UN Peacekeepers Watch Civilians Massacred 533

On 26 January, 26 unarmed civilians were shot dead by Israel and 147 wounded in a massacre observed by heavily armed UN Peacekeepers who did not intervene. I asked the UN the very hard questions which nobody else is asking them.

The civilians were simply attempting to return to their homes in accordance with both UNSCR 1701 and the current ceasefire agreement, and indeed UNIFIL has a specific mandate under 1701 to assist displaced people to return.

So what has gone wrong with UNIFIL? Is this Srebrenica syndrome? What is the purpose of the heavy weaponry deployed by the UN’s best-equipped peacekeeping force, if it can never be fired? Why is the UN failing to monitor the hundreds of Israeli breaches of the Ceasefire Agreement? Why is the UN serving on a committee under a US General?

These and other questions I put to UNIFIL spokesman Andrea Tenenti. I did so in my usual, I hope courteous, manner. The result is a fascinating conversation which I believe is an extremely important piece of documentation of institutional failure to confront Israeli and US aggression at a critical time for the entire world.


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533 thoughts on “UN Peacekeepers Watch Civilians Massacred

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  • El Dee

    Great interview. This should be more widely shared as even with an interest in these matters (no expert of course) I knew little to nothing of what was discussed prior to watching. The other thing bothering me is that this is EXACTLY the kind of interview that the BBC should be doing. Hard hitting, factual and productive. Why aren’t they, or anyone else, doing this??


      El Dee

      You are tilting at Windmills there re: the BBC and honest reporting.

      I think Craig is a proper Human Being but, the fact remains that because the Israelis have a very big and powerful friend ( for now) the US then the International Rules just remain as Legal Numbers – not actions.

      How do you make the US obey the International Laws?

      I’m afraid that the only way to do that ( and it’s gradual ) is to walk slowly but surely away from the US run Institutions.

      Such as – The World Bank – The IMF – The WTO (the US doesn’t go there these days I hear) – The Swift Payment System – The Dollar and any other institution where the US holds sway.

      Difficult to do but, in my opinion if any country wants to develop it has to cast off the oppressive US ‘ rules ‘ and find better and more amicable ‘ rules ‘ to abide by.

      Until you do that ( and this includes the EU and the UK ) your only fate is to remain in vasellage to the US in perpetuity.

      The Baltic States that opted out of The Russian Grid are now paying 120% more for their electricity.

      That is an effect of vasellage to the US.

      European grovelling.

      I am reading lots of comments on Youtube that the EU countries should join the BRICS nations.

      Not the worst idea I’ve heard so far.

  • Madison

    Nicely filmed and edited interview. Whatever frustration we can all have towards UN “peacekeepers” to fulfill their mission, we need to look at the bigger picture.
    UNIFIL is obviously in a bind. This has been worse than “Mission Impossible”. And this guy in front of you isn’t wrong. Without them, casualties would have been much worse…
    Mr Murray, you are rather eloquent and a brilliant advocate for our cause within the Middle East. Let’s be fair. Considering the PR officer you interviewed is not a native English speaker, unlike you, one has to think that his points were more or less valid. That doesn’t change the global issue much, but because of the Donald/Elon policies, the ballgame has significantly changed. So please give us your thoughts on the Gaza beach resorts, and US mining concessions within Ukraine in renewed Russian oblasts…

    • craig Post author

      Yes I was very conscious he was not operating in his own language and not to take advantage. Andrea is a very nice and intelligent person with his heart in the right place. The UN is in a completely false position due to decades of nice people making compromises with really terrible people.

      • Mike T

        Your observation that the UN has adopted a “completely false position” has intrigued me (22.56 on the tape). “the Americans, by proxy, are breaking the ceasefire”. The UN have subordinated themselves to a nation state, in this instance the USA.

        Not an observation I have noted elsewhere. It appears self evidently true, so I was curious as to the official UNIFIL response. To paraphrarase, ‘thats a misunderstanding’. Andrea is – I think quite clearly – saying that The Mechanism is a entirely national body (originally (2006) Israel/Lebanon, with Unifil as observer and chair) and now Israel, US, France, and Lebanon with Unifil as an observer providing a neutral ground for meeting (aka making the tea!). The change of chair (and one assumes, agenda gatekeeping and control) from Unifl to the US appears to be an expression of dissatisfaction by the US/Israelis to Unifil. Well, thats a recommendation of sorts.

        Excellent interview; I had (perhaps like Craig) assumed the Mechanism to be a UN body as it was established under 1701 as reported by the Security Council (OP8, progress note). “On the issue of security, a planning and coordination mechanism has been established between UNIFIL and the Lebanese Ministry of Defence, as well as a high-level security coordination mechanism.” (1). Seems everyone was wrong.

        Or there is a rewriting of history to protect the insult just imposed on the UN peacekeeping operation by the USA.

        (1) https://www.securitycouncilreport.org/atf/cf/%7B65BFCF9B-6D27-4E9C-8CD3-CF6E4FF96FF9%7D/Research%20Report_Res%201701_25%20Sep%2006.pdf

      • AG

        “The UN is in a completely false position due to decades of nice people making compromises with really terrible people.”
        Very well put and very sad.

        I wanted to post these news on Francesca Albanese much earlier:
        In Germany she was banned twice in one week.

        First with her speech she was supposed to present in Munich at Munich University LMU one of the most prestigious institutions in the country. Then Berlin FREIE UNIVERSITÄT followed suit doing the same where Albanese was scheduled to give a second speech.
        At least Munich ban met student resistance with a petition.
        “Let Francesca Albanese Speak at LMU!”

        Among the signatories to that petition initially 128 were anonymous, then 178, last time I checked it had grown to 235. Most of which are people in Munich. Needless to say what a terrible atmosphere of fear and worries over destroyed careers must be palpable among German academia.

        Surprisingly this affair was widely publicized by Bavarian state broadcaster Bayerischer Rundfunk here:
        “UN Special Rapporteur not allowed to speak at Munich LMU”

        On the other hand the Berlin scandal was accompanied e.g. by an embarrassing piece in local daily BERLINER ZEITUNG (which already had smeared Jeremy Corbyn early last week, as I posted here too.)

