There was absolutely nothing stopping them, but not one single member of Western mainstream media ever visited a bomb site in Lebanon to verify whether Israeli claims it was a Hezbollah base or missile site were true. Because they knew the answer is negative, as I found across dozens of bomb sites, and that is not the narrative they are paid to promote.
But when a narrative they are paid to promote came to the fore, they flocked to Damascus – driving right past the bombed civilian homes, ambulance centres and schools of Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley to get there – to promote Syria’s new Israel-, USA- and Turkey-sponsored “democratic” government of entirely “reformed” HTS Wahhabists.
Now in the past I had unfortunate arguments with some who broadly take a similar view of politics to me – Vanessa Beeley comes to mind – because I was never a fan of the Assad regime and its human rights record. Nevertheless, I consistently preferred Assad to the NATO-, Gulf- and Israel-sponsored extremist Wahhabi “rebels” who were fighting him.
But you can acknowledge Assad’s human rights abuses without subscribing to the ludicrous atrocity propaganda that spewed out of the mainstream media – 150,000 prisoners in one jail, 100,000 people in a mass grave, the “body press” whose plywood-pressing surfaces were peculiarly unstained, the suntanned American prisoner who had been “locked in a room for seven months”, the splendidly groomed dissident prisoner “rescued” by CNN.
Atrocity propaganda is as old as warfare. Like the “60 beheaded babies” of 7 October, or the 100,000 prisoners in a mass grave, it will doubtless recur indefinitely despite being nonsense. The installation of HTS by the NATO powers and Israel was a propaganda orgy of “joy” and “liberation”.
Undoubtedly some people did feel joy and liberation. But the Western media have not stayed around since, to report the subsequent numerous incidents of beatings and summary executions of non-Sunnis, that the “democratic revolution” will start to think about an election only in four years’ time, that women judges have all been dismissed, that starting yesterday there are official Sharia patrols on the streets of Damascus “advising” women to cover their hair, and that for the first time, also starting yesterday, the hijab is official compulsory uniform in most Syrian state schools.
Still less have they reported that HTS has done nothing whatsoever to oppose the Israeli invasion of Southern Syria, which as of today controls the dams that supply 40% of Syria’s potable and agricultural water. Israel is constructing 13 permanent military bases in the newly occupied Syrian territories, putting in concrete emplacements and building or improving fenced roads between them. It is building gun emplacements around dams.
HTS has – while not opposing the Israeli invaders – however managed to make several incursions into Lebanon including direct attacks on the Lebanese Army. In some cases these attacks by HTS on Lebanon have occurred within five miles of illegal Israeli outposts of soldiers within Syria – a clear indication of which side HTS is on.
The new HTS government has of course been fêted by the global neoliberals. The agenda of the Western security services has nowhere been more obvious than in the linkage of the HTS and Ukrainian causes, and the second foreign delegation received by the new HTS government was indeed from Ukraine.
Uzbek militants formed a significant section of HTS’s Wahhabi army, and it is not a coincidence that around the same time, it was an Uzbek militant who murdered a key Russian general on behalf of the Ukrainian government.
The Ukrainian delegation to the HTS government was closely followed of course by the ubiquitous harpy Annelina Baerbock, the most outspoken and enthusiastic advocate outside the state of Israel of the massacre of Palestinians.
As some kind of counterweight to the Western support of Al Qaeda/Al Nusra/HTS in Syria, which the public was entitled to find somewhat confusing, we have the narrative of the “ISIS-inspired” terrorism attack in New Orleans, just to reassure that Muslims are still the official enemy.
There are a number of things about this narrative which are just too pat to sit easily with me. The killer, Shamsud-Din Jabbar, helpfully aided identification by being equipped with an ISIS flag, which despite being an important item in a multiple murder investigation was somehow unguarded and available to the media to photograph, plainly clearly laid out in line with the flagstone pattern and not lying as it fell. Why is the crime scene tape strewn around like this?
