opinion that may cause others to support proscribed organisations Hamas and Hezbollah, and therefore grounds for arrest and seizure of property.
But HTS is also a proscribed organisation, and the entire British Establishment has very openly been “expressing an opinion which could cause others to support it”. The former head of MI6, Sir John Sawers, has been on television advocating that HTS should no longer be proscribed because it is such a decent organisation. Rory Stewart and Alastair Campbell have been openly praising it on their blog.
There are three ultra-draconian aspects of Section 12 of the Terrorism Act:
1) You can get 14 years in jail for merely “expressing an opinion”.
2) Intent is expressly not required. If your opinion could cause somebody else to support a proscribed organisation, whether you intended that or not, you are guilty if “reckless”, i.e. you did not positively avoid expressing any such opinion
3) It is entirely up to the government to determine what is a proscribed organisation. If you disagree that an organisation should be proscribed, to argue that case is almost certainly an offence. If the government decided to proscribe the Girl Guides, the Girl Guides would – in law – be a terrorist organisation.
You may notice the parallels in law to the Rwanda case, where the courts ruled that Rwanda did not become a safe country for asylum seekers merely because a government minister said it was. There has however been no successful legal challenge to the effect that a resistance movement does not become a terrorist organisation merely because a government says it is.
But here is the rub. In the UK, it still remains at least the legal fiction that governments have to obey their own laws. The entire purpose of chopping off the head of Charles I was to show that the executive cannot arbitrarily break the law of the land, and that seemed to make the point pretty clearly.
Until the government, through an Order in Council, actually removes the proscription of HTS as a terrorist organisation, it is still illegal to support it in the UK – and it is illegal for government ministers to support it, let alone ex-functionaries like John Sawers, Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart.
Now in practice, there is nothing to prevent the massive hypocrisy of the Terrorism Police harassing, and the CPS prosecuting, people for very tangential “support” of Hamas and Hezbollah, while much more blatant and open support of HTS goes unpunished.
But it is not a good look and juries are likely to be unhappy.
I therefore suspect the decision not to go for me again under the Terrorism Act may be because the widespread official support for proscribed organisation HTS has brought the law into disrepute. That might also explain why recently the police have been using the Public Order Act against speakers at the regular demonstrations at the Israeli Ambassador’s residence in London, whereas previously they have used the Terrorism Act in identical circumstances.
No less than THREE Jewish antizionist descendants of Holocaust survivors have been ARRESTED by @metpoliceuk at Swiss Cottage @IJAN_Network picket to demand expulsion of Hotovely.
Why are the Met Police ARRESTING Jewish people for condemning genocide, and PROTECTING war criminals?— Bintifada (@YaBintifada) January 7, 2025
The range of anti-free speech legislation available to the authorities in the UK is now extensive and bewildering. We are still seeing the legacy cases against Richard Barnard and Tony Greenstein under the Terrorism Act progressing. But Section 12 may prove to be an example of draconian legislation which dies of shame.
There will be many twists and turns yet to come, as the negative impact of the Western states actively participating in the Gaza genocide plays out in Western societies. All of this is against the background of crumbling political systems and fast-unravelling social cohesion and consent of the governed, due to massive increases in inequality of wealth and blocking of social mobility – at least upwards.
In returning to Beirut to give independent witness to events in the Middle East, I hope also to be able to access Syria – although that of course brings new levels of danger from its authorities and militias. This independent investigative journalism is only available with your financial support.
To be blunt, our two months in Lebanon before Christmas made a slight financial loss. I was delighted with the output of four mini-documentaries and numerous short video reports and articles, some of which individually had millions of viewers. But to date the model of reader-sponsored real overseas journalism is not proven nor stable.
If you have not yet contributed financially, I should be grateful if you could do so. If you have contributed, perhaps you could help further by encouraging others to do so. I would as always stress I do not want anybody to contribute if it causes them the slightest financial hardship.
My reporting and advocacy work has no source of finance at all other than your contributions to keep us going. We get nothing from any state nor any billionaire.
Anybody is welcome to republish and reuse, including in translation.
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“Atrocity propaganda is as old as warfare”
Breaking news on the daddy of modern atrocity propaganda – the foundation stone of the genocide in Gaza….
Moran Gaz told YNet, “In the end, we don’t have any complainants. What was presented in the media compared to what will eventually come together will be entirely different.”
Not only the media … the entire western political class and Hollywood used those rape allegations to manufacture consent for genocide. To this day, every Biden-Harris speech on Gaza still starts with condemnation of Hamas’s “horrific unspeakable rape on Oct 7”, as did ‘pillar of political integrity’ Keir Starmer in his recent speech at the Labour Friends of Israel lunch.
Will this admission by the Israelis themselves finally force BBC Verify and co to condemn this genocidal lie by Sir Keir, the Biden administration, Hollywood et al?
What do we think?
“What do we think?”
I personally think that not one single word uttered by the Israeli, British, or US governments should be believed unless supported by an honest, credible source. The same goes for most of their media – although, much to my surprise, the Israeli media have often told the truth when the rest of the Western MSM have lied.
But then they are probably rendered bold by the knowledge that they are Immune and Exempt. Apparently even Israel’s organs of state terror, such as Mossad, refuse knowingly to murder any Jewish person.
It’s nice to have principles.
“Apparently even Israel’s organs of state terror, such as Mossad, refuse knowingly to murder any Jewish person.”
Or to admit it anyway.
It’s all gangsterism at the end of the day, and there’s more than one way to skin a cat.
I read a biography of Meyer Lansky which painted Bugsy Siegel’s death as some kind of unfortunate eventuality rather than a result of Lansky having him whacked. (Although between the lines is another matter.)
See also how the diamond trade was forced to Tel Aviv from Rotterdam.
Just saying it sometimes happens. Might have happened with Robert Maxwell even – who knows?
I thought BBC Verify was an Israeli agency.
Which isn’t to say it doesn’t do local work, e.g. helping the “king” by rubbishing Mohammed al-Fayed, something Lindsay McCoy is so proud of.
Meanwhile, Ofcom’s chairman is Michael “Lord” Grade, and its deputy chair is Tamara Ingram, a non-executive director of Marks and Spencer – just as Stella Rimington was before her.
Perhaps 2025 will be the year the curtain is pulled aside and the Spookocracy is revealed.
A widnae haud ma breath.
We were granted a tantalising glimpse, with the revelation that Keir Starmer’s Chief of Staff, Sue Gray, was running a pub in Newry in the 1980s.
The Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Act 2021 remains unknown beyond political anoraks. This Act passed by Boris Johnson’s “Get Brexit Done” supermajority facilitates the legal authorisation of all manner of crimes, up to and including rape, torture and murder.
All things considered, we’re not living in a functional democracy. What would need to alter before the Spookocracy was exposed? Well, the much-vaunted new age of Internet freedom and citizen journalism would have to actually appear, having till now been an ever-illusive glow just beyond the horizon. Will 2025 be a year of breakthrough? Perhaps.
If we consider the current conflict in Gaza, excluding don’t knows, 65% of Americans believe that Israel is committing war crimes. That figure would not be possible if American citizens were relying on their MSM for information. The spectrum of coverage on MSM on these matters runs from apologists (CNN, et al) to outright cheerleaders (Fox, OANN).
The same metric in the UK has a 90% uptake, and the same observation applies here.
This polling (YouGov) is six months old; I doubt events since will have moved the dial much. The 10% of respondents in the UK who refuse to see Israeli atrocities will be a fixed feature, avoidance of cognitive dissonance and tribal loyalty will not permit them to alter their views. The percentage of don’t knows may however reduce.
Turning to Keir Starmer, what kind of politician holds steadfastly to a position held by 10% of the population? A politician who was appointed by the Permanent State, with a fixed and very limited list of instructions. Starmer will serve his one term and be richly rewarded for it.
“Perhaps 2025 will be the year the curtain is pulled aside and the Spookocracy is revealed”.
If so, it will be only because they no longer have anything to fear from their nasty tricks being publicly known.
“The Key Lesson of 2024: In Labour’s Post-Riots Britain, the Truth Must no Longer be Seen or Heard”
‘According to no less a far-sighted authority than Jesus Christ, “The truth will set you free.” In Keir Starmer’s Blind Britain, it’s more likely to get you a 10-month sentence’.
As Mr Murray himself has found through bitter experience.
I think it’s the fact that the level of mass cynicism precludes effectual and even application of the old consent though mindf*ck propaganda model.
The heavy-handed application of Blair’s toxic gifts, do betray a sense of regime fear & unease.
They know they can’t cover up their crimes anymore. So with no means to bribe the population, all that’s left is coercion.
“Starmer will serve his one term and be richly rewarded for it.”
Absolutely correct VOB.
There has been nothing clearer in my 70-odd years on this Earth that Starmer was a Deep/Permanant/Security -State appointment. A man of vacuous mind, who rose without trace, and whose first service to the powers was to undermine a leader who might have offered some slight opposition to the Neoliberal/Globalist status quo – including, but not exclusively, through absurd accusations of weaponised ‘anti-semitism’ against a man who spent his whole political life fighting racism.
But then – the historic role and purpose of the ‘Labour’ party has been class-betrayal.
