The Rot at the Core of “Democracy” 41

As 320 Palestinians were massacred last night, most of them women and children, we live in a world where it is accepted as legal that Trump2 is genocidally Zionist because he received a $100 million donation from Miriam Adelson to be so.

In addition to which Adelson is the second largest donor to AIPAC, which openly pays hundreds of other elected and potential US politicians to be genocidally Zionist too.

This is Western democracy.

My previous article demonstrated how the argument – now used against Mahmoud Khalil – that the First Amendment only applies to US citizens, was also employed by the Biden administration in extradition proceedings against Julian Assange.

It surprises me how very often the Assange case proves revealing of the internal workings of power in the USA.

When the CIA wished to bug Julian Assange on Ecuadorean diplomatic premises in London, and to look into the possibility of kidnapping or murdering him there, they decided to operate through a cutout for such a diplomatically fraught move.

That CIA cutout was Sheldon Adelson, multi-billionaire late husband of Miriam Adelson. Adelson’s fortune had come from a Las Vegas casino and property empire.

You are probably aware this is not, in general, the most respectable and free-from-organised-crime area of economic activity.

US President Donald Trump awards the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Doctor Miriam Adelson at the White House in Washington, DC, on November 16, 2018. – The Medal is the highest civilian award of the United States. (Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP) (Photo credit should read SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)

There is a lazy stereotype that the control over crime in Las Vegas lies with the Italian mafia.

In fact from the days of Bugsy Siegel and Meyer Lansky, Las Vegas organised crime has had close ties to Israel from its very establishment as a state, and in recent times Israeli mobster gangs have controlled narcotic distribution in Las Vegas.

Allow me to point out that the first of those two links is to the Jewish publication The Tablet, and the second is to an American Jewish magazine called Forward, and not the British far-right publication of the same name.

Adelson hired a private security company named UC Global, headed by a former Spanish marine named David Morales, to conduct the illegal surveillance for the CIA. As one of subjects of the illegal surveillance, I gave evidence last year to the court case in Madrid in which David Morales, head of UC Global, is criminally charged.

This case seems to ramble on forever, but last week there was a new development as David Morales was charged with forging documents in the case, for which a new trial is opening. He allegedly fabricated emails from the Ecuadorean Ambassador commissioning the spying.

The CIA commissioned the activity from Adelson during the first Trump presidency, but notably the Biden administration condoned this and defended it during the Assange extradition proceedings.

It is yet a further example of the meaningless nature of democracy in uniparty America, of the power and reach of the ultra-wealthy, and of the fascist links between big business and secret state agencies.



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41 thoughts on “The Rot at the Core of “Democracy”

  • Steve

    Thank you, Craig, remember that America was founded by criminals, check on how many of the founding fathers owed 100s of thousands of pounds to the crown at the time. Even the original people on the Mayflower left because British law prevented them from abusing their servants. I cannot recall a single treaty that America signed which they have kept. To better understand the treatment of “goys” by the Jews have a read of the Tanakh the Jewish “Bible” which advises that non-Jews are animals and must be treated as such or enslaved.

    • GratedApe

      English, German, Irish, Jewish, Italian, Asian, Latino.

      The linked article in 2004 just seems to amount to in LA “the Mexican mafia out here is responsible for a good deal of the methamphetamine distribution, the Israeli guys seem to be kind of out in front of the Ecstasy trade,” said a Sergeant. Mostly to party goers it sounds like.

      In terms of gambling, last year I looked into Northwestern law school (because of the Brendan Dassey case where their pro bono work ultimately failed because they failed to challenge the earlier contamination of his memory), and learned about the megarich Pritzker family who were involved in real-estate and legalising gambling. JB was considered for vice president with Harris at one point.

      The Jewish texts contains all sorts does it not, like different rabbi speeches and debates? A Quora answer says your claim is false, “However Justinas Pranaitis – a Lithuanian Catholic priest, published a book in 1892 which among other things claimed that.”

    • M.J.

      “America was founded by criminals..”
      Quite right. Chucking the finest quality Indian tea into Boston Harbour. That’s tax evasion and cultural vandalism at the same time. And then they added sedition to their crimes in 1776. Well, having failed to hang together, I suppose they will now hang separately. Indeed, their mad President and his sidekicks are managing it very nicely, vandalising their democracy right and left.
      But perhaps some of their States like California, and New York and others in New England will repent and join Canada as additional provinces as British subjects. That would go a long way towards atonement.

  • M.J.

