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    10 thoughts on “Contact

    • Gary Stockdale

      Hi Craig,

      I wonder if you noted the predictable conclusion for Oxus Gold. Ministry of Finance investigation and the likely liquidation of the JV. I imagine Karimov's daughter will create an new JV with Asian investors. I did some work for the company, then Oxus Mining in Khandiza in the late 1990's.

      I just wanted to compliment you on your excellent book, Murder in Samerkand. It was one of the best I have read, from my own experience I find it all very real.

      Best regards

      Gary Stockdale

      • Craig_Murray

        Thank you Gary. I am sorry to hear about Oxus – I still remember Richard Wilkins fondly, but it was indeed bound to happen.

        I always especially appreciate comments on M in S from people who know what I'm talking about!

        • Gary Stockdale

          It certainly resonated with what I experienced. Most Uzbek's are lovely it is a great shame. I imagine things are very tough out there at the moment as they will be aware of developments in the Middle East and Africa. I enjoyed reading your dialogue with Mr Joy, I imagine you are still very much missed by many Uzbek's given the sterile actions of the Embassy since your departure. I work in financial services, it always makes me smile when we go through money laundering on everyday people in the context of a prominant Arsenal shareholder.

          Best wishes


    • sajid

      Hello Craig

      THis is the first time I am writing on this blog…..
      Your article about Raymond Davis, the CIA agent facing charges of double murder in Pakistan was an eye opener. It was simple, to the point and gives a lot of insight ……….please keep doing good, unbiased work


    • anastasia filippidou

      Dear Craig,

      I am a lecturer at the Security Studies Institute and I am currently researching on extraordinary renditions. I would be grateful if you would be willing to contribute to my research and give me an interview. I care about my research so I would not mind if you would prefer either a formal interview or an informal off the record discussion. I would be more than happy to show you the excerpts I would use once the research is completed.

      Thank you for your time and effort on my behalf.

      Best wishes,

      Dr anastasia filippidou
      Security Studies Institute
      Dept of Management and Security
      Room 206 Wellington Hall
      Cranfield University
      Defence Academy
      Shrivenham, Wiltshire
      SN6 8LA

      Tel: +44(0) 1793 78 5022
      Fax: +44 (0) 1793 78 5459
      Email: [email protected]

    • nicholas wood

      I would like to send you 5 Brian Haw Sculpture Appeal Brochures . Where do I send them to? Yours

    • Graham Ennis

      Hullo Craig,
      I had to write on here. Something remarkable has happened.
      You need to know.The London Government has today publicly refused to publish the inventory of UK Government assets, long promised and out this month, which lists everything tangible, from toilet seats to nuclear weapons, that it owns. Also they have refused a disclosure to the Scottish Government. So there is now no way any future Scots Government can negotiate, in good faith, its share of the UK national debt, or division of assets, (10% approx.) that it is entitled to, if it leaves the Union. So it is now under no obligation to pay anything, or negotiate about anything, at all, if there is a Yes vote in 2014.It’s called “Bad faith”. it might take years to resolve now. So the Scots Government can proceed, on day one, with a clean sheet of accounts, and has a de-facto “Clean Break”, as they do in divorces. I think the advantage to the Scots is about 300 billion plus. Great.

      I copy my face book post below, on the subject. Master diplomat that you are, I am sure you can have much to suggest about all this, and how the SNP Government should act. Best regards
      Graham Ennis.

      in the light of what has happened, internationally, in law, the UK Government has absolutely no right to demand anything financially from the Scottish government, as they have refused to disclose the joint assets, as required by international law… no apportioning of the share of debts and assets can take place, and therefore, until it does, the Scots are under no obligation in International law to make any payments, or surrender of their share of the assets, against debt, as there is no way of knowing what exactly the assets are. Her Britannic Majesties Government have brilliantly shot themselves in the arse. They have not a leg to stand on now. Given the bad faith, the scots can now decline to pay a penny, and cannot be legally or diplomatically coerced into doing so. This is a great windfall and stroke of luck for Scotland. It will cost the Uk about 2-300 billion at least, maybe more.

    • Michael Bimmler


      I downloaded the Volodarsky article on Russians in AFG in the 1830s – happy to send it as PDF attachment if you reply to this message (obviously can’t attach it through the form).

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