But to get back to your line I quote above, on 3rd July last year -the day before the election – I wrote the (below) to the letters page of the long-ago-captured New Statesman concerning yet another absurd article by House-Jock Andrew Marr. Naturally, it was NOT published – but it is clear that Starmer is stop-gap for something more agreeable to the likes of Elon Musk:
I fear Andrew Marr’s Panglossian assessment of a Starmer government’s prospects are seriously misplaced (The Hard Road Ahead, NS 4-11th July), especially in relying on the LibDems (the rump SDP) “making common cause with leftish Labour MP’s” to provide a radical spur to his centre-right government. This scenario was foreseen by a superior political mind.
In 1982 Tony Benn, who would surely have been expelled from Starmer’s Labour, said “If the Labour party could be persuaded to denounce all its marxists, the media.. would demand that it expelled all its socialists….” and “Labour reunited with the SDP to form a harmless alternative to the Conservatives, which could be allowed to take office now and then when the Conservatives fell out of favour with the public. Thus British capitalism would be made safe forever and socialism squeezed off the national agenda. But if such a strategy were to succeed it would in fact profoundly endanger British society, for it would open up the danger of a swing to the far-right…”.
It will do so because Centrism has no remedy for the depredation of neoliberalism and will, inevitably, fail. An enraged, largely ignorant electorate will seek salvation elsewhere. As in Europe, Centrist extremists, who believe in nothing beyond obtaining power, will have opened the door to the extreme Right.
For now Starmer may become PM. His successor will likely be Farage.
Yours sincerely,
Dr John O’Dowd
Do you know why Elon Musk is called “Elon”?
It’s because his far-right father Errol, who was the son of raving German Nazis who went to white-supremacist South Africa because they admired the white supremacy, read a novel by Nazi-turned-USA rocket scientist Werner von Braun about a mission to Mars and a Martian government run by “the Elon”.
Désolé, le père de elon musk était né en Afrique du sud & entre autres, politicien du ” Progressive Federal Party ” qui s’opposait à l’apartheid. Ce serait bien de contrôler vos sources avant de publier.
Sorry, Elon Musk’s father was born in South Africa and was, among others, a politician of the “Progressive Federal Party” who opposed apartheid. It would be good to check your sources before publishing.
Thank you for that.
The claim about Errol Musk’s father is at odds with the Wiki entry on the Musk family: Walter Henry James Musk (Errol’s father) “was a South African army sergeant who served as a cryptographer in a military intelligence unit in Egypt during World War II”. He was married to an Englishwoman.
The claim that this couple were “raving German Nazis who went to white-supremacist South Africa because they admired the white supremacy” is mistaken.
Sadly, millions of viewers saw Musk’s father interviewed on ITV the other night saying Mandela was a killer and that Tommy Robinson is a better man than him.
They may never get to hear the truth about Mr Musk Snr.
Acc. to the BBC , the England cricket team is being asked not to play Afghanistan in Lahore sometime soon, in protest at ‘ the Taliban’s assault on women’s rights. ‘ Well, Syria doesn’t play cricket, so no sports stage to show off their moral righteousness upon.
In New Orleans one of the friends of the deceased is named Kimberly Usher Falls while one of the alleged victims is a Terrence Kennedy [ 63 ] whose wife is named Jacqueline.
“The entire purpose of chopping off the head of Charles I was to show that the executive cannot arbitrarily break the law of the land, and that seemed to make the point pretty clearly”.
I humbly submit that this is retrospective theoretical justification. In practice, the decision to execute King Charles I was taken because the Army and the Parliament had committed themselves to his defeat and overthrow, and because of the extreme bitterness caused by the Civil War which they all blamed on Charles. Although it seems odd for a monarch to be condemned for using force to maintain his authority, as the monopoly of violence has been deemed the definition of government. Moreover, many who urged the king’s execution were no doubt motivated by fear of what might happen to them if he were allowed to live – even if initially in exile.
I very much doubt whether the decision to kill Charles would have been taken if opinion had been less narrowly divided.
“Although it seems odd for a monarch to be condemned for using force to maintain his authority, as the monopoly of violence has been deemed the definition of government.”
Perhaps the civil war wasn’t a debate at a university about the definition of terms. You may need to get out more.
Charles I was not a constitutional monarch and believed in the Divine Right of Kings, ie that there was no higher authority than him other than God. The only limit to his power was having to ask Parliament for money so I’m unclear as to what laws he actually broke.
Agreed, the idea that Livelsberger shot himself before the explosion is hard to credit and you have to wonder what the actual evidence is for that. Did they find a bullet with some brain on it 100 metres away, covered by shrapnel that clearly arrived a bit later?
As for this
“As some kind of counterweight to the Western support of Al Qaeda/Al Nusra/HTS in Syria, which the public was entitled to find somewhat confusing, we have the narrative of the “ISIS-inspired” terrorism attack in New Orleans, just to reassure that Muslims are still the official enemy.”
That’s a USA-focused bit of it. In Britain there’s the continuing front-page narrative about Rotherham and other towns.
People should note that
1) Most of the abused girls were in “care” homes.
2) Many children’s “care” homes are privately owned.
3) Two particular companies owned by mysterious “private equity” own a large number. of “care” homes. They’re called Nutrius UK Topco and Compass Community.
4) What was happening boils down to “responsible” officials at “care” homes letting young girls go off in taxis in the evening with strange men – i.e. it seems to me the girls were being pimped out. (What would anyone call it if the girls were living with their parents rather than in “care” homes? Incidentally it’s very interesting that none of the actual victims is being allowed much of a voice.)
5) The state and the far right are saying practically eff-all about the above, but instead they are blaming British Pakistani men in general and saying that “woke” has gone too far, and that the abuse was allowed to continue solely because everyone was afraid of being called “racist” – that’s the “Rotherham issue” as they are selling it.
6) Meanwhile the Online Safety Act goes on and on about child sexual exploitation (to use the in-vogue jargon), whereas, need I really say more, it’s actually patently obviously about something else – but few commentators have the guts to say the state is talking sh*t when the state says the issue is child protection. (This is in the country which still has a) private boarding “schools” and b) very large numbers of forced adoptions, including at birth from women declared unfit to breed, FFS!)
7) The OSA gives a major role to Ofcom. People might like to look at the top people in Ofcom and their background. (I won’t comment further.) Then you might like to wonder how their background compares with whoever has put up their “equity” in contracts with the state in respect of children’s “care” homes – many of the child inmates at which were subjected to horrible abuse, and which is currently being blamed on Muslims practically wall to wall by the media and political class. Cui bono?
Re Rotherham : what I heard was that the girls were chatted up by good looking boys of around their own age, who then invited them home to meet Mum and Dad, who turned out to be a large collection of uncles who raped the young teenage girls, who were then pimped out by the uncles, and nobody cared.
The network was a Pakistani network of abusers. The local MP was expelled from the Cabinet for observing the racial identity of this large group of child abusers.
Other well known networks of abusers in the 1980s included children’s care home managers who took boys to ‘parties at which rent boys were provided’. These parties included the likes of Cyril Smith and Janner who allegedly killed a boy at one of these parties. Some of these boys spoke out. Many committed suicide.
Children in care homes may have been abused before they came into care and this can make their testimony of other abuse less ‘reliable’ to the police.
Abuse of power has always been a temptation for those with power, and an insurmountable problem for those without power. Getting justice against powerful law breakers is extremely difficult, especially since Legal Aid has been cut almost completely.
Anyway the Express is right that this cohort of abusers still hasn’t been brought to justice, while a huge file of investigations from the 1980s made it as far as Theresa May’s desk, before the lead investigator was fired, and the files disappeared.
The care services, the police, local government and national government all conspired to hush up the abuse of predominantly young white girls by predominantly Pakistani gangs. This is still happening, the abuse and the cover ups. The law of the land is discarded in the name of diversity and special rights for minority groups.
The Express isn’t right about everything, Stevie….. but cuts to social infrastructure and systemic victim blaming are obstacles.
Until the Children Act 1991 our age of criminal responsibility, which I believe is still 10, meant that these children were officially prostitutes. Women protecting children can’t get a lot of traction in these matters, still, but voluntary services on the ground in Rotherham do provide as much support as they can
@Stevie Boy After spending fifty years re-colonising the working class, why would the state bother the guards for having a nice little earner? If the economic worth of a working class child in care can be exploited, all the state will care about is a payoff.
I’d like to see some evidence that the abuse is by “predominantly Pakistani” gangs. ‘Special rights’ for minority groups is a sophistry for the state playing divide and rule games. The most glaring example of this is the adoption of the American use of zionists as a proxy Brownshirt militia to frighten people with the fear of being smeared as an antisemite.
Plenty of evidence, feel free to do a bit of personal research. Even Google doesn’t hide this.
It’s not so much divide and rule as a two tier lawfare system. A conspiracy theorist might say that the likes of Sunak, Patel, Lord Ali, etc. are using their position to protect their own ?
Children’s care homes are run for profit by secretive “private equity” interests.
The managers were letting girls go out with men in the evening in taxis. (Boys of their own age, e.g. 12 or 13, wouldn’t have been driving the taxis.)
Imagine if parents did that.
Prostitution of children in care homes probably went on, and still goes on, in areas with tiny or non-existent British Pakistani populations. Neither Islam nor fear of being called racist isn’t the issue. That’s all hogwash.
Never trust the British state when it says it wants to protect children.
