The Catholic Orangemen of Togo 15

Now available in paperback

I have been obliged to self-publish my new book, The Catholic Orangemen of Togo (and Other Conflicts I Have Known), because legal threats from mercenary commander Tim Spicer scared off my publisher:

I have accordingly decided to make it available free online from 12 January 2009 as a PDF hosted on over a hundred different websites, in almost thirty different jurisdictions. I have, however, had physical books printed for those who wish (and purchased carbon offset). I hope to get copies into bookstores shortly, though this is difficult. It is available from for just £12.49.

Update: the book was previously offered here for sale, but all copies have now gone.

Update 2: The book is now available for download in PDF form further down this page.

The Catholic Orangemen of Togo and Other Conflicts I Have Known

The book is an autobiographical prequel to Murder in Samarkand and covers the period 1998 to 2002. It exposes the links between blood diamonds, crime and British mercenary involvement in Africa. it argues that the disregard Tony Blair showed for both British and international law in dealing with Sierra Leone prefigured the disaster of Iraq. It also covers my role in the dawn of democracy in Ghana.

More importantly, it is intended in an entertaining way to present questions of African development, drawing on thirty year’s practical experience. I am deeply critical of current fashionable doctrines in the field of overseas aid. I hope it will inform and entertain as Murder in Samarkand did, but on a different set of issues. Here is the blurb from the book:

Craig Murray’s adventures in Africa from 1997 to 2001 are a rolliciking good read. He exposes for the first time the full truth about the “Arms to Africa” affair which was the first major scandal of the Blair Years. He lays bare the sordid facts about British mercenary involvement in Africa and its motives. This is at heart an extraordinary account of Craig Murray’s work in negotiating peace with the murderous rebels of Sierra Leone, and in acting as the midwife of Ghanaian democracy. Clearly his efforts were not only difficult but at times very dangerous indeed. Yet the story is told with great humour. Not only do we meet Charles Taylor, Olusegun Obasanjo, Jerry Rawlings and Foday Sankoh, but there are unexpected encounters with others including Roger Moore, Jamie Theakston and Bobby Charlton! Above all this book is about Africa. Craig Murray eschews the banal remedies of the left and right to share with us the deep knowledge and understanding that comes over 30 years working in or with Africa. Gems of wisdom and observation scatter the book, as does a deep sense of moral outrage at the consequences of centuries of European involvement: even though he explains that much of it was well-intentioned but disastrous.

Download: The Catholic Orangemen of Togo

Front Cover
The Catholic Orangemen of Togo

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15 thoughts on “The Catholic Orangemen of Togo

  • anna ely


    i little while ago i complained i hadnt received get my copy of the catholic orangemen of Togo . Consequenly it was in my letter box the same evening. Thanks !.It is now read and enjoyed and passed on to another happy reader..

    Anna Ely

  • carla

    I ordered the Orangement of Togo book via the web-site and instructed payment by Paypal on 23rd July payment refernce ID0P808867M2329400N but have yet to receive the book.
    PLease would you send me the book.

    regards C

  • Jon

    Hi Carla,

    I believe Craig has run out of copies of this book, it was self-published with a very small print run. I’ll draw his attention to your comment – he’s in Africa at the moment, and I suspect not frequently able to use email on account of the limited availability of internet!

  • Nikolai 'Nik' Manassiev

    Dear Mr Murrey,

    I would like to download the book ‘The catholic Orangemen of Togo’ rather than order a printed copy and donate the money instead. Is this possible?

    • Darth

      The book is still available for download from this page for free – see link at end of article before comments, A subscription option is also now available if you wish to support the blog this way.

      Enjoy the book!

  • Gill McCall

    I downloaded the pdf to my Kindle, so I could read it while we travelled through a rgion including South Africa, Namibia and Borswana, for 5 weeks. I am a bit of an Africa-phile, having grown up in SA until I was 16: my family left the country in the height if the Apartheid era, in1969, my dad as a political exile. I returned to SA in 2005 and have been travelling in southern Africa every couple of years since then. I was fascinated by Craig’s revelations about the machinations of the Blair government in African affairs, and delighted by the style of Craig’s style of narrative: His writing is powerful, informative and seductive. I shall be reading Murder in Samarkand, just as soon as I can.

  • Bill_P


    On partial lock down here, an actual police curfew starts tonight, so spent a good few hours reading your Catholic Orangemen of Togo. First of all many thanks for providing it free of charge. Considering the amount of work that has gone into writing, it seems a major sacrifice on your part.

    I really enjoyed your self depreciating style of writing and your insight into the FCO. I’d would recommend everyone to read this as an introduction to your work.