    Indeed the Trump regime is rot, and we should hope that it falls and that the GOP’s corrupt politicians who support it are crushed in future elections. But the alternative to the GOP, the DP will have to become less dependent on billionaires, stand up more firmly to the Zionist lobby, allow the Arab-American community a proper voice, and above all resume its responsibility to the working class, the poorer 60% of the electorate. Otherwise a third party, the Democratic Socialists of America ( will deserve to take their place.

    • Bayard

      “stand up more firmly to the Zionist lobby”

      It could hardly stand up less firmly. In fact it is more a case of lying down and being walked all over. Perhaps if it really tried, it could stop itself being used as a doormat by people with dogshit on their shoes. That would be a significant advance.

      • Squeeth

        It isn’t a lobby, it’s a proxy, quite a convenient one too since any critic is instantly labelled an antisemite. How many people, like George Galloway, have rebutted such allegations, rather than skulked about trying not to be noticed?

        • Bayard

          You’re right about it not being a lobby, it’s more pernicious than that. A lobby seeks to influence politicians, whereas Zionism is more like a political belief. You’d never get a British PM standing up and saying “I’m a member of the roads lobby”, whereas Herr Starmer is happy to announce himself as a Zionist. It’s not really a proxy though, the “ism” on the end means it is more like Communism or Nazism than Big Pharma.

          • Brian Red

            Zionism is an organisation.

            As for the “anti-Semitism” allegation used against anti-Zionists, it should be treated with contempt and ridiculed. The same goes for when white supremacist neo-Nazis talk about whites being oppressed, as they often do. Any Jew who calls someone anti-Semitic for being anti-Zionist is a racist scumbag and should be called it.

            It should also be noted that some moronic native white racists in Britain who aren’t politically active have latched onto the idea of “anti-Semitism” in the same way they talk about “Islam” – because they don’t like people with brown skins living in Britain.

            The people who set up Israel don’t “believe” they “should” have Palestine because “God” promised it to them, or because their ancestors lived there, or any of that sh*t. Zionism should not be criticised in such terms. They established it as a base.

          • Brian Red

            Theodore Herzl for example was an atheist. That means he didn’t believe that the tribal myths – told Herodotus style with lotsa divine intervention – were true.

            I don’t imagine he gave much of a toss who he was or wasn’t descended from either.

            But creating a Jewish state…well he knew he wanted one of those. And I imagine he understood very well that passing down tribal myths assists with cohesion. Especially when they come with the idea that in the “end times” every member of the tribe will have hundreds of slaves.

  • Madison

    “Trump2 is genocidally zionist“
    So was Trump1, if possibly in a more subtle way. The Adelson family is just one funder amongst others.
    And what happened in Gaza will happen in Ukraine, since greed is universal. No degree in Law required to understand this simple truth: there’s rot at the core of any authoritarian leadership, whether it’s called democracy or something else.

    • Squeeth

      All ‘leadership’ is authoritarian, the clue is in the word. The only democratic system is anarchism since it is the only one to deprecate the state, rather than try to turn out the ins and take their places.

  • DunGroanin

    Thanks for a good post.
    Hope this goes somewhere finally.
    Haven’t heard much since JA’s talk to the Council for Europe (?)
    Hope he is getting back to full fitness.

    Hopeless. The sudden reversal by Humpty Trumpty to get back on precarious wall not even a hundred honeymoon days into his second term is suspect.
    It didn’t take too long for Princess Manndy, the new British Ambassador to get the WH under control did it?

    No more Mr Peacemaker, No more Mr No Wars Started, No more ‘let’s make a deal’ Mr honest broker.

    No Epstein Lists – you know Lord Sebastian Coe is on that with ELEVEN flights apparently. I always doubted that Epstein/Ghislaine actually are gone or in prison.

    No JFK, MLK, RFK files.
    A sudden turnaround on the ceasefire deal he had Witkof make.

    Same goes for the Yemen attacks and build up of belligerency in Formosa as in The Levant. With their planted ZioFascist shapeshifter installed in Damascus.

    Right now we await the New Yalta talks – which could instead be ratcheted up to a full world war with hundreds of millions dead and massive environmental and agricultural disruption.
    All eyes are on that imminent begging call to Putin demanding a ceasefire so they can get the natzo officers out.
    The expected ‘your having a laff’ in Russian will probably mean the missiles start flying and we will see the hazelnuts and lord knows what else real wunderwaffen.
    The carrier group destroyed and polluting the Red Sea and Mediterranean.