This is the country where practically all medics and “teachers” and “social” “workers” believe in “IQ”.
This is the country of boarding schools.
This is the country of forced adoptions at birth.
It’s way behind the Ireland of the 1960s.
I couldn’t give a toss how many social workers read commentaries on Gramsci when they’re at college.
Can’t you see – the way this is couched has been shaped deliberately – e.g. f***ing ridiculous terms such as “grooming gangs”.
Cf. “cash for questions”, “credit crunch”, etc. These terms refer to real things of course, but in an insane way that is deliberately meant to obscure radical criticism and understanding.
Last – I wouldn’t trust a social workers’ rumour network to give a proper handle on any kind of social problem ever.
I will judge someone’s seriousness by whether they can recognise what’s going on with a term such as “grooming gangs”.
Taxi services have to be licenced by the local council.
The local state scum even outside the “welfare” units must have been taking a cut.
People might see this more clearly if they compare with e.g. drug supply at licenced nightclubs. Do we believe local council scum aren’t “seen all right”?
It’s nothing whatsoever to do with race or woke, other than that gangs tend to be ethnic-based (white British, Irish, Traveller, Greek, Vietnamese, Chinese, Pakistani, Jamaican, Albanian, Kurdish – what have you) for trust reasons. Gangsterism is normal in many local business fields. If you run a car repair garage, a plumbing firm, some housing stock, etc. etc. etc., anything to do with building or cars or lots of other stuff, you need protection. This is the way of the capitalist world FFS.
I am pretty much convinced that the US is intent on not only ‘ Failed States ‘ Regime change in the ‘ failed’ countries but is now
(non violently – as in not bombing yet) in the process of less violent Regime Change in the Western World.
This Musk and Trump’s angle and there are many non Trumpites who don’t mind that either as long as the financial reward swings their way.
Trump Junior is ‘invading’ ( sorry -visiting Greenland today) and I don’t think he is going to give Father Christmas his presents list for the 25th of December 2025.
So, for all the laughter in the Liberal’s minds this is a semi – serious proposition.
You can’t blame Trump and his supporters because if you can blow up a German gas Pipeline without a moan, then you can theoretically get away with anything.
Trudeau has been a victim of a US led ‘ Color ‘ Revolution ( non violent Regime Change) and Georgai/Romania and a cast of hundreds are being lined up – including the UK.
The US is suffering from ‘ Invincibility Syndrome ‘ as are the Israelis but there is only so much stretching you can do before you end up pulling muscles and incapacitating yourself.
2025 is going to be a year over Over Doing It for the US and the BRICS will continue to progress using a different Fitness Centre and different economic and political exercises.
Only Nuclear War can stop that continuing.
“if you can blow up a German gas Pipeline without a moan, then you can theoretically get away with anything”
They had already learned that from the reaction of respectable elites to the Iraq and Libya crimes.
Bush and Cheney, Blair and Campbell, Obama, Hillary Clinton and David Cameron: all are treated not as war criminals but as the consciences of western civilisation.
That is how Antony Blinken is already being portrayed after his valedictory interview as Secretary of State. The bigger the crime the greater the adoration and reverence in western establishment circles.
Hear, hear! The End is nigh.
It’s actually been 2 weeks since we last spoke of nuclear war. Some holiday season truce probably.
Meanwhile, before we get fresh and unbiased information on Syria from Craig, the political scene in Europe is becoming Elon’s favorite playground.
He reportedly pledged 100 million dollars to a campaign led by Nigel Farage, should there be another election in the near future. He’s making friends with Marine LePen, who is invited to the inauguration, and is a presidential hopeful in France, should Macron give up and resign. Same prospects in Germany. And he already has a special relationship with Giorgia Meloni of Italy.
What Steve Bannon failed to achieve under Trump I, Elon may accomplish under Trump II.
Calendar reminder:
* 20 January – Trump reaccession, USA (violence expected within several days, maximum)
* 23 February – national election, Germany (watch out for prior “events” helping the far-right vote)
* Jan-Feb – continuing destabilisation of low-voteshare, unpopular but large-majority government in Britain under Genocide Starmer, with MSM pushing the line of “Protect white girls from brown-skinned Muslim men, and don’t let woke softies stop us from saying so”, together with “that nice Elon Musk has posted tweets calling for a general election on this very issue”. (From Enoch’s “much blood” speech to Elon’s “civil war is inevitable” tweet? The white-supremacist “Keep Britain White” message is identical, except that Enoch was saying reverse immigration to stop race war from happening, whereas Elon is saying bring race war on.)
* the coming months – just wait until the next PM falls in France and see what happens with the constitutional ban on a parliamentary election happening before the summer.
Trump states he would like to buy Greenland, now a self governing region of Denmark [population 57,000] “For purposes of National Security and Freedom throughout the World, the United States of America feels that the ownership and control of Greenland is an absolute necessity,” Trump wrote on Truth Social. Some wag said he should buy France also and move some of the population to Greenland, but keep some French people, for the ambience. MGGA
Donald Trump is refusing to rule out using American military force to retake control of the Panama Canal and seize Greenland, citing economic security as a driving factor.
The US have abandoned International law, the US led Rules based order would probably deem those acquisitions lawful.
An absurd-seeming statement by the British regime’s news organisation:
“However, it is difficult to imagine how the EU might prevent any potential attack (by the USA military on Greenland). It has no defensive capabilities of its own and most of its 27 member states are part of Nato.”
Freeze all assets in the EU that are owned by the US government or US-registered companies for a start. And impose other sanctions. Yep, “invasion” is a word, and so is “sanctions”.
This might just be a case of a BBC moron seeing a tweet on its phone. Perhaps any old sh*t will suffice in an article about Trump and Greenland – at least today, maybe not tomorrow – so long as nobody notices that the US president doesn’t have the constitutional authority to start a war.
There’s a kinda suspicion that the Greenland political leadership has already been bought up by interests around Trump.
Although a similar thing could be said about political leaderships in other countries. Jean-Noel Barrot, French foreign minister – possibly not for long – was prompted to pronounce that the epoch is now one of the “survival of the fittest”. That must be music to MAGA ears. At least I think I’m right in saying that the French government keeps its own gold and hasn’t got much (any?) in the US?
@Mark – Factor in the global financial crash that has got to come sooner or later, as most of the active elements in the ruling class are well aware.
The line that “much production stopped during Covid, but hey don’t worrrryyyyy – the debt can be paid back over centuries” won’t hold for much longer. It will be consigned to “how naive we were” territory.
You know what Bertolt Brecht said about how when the ruling class talk of peace, war is already being prepared?
A similar thing can be said when the supposedly richest man in the world (a drugged up white supremacist who has had lots of face-lifts) goes on millions of screens and roars “The future is gonna be amazing“.
Meanwhile Greenland-focused “world’s greatest ever president” narcissist nappy boy (don’t mention sharks) makes this guy look sane:
Craig’s frustration at the hypocrisy and double standards of western governments and fellow travelers the MSM was perfectly illustrated by the US political class insisting [even in the face of all the evidence from the last 4 years of Biden’s presidency] that Biden was not mentally impaired]
“And yet every time we pointed out Biden’s clear cognitive impairment, we were accused of promoting conspiracy theories, engaging in elder abuse, or supporting Trump.
The emperor, so we were told, was fully clothed.
The truth about Biden hasn’t suddenly leaked out from his officials. Senior politicians on both sides of the aisle knew. White House correspondents knew. Editors knew. And they all lied to protect the system of power to which they belong, the system that keeps them gainfully employed, the system that maintains their status. No one was going to rock the boat.
But more significant than the media deceptions are the fact that much of the public fell for them, not once but over and over again: day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.
Why? Because far too many of us are in the grip of the West’s propaganda system.
Only the mass of people can change this state of affairs unfortunately as H L Mencken explained many years ago………
“As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and a complete narcissistic moron.” H L Mencken. You could say, mission accomplished with Biden.
Worse still is that most NATO countries, indeed most of western Europe could be said to be led by Biden and if not outright vassals, then subservient to Biden’s leadership of NATO, in my opinion NATO is the cutting edge of US hegemony, which will begin to fail when Ukraine is forced to accept the terms of defeat as set out by Russia.
Biden may be the best example of all. Universally hailed by corporate media pundits last summer as a good man when he was removed as the candidate.
I don’t follow the US media that closely. Surely Fox News didn’t hail Biden when he was removed? I can imagine the NYT did.
Do you reckon the US presidential election was a case of the entire MSM saying do something and the population flocking to the polling stations to do something else – an election day equivalent of rebellion?
Brian – “the entire” MSM was not supporting the Democrats, Fox has by far the largest audience, and 100% subservience to the Repug party has been their operating principle since it started.
The rest, newspapers etc., were largely either on the fence or supporting Repugs, as usual.
Sorry I omitted to acknowledge some of the quotes I used were from an article by Jonathan Cook, here…..
@Harry – Agreed on the importance of NATO to US hegemony. What do you make of NATO in Jordan?
In my opinion this is on a par with the US intervention [regime change] in Ukraine [2014] the US must have their finger in every pie [state] in the world, especially states in the middle east. The middle east is a Pandora’s box, ready to explode.
“The timing of NATO’s decision to establish a liaison office in Jordan earlier this month is far from coincidental, given the extraordinary turbulence rolling through West Asia.
