When politicians in power are extremely unpopular, they generally turn to militarism and jingoism for a quick boost. Starmer is now the darling of the UK media for his sabre-rattling over Ukraine and is busily churning out tweets of military imagery.
In doing so he is attempting to pose as in defiance of Trump, and capitalise on Trump’s unpopularity in the UK, even though just two days earlier he was fawning on Trump in the White House and inviting him on an “unprecedented” second State visit.
As ever, there is a great deal of smoke and mirrors here. The European leaders are going to come up with an alternative “peace plan” to present to Trump. This will not be along the lines of the G7 Declaration which was strongly anti-Russian. The European leaders acknowledge that the Biden-era G7 Apulia position is now gone.
Instead the new European plan will essentially give Trump pretty well everything he wants, but give the Europeans a ladder to climb down. Starmer is seeking to be hailed as the great bridger of the Atlantic, who explained Trump to Europe and vice versa.
If Trump were an ordinary politician he would then agree to adopt the “European” plan brought to him by Starmer, with a couple of tiny amendments, and then take the joint position into talks with Putin. But Trump being Trump, he might just tell Starmer to stay out of it.
Both the European and American peace plans will involve Putin keeping control over the large majority of the land his troops hold – because otherwise Putin will not agree, and there will be no point. The European plan will have elements designed to blur the sovereignty issue of the Ukrainian land Russia will retain. This will not run once real negotiations with Russia are underway.
As always, money talks and big business is really pulling the strings. Zelensky did not in the event sign the minerals deal with Trump and is now desperate to do so to try to get American cash flowing his way again.
It is worth noting that Starmer’s delusional “Hundred Year Alliance” agreement with Zelensky contained the UK’s attempt to grab the same minerals Zelensky is now asking again to be allowed to hand over to Trump.
You find this in the UK/Ukraine 100 Year Partnership at “Pillar 5, Para 3, article iv”
(iv) supporting development of a Ukrainian critical minerals strategy and necessary regulatory structures required to support the maximisation of benefits from Ukraine’s natural resources, through the possible establishment of a Joint Working Group;
While we are on the subject, most people sensibly ignored the detail of this crazy “100 year” agreement on the entirely sensible grounds that none of it is ever going to happen. But it does contain some remarkable declarations of malevolent intent, of which my favourite is the desire to open a joint online propaganda unit to interfere in the legacy and social media of third countries.
Which we find outlined in fluent Orwellian at “Pillar 7, Para 4”.
Implement joint media initiatives, contributing to coordinated efforts to promote shared values and vision, addressing the information manipulation and malign interference in third party countries. We commit to partnering on joint initiatives such as communication campaigns to mitigate against those threats. We commit to facilitate strengthening of relationships with civil society organisations to support research and the development of counter-FIMI approaches, recognising the importance of independent media and civil society organisations in building societal resilience.
Which is of course precisely what they are always accusing Russia of doing. Indeed alleged Russian social media interference is why they interfered to have the anti-war winner of the first round of the Romanian elections disqualified.
What this plan amounts to is another Integrity Initiative, this time as a UK/Ukrainian co-production.
One thing I learnt in over 20 years as a diplomat is that the public are generally fed lies about diplomatic discussions. Most diplomatic talks generally end up with an agreed communique that is designed to make everyone look good and may only have a slight link to actual events.
This is especially true with regard to human rights, where in my substantial experience claims that human rights abuses were being dealt with by “quiet diplomacy” were almost always a lie.
A British minister cannot meet a Saudi or Chinese minister without being asked if they raised human rights. The answer given is always “yes” and it is almost always untrue, or it was raised so briefly, quietly and apologetically that it is virtually untrue.
So there is a sense in which the Trump/Vance encounter in the Oval Office with Zelensky was refreshing, in that what you saw is what you got. It was only in being in public that it was more bruising than many diplomatic encounters. I suspect it has shortened the war, especially if Trump sticks to the decision to end aid.
