UN Peacekeepers Watch Civilians Massacred 10

On 26 January, 26 unarmed civilians were shot dead by Israel and 147 wounded in a massacre observed by heavily armed UN Peacekeepers who did not intervene. I asked the UN the very hard questions which nobody else is asking them.

The civilians were simply attempting to return to their homes in accordance with both UNSCR 1701 and the current ceasefire agreement, and indeed UNIFIL has a specific mandate under 1701 to assist displaced people to return.

So what has gone wrong with UNIFIL? Is this Srebrenica syndrome? What is the purpose of the heavy weaponry deployed by the UN’s best equipped peacekeeping force, if it can never be fired? Why is the UN failing to monitot the hundreds of Israeli breaches of the Ceasefire Agreement? Why is the UN serving on a committee under a US General?

These and other questions I put to UNIFIL Spokesman Andrea Tenenti. I did so in my usual, I hope courteous, manner. The result is a fascinating conversation which I believe is an extremely important piece of documentation of institutional failure to confront Israeli and US aggression at a critical time for the entire world.


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10 thoughts on “UN Peacekeepers Watch Civilians Massacred

  • El Dee

    Great interview. This should be more widely shared as even with an interest in these matters (no expert of course) I knew little to nothing of what was discussed prior to watching. The other thing bothering me is that this is EXACTLY the kind of interview that the BBC should be doing. Hard hitting, factual and productive. Why aren’t they, or anyone else, doing this??


      El Dee

      You are tilting at Windmills there re: the BBC and honest reporting.

      I think Craig is a proper Human Being but, the fact remains that because the Israelis have a very big and powerful friend ( for now) the US then the International Rules just remain as Legal Numbers – not actions.

      How do you make the US obey the International Laws?

      I’m afraid that the only way to do that ( and it’s gradual ) is to walk slowly but surely away from the US run Institutions.

      Such as – The World Bank – The IMF – The WTO (the US doesn’t go there these days I hear) – The Swift Payment System – The Dollar and any other institution where the US holds sway.

      Difficult to do but, in my opinion if any country wants to develop it has to cast off the oppressive US ‘ rules ‘ and find better and more amicable ‘ rules ‘ to abide by.

      Until you do that ( and this includes the EU and the UK ) your only fate is to remain in vasellage to the US in perpetuity.

      The Baltic States that opted out of The Russian Grid are now paying 120% more for their electricity.

      That is an effect of vasellage to the US.

      European grovelling.

      I am reading lots of comments on Youtube that the EU countries should join the BRICS nations.

      Not the worst idea I’ve heard so far.

  • Madison

    Nicely filmed and edited interview. Whatever frustration we can all have towards UN “peacekeepers” to fulfill their mission, we need to look at the bigger picture.
    UNIFIL is obviously in a bind. This has been worse than “Mission Impossible”. And this guy in front of you isn’t wrong. Without them, casualties would have been much worse…
    Mr Murray, you are rather eloquent and a brilliant advocate for our cause within the Middle East. Let’s be fair. Considering the PR officer you interviewed is not a native English speaker, unlike you, one has to think that his points were more or less valid. That doesn’t change the global issue much, but because of the Donald/Elon policies, the ballgame has significantly changed. So please give us your thoughts on the Gaza beach resorts, and US mining concessions within Ukraine in renewed Russian oblasts…

    • craig Post author

      Yes I was very conscious he was not operating in his own language and not to take advantage. Andrea is a very nice and intelligent person with his heart in the right place. The UN is in a completely false position due to decades of nice people making compromises with really terrible people.

  • Peter

    Sterling work Mr Murray, thank you.

    “The result (of the interview) is a fascinating conversation which I believe is an extremely important piece of documentation of institutional failure to confront Israeli and US aggression at a critical time for the entire world.”

    Indeed. The whole world is facing difficult questions about how to respond to this situation which is becoming more like the run-up to WW2 every day.

    During the early days of the genocide, with the US blocking every move to censure Israel, there was much talk of the UNGA invoking the ‘Uniting For Peace’ process which includes measures to institute firmer action against violating countries, including military action if that is deemed necessary or appropriate. If there is a return to the slaughter at the weekend then that would be a good time to make that move.

    “United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) resolution 377 A, the “Uniting for Peace” resolution, states that in any cases where the Security Council, because of a lack of unanimity among its five permanent members (P5), fails to act as required to maintain international security and peace, the General Assembly shall consider the matter immediately and may issue appropriate recommendations to UN members for collective measures, including the use of armed force when necessary, in order to maintain or restore international security and peace. … The resolution was designed to provide the UN with an alternative avenue for action when at least one P5 member uses its veto to obstruct the Security Council from carrying out its functions mandated by the UN Charter.”


    • Stevie Boy

      Peter. What you are suggesting is that the UN goes into war against the USA and it’s puppets. That isn’t going to happen. Only Russia and China could successfully confront the USA but they will only do that on their terms and to protect their sovereignty. This is not that war. The truth is the UN is powerless against anyone and everyone, apart from America’s enemies.

      • Peter

        @ Stevie Boy

        Thanks for your reply.

        I take most of your points, but that is certainly not what I’m suggesting. I have not yet, unlike the entire western political class, taken leave of my senses. Maybe I didn’t phrase that comment as well as I might have. In highlighting the possibilities within the Uniting For Peace measure I’m not personally advocating military action against Israel. Other measures short of military action are available such as sanctions, boycotts and more besides, limited only by human creativity and ingenuity.

        Yes, of course America would respond aggressively to any such measures.

        But by whatever means, Resolution 377 A offers the world community an opportunity to respond more meaningfully and assertively to Israeli and US grotesque criminality.

  • zoot

    you are right to turn the light on the UN and on the compradors governing Lebanon and Syria. they are abetting this murderous western colonisation of West Asia and should be exposed as such. thank you for your bravery and for being a real journalist.