This move aligns with the western military organization’s recent aggressive interventions in Libya and Ukraine, alongside ongoing involvement in Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Sudan, and the former Yugoslavia.
NATO’s actions illustrate a consistent pattern of interventionist policies by its member states, often flouting international law and exacerbating regional instability”.
As Pointed out by Anthony in the first comment, no rape allegations have been filed, similarly Joe Biden said he had seen photographs of beheaded babies, others claimed 40 had been decapitated, and other babies had been roasted in an oven. In my opinion Politicians and MSM lackeys should be prosecuted under ‘Hate crime legislation. Hate speech with the intention to incite violence. The following essay is a must read for all those who approve of Craig Murray’s excellent post above:
“Israeli spokespeople have described ‘Palestinian babies as little snakes who will grow up to be terrorists’. The level of hatred toward a people, considered to be subhuman, is evidenced in so many ways.
Yet…. It is the journalists, writers and those who have the boldness to address this misinformation and report the details of atrocities, who are now defined as promoting hate speech, as racist, antisemitic and even more alarming, ‘terrorist’. The upside down logic is not only irrational, it grates harshly against what is fair and what is true. If we are not all outraged by this injustice then maybe the toxic lies have taken deep root beyond a level where truth can penetrate.
As a prelude to justifying genocide, false allegations of rape, and the story of forty decapitated babies burnt in ovens, was widely publicized to arouse anger and hatred. These claims, later confirmed to be false, continue to be repeated over and over again – repeated, not only in Israel but in the US and Western countries as well. In any rational sense these deliberately constructed false claims should be regarded as ‘hate speech’ with intent to incite violence. However, there is nothing rational or just in this present political climate of lies, government overreach and fear”.
Harry Law.
The minute Biden found out that the ICC was issuing a warrant for the arrest of Netanyahu and Gallant – he, was under an obligation to stop aiding Israel in every way, he didn’t stop, nor has Starmer or Scholz, and a few others, of which their MUST be consequences if laws are to be obeyed.
Many European countries – have signed and ratified the Rome Statute and are obliged to comply with ICC laws, including Germany – which has also ratified it, but it continues to aid and abet the Zionists in Genocide.
“According to Article 1 of the Genocide Convention, the Contracting Parties, including the United States and Israel, must prevent and punish acts of genocide. Under Article III, those punishable acts include “Complicity in genocide,” such as by knowingly providing the deadly weapons used to carry it out. In 2007, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), in a case involving Bosnia and Serbia, established that the obligation to refrain from providing weapons or other assistance begins the moment a state becomes aware of the existence of a serious risk that genocide may be committed.
“For the Biden administration, that moment came in January, when the ICJ found that there was a “plausible” risk of genocide being committed in Gaza against the Palestinian people by Israel. Shortly after, in February, the Dutch Appeals Court halted the transfer of F-35 munition parts to Israel on account of the serious risk of International Humanitarian Law violations. Further notice came in May with the applications for arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and others by the chief prosecutor of the ICC, Kharim Khan. Among the charges against Netanyahu related to Gaza were crimes against humanity, including extermination, murder, starvation of civilians as a method of warfare, intentional attacks against a civilian population, and “other inhumane acts.” It was the first potential ICC arrest warrant issued for the leader of a Western-style democracy. Nevertheless, European countries including France and Germany issued statements affirming their support for the legitimacy of the ICC.”
These western Politicians and MSM lies are deliberate they are manufacturing consent from western populations so that Israel have the excuse of mass murder i.e. self defence
Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media is a 1988 book by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky. It argues that the mass communication media of the U.S. “are effective and powerful ideological institutions that carry out a system-supportive propaganda function, by reliance on market forces, internalized assumptions, and self-censorship, and without overt coercion” For instance…
Andrew Marr [BBC] to Chomsky… “How can you know that I’m self-censoring? How can you know that journalists are… ?”
Chomsky: “I’m not saying your self-censoring. I’m sure you believe everything you’re saying. But what I’m saying is that if you believe something different, you wouldn’t be sitting where you’re sitting.”
Harry Law.
I think what’s happening – is now way beyond manufacturing consent – certain governments are just doing what they want regardless of what their citizens think – including the UK, it would appear that the likes of the UK Germany and the USA will continue to aid the genocide in any way that helps the Zionists – its as if certain governments don’t actually care what their citizens think anymore – we’ve moved into uncharted territory – take Europe for example many European countries have and continue to actively damage their economies, to please the USA’s interests – people are fed up with this and are beginning to look towards the right in politics which is just as bad – I’ve come to the conclusion that along with the UK and the USA – political parties in certain countries in Europe, whether they be left, central or right, that they are all supping with the same spoon from the same cauldron – and once elected continue with the same tired old policies, that benefit the same countries – but not the countries citizens, unless of course – they are the very rich, which always benefit no matter which party/parties are in government.
I’d also that doing a Romania – might catch on – where a candidate for leader who is winning in the polls – finds the rug pulled from under their feet – as the incumbents and the judiciary, annul the elections because their chosen compliant candidate isn’t winning.
I think it is interesting just how readily the media accepted the idea that the Post Office scandal was caused by faulty software.
The possibility that it was done deliberately has not been considered at all.
If the problem was caused by faulty software, would we not expect errors to occur in the opposite direction?
I am certainly not aware of any examples of post offices having unexplained surpluses.
Yes – “scandals” may “come to light”, but they are still kept under extremely tight control.
The same applies to “Rotherham”, which nobody refers to as principally to do with care homes, or is prompted by to ask who owns care homes. My guess is that customers for the abused children included just as many white men as non-white men, and that the same thing went on in “homes” located in areas with low to vanishingly small Muslim populations. But that isn’t the narrative – and what is the narrative must be kept to. The narrative is basically “Enoch was right” and “The boot must go on the other foot now”, albeit said using middle-class managerialist terminology. Similarly, the British state talks about child protection all the time but looks the other way when boarding schools are concerned, except about 40 years later when an Archbishop of Canterbury criticises Israel and then they can talk about one particular dead barrister, making sure they don’t talk much about Winchester College, which still operates. As do care homes. As does the policy of forced adoptions and “unfit to breed”, utterly egregious by international standards.
Today in Parliament these issues are being tackled by Labour, while the Tories try to pretend they didn’t do nothing hen it was their responsibility, and Starmer is calling out Tory efforts to derail the comprehensive child protection legislation currently in the pipeline, by calling for another public Inquiry, when they didn’t act on the last one that already took 7 years to complete, so that now new legislation, which they need to get into Law, will be able to better put a stop to rape and grooming gangs. Our puerile two party mud slinging debates give Musk ample opportunities for turning people against those who are working to remedy the problem. But keep up the pressure. At least it keeps it in the public’s awareness timespan
I agree the UK has a two-tier justice system – UK diplomats have been cavorting with the proscribed Terrorist group HTS, which is committing atrocities across Syria, and what a place Syria will become, with Ukrainian and Jihadist terrorists all backed by the West, using the country as a staging post to commit war crimes across the globe – whilst in the UK those that are protesting the UK’s aiding and abetting in genocide in demo’s predominately in support for the utterly oppressed Palestinians are kettled and harassed by the police, and on some occasion physically manhandled, or arrested and given over the top sentences.
I think you are correct – on why you haven’t been frog marched from the airport by the police – though I’m still surprised that they didn’t arrest you – and detain you just to cause you some discomfort and distress, before letting you go.
On the miraculously surviving passport – the same thing happened in 9/11 – and the so called perps, just happened to leave their passports for all to see in the Charlie Hebdo event as well.
Western bodies are corrupt or captured – and why isn’t Israel banned from participating in all international events – and, why haven’t most countries placed widespread and deep sanctions on Israel – the sheer fact that this has not happened is a sign that (A) Not enough folk care about the Palestinians or they feel helpless – to do anything meaningful (B) The Israeli’s have a grip on many countries governments that appears to be unshakeable, especially with the USA, UK, Germany etc in mind (C) To many countries fear US sanctions – if they speak out against the Zionist regime that’s committing genocide.
I’ll never look at Europe again and think of high standards, or humanitarianism, after it has not only failed to stop this genocide – but in some cases actively funded and aided those committing the genocide – nor do I have the respect, I once had for the UN or its multiple bodies, that are supposed to help humanity – the same applies to the now utterly corrupt EU.
Also, every day we are gaslight by the (CCM) Corporate Controlled Media – which tries its hardest to spoonfeed us with lies – not just on Gaza and Ukraine but on other matters as well.
The humanity is heading for a dark, dark place.
I doubt any other regime in the world has murdered a tenth as many UN staff as the Zionists have in the past 15 months. And the UN itself has never problematised Zionist participation in its functions, not at any time since 1948.
The UN must surely to a certain extent be experiencing somewhat of a morale problem among surviving less well-paid staff?
Brian Red.
How did not just Israeli’s, but the Zionists – get such a firm grip on so many countries politicians? It would appear that they have been working behind the scene in many nations parliaments – bribing and blackmailing towards Israel’s/Zionists agenda – which appears to be a among other things, a Greater Israel – more disturbingly many, many politicians across Europe and the USA and the UK don’t seem ashamed of themselves for backing the Zionists and their genocide – infact some appear to revel in it.