    You have rightly pointed out the highest valued ziofascist gangster Queen of all the kings who rules the ziofascist military industrial imperial state in charge of the unipolar collapsing Collective Waste. Her and Lynne RedShield make a fine pair of ziofascist harridans.
    Let’s not forget they have their man Musk and his cartel of techbro trillionaire embedded in the Oval Office.
    The old pirate Anglo European pirate empire that lusts after the conquest of EurAsia from all its peripheries and demands control of the seas and refuses to give up its slave colonies and stolen resources.

    Is there any hope? Just a distracting announcement yesterday on the possible illegality of the predecessors none usage of his own hand to sign his own name on documents – well that is certainly illegal in my book! He could have used a thumb print like these who couldn’t write did in the past ..

    And they bombed and crow about the children they blow up in Yemen and Palestine.
    Including all of our media and academic bloggers.
    A pox upon all their houses.
    Sorry I’m particularly angry about the burnt children today.

  • Brian Red

    Jewish and Sicilian gangsters in NYC get along with each other fine and have done for a very long time indeed. Lansky created Switzerland as an offshore banking centre in the 1930s for his Sicilian friends. Traditionally they both detested the Irish. Anyone who thinks it was the Sicilians or any other Italian group that created Vegas doesn’t know much about the history of US organised crime.

    In other news, cryptocurrency and satcomm guy Musk’s car making arm Tesla may be about to supply vehicles to top Israeli officials.

  • Brian Red

    What needs to be front and centre right now is that the Zionists are not only continuing their murderous bombing of Gaza – they have also stopped the food and electricity supply to the 2 million people there. And most of the supply of water depends on electricity too.

    • DunGroanin

      Brian Red,
      It’s time to turn off the electricity and water in the illegal apartheid entity.
      Just as they do to the native Semites.
      No tv. No lights. No flushing toilets. No restaurants. No slaves.

      I have been advising the hasbarats, to leave while they can, because they certainly cannot retain their colonialist land and resource theft in the Levant – hey most other European imperial settler colonies have reverted back to the original natives – why should only those white supremacist thieves and murderers keep their bloody loot whilst metastasising through West Asia and North Africa?

      Let them go to RedBlueandWhiteland – which is what Greenland will be renamed as officially once it is ‘purchased’ from the Danes. Eric the Red will be crying in Valhalla over that betrayal of their Vinland.

      Or they can go to the, ‘Emptied of the Last Ukrainian’ Russian borderlands they crawled out of centuries ago! Apparently they need at least 9 million new citizens, preferably ‘gammon’, fascist and self hating! A perfect match. No riviera though.

      Or they can join their many many retiree USAins on the Gulf of Drumpffia happy to be on a beach – plenty of Latino slaves on hand there.

      Just for those baby and mother slaughterers:
      From The River To The Sea.

        • DunGroanin

          What mistake Squeeth?
          I did say:
          white supremacist thieves and murderers
          Gammons, fascist

          No reference to Judaism at all except if you want to shoehorn it into the word “Semites”?

          And as we all know Shirley, most Zionists are Christian evangelists!
          Most of them in the USA. They probably hate Jews more than most.
          But really want their eschatological release from their miserable human lives!

      • Brian Red

        Greenland is a colony and Greenlanders have been and still are treated like dirt by their Danish colonial rulers. See for example the systematic theft by the Danish authorities of Greenlander children, whose parents they label “incompetent”. in a strict legal sense, that constitutes a crime against humanity.

        There are 7 million Jewish settlers in Palestine. How many hold citizenship or the right to citizenship of other countries? I don’t think there’s an official figure, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it was 90% or higher.

        Yes I do call them settlers even if they were born there. This is how terms like “white settler” and “pied noir” are used elsewhere.

  • Stevie Boy

    “US President Donald Trump has warned Iran that it will face “dire” consequences if Yemen’s Houthis continue to attack international shipping lanes.”
    So, Trump and the might of the USA cannot beat the Houthis so let’s blame Iran. Part of the Adelson/Jewish agenda !
    Any attack on Iran would certainly involve the UK and Israel.This whole hell that Trump has unleashed appears to be quickly spiralling out of control. An attack on Iran would not be inconsequential.
    Meanwhile, as Cyprus becomes a bigger target.
    “demonstrators gathered outside the RAF’s base at Akrotiri to protest against Britain using Cyprus as a launch pad for military operations in the Middle East”
    over 50 dead in Yemen and over 400 dead in Gaza, so far.