A further interesting question is why the flag is upside down on the makeshift staff. If somebody cared enough about the cause to kill and die for it, presumably they would know which way up the flag goes? It is worth noting that the official story is that Jabbar was “inspired by ISIS”, not that he actually had any form of contact with anyone from ISIS. Maybe nobody told him which way the flag goes. But it also transpires he had Arabic language books, including the Koran, at home, so he plainly would have known the writing was upside down.
Entirely weird is this report from the New York Post, where their reporter is able apparently to walk around the completely unsecured apartment of Jabbar and poke about evidence at will. Again it is all delightfully perfect – the Koran is open at a page about fighting and being killed, and the camera lingers on a helpfully hung Palestinian keffiyeh, while there are lots of chemicals and apparent bomb-making areas.
I am not positing a theory as to what happened. I am saying that the package of information being presented is remarkably full and neat.
It took the British police five solid days of investigation at Charlie Rowley’s and Dawn Sturgess’s house before they discovered the perfume bottle of “novichok” in plain sight on the kitchen counter. In 24 hours, by contrast, the FBI had so comprehensively taken all required evidence from Jabbar’s apartment, and presumably had carried out all forensic investigation needed for traces of possible accomplices there, that they were able to let a journalist and crew contaminate the scene as much as they wish.
Is this not all a bit strange?
I am sure that by now you are aware of all the coincidences in career and in car hire between Jabbar and Matthew Livelsberger, who made a kind of explosion at a Trump hotel in Las Vegas the same day. I am not sure this actually proves a connection between the two, beyond that fact that being in the US military is more likely than anything else to turn you into a potential psychotic killer.
But there are very weird things in the Livelsberger case. What strikes me most is that Livelsberger was not a toy soldier: he was an active service member of special forces with substantial combat experience. He would certainly have been able to make a more viable bomb, as his family suggested.
Perhaps more to the point, Livelsberger would certainly have known that what was in the truck was not a viable bomb.
It is also worth noting that this US special forces soldier is officially noted as having served in Ukraine – not an everyday admission.
There is no previous example of a suicide bomber who deliberately killed himself before his attack came to fruition. What we have here, if we believe the official narrative, is a highly proficient active combat veteran who shot himself before his non-viable IED went off.
This too strikes me as a most peculiar narrative. To which I will add that, in the great tradition of terrorist attacks, while Livelsberger’s body was burnt beyond recognition, his passport survived in the cab, next to him.
So we have the Western powers active in installing terrorists in power in Damascus, and some almost immediate examples of terrorist blowback in the USA from members of the US military, and with some very strange details.
None of which is, however, really stranger than the Western rush to sanctify the HTS government in Damascus, when HTS remains a proscribed terrorist organisation pretty well everywhere, but certainly in the UK and USA. The “terrorism” incidents in the USA – particularly the “Islamic terrorism” incident in New Orleans – make it still harder to process the normalisation of terrorist organisation HTS.
I am returning to Beirut in a few hours after being back in Scotland for Christmas and New Year. To be perfectly frank with you, I was expecting to get arrested on arrival here under the Terrorism Act, as has happened to me before and has happened recently to so many decent journalists with a pro-Palestinian stance.
Just telling the truth about the genocide of the Palestinians, and the creation of Greater Israel, has until now been treated by the UK’s counter-terrorism police as expressing an opinion that may cause others to support proscribed organisations Hamas and Hezbollah, and therefore grounds for arrest and seizure of property.
But HTS is also a proscribed organisation, and the entire British Establishment has very openly been “expressing an opinion which could cause others to support it”. The former head of MI6, Sir John Sawers, has been on television advocating that HTS should no longer be proscribed because it is such a decent organisation. Rory Stewart and Alastair Campbell have been openly praising it on their blog.
There are three ultra-draconian aspects of Section 12 of the Terrorism Act:
1) You can get 14 years in jail for merely “expressing an opinion”.
2) Intent is expressly not required. If your opinion could cause somebody else to support a proscribed organisation, whether you intended that or not, you are guilty if “reckless”, i.e. you did not positively avoid expressing any such opinion
3) It is entirely up to the government to determine what is a proscribed organisation. If you disagree that an organisation should be proscribed, to argue that case is almost certainly an offence. If the government decided to proscribe the Girl Guides, the Girl Guides would – in law – be a terrorist organisation.