Shortening the war would be a good thing. If you think a principle is so important that you believe it is fine for millions of people to die for it – none of whom are yourself – I suggest you reconsider your principles. I am not so exercised about who is the mayor of Russian-speaking Lugansk that I am prepared to have a nuclear war over the issue.
What I find particularly alarming is the continuing comparison of Putin to Hitler, and the allegation that if Putin is not “stopped” in Ukraine, then he will conquer the whole of Europe.
This is a quite extraordinary example of false analogy. Putin has never shown any indication of following a universal ideology he wishes to impose by conquest, or of territorial ambition beyond a small number of Russian-speaking ex-Soviet districts contiguous to Russia.
In addition to which, Russia is gradually winning a war of attrition against a much smaller neighbour, which is to be expected. Ukraine has survived this long with massive Western aid. But the idea that the Russian army is capable of conquering the whole of Europe, when it cannot subdue Kiev, is plainly utter nonsense. Even aside from the fact there is absolutely no desire in Moscow to do so.
Trump has pointed at NATO and revealed the Emperor’s New Clothes. NATO was formed to counter a Soviet alliance that did possess a universal ideology it wished to spread, and did have the military strength to threaten (though it should be stated not even the Soviet Union ever had any intention of invading Britain or formulated plans to do so). That threat has now passed.
The attempt to use the farcical Salisbury incident as evidence of a Russian threat to the UK population is, frankly, pathetic.
It is hard sometimes to follow the workings of the propaganda machine. At what stage did the crazy narrative that Russia blew up its own Nord Stream pipeline get abandoned?
Russia destroying the pipeline was unanimously and loudly proclaimed by the entire legacy media and the entire political class of the Western world. Those of us who pointed out this was not true were denounced and ridiculed. Yet now the narrative has quietly been dropped, and the truth is occasionally acknowledged by the media. Though with no admission of the previous lies.
How does this cycle operate? Is it centrally determined, or is it organic? Were the media really stupid enough to believe Russia destroyed Nord Stream, or were they knowingly lying? How have the German people been persuaded to accept the massive damage the increase in energy costs did to industrial employment? These are fascinating fields of study.
European politicians who have made a career of Russophobe rhetoric are suddenly naked in the breeze. They are charging around banging the drum of war, threatening to mobilise armies they do not possess and convinced that preserving their own place in the socio-economic hierarchy is well worth the threat of nuclear oblivion.
Laughter is the best response to their pretension.
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I just shake my head when I see regular people (in europe) becoming so inflamed by the media reports about Ukraine/Trump that they want to boycott American products. Do not get me wrong, there are plenty of reason to boycott American products but boycotting the US because they try to defuse, a war, in Europe?! It is like when europeans are against Trump, it is often, for all of the wrong reasons. One wonder, where were these European do-gooders when the same US gave Israel weapons to carry out their genocide? And this mentality is quite backwards too, the Europeans whine about the US but want the same US to protect them?
The actions of Trump are designed to create chaos. The man cannot be trusted at all. This has created confusion and very serious cognitive dissonance amongst previously sensible commentators who are now tying themselves in knots trying to rationalise and explain his conflicting and badly thought through pronouncements and actions.
Trump has been very useful in exposing the driver behind American (US) foreign policy. The brazen gangsterism that was hidden behind the covert actions of the secret service, and the coercions and threats against allies and adversaries alike are out in the open. Any actions taken by Trump purely underline the basic principles of rampant capitalism that have resulted from the American Dream of profits above people. So please do not be lulled in thinking Trump is doing a good thing because the underlying motives are not good.
President Trump is not unpopular in UK-he`s loved by many-including me!
I suppose advocating ethnic cleansing is more worthy than backing genocide and might be worthy of love.
Jennifer Kersey.
So – you love a guy whose aiding and abetting in a genocide of the Palestinian people – what does that say about you then?
RoS. I guess, ‘she loves the smell of burning babies in the morning’ …
Mark Hirst – hits the nail on the head here.
“European political elites who are preparing the ground to slash multiple billions of Euros and pounds for vital public services and spend that money on bombs and bullets KNOW they are selling a lie.