Did the Zionists, piggybank in on the USA’s clout around the globe – we know the power they have in the USA, but how did they gain such appreciation across the world – knowing what they’ve been doing to the Palestinian people for over 70 years – we really are in uncharted territory, when politicians can come out and say that they’ll back Israel no matter what, such as what Germany’s Annalena Baerbock said.
There’s dark times ahead.
“why isn’t Israel banned from participating in all international events – and, why haven’t most countries placed widespread and deep sanctions on Israel” Good question, but here is a good start…..
Norway are boycotting the upcoming match against Israel. Considering the ongoing atrocity against countless Palestinians, the Norwegian FA has declared that it would not play the Israeli national team in the 2026 World Cup qualifying round for Europe.
Norwegian FA reveal they won’t play against Isareal in 2026 FIFA …
Now the pressure from the usual suspects will be relentless, hope they are committed.
There is some pushback against the genocidal monsters …
“Yuval Vagdani was on vacation in Brazil with his family when reports emerged over the weekend naming him as a suspect who helped level “a residential building in the Gaza Strip while using explosives outside of combat,” the Brazilian Metrópoles.
“Cases against IDF soldiers have been filed in Brazil, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Belgium, the Netherlands, Serbia, Ireland, and Cyprus ” From Firstpost.
Maybe putting your complicity in genocide on social media wasn’t such a good idea.
Harry Law.
Yes Harry, I did read something about that, but it’s way, way too little by too few nations, it’s genocide we’re talking about, if it were Russia, or Iran or China that was openly committing genocide – the West and the UN would spring into action – and plans would be made deep and widespread sanctions would be implemented – the offending nation would be ostracised from every international event – from the World Cup, to the Eurovision Song Contest, assets would be seized and the Western media and it social media platforms – would be calling for intervention, whilst demonising the offending nations citizens and government – oh wait that’s already happening to Russia – for stopping a Neo-Nazi genocide in the Donbas.
The hypocrisy of the West, is now beyond staggering – but then again, those nations politicians aiding and abetting the Zionists and Neo-Nazi’s in Ukraine, really don’t care what their citizens think of them – I’m pretty sure that Starmer doesn’t lose any sleep over the Zionists blowing up hospitals – and murdering women and children – of whom the IOF then class as terrorists.
I wonder if its possible to bring a private prosecution against John Sawers, Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart under the Terrorism Act on account of their support for HTS.
It is most unlikely under the Terrorism Act since all prosecutions must have the approval of the DPP.
However people must be careful of not falling foul of other legislation, for instance the Public Order Act section 5, which deals with speech which makes it an offence to use “threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour to others. Some recent arrests of Jewish protestors have been charged by UK Police with this rather catch all offence.
There is precedent for proscribed British terrorist organisations being delisted.
One recent example is the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), an anti-Gaddafi group formed in 1990 by Libyan veterans of the fight against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.
The British government listed the LIFG as a proscribed terrorist organisation in 2005, describing it as seeking to establish a “hard-line Islamic state” and “part of the wider Islamist extremist movement inspired by al-Qaeda”. The LIFG denied it was linked to al-Qaeda.
But in November 2019, the LIFG was delisted from the government’s list of proscribed terror organisations – even after it emerged that Salman Abedi, the Manchester Arena bomber who killed 22 people in May 2017, was influenced in part by LIFG members.
The listing of LIFG as a proscribed terrorist organisation did not prevent covert coordination with them for the regime change operation in Libya. Abedi’s father was an LIFG member.
Johnny Conspirranoid.
I’d imagine Rory Stewart a one time governor general of a region of Iraq – after the illegal invasion of the country, won’t find himself in any dock – the Mi6 man even wrote a book about his time as the governor general of the region – called The Prince of the Marshes.
Think hard before venturing into Syria. It has become a Mad Max hellscape ruled by ISIS.
Agreed, Syria will now become a training ground/ meeting point for all the world’s worst killers – the citizens of Syria – will also now become turkey’s in a turkey shoot – as all manner of terrorists hone their evil skills on the country’s people, preparing themselves for when their Western/Turkish/Israeli pay masters call upon them – to cause murder and mayhem across the globe – in effect, Syria will become a failed state, drained of assets and used as a staging post for all manner of wickedness.
After reading the recent Chris Hedges report..I’m thinking this BBC scandal is only the Tip of the Iceberg –
” Berg does not dispute that he was, in fact, a C.I.A. man. In fact, according to a 2020 interview with The Jewish Telegraph, he was “absolutely thrilled” to be secretly working for the agency. Berg said, “One day, I was taken to one side and told, ‘you may or may not know that we are part of C.I.A., but don’t go telling people.’
More at Consortiumn News –
BBC Middle East Editor Collaborated With CIA, Mossad
January 7, 2025
The Scale of involvement in the Genocide By ALL big tech – Apple, Google , Meta. Amazon, Instagram, Whats App. Twitter X – it’s Staggering- and Will immigrants sent Rwanda be Moved orver to The Congo ..As Slaves for Big tech ?
” Whether it’s Microsoft for building the chips for their servers, right? They all use minerals that are mined directly from Congo. And there are artisanal scale mines where cobalt and other minerals are found and they’re mined by civilians, children, women trying to feed their families because they get a paycheck for being able to bring these minerals and sell these minerals off…
” But what’s happening is the mines are dangerous. They collapse in on themselves, and these corporations use third parties to extract these minerals, that’s then sold to them, and they don’t want any business in the actual mining, the problems on the mine. So they use third party sources to come in and check and go “are your minerals conflict free?” Which they aren’t. There are armed groups.
So basically, the way that it works is these minerals are mined in Congo. Many of the minerals are then sold to Rwanda by these armed groups. And Rwanda sells it and says, Oh, hey, look, you. We got those minerals ourselves. We don’t have any child labor or any human rights violations happening in our mines, and that’s how they’re able to get away with that.
The Chris Hedges Report
January 2, 2025
This interview Is very much worth a Watch / Rread – Transcript and The video at 49 mins –
“Intel operates four development and production sites in Israel, including its manufacturing plant in Kiryat Gat called Fab 28. The factory produces Intel 7 technology, or 10-nanometer chips.
Intel employs nearly 12,000 people in Israel.” Reuters.
“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the
lightspooks gets in” apologies to Leonard CohenUnit 8200 is everywhere, MSM, all social media companies, all hi-tech companies. They control the news, they control the devices we use to access the news.
But that’s okay because of the holocaust, don’t you know. Poor victims …
Stevie Boy.
Not forgetting VPN companies – which are infested with them.
“My wife asked me why I was whispering in the house. I said I was afraid Mark Zuckerberg was listening. She laughed. I laughed. Alexa laughed. Siri laughed.”
*popular joke
Nice one Tatyana …all the best for 2025
Thank you for another thought provoking article. I always appreciate these as they give the truth behind the news I see and read..
BAP – is another group that has a firm hold on Labour.
This caused me to do a bit of digging. It reminded me of the 2010 film starring Martin Sheen (as Tony Blair) and Dennis Quaid (as Bill Clinton) The Special Relationship and the following article shows just how vital the real SR was in the 1982 Falklands war:
Now, how vital the BAP is for the SR I don’t know, but if it weren’t for the SR I suppose the Falklands might well have been retained by Argentina. Question: would that historically been good or bad, given that Argentina’s fascist dictatorship as well as Soviet Communism might both have lasted longer?
A IOF soldier on holiday in Brazil has fled Brazil for Argentina – after a warrant was issued for his arrest for suspected war crimes in Gaza; fled to Argentina – ring any bells?
I very much hope these war criminals will be hunted down wherever they go. Even in Argentina. Like it happened during the Nuremberg trials.
Just today I was following hyperlinks in Wikispooks articles beginning with Institute for Statecraft and eventually finding this 2015 piece by Jonathan Cook:
“HSBC and the sham of Guardian’s Scott Trust”
re: Nafeez Ahmed, I found it interesting to see him attacking: “Vanessa Beeley and Eva Bartlett for their reporting from the war in Syria” –
I believe some commentator here had suggested to me a helpful GUARDIAN text by Ahmed on MI6 and ISIS.
(I hope I am not mixing up names here!)
I then wondered where Ahmed had his info from without somehow being part of the club.
I still do now. But that doesn’t mean his work is not helpful.
It’s all seriously deranged and odd, be it special ops or journalists.
re: Nafeez Ahmed, vs. Beeley and Bartlett
In one of the footnoted pdfs on Wikispooks…
…there is also a critique of Hersh’s reporting.
If my memory doesn’t fail me: Considering that February 2024 Hersh’s claims of 2017 were officially corroborated (?) with what would that leave us concerning Ahmed?
p.s. an extensive response to Ahmed by Bartlett, 2019:
“Correcting the record: Nafeez Ahmed is clueless in his smears on independent journalists”
Related article:
“Since the fall of the Syrian government in early December 2024 there has been a resurgence in media claims of the use of chemical weapons by President Assad. Like the Skripal story, however, their narrative is full of holes.”
“based on … six months of research and interviews with White Helmets and activists, … prove beyond doubt the hospital scenes were staged. Reporting from on the ground at the time by Eva Bartlett and Vanessa Beeley relayed testimony that no chemical attack had occurred.”