You may notice the parallels in law to the Rwanda case, where the courts ruled that Rwanda did not become a safe country for asylum seekers merely because a government minister said it was. There has however been no successful legal challenge to the effect that a resistance movement does not become a terrorist organisation merely because a government says it is.
But here is the rub. In the UK, it still remains at least the legal fiction that governments have to obey their own laws. The entire purpose of chopping off the head of Charles I was to show that the executive cannot arbitrarily break the law of the land, and that seemed to make the point pretty clearly.
Until the government, through an Order in Council, actually removes the proscription of HTS as a terrorist organisation, it is still illegal to support it in the UK – and it is illegal for government ministers to support it, let alone ex-functionaries like John Sawers, Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart.
Now in practice, there is nothing to prevent the massive hypocrisy of the Terrorism Police harassing, and the CPS prosecuting, people for very tangential “support” of Hamas and Hezbollah, while much more blatant and open support of HTS goes unpunished.
But it is not a good look and juries are likely to be unhappy.
I therefore suspect the decision not to go for me again under the Terrorism Act may be because the widespread official support for proscribed organisation HTS has brought the law into disrepute. That might also explain why recently the police have been using the Public Order Act against speakers at the regular demonstrations at the Israeli Ambassador’s residence in London, whereas previously they have used the Terrorism Act in identical circumstances.
No less than THREE Jewish antizionist descendants of Holocaust survivors have been ARRESTED by @metpoliceuk at Swiss Cottage @IJAN_Network picket to demand expulsion of Hotovely.
Why are the Met Police ARRESTING Jewish people for condemning genocide, and PROTECTING war criminals?— Bintifada (@YaBintifada) January 7, 2025
The range of anti-free speech legislation available to the authorities in the UK is now extensive and bewildering. We are still seeing the legacy cases against Richard Barnard and Tony Greenstein under the Terrorism Act progressing. But Section 12 may prove to be an example of draconian legislation which dies of shame.
There will be many twists and turns yet to come, as the negative impact of the Western states actively participating in the Gaza genocide plays out in Western societies. All of this is against the background of crumbling political systems and fast-unravelling social cohesion and consent of the governed, due to massive increases in inequality of wealth and blocking of social mobility – at least upwards.
In returning to Beirut to give independent witness to events in the Middle East, I hope also to be able to access Syria – although that of course brings new levels of danger from its authorities and militias. This independent investigative journalism is only available with your financial support.
To be blunt, our two months in Lebanon before Christmas made a slight financial loss. I was delighted with the output of four mini-documentaries and numerous short video reports and articles, some of which individually had millions of viewers. But to date the model of reader-sponsored real overseas journalism is not proven nor stable.
If you have not yet contributed financially, I should be grateful if you could do so. If you have contributed, perhaps you could help further by encouraging others to do so. I would as always stress I do not want anybody to contribute if it causes them the slightest financial hardship.
My reporting and advocacy work has no source of finance at all other than your contributions to keep us going. We get nothing from any state nor any billionaire.
Anybody is welcome to republish and reuse, including in translation.
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Ya gotta larf!
‘Trump shares inflammatory video with crude reference to Netanyahu’
Donald Trump has shared inflammatory video content calling Benjamin Netanyahu a “deep, dark son of a bitch”…..
“Inflammatory” as in telling the truth?
Trumps post is here:
What to make?
It seems to me he posted the Jeffrey Sachs comments approvingly given his previous comments about his determination to reform the ‘security’ and ‘secret’ state.
Despite Joel’s comment below this one, Tulsi Gabbard does appear to share that aim. As does RFK Jr.
When the Butler assassination attempt took place, Trump called Gabbard and Kennedy to join his team later the very same day.
Tulsi is a commander of a battalion in the US Army called the Civil Affairs & Psychological Operations (psyops) Command. She oversees psyops to propagandise US civilians. She is not anti-security state, she is the security state. Her job is to co-opt and disrupt the anti-war movement.
The MAGA team are likely to be behind Liz Truss’s “cease and desist” letter to Genocide Starmer.
If the British government is brought down using the judiciary, that won’t be the first country that’s happened in.