Let’s assume, for a moment, they are correct on two central points; that European military power alone is not enough to defend Europe from Russia without US military support.
Let us also suspend reality and ignore the evidence and pretend Putin is a psychopath who is set on invading Europe and making it part of a greater Russian Empire.
Why would European elites publicly admit that Europe cannot repel a Russian invading force to a man who is, as they claim, an aggressive psychopathic imperialist?
If he is, do they think he is going to, politely and patiently, wait until Europe has built up its military capability (at the cost of public services and higher taxes for all Europeans)? Are they THAT stupid?
Of course not. It’s a huge lie and a complete con trick designed to deflect from the fact that the same European elites have already wasted billions trying to prop up what had been, until recently, a fascist puppet state of US imperialism led by a narco-dictator. Now it is just a fascist state led by a narco-dictator publicly backed by the European elites (see terms and conditions; “hopefully with the backing of Washington with certain security guarantees”!!)
These same political elites are gaslighting their own populations because there are profits to be made from war that cannot be made by providing key public services and supporting our most vulnerable citizens.
Trump is their Frankenstein’s Monster. He didn’t suddenly appear from another planet (despite his orange appearance). He was created by the same system they have sustained and promoted AND become hugely wealthy from.
For years they swanned over Trump and the other billionaires hoping to secure some of their wealth. They laid on state banquets and all the pageantry for these gangster psychopaths never expecting their creation would turn on them and demand MORE, because that’s what gangster psychopaths always end up doing.
But make no mistake Trump and his lunatic associates come from the same clubhouse as European political elites.
None of them care, at all, about the publics they claim to represent.
The entire system needs to be destroyed and replaced and, this is the real kicker, Russia, China and the rest of the world, will not intervene but will instead just look on in utter bewilderment as the West consumes itself.
Only then may we finally see some actual global peace.”
The scaremongering is abhorrent, no one seems to care about the facts: the GDP of european nations are way way bigger than that of Russia, just Germany+UK+France GDP combined is about 5 times bigger than that of the Russian GDP, then you have another 40+ european nations.
Then, the military expenditures, same nations Germany+Uk+France combined by far surpass the military expenditure by Russia.
And if that was not enough EU will now spend even more on the military!
What are the EU so afraid of?! It makes no sense considering the facts above, it is like a psychosis going on.
EU are clearly caught up in psychological paranoia regarding Russia, suddenly trying to paint up a narrative that Russia is inherently evil and bent on world domination. The article below really nail what is going on:
“Social Psychology Provides Insights for Defusing the Ukraine Crisis – Classical attribution theory holds the key. “
“… these mutual perceptions of mistrust could be a textbook example of “fundamental attribution error,” a term coined by social psychologist Lee Ross to describe mistakes that we make in attributing motives to other people’s behavior. An example of attribution error in the current context is that we believe our own behaviors (such as placing NATO troops on or near Russia’s borders in countries like Latvia and Poland) are forced upon us by external factors (Russian military rebuilding in the Putin era) while attributing Russia’s military moves to fundamental internal personality traits (Putin and other Kremlin leaders are by nature, aggressors).”
OMG, such a stinging rebuke to our leaders and masterful operators of a system that is rapidly collapsing under the immense weight of its internal contradictions./The sabre rattling may be bogus and vacuous but it remains a fact that for a number of reasons the western ‘democratic’ alliance has cracked and will flow apart like tectonic plates drifting remorselessly where they will go. The neoliberal world is over. It is an ideology that has proved impossible for the majority of people to accept. The Trump farces will stagger along but again it’s not clear that the Trump numptocracy will survive the pressures that are already mounting.