        Since google-translate wouldn´t work on this one, allow me to post the text:
        The original German contains a few awful TWITTER posts:

        Safety of Jewish students at risk? Palestine official not allowed to speak at FU
        Francesca Albanese is considered an Israel hater. Nevertheless, the UN special rapporteur was supposed to speak at the Free University in Berlin. But now everything is completely different.

        by Elmar Schütze

        The planned visit of a controversial official and lawyer to the Free University (FU) in Dahlem next week has apparently been cancelled. Instead, the event will take place exclusively online. As the Berliner Zeitung learned from academic circles, FU President Günther M. Ziegler announced this on Wednesday in the university’s academic senate. Other sources confirm this.

        The university management’s decision was made after great pressure from politicians and the public. On Tuesday, Berlin’s Governing Mayor Kai Wegner urged the FU to cancel the visit of the UN Special Rapporteur for the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Francesca Albanese, planned for February 19.

        Kai Wegner (CDU): Controversial UN official should not appear at FU

        The case is yet another indication that the military conflicts in the Middle East continue to have a direct and massive impact on the political and social climate in Berlin. Once again, the limits of academic freedom and open discourse are at stake.

        Berlin’s Governing Mayor Wegner said that Albanese had “attracted attention in the past through his hatred of Israel and trivialization of the Hamas terrorist organization.” And he continued: “I expect the FU to cancel the event immediately and send a clear message against anti-Semitism.” Representatives of other Berlin parties were more cautious in their assessment.

        Volker Beck: Don’t give Hamas trivializers a platform

        Before Wegner, the German-Israeli Society (DIG) and the German-Jewish association Werteinitiative had voiced criticism. This also aimed at the second announced participant, the Israeli architect Eyal Weizman. “Hamas trivializers” were thus given a platform, explained DIG chairman Volker Beck . The Werteinitiative also called for the event to be cancelled.

        In my view, Ms Albanese’s statements meet all the criteria of anti-Semitism, and I question whether the safety of Jewish students can be guaranteed at an event planned in this way.

        Ina Czyborra, Senator for Science

        When asked, the FU stated: “The Free University of Berlin takes concerns and information about events seriously and examines them.” Science Senator Ina Czyborra (SPD) said in an interview with the Berliner Zeitung that she had been “in close contact with FU President Günter Ziegler since the weekend and expects answers promptly.” She went even further and said that Ms. Albanese’s statements met “all the criteria of anti-Semitism.” This raises the question of whether the “safety of Jewish students is guaranteed.”

        Left-wing politician: Politics should stay out of universities

        While the CDU unanimously rejected the appearance and the SPD science senator has a clear stance on the UN rapporteur, Left Party politician Tobias Schulze insisted on the university’s “autonomy and academic freedom”. “I am not a fan of the fact that universities are constantly being governed from outside, by politicians,” said the co-chairman of the Left Party faction in the House of Representatives and science politician in an interview with the Berliner Zeitung. It must remain the decision of the FU whether the event, which he himself classifies as a “borderline case”, should take place in its premises.

        The Berlin Greens, on the other hand, did not want to comment on the planned visit of the controversial UN official at the moment, as they said in response to a request from the Berliner Zeitung. They wanted to wait for the statement from the FU presidium first.
        Alienation between the Jewish community and the Greens

        Perhaps a clear rejection of Albanese would help to reduce a certain alienation between the Jewish community and the Greens. Ever since the Documenta scandal involving anti-Semitic art and the initially unclear political handling of it, many Jews in this country considered Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth to be one of the most unpopular top politicians in an informal ranking.

        In the meantime, other names are apparently also mentioned in this list. In an interview with the Jewish General published today , Chancellor candidate Robert Habeck is confronted with the attitude that Claudia Roth has since been replaced by Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock. Recently, she has “missed no opportunity to unilaterally pillory Israel, and not to support Israel in its fight for its existence.”

        Jüdische Allgemeine: Baerbock is the most unpopular politician

        In his response, Habeck defends his party colleague. Annalena Baerbock stands in solidarity with Israel, and Israel’s existence and security are a foundation. “And because Israel’s security is so crucial, we both did what close friends do: talk honestly with each other,” says Habeck.

        Baerbock and he himself tried “to influence the Israeli government so that it does not carry out the necessary self-defense in such a way that coexistence between Palestinians and Israelis is impossible afterwards.” To this day, the question of what the prospects for the Gaza Strip are remains unanswered

        note: the above mentioned deeply racist and also Russophobic Volker Beck from the GREEN Party is one of Germany´s best known openly gay politicians.

        On the same page where Craig´s above interview is featured by US indie site ZNet there is a new piece by Mrs. Albanese:

        The Hague Group Must Become a Global Initiative
        originally via THE NATION

        Germany has become an ugly place. The Disney-like snowy landscapes all over Germany creating picture-perfect images currently (-10 degrees) just temporarily hides this new-born suprematism like lipstick on a pig (my apologies to all pigs.). I am ashamed and disgusted. And helpless.

  • Peter

    Sterling work Mr Murray, thank you.

    “The result (of the interview) is a fascinating conversation which I believe is an extremely important piece of documentation of institutional failure to confront Israeli and US aggression at a critical time for the entire world.”

    Indeed. The whole world is facing difficult questions about how to respond to this situation which is becoming more like the run-up to WW2 every day.

    During the early days of the genocide, with the US blocking every move to censure Israel, there was much talk of the UNGA invoking the ‘Uniting For Peace’ process which includes measures to institute firmer action against violating countries, including military action if that is deemed necessary or appropriate. If there is a return to the slaughter at the weekend then that would be a good time to make that move.

    “United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) resolution 377 A, the “Uniting for Peace” resolution, states that in any cases where the Security Council, because of a lack of unanimity among its five permanent members (P5), fails to act as required to maintain international security and peace, the General Assembly shall consider the matter immediately and may issue appropriate recommendations to UN members for collective measures, including the use of armed force when necessary, in order to maintain or restore international security and peace. … The resolution was designed to provide the UN with an alternative avenue for action when at least one P5 member uses its veto to obstruct the Security Council from carrying out its functions mandated by the UN Charter.”