The top judiciary in London already trousers large amounts of money from “Russian” oligarchs, so the payment could be passed to them that way.
I mean if governments are being replaced in France and Germany, the Kushners et al might as well go for a triple and do the same in the boarding schools and monarchy theme park north of La Manche.
Trump is such a weird person, he have sometimes very sensible views – like retweeting a Jeffrey Sachs video – but then, he seems to have completely opposite views, on the same subject matter.
For someone that have spoken out so much against the folly of Iraq war Trump must know that Netanyahu/Israel was perhaps the driving force behind it?
So why does he keep sucking up – excluding the Sachs retweet – for Netanyahu/Israel?
You cannot fail to understand what accepting 100m from Miriam Adelson means. Surely?
The reality is though that Trump is Netanyahu’s bitch.
Stevie Boy.
The war criminal Netanyahu – has said he won’t be attending Trumps swearing in ceremony on Jan 20th – the cowardly war criminal is probably too afraid to leave Israel – incase someone bumps him-off – or arrests him and delivers him to the Hague.
Thinking about it again, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if BN took it as a friendly compliment. Kinda like something along these lines:
They both performed in the Panorama hatchet job of course, with Ella Rose doing the opening performance, and Izzy Lenga spouting her B/S lies about ten/fifteen minutes in. They know what they are, and revel in it, among themselves (as no doubt many others do). And both Rose and Lenga are still National Executive Committee members of the JLM.
Could British politics be sewn up any tighter as the UK government engages in a fresh year of genocide and fresh interpretations of al-Queda?
Here is a written question from Carla Denyer, leader of the “left” opposition Greens, to the Secretary of State for Defence this week:
“Has [he] had discussions with representatives of the Five Eyes [intelligence agencies] on the potential implications for that community of President-elect Trump’s plan to appoint Tulsi Gabbard as US Director of National Intelligence?”
Gabbard is a longstanding US intelligence asset and not the anti-imperialist some continue to insist she is. However in liberal establishment circles she is deemed some kind of national security risk owing to her heterodox views on Ukraine, the Syrian dirty war etc.
So this question to the Defence minister is a pathetic attempt by the British Greens to curry favour with state establishments up to their necks in the Gaza genocide.
Remember the Green party are the leftmost political force acceptable to the likes of Owen Jones, Novara Media and the rest of the AS ‘crisis’/NATO left.
Sewn up, Joel? I agree with you.
I can see no reason why the Green Party hasn’t been infiltrated and captured by agents of oligarchic power. I imagine sleepers have been there since its inception. We know that even relatively minor environmental protest groups are infiltrated (and female members raped) by spycops; there’s no way a party seeking direct political power would be left to its own devices.
Greenism goes back to Richard Walther Darré, Gerard Wallop (aka “Lord Lymington”), Rudolf Steiner etc.
It shouldn’t be called left. It’s far right.
Going by self-appointed gurus is not greenism, it means sowing leek, potato, onions (red and white), as well as banana shalots and chillis NOW.
It means to realise one’s own and community/council/county councils responsibility for services and provision of basic services such as water, emergency services, public health, NOT WATER, ELECTRICITY, or democratic security, to coin a new concept.
To rely on more than that would take a glimpse bal sandstorm for 2 years, emptying the Sahara and reveal its past flowing river valleys and ecology.
Believing that we can live much much more sustainable, nurturing earth enormously beneficial support to humans, looking after basic needs for us and of our neighbours, with respect, should be non-political, non-religous, but human as we all are.
What the judgement of the ICJ means is that we all, as humans, have a right to exist
BUT, we also must realise that our collective future needs, means respect and responsibilities , which will encourage intuition and individualist development, on all the social change I outlined.
It is left, if you ask me, but you can pin anything on a dead donkey. To explain, I love and breathe Independence. Soare Alba, one Ireland, one Palestine.
Green Party, Greenpeace, Just Stop Oil – infiltrated, bought and sold.
“Could British politics be sewn up any tighter —-?”