It has been clear to anyone with a scrap of knowledge of Russia and its people that the Ukraine war has been a stretch for the federation. The sanctions though survivable are awkward and costly and a drag anchor on progress. Putin will be over soon, I suspect simply as he is getting older and approaches senescence, just as Biden and Trump were/are clearly pre-senile. Meantime the approaching environmental cataclysm is getting closer to the point of the winnowing of the residual pre-industrial and industrial social order currently under pressure from the transformative effects of communication technology, which is mostly in the hands of anti-social techie freaks. The effect of digitisation is perversely to increase chaos and decrease coherence in the lives of most people. AI will catalyse this process rather than providing the hoped for control levers. A new group of scamocrats are emerging in in the crevices, like cockroach eggs, long laid, to take advantage of our disordered unviable living arrangements.
The Clowns of War are by no means quarantined within the chancelleries of Europe. They still run wild and free in the halls of the world’s greatest supporter of democracy, the US Senate.
Senator Bernie Sanders declaimed yesterday:
“For 250 years, the United States has supported democracy.
Now, in the middle of a horrific war that Putin started, Trump is turning his back on Ukraine and democracy, all to the benefit of a brutal dictator in Moscow.”
We should be grateful in this instance that St Bernard’s influence over events remains precisely what it has always been.
“For 250 years, the United States has supported democracy.”
What a f***ing comedian. Bernie Sanders should team up with Nikki Haley who says the USA has “never been a racist country”.
Well, in theory, yes, the US has suppored democracy because they always said so. In practice, however, no, they haven’t and quite often did the opposite by suppressing people’s will abroad. Like in that old anecdote, “In theory, son, we are millionaires. But in practice we live with two whores.”
Arab leaders approve $53bn alternative to Trump’s Gaza plan
US rejects alternative Gaza reconstruction plan proposed by Arab leaders
My own view is that Mr Trump and his nazi-saluting aquaintances can… er, fuck right off.
I usually get notifications from Jonathan Cook when he posts new articles, but it just occured to me a bit earlier that I haven’t received any for 2 or 3 weeks. So I went on to his website to check if he’s posted any new articles recently, and he has (and isn’t on holiday as I thought was maybe the case). So I started at the beginning and, in so doing, learnt something that I’ve completely missed (and if anyone posted on here about it, I missed that as well). Maybe it’s just B/S, and we all know that Trump is full of that, but if Benny the Baby Killer and Mass Murderer has it in his possesion…..
His ally in genocide for the next 15 months was former US President Joe Biden. His ally in ethnic cleansing is current US President Donald Trump.
Biden provided the 2,000lb bombs for the genocide. Trump is reportedly providing an even larger munition – the 11-ton MOAB, or massive ordnance air blast bomb, with a mile-wide radius – to further incentivise the population’s exodus.
Cook is a great writer. Always on point. While he’s on holiday, here’s another brilliant and insightful piece by Ghannoushi which sums up the Cairo summit well.
While everyone cowers before psychopaths we’re all on the road to nowhere.
The EU, and Nato make their move to stop democracy from winning in Romania – using trumped up charges.
“In November, Calin Georgescu, a critic of NATO and the EU and an opponent of aiding Ukraine, secured an unexpected first round victory in the national presidential election. However, his victory was soon annulled by Romania’s Constitutional Court citing alleged irregularities in the funding of his campaign.
Last week, as Georgescu was about to file his candidacy for a re-do of the presidential vote, he was arrested by Romanian authorities and indicted on six criminal charges, including alleged “voter bribery,” “promoting fascist, racist, or xenophobic ideologies” and incitement to actions against the constitutional order. The politician has since been released under the court’s supervision, barring him from leaving the country, making social media posts, or appearing on TV.
Georgescu reaffirmed his innocence and that the charges against him are a “political case.” “
“Both the European and American peace plans will involve Putin keeping control over the large majority of the land his troops hold – because otherwise Putin will not agree, and there will be no point.”
You are too optimictic, Craig. Very likely, Putin will demand MORE land than his troops hold now.
And, of course, Putin is no Hitler. A better comparison to him would be Otto von Bismark. Why? Because Bismark built a German Empire, not the German’s Empire. And Putin is doing the same. Hitler was a champion of ethnocracy but Putin has always condemned ethnic nationalism and, in fact, authocratic or not, Russia is much more like the US than East-European ethnocratic pseudo-democracies, because both in Russia and the US there is “no Greek no Jew”.