    • Stevie Boy

      Peter. What you are suggesting is that the UN goes into war against the USA and it’s puppets. That isn’t going to happen. Only Russia and China could successfully confront the USA but they will only do that on their terms and to protect their sovereignty. This is not that war. The truth is the UN is powerless against anyone and everyone, apart from America’s enemies.

      • Peter

        @ Stevie Boy

        Thanks for your reply.

        I take most of your points, but that is certainly not what I’m suggesting. I have not yet, unlike the entire western political class, taken leave of my senses. Maybe I didn’t phrase that comment as well as I might have. In highlighting the possibilities within the Uniting For Peace measure I’m not personally advocating military action against Israel. Other measures short of military action are available such as sanctions, boycotts and more besides, limited only by human creativity and ingenuity.

        Yes, of course America would respond aggressively to any such measures.

        But by whatever means, Resolution 377 A offers the world community an opportunity to respond more meaningfully and assertively to Israeli and US grotesque criminality.

      • Alyson

        My ‘oh I see’ moment was when I understood Andrea to have meant that civilians who were massacred had not been clearly told that their homes were intended for the ‘buffer zone’ that Israel was intent on clearing of homes and people.

        Actions to prepare the way for bulldozers.

    • Tom Welsh

      There are some very basic and simple questions that we need to ask and resolve.

      Do we believe in the rule of law? If so, shouldn’t it apply equally to everyone? In Britain it was established centuries ago that the law binds even the monarch. “The king has no equal within his realm. Subjects cannot be the equals of the ruler, because he would thereby lose his rule, since equal can have no authority over equal, nor a fortiori a superior, because he would then be subject to those subjected to him. The king must not be under man but under God and under the law, because the law makes the king…”
      Henry de Bracton (medieval English lawyer ca 1210-1268) This principle was driven home rather sharply in 1648 when King Charles I was executed by order ot Parliament.

      Even more fundamentally, do we really believe that all human beings are entitled to equal treatment? That is, do we believe that some groups or “races” are intrinsically inferior – or superior? Do we believe in Uebermenschen and Untermenschen? If, as I hope, we do not believe any such things, why do some human beings get away with behaving as they wish in flagrant defiance of all laws and morality?

      It seems to me, looking at the world today, that those in power – and I include the media, who are extremely powerful indeed – do not believe that the law should apply to everyone equally; nor that every human being should be treated equally, with equal rights. Horrifyingly, it looks as though they believe that some groups or “races” are inferior to others, and that some are so superior that no human laws except their own bind them.

      • Brian Red

        @Tom – “It seems to me, looking at the world today, that those in power – and I include the media, who are extremely powerful indeed – do not believe that the law should apply to everyone equally; nor that every human being should be treated equally, with equal rights. Horrifyingly, it looks as though they believe that some groups or ‘races’ are inferior to others, and that some are so superior that no human laws except their own bind them.

        What the rulers in places like Britain really believe is encapsulated in the following phrase.
        Is everyone ready for it?
        Here it comes…
        We want the clever n*****s on our side“.
        Anything that suggests they think differently is chaff.

        Unfortunately there are compradores around the entire world, c***s who think they’ve really made it when they get jobs in New York that come with diplomatic privileges (both official and “under the table”), and which often involve flag play. If they weren’t c***s, they wouldn’t be welcome. Non-c***s fight the rulers. Same story everywhere.

        Oligarchs…compradores…not much has changed since 1970 in some respects.

      • Squeeth


        Catch-22, you can have civil rights but you have to ask for them; if you ask for them they aren’t rights they are privileges that can be withheld. QED

        Obviously things don’t happen like this in democracies.

  • zoot

    you are right to turn the light on the UN and on the compradors governing Lebanon and Syria. they are abetting this murderous western colonisation of West Asia and should be exposed as such. thank you for your bravery and for being a real journalist.

  • DiggerUK

    I hope that everybody posts the video widely.
    Highlighting the limitations of soft power won’t assist those suffering in Lebanon, neither will it crush the Israeli aggressors. But it does shows how violence becomes useful.

    This interview gives a horrible portrayal of how the widely held belief that peacekeepers work, is just a myth. The peacekeepers do have a major role to play in guarding the innocent, but it shows it’s limitations under fire…_

  • Brian Red

    As the Netanyahu-run and Trump-advocated final solution approaches – a cleaning out with a death march to the desert, on which of course the deaths will be the victims’ own fault, or at least a case of “oh dear, how sad, don’t be an anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist” – Bavaria’s prime minister Markus Soder says an event in Munich involving a “young Afghan” is an “attack” which “shows that I have to change something in Germany – and quickly”.

    No flies on you, Marcus. Keep to your lines and we’ll see you all right.

    The hasbara line is already being spread that the Palestinians can’t be trusted to go to any other country, because they always cause trouble wherever they go. Then a list is given which starts with Black September, and it’s emphatically stated they can’t integrate. The conclusion is of course that large numbers of them should be murdered, because they can’t be trusted to breathe, being lovers of “terror” and generally speaking subhuman trouble-makers. This evil propaganda (which is very similar to what was once spread about the Jews) is being spread right now.

  • Reza

    They are an incredibly heavily-armed force “observing” and “reporting” an illegal military invasion of a sovereign state. Watching massacres and manifold other war crimes like kids getting snipered, directly in front of their faces.

    A reassuring presence and symbol of order.

  • kodlu

    Nothing new. UN is toothless. The most common position they take is stand aside.

    They also watched while Serbs massacred Bosnian civilians, with the Dutch UN commander having a drink with the Bosnian Serb commander (I seem to recall it was Ratko Mladic).

  • Republicofscotland

    Excellent vid Craig, with some probing questions – UNIFIL is, and has been compromised for decades – they are in Lebanon just for show – nothing else.