  • Republicofscotland

    The Zionist leaning rich and powerful in the USA – along with the utterly corrupt politicians – control the USA, corporate power has merged with political power in the USA – something that’s beginning to, and has happen across the globe, in such forms as meeting between the two at, Bilderberg, Davos, Munich Security Council etc, – we are the sheep that they manipulate and keep divided – so they can achieve their mainly nefarious goals.

    On the Zionists, I’d say they’ve well and truly infiltrated, bought – coerced and blackmailed US and EU politicians – to such an extent – that we are now seeing some of them openly support the genocide in Gaza – I’d imagine most politicians who support the genocide – are bought and paid for – so where did the money come from to bribe them in the first place – to get behind and stay behind this awful genocide.

    The genocide is a terrible thing – what’s come into the open, that we can see now is the extent to which Zionist have support for a genocide – this was hidden form us prior to the genocide.

    The other plan has been to keep the public in the EU etc, worrying about an economic downturn – and to such an extent that real concerns for the genocide, or action against – takes a back seat on making ends meet first – add in the 24/7 bought and paid for, again mainly Zionist corporate media – spewing out pro-Zionist propaganda, to try and win over folk who still put the genocide first, and you have an almost complete package against those who care that genocide is going on – oh and we also have the police forces in some EU countries – physically abuse pro-Palestinian demonstrators who take to the streets – the USA has already surpassed this, with universities in mind.

    Only force will stop the Zionists from completing their evil genocide in Gaza – and such a force is unlikely as the Zionists have the backing of the US military, which why you have to tip-your-hat to brave Yemeni people who are willing to put all on the line – to stand up against the genocide.

    • Stevie Boy

      Same in the UK.
      We have politicians married to Israelis and zionists. We have politicians enjoying all expenses paid jollies to the ‘promised land’ where they are bribed, compromised, brainwashed. We have Israel dictating UK policy in their favour. We have Israeli technology being used by UK police forces to spy on and harass UK citizins. We have the UK military supporting, training and operating with the IOF. We have a MSM totally infiltrated by Israel, as well as social media essentially run by unit 8200 and mossad staff. We have a PM who declares he is a zionist and that Israel has a right to starve and torture people in the name of defence.
      Israel and the USA controls the UK. Peaceful opposition will not solve this travesty.

  • Courtenay Francis Raymond Barnett


    The reality of America seems to be that no political party without significant monetary backing can realistically hope to succeed at an election. Then he who pays the piper calls the tune.

    The two parties are, two cheeks of the same backside ( as George Galloway would say). In other words there is little difference on many central and important issues, of which Israel is just one example. Consider Biden’s supply of arms to bomb Palestinians and Trump’s current response to the truce breach by Israel in Gaza.

  • Jack

    I thought that when Trump was elected that Democrats would finally rise up because it would be risk-free for them to criticize Trump when they are in the opposition but I was obviously wrong, total silence from the Democrats, the genocide goes on unhindered.
    Trump claimed in his inauguration speech that he wanted to be a unifier and a peacemaker. Why then does he take the most simple of Israel-bait and attack Yemen?! Why does he threat Iran? Why does he approve Israel slaughter? How does this benefit his alleged “America first” policies?

    And the EU are dead silent too on the new pogroms in Gaza and the other day EU pledged the Syrian regime a whooping $6 billion! And that is when Syria, just at this moment, keep massacring minorities and that in the most vile way. Even western-backed, anti-Assad SOHR organization, admit that the close to 2000 people, majority civilians have been killed:
    “1,805 civilians extrajudicially executed for belonging to former regime and under retaliatory actions based on sectarian affiliation”

    The dead silence or even support for these gross human rights violations in Gaza and Syria prove the bombastic pro-human rights EU rhetoric on Ukraine is not worth one iota.

    • Stevie Boy

      This was all foretold, it was not hidden.
      Adelson/Jewish money ensured Trump would move the USA embassy to Jerusalem. Tick.
      Adelson/Jewish money will ensure Trump supports the ethnic cleansing of the West Bank and attacks on Lebanon, Syria, Iran – the Greater Israel agenda.
      It’s all going to plan, and everyone in USA politics supports it because they are all bought. And, the UN won’t complain because they rely on USA money.

  • RodgerDodger

    Was wondering if you’d seen this Craig, and if so what you’d made of it?

    The UK government has rejected British foreign secretary David Lammy’s assessment that Israel has broken international law by blocking aid to Gaza, in a rare public censure for a cabinet minister. Kiran Stacey, a Guardian political correspondent based in Westminster, reports:

    A spokesperson for the prime minister Keir Starmer said on Tuesday morning Israel was “at risk” of breaching humanitarian law, despite Lammy having told the Commons on Monday that the country had definitely done so.