“the White Helmets played a key role in supplying information to OPCW FFM missions and one of its directors, Emma le Mesurier (née Winberg), … herself has been identified by journalist Shannon Van Sant as having worked for MI6 ‘several times’.”
“The OPCW can be used in order to ‘confirm’ false allegations against a country and, and in doing so, becomes a trigger mechanism for war.”
Gosh, this is brand-new.
There are rumours that Sisi of Egypt is heading for overthrow.
Nuclear armed Pakistan is hotting up it’s fracas with Afghanistan.
Jordan may face the same fate as Egypt ( if the rumours are true of course?0
And Turkey is trying to Rule the Roost in Syria.
And – ‘ there’s more!’ ( as Jiminy Crickett used to say).
The already overstretched US and Israel are pulling the elastic band of hubris a
long long way here and something is going to snap.
My money is on Iran firing a few warning shots at Tel Aviv at first – just to re-prove the point
that Netanyahu and his Un – Merry men are very touchable indeed.
If that doesn’t work then the nukes will be developed ( they may already have them – but not in Iran – elsewhere?) and if they haven’t it will become a race for Israel to get the US to most of their dirty work for them to attack Iran before that happens – unless they really do already have them?
But – and there is always a but.
Because it is alleged, that Iran has and will have more in the future Top Drawer Air Defence capabilities then just flying over to Iran in lovely unhindered Bombing Aircraft may be off the table.
This Operation will not be like bombing defenceless Gaza and even Lebanon so it may
come down to the use of ‘ Beautiful Missiles ‘ CCN Presenter’s words – not mine ) being fired from a decent distance from the sea by US ships or from Israel directly.
From the sea, the US is relatively safe but, Israel most certainly is not and if there is comeback then they ( not the US) are IT.
If Trump is stupid enough to assist Israel in this attack then he is consigning Israel and certainly its cities to potential obliteration.
Because like the Nuke Deadman’s handle if Iran is getting a beating it will be left with no option but to let loose all of its armoury on Israel and possibly US bases and the Akrotiri Airbase.
If you have nothing to lose and you have nothing to gain then, losing in revenge is the only option so as that nobody wins.
Unless sense comes into play – of course?
Unfortunately the US has none.
Just like a kid poking a nest of vipers because he can then, he is going to get bitten.
Maybe more than once.
Trump has gone full Elon Musk in talking complete, unhinged shite. Along with the usual Panama, Greenland, Canada invasion threats (more realistically sanctions) he apparently said: ‘ if the Hamas hostages aren’t released by time he takes power in two weeks time “all hell will be unleashed in the ME” ‘. Hard to see how life could be any worse for the Gazans, but I guess we’ll see. Certainly, Iran and the West bank are at severe risk.
The USA doesn’t act as an independent country in the Middle East.
That statement could be made stronger and broader, but it is true as it stands.
Goodness knows what the story was with the US-built floating pier off of Gaza, which did actually get built last year. It’s been taken off the radar in the MSM. I suspected it was for evacuating survivors of the ongoing holocaust in Gaza, taking them to concentration camps in Cyprus. We shall see. It may in the near future still serve that function, maybe with guards wearing radiation suits.
Another thing is that the Israeli government clearly supported Trump against Harris for the US presidency, and one has to ask why, because as in all presidential elections in the USA, both main candidates were pro-Zionist (again, to put it mildly). The Kushners were presumably one reason.
Two questions on the Trump reaccession (assuming it happens) are
1. What will he do internally in the US? (Pretty sure this will include what historically should be called a purge of the officer corps – starting with recalling General Milley and court martialling him for treason, and at least a few hundred bodies’ worth of blood on US streets. Killing will be involved.)
2. What will he do internationally? (Seems there may be an independence referendum in Greenland in the spring, FFS, and as for Canada, I don’t follow Canadian stuff, but Justin Trudeau appears to have resigned unexpectedly, so who knows?)
Interesting information about Greenlandic independence here:
It has been an issue for decades and is already in process.
I suspect the real issue for the Empire (which has bases up there already) is drilling for oil off its coast.
A counter offer.
“Canada could buy the states of Alaska and Minnesota from America, the premier of the Canadian province of Ontario, Doug Ford, has suggested in response to US President-elect Donald Trump’s calls for a merger between the two countries.
Canada is “the greatest country in the world” and there is no way it will fall under the rule of Washington, Ford told journalists on Monday.”
And there’s this as well Bramble.
“US President-elect Donald Trump has said he would not rule out military or economic steps to retake control of the Panama Canal or to acquire the Danish-controlled territory of Greenland.
Asked during a press conference at Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday if he could “assure the world” that he would not use “military or economic coercion” in his efforts to acquire either one, Trump said he would not.
“No, I can’t assure you on either of those two. But I can say this, we need them for economic security,”
The Danish authorities have treated Greenlanders like absolute sh*t, similar to the way that indigenous people have been treated in the USA and Australia, and, say, Travellers have been treated in Norway.
Greenland is currently known among bourgeois families in Copenhagen as somewhere that young bourgeois get a chance to go if they’re in the civil service, to get some experience in bossing people about, before they return to the metropolis.
Brian Red 19.11pm.
Trump with Greenland/Denmark in mind – is probably trying to head turn the public away from Ukraine in which he knows that Ukraine has all but lost – I suppose the idea is to make it not look as bad for the head of Nato, that Russia has won the war.
On the downside for Trump – if he cuts funding to Ukraine, he will have to be careful for Ukraine is a country full of Neo-Nazi terrorists that have already carried out terrorist attacks across the globe, Trump might also find himself on the Ukrainian hist list
Of course, American forces could just walk into Greenland if they wanted to – and the Danes couldn’t do that much about it.
RoS. Of course, the hegemon already has a base in Greenland.
“Pituffik Space Base formerly known as Thule Air Base is a United States Space Force base located on the northwest coast of Greenland, with About 140 Airmen and Guardians stationed there plus some 450 contractors.”
Greenland provides a foothold into the Artic and another opportunity to ‘surround’ Russia.
1) Pakistan–Afghanistan strifes have been ongoing for decades. The conflict flares up mostly when the Taliban are in power, as they routinely lay claims to parts of Pakistani territory (large parts of Khyber Pakhtukhwa and FATA).
2) Egypt has quite a history of overthrows, so this type of rumours must be daily bread there.
3) Turkey – yes. Greater Turkey or Greater Israel to rule the Middle East in the next 10–15 years? Assuming the UAE won’t jump the bandwagon!
4) Iran has zero aerial defence at the moment and will be very cautious not to follow Syria’s path, i.e. Israeli airforce bombing the territory at whim. Besides, their traditional allies – their leverage in international policy – got significantly weakened. I don’t expect Iran to be too proactive in military posturing for the next few years. I bet they’ll develop nukes, though (if not already having them, although untested so practically useless).
5) Nukes are useless in the grand scheme of things, nevertheless. I mean, they are only of any use if not used. They are psychological warfare. Granted, mad regimes (Israel and North Korea) can use them if feeling impunity…
Interesting times we’re living in anyway.
” Iran has zero aerial defence at the moment
How do you Know this Kacper ?
I believe they have fairly comprehensive air cover in terms of ground to air missile defence systems. This is why the genociders always mount their air attacks from outside Iran’s borders, Iraq, Syria, Jordan – they fear being shot down.
Eg. “Iran operates a wide variety of missile defence batteries at different ranges that aim to defend against aerial strikes.”
One would need to rule out the use of low yield tactical nukes – such as the possibility Israel used one against Lebanon – after Hezbollah fired FAD 1 and FAD 2 missiles into Israel last September – for me these low yield nukes are already being used.
@Kacper – Nukes are no more (or less) psychological than any other known “WMD”. If they exist in the hands of any state, they could be used.
The grand of scheme of things – to wit, how the world economy and international relations have moved over the past 30 years, and five years, and the necessary tendency in world capitalism – suggests that world fascism and a major cull can be expected. No sane person expects “Keynesianism” 2.
As Randolph Bourne put it, war is the health of the state.
“Iran has zero aerial defence at the moment and will be very cautious not to follow Syria’s path”
A look at Iran’s air defence systems ( Circa Oct last year).
“From the sea, the US is relatively safe.”
I wouldn’t be so sure.
1. Drones off the US east coast.
2. The 5th domain of warfare (cyber) intersects with the other four especially land (Syria) and sea (various stuff in Suez canal and Red Sea) as well as with financial systems.
3. The Reichstag burn option, whether “false flag” or just presented as a mystery as with Nord Stream.
4. In any case, the new US government is bound to play the “our country in danger” card.
Sisi put a stop to the incursions across Sinai of armed insurgents, following the election of the Muslim Brotherhood, which allowed Morsi to take all women out of tourism jobs, and placed Christian churches at risk of attack, and allowed the US to get drilling rights off Alexandria while petrol pumps across the country ran dry. This new strength being displayed by Saudi backed head choppers in northern Syria, facing Israel owned territory in the south, makes it a very challenging time for any unaligned countries across the region.
“And Turkey is trying to Rule the Roost in Syria.”
It looks like the Syrian Army under HTS Islamists (if I understand) are losing battles with the Northeast region (Rojava democracy). Five times as many killed as Kurdish. Turkey threatening to attack. Claims HTS will take over the guarding of the ISIS prisoners.