    “UNIFIL serves as a major recruitment point for Mossad, which can map and exploit the close contacts created during the UN soldiers’ R&R in bars and brothels. Major Setsaas describes his own observations about Norwegian soldiers (who were part of the force until 1998): “We consider it very common for Mossad to recruit Norwegian UN personnel during their visits to water holes on the Israeli side, and that there are not a few UN soldiers who, during leave or after completing their service, have lived the good life in special kibbutzim suitable for this purpose. The frequency of UNIFIL backgrounds for people we find associated with “The fourth service”, which in turn is strongly mixed with Mossad Norway, is very high. In addition, someone who is “married off to Mossad” – ie enters into marriages that primarily have one or more purposes for Mossad, including obtaining new identities, personal documents, citizenship, etc. ”


  • Shaun Pye

    My Murray, may I commend you for your ability to stay calm under this barrage of waffle and bullshit. I would have been tempted to grab him by the scruff of the neck and drag him to look at the corpse of one of the murdered children. He was clearly implying, as I saw it, that UNIFIL didn’t have the “permission” of the Lebanese Army to go any further up the road past their position. I would have liked to ask him if it was a UNIFIL decision to stay where they were or if they had been told to do so by the Lebanese Army.
    With regard to the “tripartite” group, surely there needed to be representation from Hezbollah, since it is (was?) the only effective military force in Lebanon.
    Best wishes, and keep up the good work as long as you are able.

  • pilpul

    Excellent idea Peter @ February 12, 2025 at 23:03 , we should employ all of the limited means we have.

    It may be that the tenth emergency special session (ESS) of the United Nations General Assembly which centred on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, which has been ‘ongoing’ since a shameful 1997 may have been ‘used’ to prevent a new ESS being raised?:

    In addition to ESS, we have another method of protest, which requires no current institution to approve its action: CONSUMER POWER.

    Many people cannot or do not see a point in attending protest marches, where approval for the march and possible abuse of state power- kettling, police obstruction and harrassment/intimidation and deliberate provocation are possible – but would like to take part in the process of protesting against the blatant slaughter tactics of the current Israeli government.

    I suggest we form and/or encourage a group programme of deliberate consumer action in a variety of ways; identifying all Israeli products and services ON AN EASILY accessible WELL PUBLICISED website, and people who are affronted by this Israeli slaughter of the Palestinians, can cease buying these goods and services, and if these consumers also donate/invest/have policies or service providers that invest in Israeli goods or services, withdraw this funding and seek other services /investments that have NO dealings with Israel.
    Refrain from purchases of new goods – NOT JUST ISRAELI – (electronic, high-value, furnishing,home-improvement, domestic electrical) IF not completely necessary, for as long as possible, especially VAT rated, as this keeps government revenue restricted.
    Only use motor vehicles for absolute necessity, but use for going to work if needed, as this hammers about 60% of government fuel revenue.
    Forego , eating out as much as possible and try to have a more frugal food consumption in general.
    These types of actions are just a start , smarter folk than I can suggest other actions, but massive numbers moving bank accounts if Israel is a factor/changing ISP/moving energy company/moving Insurance companies/ etc., can cause massive problems for the guilty institutions and hopefully a massive headache for the governments.
    Everyone need not do ALL these things, mass boycotting ALL Israeli retail products alone could have an effect, including as much as possible of them is even better.
    Kids can be told why you are doing this, and encouraged to be proud to take action too.
    If prominent figures like Craig, Galloway, Corbyn, Novara Media, Rodger Waters,Morning Star,Owen Jones, ???? etc., promoted such a campaign AND people were made aware of a well publicised, easily-accessible website listing Israeli food and products, perhaps our voices would be listened to.

    • Steve Hayes

      The No Thanks app is in the Google Play store and probably on iOS too. It lets you type in the name of a company or product to see if it’s on the boycott list and if so why. It can also scan barcodes.

  • Peter

    Who saw this coming?:

    “Trump proposes trilateral agreement with China and Russia to mutually draw down military budgets by 50%”

    “One of the first meetings I want to have is with president Xi of China, president Putin of Russia. And I want to say, let’s cut our military budget in half.”


    And this?:

    “President Trump says he and Putin talked about “denuclearising” and that “there’s no reason for us to be building brand new nuclear weapons.”

    “We were talking about de-nuking; president Putin and I agreed we are going to do it in a very big way … .””

    Does anyone else see a chink of light shining through the gap in the door suggesting that Trump’s “take and own Gaza” statements could be just another example of his mad negotiation style, seeking to jolt the Arab and Muslim countries into action? If so, it’s worked on Egypt, and Saudi Arabia still has, and is still promoting, its ‘Arab Peace Plan’ of 2002.

    Or am I just letting my wishful thinking get the better of me?

    Peace in Ukraine; Tulsi Gabbard, Director of National Intelligence; superpower denuclearisation and demilitarisation; resolution in Palestine-Israel ???

    Trump ???

    Time will tell, and very soon.

    I do believe Trump 2.0 is something very different (if not perfect) from Trump 1.0. His disposition, demeanour, manner and character are all very different from before, and it is said by many that he has real conviction and commitment to ending wars and bringing peace.

    This could be something …

    • U Watt

      The British “defence” establishment and their politicians and journalists are enraged and frightened by the Ukraine decision and the Gabbard appointment.

      A highly positive indicator.

      • Peter

        “A highly positive indicator.”


        I can think of no better example of karma in my lifetime.

        The establishment, military, politicians and media are in a headless spin, they deserve to be, wondering what on Earth to do next.

        They appear to have dived enthusiastically (though perhaps dragged by the US, it’s hard to be sure) into this completely unnecessary, dumbest of all wars which they should never have got involved in, resulting in the death of at least 500,000 young Ukrainian men and women of military age, just to support America’s desire to be rid of Putin and have him replaced with a US compliant regime.

        Now with Biden gone, Trump, understanding the sickness and idiocy of this war, is pulling America out leaving Europe and the UK to clean up the mess, and they are left with their idiocy and corruption glaringly obvious and plain for all to see. No wonder they’re on the verge of a mental breakdown.