Just a little, to judge by another example which is an HC debate of Jan 6th last on the freezing of Russian Assets as reported by Hansard. It was not actually a debate – there was no sniff of a dialectic – more like a Billy Graham evangelical rally where one MP regardless of hue after another renewed their faith in the victory of God loving Ukraine over Putin’s Satanic Russia using a mixture of egregious arguments based on phantasies and downright lies.
Duncan Smith’s contribution reflected the trend, “instead of claiming that international law prohibits us from doing those things (giving the frozen assets to Ukraine), it is important to remember that the basis of international law is pretty fluid, because it is hugely influenced by the politics of the day”.
In other words anything goes when it comes to giving unconditional support to Ukraine and Israel. Our politicians are the pits. Shame on them.
The MSM may never have visited Gaza or Lebanon but at least our good old military are showing their faces all over the show.
Trips to Israel:
[ Ref. 7th Oct 2023, Palestinians attempt breakout from Israeli concentration camp in Gaza]
– December 2023, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin accompanied defence secretary Grant Shapps on official trip;
– 28 December 2023, James Hockenhull, head of Strategic Command;
– 9 January 2024, Air Chief Marshal Sir Richard Knighton;
– 21 January 2024, Radakin, visited Israeli military’s chief of staff, Herzi Halevi;
– 13 February 2024, Hockenhull hosted Israeli general, Eliezer Toledano, in London;
– 18 March 2024, General Charles Stickland, Chief of Joint Operations;
– 18 March 2024, Paul Wyatt, MoD’s DG for Security Policy, “meeting counterparts”.
– August 2024, Radakin visited Israeli military’s chief of staff, Herzi Halevi;
– November 2024, Herzi Halevi was invited by the MoD to meeting in London.
Just came across the following article on Skwawkbox, posted earlier today:
‘Brickgate-linked former Eagle staffer swapped emails about ‘collaborative efforts’ with Israel govt’
Leaked emails uncovered by the Grayzone reveal that Imran ‘Imi’ Ahmed, the former Angela Eagle staffer and anti-left smear coordinator who set up the so-called ‘Centre for Countering Digital Hate’ (CCDH) in the US after trying to shut down left-wing news sites, courted Israeli diplomats and ‘philanthropists’ for cash to fund anti-Palestine censorship.
And NOT unrelated, there was also this, posted yesterday:
‘Left’ hack Mason appointed to position funded by military, arms dealers
AND also this, the day before:
US to fund $150m increased Israeli propaganda spending to fight anti-genocide movement
The Israeli regime has announced additional spending of $150 million – a 2000% increase – on its “hasbara” (pro-Israel propaganda) efforts in 2025. The funding will mainly be targeted at US universities – and will be paid for by the US government from public funds.
When I did a search to try and find the picture of Ella Rose and Izzy Lenga wearing their ‘Zionist Shit’ t-shirts, this Electronic Intifada article came up in the results (entitled ‘Jewish Labour Movement worked with Israeli embassy spy’, from April, 2018), and a couple of people who posted comments made a very good point – one responding to the other – which has never occurred to me before, and I’ve never come across anyone making the point either, until now (albeit made in 2018). So one poster said this:
‘It seems to me that invisiblizing the progressive Jewish left in the UK as (presumably) second-class/self-hating jews is itself a form of antisemitism…’
And then another poster (Tom Hall, who you may be familiar with) responds by quoting the above passage, and then says:
I agree. We have reached the point at which Jews are being attacked as Jews, which is to say for the specific attributed character of their (disloyal) Jewishness. That the attacks are being mounted by other Jews does nothing to mitigate the offense. In Israel, openly antisemitic caricatures are directed against Jews by defenders of the Jewish state. In the UK, when such forces denounce Jewish critics of Israel they do so on the basis of their targets’ perceived apostasy. Thus in reality they are denouncing a class of Jews as renegades and enemies of the Zionist project. The logic becomes, “We have a set of Jews in our midst who don’t belong to our people or our glorious cause. They are rootless, cosmopolitan, and seek to undermine the national will and destiny of our volk- I mean people. They combine with the worst elements dedicated to our destruction. Why then should they enjoy the protection and benefits of our great national revival?” I think we can see where this sort of attitude is pointing.