Israel has been trying to get the US to do its dirty work and attack Iran for yonks. The US never says no but it never does it either, at least not at the sort of scale they want. That’s one of the reasons I suspect Iran has the Bomb. If I were them, I’d have quietly let the Americans know that it included suitcase bombs with a shelf life in decades that would be handed over to sundry groups in sufficiently extreme circumstances. It’s a form of relatively cheap deterrence that the UK might also consider.
Will Section 12 Die of Shame?
No, because the current UK lawmakers and law enforcers are shameless and will find ways ands means of strengthening the effective purpose of Section 12, which is to suppress dissent against the country’s shameful support of Israel genocide. With HTS Syria, I suspect UK will sit on the fence until it and its Palestine genocide supporting allies shamelessly find an excuse to dispose of the HTS regime leaving “them” – Israel, USA and shirt tail hangers on with a monopoly of power in the Middle East.
Will Section 12 Die of Shame?
No , because the current UK lawmakers and law enforcers are shameless and will find ways ands means of strengthening the effective purpose of Section 12, which is to suppress dissent against the country’s shameful support of Israel genocide. With HTS Syria, I suspect UK will sit on the fence until it and its Palestine genocide supporting allies shamelessly find an excuse to dispose of the HTS regime leaving “them” – Israel, USA and shirt tail hangers on with a monopoly of power in the Middle East.
Some special historical background on those US Special Forces Mr. Livelsberger was also part of:
Jack Poulson´s interview
with Jack Murphy on the “lost chapters” of U.S. Army Special Forces
“Murphy’s new book, “We Defy,” documents the Green Berets’ Cold War-era tactical nuclear weapons program, their detachments in Berlin and South Korea, and their tasking for direct action.”
84 min.
intro of the accompanying text by Poulson:
Perhaps the most alarming aspect of Master Sgt. Matthew Livelsberger’s suicide on New Year’s day, where he reportedly shot himself in the front seat of a Tesla Cybertruck parked outside of the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas shortly before detonating low-grade explosives in the back seat, was that he was an active-duty member of the U.S. Army’s 10th Special Forces Group — essentially the European arm of the Green Berets.
As forensically documented in Col. Alfred H. Paddock’s 1982 book, “U.S. Army Special Warfare, Its Origins,” the 10th Group was formally established in 1952, two years into the Korean War, as the U.S. Army’s first post-WWII unit for conducting behind-the-lines, guerilla warfare. Its numbering would be one of many similar instances of military deception (or, MILDEC) meant to confuse the Soviet Union into assuming that at least nine other similar groups already existed. Its numbering outlived the Soviet Union and, according to reporting from April of last year, 10th Group was training “hundreds” of Ukrainian special forces members each month.
As the 10th Group established its initial focus as a seed for guerilla warfare in Europe in the event of a Soviet invasion, through German deployments in Bad Tölz and Berlin, a portion was split off in 1953 as a new 77th Special Forces Group (later renumbered to the 7th) to remain headquartered at Fort Bragg (now Fort Liberty) in North Carolina for potential deployment in other theaters. Just as 10th Group became the center of gravity for U.S. guerilla warfare in Europe, the 7th ultimately became focused on operations in Latin America, with a particular focus on counter-narcotics in collaboration with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
Talking of shame, or lack of it.
“After reviewing the horrifying information of suffering inside Sudan, I have concluded that members of the Rapid Support Forces and allied militias have committed genocide in Sudan. The United States is committed to pursuing accountability for these atrocities.”
Secretary Antony Blinken,
7 January 2025.
Sudan has the largest gold deposits in the world, I gather
Source? I thought that was Australia and Russia, followed a long way behind by China, South Africa, etc.
I saw it on FB this morning however having checked with wiki Sudan is third highest producer in Africa and tenth highest in the world. It is a very poor country which sells its gold to rich countries. No worries
‘The primary destinations for Sudanese gold exports are the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with $2.29bn in 2022, Italy ($18.7m), Egypt ($15.2m), and Turkey ($2.2m), according to the Observatory of Economic Complexity.25 Jul 2024’
Prisoner of war Lili Albag (a conscripted soldier of the occupation forces) has featured in a video released by the resistance in Gaza:
I was going to call her a Zionist, but this would be wrong because she may possibly no longer be one. She is 19 years old and she does not have kind words for either the civilian or the military forces of the occupation.
“Addressing the Israeli war minister, she says, ‘After witnessing my own death and seeing what happened to my friend, I realized that our lives don’t matter to you. I understand now that we are nothing more than pawns in your game. You’ve shown that our fates are being played with.’ ”
‘If something happens to me, God forbid, remember my name and this video. Let it be written on my grave that all of this is because of the government and the army. They are guilty, and my blood is on their hands.’”
Always of course be sceptical of the content of ANY prisoner of war video made anywhere, at any time, by anyone. But I thought this was quite interesting, even if she is not quoted as saying anything about the death of nearly 50000 Arabs.
Superb article Craig, nails the nauseating hypocrisy and lies. Thank you.
Why do some people still believe that a journalist is less likely to be killed (rather than more) by giving their position away to the Israelis?
“Molana-Allen, who is also currently reporting from Lebanon, said the journalists had given details of their movements to UN peacekeepers to send to the Israeli military.
“Turns out the IDF [Israeli military] used that info to bomb them while they were all inside asleep,” Molana-Allen reported.”
From this site:
Possibly there is an insurance or life assurance policy angle.
I remember Craig had a recent disagreement.. with Eva Bartlett.
Anyway, like Craig’s been doing in Lebanon. Eva has been to Syriya reporting for years.. So I would like forward a recent paragraph from her – I have not watched any of the videos Eva mentions here.. I don’t have the heart for it
Ps..not putting the link up but if anyone Asks ..
Eva Karene Bartlett –
” In the new “free” “diverse” Syria, minorities are being hunted down, tortured and killed.
*Warning: this post contains disturbing, violent, videos: the violence & terrorism of US/Turkish/Israeli-backed terrorists against Syrian civilians.
The following is on the hell of the “new Syria” ruled by al-Qaeda/ISIS terrorist Joolani, where his co-terrorist thugs run around hunting down minorities, torturing & killing them.
There are countless such videos, and worse, being shared on Telegram & social media, from Syrians who film these terrorists’ attacking civilians (because media in Syria is now under control of HTS/al-Qaeda, you won’t see reports there…nor from the influencers chirping about how great & free Syria is now, and hey, ISIS are very helpful people…)
Following are just some examples of the lawlessness and pure terrorism that has been unleashed on Syria, on Syrian civilians. This is what the idiots who cheered the toppling of the former Syrian government have endorsed.
I haven’t caught Craig’s and Eva’s argument.
(I find it normal and welcome if decent people differ though.)
Her testimony is important. Question, will she be able to do follow-ups?
And is she truly there?
I am merely asking as as far as I remember Beeley had gotten out.
So Bartlett went back in?
Anyway. If an Ahmed is an analyst sitting in some London office while a Bartlett is a reporter putting her life out I know who I trust more.
p.s. of course on this note, Craig going there is important as it might be dangerous if he is snooping around too much.
AG ..I know Eva is Not over there just now..but she has a lot of contacts there..and she posts videos of what is going’s horrendous..I’ve seen some of the clips.. Sickening.
It’s very definatley NOT a safe place for Craig. But We must trust Craig’s Judgement
Its all theatre of the desperately bloody absurd.The supposed “new guy” in Syria is,just like Zelensky,an actor hired and groomed for any crisis.Theyve already had to change his name and backstory in less than a month.Laughable-were it not so fucking tragic.The bullshit ‘tells’ are everywhere in this caper and the bought n sold usual media whores play along wiith the charade,as always,because money.
Yes, Zelensky is/was an actor and it is obvious that it is the west writing his lines. He follows he doesn’t lead.
However, the new leader in Syria isn’t an actor, he’s a rabid islamic terrorist. He may be following the west’s ‘guidance’ but the reality is that he hasn’t changed, his masters are still the ISIS/Sunni/Saudi headchoppers, hence the refusal to shake hands with Eva Braun. As such, I’d suggest he is more dangerous that Zelensky.
Beeley and Bartlett are certainly reporting relentlessly on Syria but whether from the ground there is difficult to say.
Today’s Telegram posts.
Bartlett. “There are countless videos, and worse, being shared on Telegram & social media, from Syrians who film terrorists’ attacking civilians (because media in Syria is now under control of HTS/al-Qaeda, you won’t see reports there…nor from the influencers chirping about how great & free Syria is now, and hey, ISIS are very helpful people…)
Beeley. “Six armed members of #HTS stormed the house of the citizen “Nasim Salama” and beat him and insulted his wife and child and then stole his wife’s car and took him to an unknown location. The family of the kidnapped man went to all the branches and security centers controlled by the #Al-Jolani organization, but to no avail, and all the centers denied knowing his whereabouts.”
No further comment needed.
Crispa ..Yes.. Imagine Vanessa..Eva. Craig.. and Let’s get Everyone in on this fight .. The Greyzone Guys – Max, Aaon and hid Dad.. The judge, Ray M.. Scott.R Abby Martin.. Consortiumn News guys.. Joe L..Chriss .H.. Richard M.. Media Lens.. Noam C..Roger Waters Global Research….Just imagining these warriors for Truth makes me happy ..Feel free to add brave names I forgot ..or missed
Rains The Wests Misiles
On Powerless Palstine
All with Glee for Greed
Corporate media uses its power to put out consistent lies knowing that the masses will believe them as true. Alternative media is a lottery as to whether people even hear it never mind believe it. How to create a critical mass which challenges the corporate lies can only be achieved through a kind of shotgun effect that is so strong as to create an equivalent critical mass. Truth will out eventually.