        I have just listened to ‘today in parliament’ on the R4 Today programme. The MPs are in a miasma of madness, completely detached from reality and wanting to continue the war against Russia. Absolutely delusional and demented, and should they decide to continue the war they will be placing this country in serious danger, completely unnecessarily.

        The media, of course, maintains the deceit and delusion.

        Here is a brilliant montage from Glenn Greenwald showing how a sick media lie to maintain the war, resulting completely unnecessarily in mass death – they are complicit and guilty. Watch from 15:00:


        • U Watt

          Yes, the British freakout at the prospect of peace seems even more extreme than that of Trump’s opponents in the US. It tallies with what Kit Klarenberg reported all the way through the conflict: that Britain was the most rabid belligerent of all in Ukraine.

          The montage Glenn Greenwald has put together is indeed brilliant. Glenn always keeps the receipts on these people. A permanent, hated thorn in their side.

          These two boys also had much to say about the warmongers’ reaction, noting how it is particularly extreme in the UK:

          The Jig is Up — The Grayzone Live
          https://www.youtube.com/live/_tPv8EsIYaU?si=n8eOq_SA-6hwTBQd – 2hr 0m 57s

    • Stevie Boy

      As with all politicians, it’s not what they say that counts, it’s what they actually do.
      Recall it was Trump who pulled out of the nuclear treaty with Iran, it was Trump who moved the USA embassy to Jerusalem.
      Trump is looking to save money whilst maintaining the hegemon. We will have to wait and see what occurs.

      • Pears Morgaine

        Yes it’s unravelling. Moscow won’t send a delgation to Munich and JD Vance talking to the WSJ has threatened (more) sanctions and possible US military action against Russia if Putin doesn’t agree a peace deal. Any plan of Trump’s will probably be as deranged as his plan for Gaza. Ukraine to be a giant golf course, mega-Disneyland or a new home for displaced Palestinians.

        Meanwhile an Iranian built Russian drone has punched a hole in the protective cover at Chernobyl. This has been confirmned by the IAEA. I’ve no doubt it wasn’t deliberate and I can hear the cries of ‘false flag’ from the Tankies as I type but the drone should never have been routed anywhere near the site.

        • Republicofscotland

          Pears Morgaine.

          Well, the Ukrainian Neo-Nazi’s and their comedian dictator – have long been trying to “punch a hole” as you say, in Europe’s largest nuclear power station the ZNPP – they have so far failed – they also tried to breach a nuclear power plant in the Kursk region – the Neo-Nazi’s have form on trying to do this – so its most likely that the Neo-Nazi dictatorship carried out the attack, as last desperate attempt to keep the war going.

        • Yuri K

          After watching your talk with Tucker, I’m not surprized you believe the Ukrainian fake about Chernobyl. I mean, Tucker looked smart and you looked totally stupid. No offence, Pears, just a statement of a fact.

          After Trump’s phone call to Putin, every Russian pundit I’ve watched had declared: “Once there is peace, Zelensky is finished! His only chance to survive is to stage a provocation Bucha-style to cancel the peace talks!” And the attack on Chernobyl was just the case.


        Neil Tilda Swinson the actress made a great speech too at some schmaltzy Awards ceremony.

        It’s online – saw it on Facebook.

        The Europeans and the UK have gone from delusion to even more delusion to hysteria.

        All the centrists on TV are flailing around trying to find words to describe what Trump and the US is doing.

        Similar to the pro Israel Word Salads they come out with when trying to describe an actual attack on unarmed Palestinians in tents.

        Simple for myself.

        The keyword is ‘ Overstretch ‘ – the US has realised that it can’t take on multiple powerful enemies all at the same time – so the idea is to make relative peace with them and come back to them individually later.

        Nicey – Nicey to Russia ( hoping to prise them away from China and the BRICS) and lower the tone ( temporarily again ) towards China.

        Maybe Trump will receive a Panda to play with his other one – Musk?

        But Europe is going to have to go through a US process of Financial ( and political in order to apply the Financial ) Regime Change.

        What scares the crap out of the EU leaders is they know that this means ditching the Post War Social and Welfare State to ‘ pay their dues’

        They have a choice and it’s a very serious choice and dangerous.

        They can slowly but surely walk away from the US hegemony and discover the BRICS trade experiment or they stick with the US and pay more money for LNG – Imported US goods and of course pay for NATO in Europe.

        My guess is ( because we are led by Cowards and not Heroes ) they will settle for sticking with the US.

        And when it all goes wrong they will ask the Electorates to support them again.

        Good luck with that strategy because it won’t work because it can’t work.

        The whole world has changed in the last twenty years and it is changing faster still.

        Or ( as a BBC ‘ expert ‘ on Finance said this morning ) the UK needs to ‘Inspire Investment’

        Suggesting to myself that a good dose of hoping and praying will crack the lack of growth problem.

        Unfortunately Western leaders are exactly in that situation now Trump has landed.

  • Crispa

    The most depressing and concerning point I took from this excellent interview was Andrea Tenenti’s assertion that UNIFIL dutifully and meticulously records and reports all events, incidents, massacres and outrages to the UN. If it does this wherever they have a presence in the region, the amount of evidence stacked up against Israel must be enormous. But since there appears little use of it by the UN and we public hear little about it, much of it must be suppressed in a systemic way. The actions of those brave countries raising the issues through the international court system appear quixotic considering the enormous pressures being exerted to prevent Israel ever being held accountable for its terrible crimes against humanity.

  • Jack

    I hate to repeat myself but the problem is the corrupt, inhumane arab leaders/nomenklatura in the region that let US/Israel get away with mass murdering of arabs right in front of them. They act like the nouveau riche with their spoiled corruped minds, ready to sell out their brothers and sisters on sectarian grounds.
    There is no accountability for Israel nor for the useless UNIFIL so of course Israel will continue to do what they do, not even when Israel attack UNIFIL itself there is any reaction.