Apparently, ‘Washington will resume arms shipments to Kiev if the rare-earths deal is signed with Ukraine, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said.’
This will be interesting. Not sure how working towards ‘end of hostilities’ ties in with the reality of arming the aggressors.
Most likely the arms shipment would not have been stopped to begin with if it was not for the ruckus Zelensky caused at the White House. Trump showing off his strong-arm negotiating business tactics to get what he want.
On the topic, sort of, I read that CIA have paused their intelligence sharing with Ukraine and have banned the UK from spreading US intelligence to Ukraine.
I also believe that it is high time for Russia to step forward publicly and reach out their hand to prove that they are on their part serious with ending the conflict. Trump cannot do everything on this subject alone.
yes, this intelligence thing has been confirmed
our news give more detail:
Sky News reported, citing a Ukrainian source, that in particular, such a decision would deprive the Ukrainian Armed Forces of data that would allow them to strike deep into Russia, since the United States has stopped supplying this information. However, the exchange of data has not ceased completely.
Sky News later clarified that the US had stopped sharing intelligence with Kiev entirely, not selectively.
On strikes deep into Russia and on reaching out hands, I’ve got something to say:
if we, ordinary people, could speak directly to each other, not via our politicians, I’d say to Americans – thank you!
I remember well the American dude who showed the missile strike zones on the map. His nasty crooked fingers were right on my region. So, dear Americans, thank you for voting for Trump! He is making a real effort to stop this madness. And if you don’t elect such bloodthirsty politicians with nasty crooked fingers again, then we on our side do our best to keep the completely rabid Medvedev away from the nuclear button.
It would be a much appreciated gesture if in response Russia would cease to strike at targets deep inside Ukraine.
If Trump puts pressure on Zelensky, why would Putin do something to ease this pressure?
To show he’s serious about peace?
It wasn’t the Ukrainian forces that were running the long distance HIMARS, Pears, it was the Americans themselves, Putin knew, threatened to hit the Americans in Europe, Trump wisely ordered a stop to it, the decision was camouflaged as ‘a withdrawal of intelligence’ to the Ukrainians.
There may still be on the Internet a BBC speculative piece what will Ukraine lose if the Americans cut their participation in the Ukrainian war fully, after having read it one could only ask ‘what TF was left for the Ukrainians to do?’
Your region could still be targeted, T, if the European NATO members take over running of the Ukrainian forces, the DA of Kiev has done a u-turn again this afternoon at around 15:00 hours says ‘we will fight and fight to get peace’.
Well, Starmer apparently sees that as a solution to the… er… conflict. in the ‘Middle East’. I say ‘apparently’ because he has said nothing about it since the start of the ceasefire (which Israel has breached every day) and no journalist or MP has been so insensitive as to ask him anything.
The way to peace is through killing more people, eventually they’ll all be dead and then there will be peace … and an eerie silence. Blessed be the peace makers.
I happened to be in a room at lunchtime today when out of the radio came Frank Gardiner BBC Defence correspondent.
Frank is ‘close’ to UK Intelligence of course, but he is supposed to be a honest and honorable journalist, speaking the truth to his listeners and viewers.
He blithely waffled the Govt line of Putin-bad and Putin-invaded, and all the usual guff that if he knows is pure propaganda and baloney.
He knows damn well that Putin sat on his hands for years while the CIA encouraged the fanatics in Kiev to poke the Bear and terrorise the Russian speakers in the east of the country. Putin only crossed the border when he couldn’t face being taken for a fool no more.
As you say, Putin has absolutely no ambitions to invade Europe, and never had. If it has taken him 3 years to barely go 50 miles (?) how is he going to storm westwards any time soon.
Starmer is the potential invader -no surprise if that clown sends some Gurkhas and some Territorials, the coward.
A candid observer might pontificate:
“To make peace, they have to stop fighting.”
And indeed, if Russia stops fighting, the war is over !
Whereas, if Ukraine stops fighting, the country is over !