The USA, is on the road to normalising relations with the Western/Israel/Turkey backed – proscribed terrorist group HTS – I’d wager it won’t take long for USA’s minions to follow suit.
“The United States has issued a sanctions exemption for transactions with the ruling Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) administration in Syria for six months.”
They have it all worked RoS.. Then It’s South Amaricas Turn.. Russia and China NEED to step up I think.
makes me sick
Just came across this complete and utter bollox in a leading story on the Jewish Chronicle’s website (and no doubt elsewhere)… posted earlier (yesterday – ie around nine hours ago). Here’s the headline and the specific passage I’m referring to:
‘Met police finally agrees to direct Palestine marches away from synagogues after community outcry’ [it is in fact in relation to one march; the forthcoming big London march/demo]
The announcement comes just a week after the JC reported that community leaders had pleaded with the force to move the Gaza march away from Central Synagogue….. And here’s the bit I’m referring to (my emphasis)
What absolute total scum these people are! And here’s some more total shite:
A spokesperson for the Community Security Trust (CST) added: “CST and others have been demanding for a long time now that these marches are routed far away from any synagogues….. It is highly irresponsible and provocative of the PSC to choose this location when they know it causes so much alarm and upset for the local Jewish community.”
The synagogue in question is actually 500m away, and the march doesn’t go any where near the synagogue. And in case you’re wondering about the location where the marchers are assembling… It’s the BBC, and the point of course is to protest (prior to the march) about BBC bias, and especially in view of the latest revelations. Anyway, I figured that Stop the War had posted a response on their website, so I checked, and they had:
‘Palestine coalition rejects police attempts to block BBC protest’
Today [Jan 8th] we have been informed by the Metropolitan Police that they intend to go back on a previous agreement and impose conditions to prevent us marching from BBC HQ at Portland Place on Saturday 18 January.
We have already announced our intention to assemble outside the BBC to protest against the pro-Israel bias of its coverage – something recently highlighted in a detailed report by journalist Owen Jones to which the Corporation has so far not responded. We utterly condemn this attempt to use repressive powers to prevent our planned protest at the BBC.
The route for the march was confirmed with the police nearly two months ago and, as agreed with them, was publicly announced on 30 November. This route, beginning at the BBC, has only been used twice in the last 15 months of demonstrations and not since February 2024. With just over a week to go, the Metropolitan Police has now reneged on our agreement and stated its intention to prevent our protest from going ahead as planned.
The BBC is a major institution – it is a publicly-funded state broadcaster and is rightly accountable to the public. It is unacceptable for the police to misuse public order powers to shield the BBC from democratic scrutiny.
The excuse offered by the police is that our march could cause disruption to a nearby synagogue. It follows representations from pro-Israel groups and activists who have been publicly calling for action to be taken to curtail our right to protest against Israel’s ongoing genocide…
In fact, the closest synagogue to the BBC is not even on the route of the march. Moreover, as the Met Police have acknowledged, there has not been a single incident of any threat to a synagogue attached to any of the marches. Any suggestion that our marches are somehow hostile to Jewish people ignores the fact that every march has been joined by thousands of Jewish people – many in an organised Jewish bloc – and addressed by Jewish speakers on the demonstration platforms….
During the years Jeremy Corbyn was leader of the LP the factions who conspired in the A/S black op had no qualms whatsoever about causing concern and consternation and worry amongst many British Jews in their quest to sabotage any chance of winning a GE and becoming PM, and they have been doing precisely the same in respect of the marches and marchers, with Jewish newspapers and groups and organisations spearheading the black op. And how totally TOTALLY evil is THAT!!
And needless to say, the fearmongering scum have known since the marches began that they include thousands of Jewish people, and a large Jewishish bloc.Here’s a link to the JC propaganda piece:
Afterthought: Have any of the MSM ever mentioned that there’s been a large Jewish bloc on every single London march/demo, and thousands of others as well. I very much doubt it, because it would of course undermine the propaganda smears they’ve been churning out for the past fifteen months in respect of the marches/marchers…. And regards the concern and consternation re Jeremy Corbyn, the reason it didn’t have any effect on left-wing Jews and JVL and their members etc is of course because they saw it all for the lies and fabrications and smears that it all was.
And I should have included Jewish individuals, along with the Jewish newspapers etc.
PS And saw all the rage and fury and condemnation for what it was. Completely false and phony.
Apologies, but I just thought to do a search, and it looks like most – if not ALL – of the MSM has covered the story. I haven’t read any of them yet to see HOW they covered it – e.g. not mention that the march was starting at BBC HQ so as to protest against their biased coverage of the war on Gaza, as with the Jewish Chronicle coverage – but here’s a sample of the headlines:
Police warn Pro-Palestine march organisers to stay away from synagogue
The Standard
Met threatens to ban pro-Palestine march near synagogue
Police fear worshippers could be at risk of harassment if campaigners do not change route
The Telegraph
Gaza protesters set to clash with police over march near synagogue
The Palestine Solidarity Campaign rejected warnings from the Metropolitan Police to move the protest away from the Central Synagogue
The Times
PROTEST FURY MPs demand pro-Gaza march is banned from starting near synagogue
National March for Palestine is set to kick off yards away from the Central Synagogue in London
The Sun
Met Police issues major threat to pro-Palestinian protesters ahead of planned march
GB News
Anyway, one of the articles that came up in the results was this Morning Star article from December 2023 entitled ‘Policing of Jews on Palestine protests reveals ignorance and racist assumptions’, by Julia Bard, reposted from her blog. It’s well worth reading, but I just wanted to post the following passages:
‟As has happened on every demonstration, the Jewish bloc was greeted with warmth and enthusiasm, and when we reached our stopping point, the marchers cheered and clapped as they passed, defying the claim that these are hate marches fuelled by anti-semitism, that are making our cities unsafe for Jews.
On the contrary, participants come and talk to us, shake hands, and hug us. They take photos of our banners and placards, which represent many Jewish groups, including the Jewish Socialists’ Group, Jewish Voice for Labour, Na’amod, Israel Coalition Against House Demolitions, Black Jewish Alliance, Jews for Justice for Palestinians and others, as well as individuals who coalesce around the bloc.”
Only fascist scum can lie and concoct and construct a totally different picture in which the marchers are painted as antisemitic and hate marchers and, as I said in an earlier post, they are totally evil – ie hate-mongering fear-mongering sadistic psychopathic cnuts.. Of the highest – or lowest, depending on how you see it – order! The scum of planet Earth!
Here’s a thought, why don’t all the Jews who feel threatened by people protesting about genocide in Israel go and live there ?
THAT would be ironic given that all the lies and falsehoods and fear-mongering about the protesters/marchers (and not just in the UK) spring from Israel – ie the Zionist propaganda outfits, along with the MSM of course.
Allan Howard
I saw a piece in respect of a Pro Israel Conference/Meeting in the US ( not sure where).
It was meant to hold 40k people and only about 1k turned up.
Not exactly great depth of backing there I think.
Anyway this march was going to go from The BBC to wherever or wherever to the BBC.
Fear of attack has not been proven but the very idea that The State Broadcaster can be
criticised is a particular sore point for the BBC – The Board of Deputies (un-elected) and of
course The Labour Government.
Anyway, can it be assumed then that , if Tomehhhh Robinson’s mates want to protest , if
the Muslim Community object to that out of fear ( see Southport for actual details ) then the
Met Police will have to ban it due to Muslims and their Mosques possibly coming under attack?
Otherwise they are all going to look like Massive Hypocrites.
Or am I being utterly naive?
Mark: The plan was to assemble at the BBC’s HQ, and of course the ‘concerns’ on the part of Jewish groups and organisations was completely fraudulent and confected (but they – at some point – saw the opportunity to drum up some negative press), as there has been ho trouble in that respect on the part of marchers in the dozens of national marches/demos that have taken place since last October. And, of course, there are thousands of Jewish people – and a large Jewish bloc – who have attended every single one of them. And Julia Bard summed it up perfectly. But if Tommy’s lads were marching….
And as for the group of ‘over 80 MPs and peers’ (i think we can safely assume it was less than ninety), that leaves gawd knows how many MPs and peers who DIDN’T have any concerns about the demonstrators assembling at the BBC’s HQ, five hundred meters away from the synagogue in question, which must amount to the vast majority of MPs and peers.
But what sums up the whole situation for me is the EHRC fraudulently investigating the LP, but refusing, in effect, to investigate the Tory party for genuinely real Islamophobia. As I said recently elsewhere, isn’t it odd that none of the groups and organisations and individuals accusing JC of antisemitism and being an antisemite ever reported him to the police for racism/hate speech (and ditto Ken and Jackie and Chris etc). And the folks at the EHRC were well aware of this of course. How could they NOT be!
Allan Howard.
Re: Jeremy Corbyn.
They couldn’t prove it similar to the burnt babies on Washing lines and the rape allegations
were never presented to the ICJ.
Because it never happened and only Biden and Pier Morgan believe it still.