    Speaking on UNIFIL, now France want to de facto occupy South Lebanon:
    France proposes UNIFIL take over Israeli occupied positions in southern Lebanon

    Meanwhile US recently travelled to Lebanon, stood side by side the imbecilic Lebanese PM and proclaimed that Hezbollah will not be granted any governmental power from now on:
    US envoy says Hezbollah ‘defeated,’ must not be in Lebanon government

    U.S. envoy’s “Zionist” ring sends shockwaves on social media
    Morgan Orgatus, who is Jewish, shook hands with Lebanon’s president, her Star of David ring visible in the frame, sparking accusations such as her being “more Zionist than her predecessors”


    Meanwhile Lebanon have cracked down on their iranian relations, recently reduced iranian flights from/to Lebanon.

  • Crispa

    As predicted, Pears Morgaine plays hard and loose with the facts of the IAEA statement which reads as follows from its website.
    “A drone attack early this morning caused a fire on the building confining the remains of the reactor destroyed in the 1986 Chornobyl accident —. The IAEA team based at the site – who heard the explosion at 01:50am local time followed by smoke and associated fire visible from their dormitory rooms – were informed by Ukraine that a drone had struck the New Safe Confinement (NSC) —.
    No mention of Iranian built Russian drones.
    Tanky or not I prefer the Russian explanation as provided by new site RGRU.
    “The only “proof” of the Russian attack on the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is a video posted by Zelensky in the telegram channel. But this video, as experts note, has undergone significant editing. The truth is that Kiev staged provocations with nuclear power plants in the hope of disrupting the negotiation process between Russia and the United States”.
    Coinciding as it does with the Munich Security Conference and a few days after Ukraine’s attack on the ZZZP preventing the IAEA workforce rotation.

    • Pears Morgaine

      Love it when I’m accused of playing hard and loose with the facts by those who then go for a version of events based on no facts at all!

      The engine from an Iranian Shahed drone has been found inside the building.

      We’ll have to wait and see what else the IAEA have to say.

    • JK redux


      Looks like RGRU is Rossiyskaya Gazeta, a Russian Government publication.

      I’d look for an independent source of information.

      • Tatyana

        Not independent, but maybe still to your taste ‘The New Voice of Ukraine’.

        Budanov, the head of Ukrainian intelligence, gave an interview to this Ukrainian media, in October 2023. In the interview, he said that his department’s special forces made three attempts to attack the Zaporizhzhya NPP.

        In August 2022, GUR special forces crossed the Kakhovka Reservoir near Energodar on high-speed boats to create a bridgehead on the left bank to attempt to seize the Zaporizhzhya NPP. They were then forced to retreat.

        After this, the GUR made two more attempts to land on the left bank of the Dnieper to seize the Zaporizhzhya NPP. During the third attempt by the Ukrainian side to land troops, Russian forces brought heavy equipment to the shore, including tanks, so the Ukrainian special forces retreated.

        I assume that such information from high-ranking Ukrainian officials is not covered in your media?

        • Rosemary MacKenzie

          Hi Tatyana, the October 2023 attempt is well known in the west but not through the MSM! Here is Kit Klarenberg’s report on it. https://www.kitklarenberg.com/p/krynky-very-british-military-cataclysm. I know I heard about it before Klarenberg’s report in Feb 2025. There is a daily blogger called Alexander Mercouris who watches the world media including the Russian, and does an interesting analysis – he’s located in London but uses his language carefully, he says – also does The Duran. He’s been left alone so far unlike Craig, Richard Medhurst etc Some now have political asylum in Russia – one recent one I noticed Johnny Miller. There is plenty of access to both sides if people look for it. Thanks for the link to the helicopter incident and I have heard about it. The mainstream media here in Canada is appallingly biased to the extent it can be funny. Believe the BBC is even worse. Hope all is well with you.

          • Tatyana

            Hello, Rosemary! Thanks, I’m well, and my 2 cats are well too 🙂 so much much happy to hear from you! Sorry my presence on the Internet is weird now. Partly because it’s restricted by Russian censor bodies; partly because my access to some West-owned services is restricted by those Western owners; and finally, I turned out to be a little bit more successful at my little businesses than I expected, so the orders flow in daily, keeping me busy beyond my expectations.

            I know the Duran and Alexander Mercouris especially, for his ability to distinguish Red and Maroon colors 🙂 He used to say ‘please push red maroon button to subscribe’ when they posted on YouTube.
            Much info he presents is truly important and is doing one true journalism. He is committed to the truth and impartiality. Yet, those guys Alexander Mercouris and Alex Christophorou posted a lot of military things; I really have lots of these from Russian sources, so cannot have more. Stopped watching.
            All that is going on in between Russia and Ukraine is just wrong, truly wrong and should have never happened.

    • Rosemary MacKenzie

      The really funny thing about the “drone attack” is that the Ukraines posted a picture of a Russian passport beside what was supposed to be the drone motor – looked huge like the Briggs and Stratton running my generator. Can’t think why a drone would need to carry a passport.

  • Madison

    Meanwhile, with or without UN consent, Vladimir is winning his game against Donald.
    Europe will suffer.
    Is Britain in Europe? Unclear…

      • Cornudet

        For the vassal states of the US post World War 2 to complain that the empire is receding is akin to a set of dentures complaining that their owner’s gums are shrinking. Many commentators, most notably Baby Hinsliff in the Guardian, are complaining that Trump is following an “America First” policy, apparently blithely ignorant of the fact that every US president since George Washington has followed precisely the same path. The US became involved in World war two only after the attack on Pearl Harbor, and only entered the First World War when Europe, on the brink of bankrupcy, looked set to go communist. All of the post 1945 entities founded and sponsored by the US, NATO most of all, have served as fulcrum for the projection and entrenchment of US power. The rise of China as a serious rival to US hegemony means that Uncle Sam is less likely to shell out to support these institutions

        • Cornudet

          The journalist I alluded to is Gaby and not Baby Hinsliff – predictive typing strikes again. However, she and indeed anyone else is infantile who is unable to see that since the Guardian went through the fiasco of smashing its PCs with the files from Edward Snowden, the paper has just been a monumental shill for the neocon deep state

    • Jack

      Yep, almost comical to watch the hysteria going on now among european elites, who would have thought that the europeans would be more warmongering, more hawkish than a right-wing conservative american president like Trump, just 10 years ago?