Attempts to sideline or suppress dissenting currents of Jewish life, anathematizing broad sectors of the Jewish humanist tradition, is profoundly antisemitic. This has always been a problem within Zionism. It’s a movement dedicated to the disappearance of the diaspora Jew so reviled by Zionists, to be replaced by a battle-hardened caste of pitiless start-up warriors.
GfB, of COURSE it’s goddam-well antisemitic, but I just never thought of it that way prior to now… and it is of course also hate-mongering, and marginalising and transforming good honest caring people/empaths into…. demonising them and dehumanising them.
What is this .Stop Rambling hard to read .. But you should Now that REAL warriors exist..IDF are wee cowards .
@Allan – Good info about Mason. I’d long had him down as a wrong ‘un.
The Zionazis will probably spend some money sorting out the Cambridge Union too as well as US universities…
Incidentally, Mason’s book “Postcapitalism” could have been written by an “AI”. Not saying it was, but it really is that crappy – any old stuff he (or maybe a graduate student or two somewhere) could find, stirred into a porridge. It’s an absolutely worthless book.
So I won’t read it
Craig Murray reporting on Twitter earlier today.
“The United States, French and Saudi position in attempting to force the Lebanese parliament today to appoint General Joseph Aoun as President, amounts to a direct threat that otherwise Israel will not be required to withdraw from Southern Lebanon.
Zero MSM reporting in the West”.
By now I think Aoun has – no surprise there – been duly elected.
RoS said in a post earlier that Netanyahu says he won’t be attending Trumps swearing in ceremony (which I’ve only just seen), so I did a search in respect of it, and TWO Times of Israel articles came up at the top of the list of results, the first posted 12 hours ago (at the time of typing), which was very short and, as such, didn’t say much at all, and then another just 4 hours ago, which was much, much longer. Here’s the first one, in full:
“Netanyahu unlikely to attend Trump inauguration, aide tells ToI
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is unlikely to fly to Washington for Donald Trump’s January 20 inauguration as US president, a senior aide tells The Times of Israel.
Netanyahu had been expected to make the trip, Israeli officials said in recent weeks, but barring any last minute changes, won’t do so.
No invitation has been received by the Prime Minister’s Office. ”
And that was it!
As for the article posted 4 hours ago, here are a few passages from it, and the headline:
“ Netanyahu unlikely to attend Trump inauguration, aide says
Premier previously said to be planning on attending, but no formal invitation has been received by his office, according to an aide, even as other foreign leaders plan their trips
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has not been formally invited to US President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration later this month, a senior aide to the premier told The Times of Israel on Thursday, putting the kibosh on a trip to Washington for the ceremony.
Israeli officials had said in recent weeks that Netanyahu was expected to attend the January 20 swearing-in and insisted that he was still planning on doing so even after undergoing prostate removal surgery late last month.
But on Thursday, an aide said that he would not be in the audience, barring any last-minute changes.
Beyond the premier’s medical troubles, the trip, should he have taken it, would have been made slightly more fraught by an arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court in November for alleged war crimes in Gaza.
While the US has said that it will not execute the warrant against the prime minister or his former defense minister Yoav Gallant, they could still be at risk of arrest while traveling should they need to make an emergency landing en route. ”
“ Trump and Netanyahu have had a complicated relationship over the years. The two leaders worked closely during Trump’s first presidency, but the partnership hit the rocks in 2020 when Netanyahu congratulated Joe Biden on his election victory, which Trump to this day contests as fraudulent.
In the wake of the October 7, 2023, Hamas terror onslaught in southern Israel, Trump said that Netanyahu had “rightfully been criticized” for failing to prevent it, and charged that the massacre had “happened on his watch.” ”
“Trump said that Netanyahu had “rightfully been criticized” for failing to prevent it, and charged that the massacre had “happened on his watch.””
Garland Nixon and Scott Ritter have a valuable discussion about Trump’s relationship with Netanyahu, as well as on his Jeffrey Sachs post:
A great Talk here with Max and the Judge – All of this is worth watching.. but They went on to talk about the Genocide..and Syria –
Max Blumenthal : More Lies on Syria.
Judge Napolitano – 30 mins