War is easy, but diplomacy is complicated, especially when parties disagree…
No you have it wrong.
The correct policy is always to give the agressor what he demands.
After all that policy worked well after the Nazis reoccupied the Rhineland and then Austria and invaded Czechoslovakia.
Some militarists whinged that Hitler would come back for more and argued for re-armament.
Happily history proved them wrong.
Labour centrist ‘antisemitism’ scammer MP invites Ukrainian Nazi to the House of Commons.
Just another day on Savile Island in the 2020s.
Nobody should underestimate how tough and vicious a street fighter Keir Starmer can be. /S Here at 18.21 is how he assaults a punch bag. He is our next small white hope. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXWnnFP7YYo
Wet paper bags beware. Showing his feminine side !
Harry Law.
The usually mild mannered Chinese, released this statement – via its Washington Embassy ten hours ago; meanwhile China has upped its strategic stockpiling – of all manner of reserves.
“If war is what the U.S. wants, be it a tariff war, a trade war, or any other type of war, we’re ready to fight till the end.”
Republicofscotland – caught my eyes and ears too.
China ( unlike Trump and the USA) do not usually do dramatic statements so, this was interesting and a bit scary.
What they seem to be saying to the US is – you may get away with pushing small countries around like a Hoodlum In a Bar but you will not get away with doing it to us so easily.
That should be noted very seriously by those who should know better.
The Russia/Ukraine war could pale into insignificance if Trump tries his luck in or near The South China Seas or in Taiwan.
Will Liberals be shouting to defend China if the Bully Trump has a foray?
No chance and this is the problem for Liberals and the Patriotic Left.
It is necessary to learn The Tango for the future and they all want to learn The Waltz from the past.
It take Two to Tango.
The declining Imperialists need to understand that.
All fake horror as usual from the MSM and politicians.
US hegemony is nearly over and those who led us all into the Ukraine War can not admit how much of an awful horrific mistake it was to work as the US’ proxy.
The EU and UK were and are in just as deep as Biden was.
They fell for it too.
The slogan of the EU: ‘ New Bomb Shelters for all.’ .
What a vista to present to young people.
Their future.
I doubt that the USA would be stupid enough to enter into a direct hot conflict with China. But there again there is unlimited stupidity on America’s side. Trump is a sanctions man, but if that is his plan then he needs to heed the Ukrainian example and weigh up the costs vs benefits. Also, on a practical note the USA would need very long logistics lines to attack China which would be difficult to maintain and protect.
I suspect Trump is also thinking Russia would stand back – I don’t think they would.
More bluster, undermining the hegemon and it’s puppets !
Ha – the nasty warhawk/Zionist von der Leyen’s Re-Arm Europe Programme – isn’t backed by cash – each EU country will need to find the cash – most likely by cutting public services to the bone.
“European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s attempt to increase military spending across the EU is not backed by cash and shifts the financial burden to member states, Euractiv has reported, citing senior EU officials.
The so-called ‘ReArm Europe Plan,’ backed mostly by debt and fiscal adjustments, asks EU nations to spend $840 billion, twice the EU’s 2024 defense budget, to counter “grave security threats.”
The plan “includes close to no fresh money,” leaving member states to secure “the real cash” themselves, Euractiv reported on Wednesday.
The total figure is based more on “hopes and guesses” than concrete reforms addressing the bloc’s production shortages, the report argued.”
A European French competitor of Musk’s Starlink, is ready to fill the gap in Ukraine – Le Petit (Macron) – will be delighted its a French firm.
“French satellite company Eutelsat, owner of OneWeb, a competitor of Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite internet system, may assist Ukraine if connectivity from Starlink is cut off.
‘We are actively working with European organisations and business partners to ensure the rapid deployment of additional user terminals for mission-critical applications and infrastructure,’ Reuters quoted a company statement as saying.
A European Commission spokesperson confirmed to the Financial Times that it was exploring possible ‘alternatives to Starlink in Ukraine.’