      Trump need to stand up to these fanatics because otherwhise they will quickly destroy his quest for peace in Ukraine, europeans have invested so much in Ukraine and they will do whatever it takes to get the death toll escalating.

      • Stevie Boy

        The European ‘elites’ are just puppets, “All mouth and trousers”. Without the USA to back their whining they revert to being the empty vessels that they truly are. All the hysterics and noise will eventually die away as they realise they are exposed as having no clothes.
        Trump and Putin may have done european democracy a big favour just by talking.

        • Madison

          “All mouth and trousers”
          You probably mean something else. English is a tricky language, I give you that. Especially after a few drinks?
          I am glad that you rejoice in the invaluable friendship of Vlad and Don. Two of a kind!

    • Steve Hayes

      Russia had already won the war well before 20th January. (I’d put it at the point when those wonder-weapon tanks that were going to punch through to Melitopol and cut off Crimea blundered into a minefield and Ukraine/the West never tried again – the map disappeared from Sky News and has only fleetingly appeared ever since.) It’s just that Trump seems to recognise this fact and isn’t going to waste months on a pretence that he can somehow override Russian red lines or trade accepting them for anything significant. It seems that, with only a couple of exceptions, Europe’s leaders are still in Koolade filled bubbles of delusion about the true situation. It’s regrettable that it’s right-wingers (Putin among them) whose positions on most things I detest who seem to have escaped those bubbles but if the alternative is genocides and endless wars, well…

  • Allan Howard

    Damo posted the following vid about an hour ago (at the time of typing), which is well worth checking out:

    STUNNING MOVE By Egypt Utterly FLOORS Israel!

    ‘… so with Israel still likely to collapse the Gaza ceasefire within the next 24 hours, biblical threats now coming from the upper echelons of the Netanyahu regime, what much of the media have consistently avoided talking about is how much Israel, like every other ceasefire they are supposedly party to, have broken the terms of this one as well. They have continued to mete out atrocities, they have continued to occupy areas they shouldn’t be any longer, continue targeting people who should be and with exactly the same set of circumstances existing in Lebanon as well, the consistent excuse making to cover up for their incessant breaches makes Israel the most dishonest of peace brokers going. There is no compromise they won’t seek to gain an advantage over, even when it comes to the matter of getting aid into the Gaza Strip…’
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdexvavmZ7E (11 minutes)

    • Rosemary MacKenzie

      Thanks Allan. Like the American government the Israeli government can never be trusted. I wonder what the 2000 lb bombs Trump has sent to Israel are to be used for – surely not to bomb Gaza!

  • Jack

    Olaf Schulz in a new interview flatout deny there is a genocide going on in Gaza and claim the “accusation” is “absurd”.
    Video https://x.com/zoolooy/status/1890396946981949751

    These people have lost touch with reality, do they not realize that they are reasoning exactly like germans during nazi era? They are reasoning like stupid nazi Holocaust deniers!
    One can only imagine the dehumanizing attitude these people have about palestinians behind closed doors.

    • AG

      Thanks for posting it.
      This makes obsolete any further discussions over Germany.
      Or to quote Norman Finkelstein: “I would spit into Scholz´s face”.

      p.s. Of course Scholz doesn´t just say what he thinks. This is built on the “expertise” of German elite academia who briefed him. This is the result of him questioning himself. This is almost religious faith. (I am not sure Finkelstein realizes this. Because if he did spitting would not be justified since Scholz says what he believes to be true.)

      And if this is his manifest faith unshakeable by truth and facts it makes no sense to talk to him or anyone else. And I seriously have no idea how to attempt changing that stance. Because this is not Anthony Blinken lying into your face about whatever crime.This is real. The German chancellor honestly believes this. This is German moral ethos. And likewise do millions of other Germans. (Which reveals how dumb Scholz is at least regarding these things. He is naive and dumb, unfortunately.)

      And please keep in mind: Scholz doesn´t invoke some racist or hate ideology. He would never say Palestinians or Arabs are Untermenschen the way it was done in Germany 80 years ago. He just doesn´t believe the facts confirm that it´s “genocide”. So what on Earth are you gonna do? Of course he says so not least because he firmly believes that a Jewish state is incapable of committing genocide. Which of course begs the question, what do those experts who instruct(ed) him read and study themselves and what do they think. And what would it take to change their opinion (and it is possible that some of them in contrast might be racist.).

      May be make Scholz a doctor and work in Gaza so he may witness?

      And on the same basis of insanity Germans believe that there are no fascist forces in Ukraine and that Putin wants to expand Russia and destroy Ukraine. If you watcht this snippet it all makes sense in not making any sense. That is the real problem here and which is why I am so desparate.

      • Jack

        Yes exactly and as Finkelstein said: Ok. If Germany because of historic reasons cannot condemn Israel etc but why do they defend Israel in such nasty, flagrant way? Why deny the obvious facts that Israel do commit obvious, horrific human rights violations? Germany/West win absolutely nothing by taking such extreme positions.
        Video-link to statement by Norman Finkelstein. https://www.facebook.com/reel/2325146801163846/

  • thatoldgeezer

    Just a couple of thoughts on the comparison between UNIFIL in S Lebanon and Srebenice; In Srebenice, the Dutch Battalion running the UNIFIL base there begged the UN Security Council for many days to call in air support to forcibly dislodge the Serb forces from their siege. That permission was consistently refused. So the DutchBatt personnel on the ground had to decide whether to go it alone with the moral decision to stand and fight or to give way. The question they must also have faced was whether they were prepared to sacrifice their own lives in confronting the much more powerful Serb forces surrounding them. We know the decision they made.

    Afterwards, the UK press mocked that decision with the implicit idea that ‘of course, if it had been a Brit battalion, they would have stayed and fought’. Without actually stating any assumption that ‘of course they would have won’. Which would have been highly uncertain, not to say unlikely.