    The remarks, hours after Israel launched a wave of airstrikes on Gaza, mark a climbdown after Lammy appeared to have changed the government’s position on one of the most sensitive foreign policy questions it faces.

    Starmer’s spokesperson said:

    Our position remains that Israel’s actions in Gaza are at clear risk of breaching international humanitarian law, and we continue to call the government of Israel to abide by its international obligations.

    The government is not an international court, and, therefore, it is up to courts to make judgments.

    Asked whether the foreign secretary had mistakenly gone further than official government policy, the spokesperson said: “I’d refer to the Foreign Office on that, but there’s no change in policy here.”

    Asked whether Lammy should apologise, they added: “I’ll leave that to the Foreign Office.”

    David Lammy is just about the last person in the cabinet I’d expect to have discovered his conscience…

  • Ewan2

    In the film ‘Once Upon a Time in America’ about Jewish organised crime, Noodles [ De Niro ] puts the money into a left-luggage locker, No 541. 541 is the enumeration of the Hebrew letters that spell Israel. Some years later Aaron Milchen, the producer, outed himself as an Israeli spy. Incidentally his father owned a fertiliser business. One World Trade Center is 541 metres tall, which in feet is approximately 1776.

    • Madison

      Mysterious numbers…
      Meanwhile, at the time of shooting, Aaron Milchen was Elizabeth McGovern’s boyfriend.
      Lucky duck…

  • Bayard

    “This is Western democracy.”

    Which is,of course, not democracy, that is rule by the people, in any way, shape or form. All modern nation states are oligarchies. They have to be. The State is far too complex for one person or the entirety of the population to manage. Every state is ruled by a small class of powerful people. Some have a head oligarch, these are usually called dictatorships, others have the ostensible rulers chosen by ballot and the oligarchs remain in the shadows, with no-one really knowing who they all are, these are usually called democracies, despite the fact that the people don’t get within sniffing distance of the levers of power. Some states, and they are very few, have oligarchs that allow the people to express their preferences in referendums. That is the closest anyone gets to real democracy and it really isn’t very close at all.


    I saw Gangs of New York once but I had had a few drinks.

    But through the bafflement it seemed a good movie.

    I must watch it again as I like Daniel Day Lewis – he is/was ( I thik he’s retired) a very good actor.

    He was also in Lincoln.

    Hmmm the idea of the New Worlder’s escaping oppression from the Old Worldrers?

    Back to the Cinema again.

    Titanic – posh young woman meets Irish emigrant.

    There were poor people who took a chance and well off and rich who took their money
    and in a wicked Imperialist British Empire era i wouldn’t blame either side of the Class Divide for trying their luck.

    I’ve seen the old photo’s of English kids in London at the peak of Empire and all of them (like nearly all the Irish ) had no shoes so, for all its ‘ Glory ‘ it could not even manage to make sure that its people were fed watered and shod ( like a Workhorse would be looked after ) therefore no tearful memories from myself and certainly not from The Irish – or the Indians for that matter.

    But – The New World was new alright – you could in theory make your own stake in the Big Continent yet, as always happens the real Entrepreneurs were quickly swallowed up by the Railroaders and then they were swallowed up by The Bankers.

    Nothing really changes and the Financiers still own the countries – whether you were/are for or against them.

    Lesser Imperialists still receive ‘ Remittances ‘ from the ex Colonies and the US still receives its Tributes from not only the Ex Colonies but, from The Middle Eastern Economies too – with a view to gaining a fair bit more in the future depending on who plays ball.

    Of course at the bottom of the New World heap are the one’s who were already there when Columbus ‘ discovered ‘ America and they ended up with less than beggar all.

    I’ll stop at the movie reference here I think.

    My Grandfather said (according to my auntie) that the US is a thoroughly corrupt country that was ‘invented'( by the rich) to be more corrupt than any other corrupt country that preceded it

    He said that just before the The Second World war – not after.

    Final movie references:

    Like The Corleone Family in The Godfather ‘ Its’ always just business’

    No morals – no principles – no nothing – just business.

    That is the motto that should be on the US Flag and the Star Spangled Banner’s words
    should be changed to include those business sentiments.

    It would be more honest at least.

  • Oscar Romero

    The Tablet website says it is a Jewish publication

    [ Mod: Thank you for highlighting that. Craig seems to have confused that publication with the International Catholic News Weekly also known as The Tablet..

    The article has been amended accordingly. ]