The Economist reported, citing an unnamed Ukrainian official, that Kiev was developing a backup option for Internet access in case of difficulties with Starlink. The publication notes that the Ukrainian military had to cope with problems after the invasion of the Kursk region (Starlink connectivity is not legally available in Russia), and used mobile technology and repeater drones to do so.”
You don’t approve of Musk losing his (?) monopoly of satellite internet?
Or of European companies competing with him?
Maybe Ukraine should use Russian satellite internet services?
PS You despise Macron because he married an older woman?
Or because of his height?
We need to know.
JK redux.
I’ll answer your points, unlike you who didn’t on a previous thread.
Here goes, I don’t think a monopoly in any business field is good for business or the consumer.
As for Ukraine – this went under the news radar last year.
On Macron or Le Petit as I call him – the little French Neocon warhawk – is desperate to be seen as significant around Europe and the US, he certainly isn’t significant in the Sahel anymore – on his “wife” are you trying to bait me with that one? in a Michelle Obama type fashion.
I didn’t mention the Azov Brigade. I don’t think that Ukrainians have a monopoly on ultra nationalism – Aleksandr Dugin is a fine exemplar of that political tradition.
A quote from his Wiki page: ” In 1980, Dugin joined the “Yuzhinsky circle [ru]”, an avant-garde dissident group which dabbled in Satanism, esoteric Nazism and other forms of the occult.[28] The Yuzhinsky circle gained a reputation for Satanism, for séances, a devotion to all things esoteric – mysticism, hypnotism, Ouija boards, Sufism, trances, pentagrams and so forth.[29][30] In the group, he was known for his embrace of Nazism which he attributes to a rebellion against his Soviet upbringing, as opposed to genuine sympathy for Hitler.[31] He adopted an alter ego with the name of “Hans Sievers”, a reference to Wolfram Sievers, a Nazi researcher of the paranormal.[32]”
Re Macron, is there some innuendo re his wife? Like the bizarre claims about Michelle Obama?
Sharks are in danger of being jumped…
It seems that Zelensky will shortly go to the US again, presenting the same warmongering stance, most likely presenting the phoney peace deal that EU put out (short ceasefire so western troops could move in), a deal already dead in the water since Russia have rejected this not to mention Trump do not seek any temporary but a complete peace deal to end the war, permanently but it is like JD Vance said the other day, EU keep “puffing” Zelensky up.
The former head of german intelligence, Hans Georg Masssen joked(?) that Zelensky was drunk during the meeting with Trump and Vance, one can sure wonder because his deludedness seems to be without limits.
– “Trump and Vance are great. I would have simply thrown Zelensky out. You should never enter into a conversation with Trump unless you are 100 percent sober”
This Maaßen?
An ultra right looper….
Trump’s pal Musk had his car business attacked in Europe on 2-3 March:
“Fire salute to Tesla“
Brian Red
That’s terribly sad.
As is Trump’s negative attitude to battery cars.
No wonder the richest man in the world is allegedly a heavy drug user…
Thank you for the concise summary and for confirming the information from the obscure web sites I have been following. I am not at all confident that this will not get in to any UK media.
“Implement joint media initiatives, contributing to coordinated efforts to promote shared values and vision, addressing the information manipulation and malign interference in third party countries”.
I am so waiting for a UK politician to spell out in the detail that the statement requires what values and vision UK shares with Ukraine. Does it mean that the UK will be following the Ukraine example of attacking its own people, sanctioning the opposition, murdering journalists and politicians that speak out against their policies, banning political parties, suppressing trade unionism, passing foreign language and lustration laws, massive corruption, stifling freedom of expression and speech, ramping up censorship and so on?
But hang on a mo.
Is not the UK already showing how it is sharing those values and vision already by its clamping down on peaceful protest against government support of genocide, sanctioning its own citizens, its media control of its narrative, arresting journalists, its attacks on freedom of expression, attacks on the poor and vulnerable, and generally making ordinary life a misery with its economic policies.
Ukraine’s and the UK’s shared values and vision? Rotting peas in a pod.