    The gameplan for both sides comes down to the value of symbolism (Unifil) as opposed to a willingness to be violent. (we all know who). Its a game of bluff and counterbluff until the chips are down and its up to realpolitik and raw power. At which point the morale of each side is more likely to depend on knowing their available resources rather than the rightness of their cause.

    Sorry if this is depressing, but them’s me thoughts.

  • Rosemary MacKenzie

    Thanks for this very interesting interview – finally got to find the whole thing. Good questions and serve to illustrate the strength and weakness of the UN. Strength to me is people like Tenenti who along with the actual peacekeepers are doing what appears to be their very best, and the weaknesses in the setup of the UN and its location. The real problem is the US and Israel both of whom have nuclear weapons and do what they like and control the Lebanese government and army. The other interesting thing which is emerging and may become relevant is that Ahmad al-Sharaa had a phone conversation with President Putin http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/76258 in which Putin repeated his support for stability and welfare of the Syrian people. Seems the new government is having problems with its boundaries because of the Kurds and Israelis both backed by the US. I don’t know where that will lead. Meanwhile, the Israelis are murdering and destroying homes in other parts of Palestine – and there is nothing we can do about it because our damned governments are totally corrupt.

      • Rosemary MacKenzie

        It does, and it would be interesting to see what the IDF would do if it were actually confronted by UNIFIL. Maybe go squealing off to the US and asking UNIFIL be withdrawn because it is anti-semitic.The ME continues to boil.

  • Brian Red

    The Guardian writes of a “hostages-prisoners swap”.

    I wonder what it feels like to be such an extreme racist as to view one ethnicity as proper people and another ethnicity as subhuman filth, the thieving occupier settlers as legitimate (who detain prisoners) and the resistance, people who’ve had everything stolen from them by the occupation and who fight back, as totally illegitimate (who capture hostages). I bet some of them even live in North London and think of themselves as liberal, progressive, and even anti-Brexit, rather than the 2020s equivalent of Confederacy, Le Pen, “Algerie Francaise”, and Ian Smith types that they actually are.

    • Brian Red

      The three occupier prisoners freed by the resistance in Palestine today are 1 Russian, 1 USA citizen, and 1 Argentinian.

      It’s a shame the resistance don’t have greater scope for moving around, because they could have taken them to the respective consulates.

      One day, the word “Israel” will be remembered the same way as the word “Rhodesia”.

    • Jack

      Yep, the hypocrisy these days just keep on glaring, compare the reaction by the collective west when Trump threat to ethnically cleanse palestinians and unleash “hell” against the majority of children living there if they do not follow his diktat or when Trump proclaim that Israel could annex the whole of the West Bank and parts of Lebanon, then hardly a word is uttered by the EU. But, when it comes to Trump’s policy on Ukraine oh the EU suddenly wake up and speak about “international law”, “human rights”, “war crimes”, “annexation”, “occupation”.

      Yeah the liberals in the media is really something. Almost daily they talk about how import it is to stand up against the right-wing racist extremists – which is of course right – but then, they go about and support Israel, the most racist and far-right, deadly, regime there is today.

  • Alyson

    Understanding Trump: the perspective from Japan – excerpts from today’s Japan Times

    “Details of the new deal have yet to be revealed”

    “ There will be ample talk of opportunities for bilateral and multilateral cooperation and there must be a careful and calibrated balancing of national interests with current global economic realities. One of those realities is a new, carefully circumscribed meaning of cooperation when that word is used by the Trump administration. Quite simply, the president is demanding that U.S. allies and partners weigh U.S. national interests more heavily than their own.

    Trump is sensitive to, if not fixated on, macroeconomic indicators that few economists consider relevant to the policies he wishes to implement. Nevertheless, his interlocutors must adopt that mindset. Ishiba focused on those indices during his summit with the American president, noting the shrinking U.S. trade deficit with Japan and pushing for actions that would reduce it further still, such as the import of U.S. liquefied natural gas.

    This is the new terrain upon which world leaders, even friends, will engage with the United States. Policies must be re-evaluated to assess their worth in this new framework. It will be a jarring process, forcing a rethink of foundational assumptions about the nature of partnership with the U.S. Some will say that this adjustment is long overdue and that it reflects the realities of the (diminished) U.S. presence in the world today.

    Perhaps. But it is also a striking departure from past practice. It marks the end of an era for the United States and signals a fundamental reworking of the policies and procedures of U.S. engagement.”

    Japan Times, re Nippon Steel’s bid for ownership of US Steel being downgraded to a minority share of the company

  • Chris Thomas

    Hi Craig,
    Just watched your interview with UNIFIL spokesman Andrea Tenenti, You were concerned about being suitably polite and professional, you needn’t have worried about that you were exemplary and very well researched, putting the mainstream media to shame. Clearly the interview revealed your exasperation at how an UNIFIL bureaucrat justifies themselves themselves in such a cool, calm and unruffled manner. His job depends on it of course and UNIFIL would’ve been delighted with how he handled the interview. All I can say as an admiring watcher if you could’ve made some interventions a little earlier without appearing rude; that is standard journalistic practice. He was allowed to go on and on with his meaningless self-justification. I think also you should have summarised after the interview finished to camera telling us with your experience as an ambassador and experience of UNIFIL why such extraordinary statements justifying UNIFIL impotence are made, and why it is an army that refuses to put itself in harm’s way for Humanitarian purposes. The interview just abruptly ended with no commen. Your wise words I think were needed at the end.

  • Jack

    Yesterday a UNIFIL car in Lebanon was somehow attacked (false flag?) and the blame, without evidence, was directed against Hezbollah. Tellingly the PM a.k.a the US/Israel puppet leading Lebanon, came out and posed hard in public about finding the perpetrators. The saudis went the same way:
    Saudi Arabia backs Lebanon to ‘firmly’ address attack on UN peacekeeping force convoy
    But when Israel attacked UNIFIL repeatedly past year these parties did/saidnothing about it. These people are so deep in their sectarian war against shiites.

    2010:Wikielaks: “Cut off head of snake” Saudis told U.S. on Iran

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