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- This topic has 160 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 years, 10 months ago by
Glad to see you posting again Paul; I was worried that the covid might have got you. I don’t seem to have had it yet.
Exhibits B and E are interesting. André Rousseau makes the common mistake of claiming that roofline acceleration at around g proves free-fall, but his interpretation of seismic data seems right. Exhibit E disproves the common fallacy that all the steel debris was shipped off to China before inspection.
The evidence for WTC7 explosives remains ambiguous. The partially evaporated steel debris suggests thermite, which does not explode. Many videos record WTC7’s collapse without the sound of explosions. Other videos suggest that sound has been muted, or the video edited, at collapse initiation, which suggests a cover-up of explosion sounds. But I would expect far more witness testimony of explosive sounds at collapse initiation had explosives been detonated.
From the A&E9/11Truth page linked:
– “I was sixteen years old when my father was killed in the North Tower. In the past year, I’ve come to learn much more about his murder”
It is sad that A&E9/11Truth get people’s hopes up like this, because demolition of WTC7 is not in itself evidence for pre-rigged demolition of the Twin Towers.
Paul, these breathing exercises may be useful:
Me at 13:33 – “André Rousseau […] his interpretation of seismic data seems right”
I take that back. The first wave starting at around 17 seconds on the graph definitely starts small, and builds up to its peak at around 19 seconds. Explosives would start suddenly and tail off.
Paul Barbara
I will get around to addressing your comments, but I just want to get this First Responder treatment down before I go out (shopping).
‘9/11 workers treated in Cuba fear political attack’:
The three needed treatment, but could not get it from their insurance or the government. Michael Moore took them to Cuba where they were treated free (for his film ‘Sicko’ – I’ve no time for Michael Moore, after the way he used Mark Taylor in ‘Bowling for Columbine’, then didn’t lift a finger of support when Mark was persecuted by Big Pharma and the police).Not the sort of info the MSM and PTB like out there, showing the ‘tough titty’ ‘your problem’ approach of the US and the humanitarianism of Cuba.
I don’t know about Mark Taylor. As for Moore, hey, no one’s perfect.
Paul Barbara
@ Clark
Mark Taylor: Columbine and Big Pharma Whistleblower, now drugged and jailed:
I don’t know Mark’s current situation, but suspect he is still forcibly inarcerated and drugged. I’ll try to find out his current situation.Paul Barbara
@ Clark
Thanks; I’ve made a note of the breathing exercises. I used to do some Yoga in my early days, including breathing exercises.Paul Barbara
@ Clark
‘…Exhibit E disproves the common fallacy that all the steel debris was shipped off to China before inspection…’
The vast majority of the steel was shipped off, and under strong security. One lorry-driver was sacked for having a break I believe in a transport cafe) while delivering a load of the steel.
It has been known by NIST’s own admissions that some of the steel was examined, but they just left anomalies hanging in the air about what could have caused the phenomenally hot temperatures that some of the steel had been exposed to.Paul Barbara
@ Clark
‘…The evidence for WTC7 explosives remains ambiguous. The partially evaporated steel debris suggests thermite, which does not explode…’
Nanothermite is an explosive:
‘..Below are ten references to the fact that nanothermites can be made to be explosive.1. This 2004 paper from Lawrence Livermore Labs is quite clear about nanothermites being —
“explosive composites based on thermite reactions.”
It begins: “We have developed a new method of making nanostructured energetic
materials, specifically explosives … using sol-gel chemistry.”
2. This online article entitled “NanoScale Chemistry Yields Better Explosives” discusses the procedure by which sol-gel nanothermites are made and gives a nice TEM image of a nanothermite.
3. This US Department of Defense journal from Spring, 2002 describes how:
“All of the military services and some DOE and academic laboratories have
active R&D programs aimed at exploiting the unique properties of nanomaterials
that have potential to be used in energetic formulations for advanced explosives.”It clarifies that —
[Nanothermite properties] “include energy output that is 2x that of high explosives”
and “As sol-gel materials and methodology advances, there are a number
of possible application areas that are envisioned [including] high-power, high-energy
composite explosives.”
4. A high explosive creates a shockwave that always travels at high, supersonic velocity from the point of origin. This paper describes how —
“the reaction of the low density nanothermite composite leads to a fast propagating combustion, generating shock waves with Mach numbers up to 3.” In this paper, former NIST employee Michael Zachariah discusses —
“developing an oxidizer matrix for reaction with nano-aluminum [i.e. nanothermite] for energy intensive applications involving explosives and propellants…”. ….’ (Etc.)‘…– “I was sixteen years old when my father was killed in the North Tower. In the past year, I’ve come to learn much more about his murder”…’
It is sad that A&E9/11Truth get people’s hopes up like this, because demolition of WTC7 is not in itself evidence for pre-rigged demolition of the Twin Towers…’
Many of the victims (health problems) and relatives of victims are desperately keen for the truth to come out – it is not sad at all when they learn new information.
You’re right that proof of demolition of WTC 7 would prove demolition of the Towers, but it would prove the PTB are lying, and makes the demolition of the Towers as well more plausible, particularly with the 118 First Responders’ reports of explosions, and the unreacted nanothermite and iron spherules in the dust.Paul Barbara
@ Clark
If you believe you have a valid argument, against Rousseau’s thesis, then why don’t you write in to A&E with it?
After all, that is listed under ‘Request for Correction’. Or write to André Rousseau.Paul Barbara
You might find this interesting, re CT’s!
‘Jesse Ventura | Talks at Google’:
Paul, I’ve picked up so many pieces of the puzzle over the years that I now think I have an overall picture of what happened. Most of it matches what you would call the official story, and that makes sense to me because tens, probably hundreds of thousands of people were involved in the many various investigations and court cases, and those people needed to be satisfied that they’d found all the clues. The investigations broadly needed to match reality; it has the be that the devil is in the detail.
So here’s what I think and why. 9/11 was all about convergence of interests. US neocons, NATO, Israel, the Gulf Monarchies, the arms and petrochemical industries – 9/11 was to the advantage of all of these, and all contributed.
A major part was a Gladio B operation by NATO secret services, and the point of it was to draw all the NATO countries into ongoing conflict. The first major action after 9/11, the invasion of Afghanistan, couldn’t have been a NATO operation without 9/11 – there’s a video somewhere about this, but I’ve no idea how I’d find it again, but there was one all important document to be obtained, an order, without which the US couldn’t have got NATO – the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation – into Afghanistan. Afghanistan is, after all, nearly as far as you can get from the North Atlantic without actually going off-planet. 9/11 secured that NATO order.
We know that there’s a Gladio B operation, and that it uses jihadis instead of the fascists of the original Gladio, and that it’s run by NATO secret services. We know all this from Sibel Edmunds.
Osama bin Laden and his colleagues were a secondary target. Osama was an enemy of the Saudi power structure, one of the very few Wahhabis who remained true to his faith, brutal though it is. From a rich family, I think he got to see first hand the boozing, fornicating and drug taking of the Saudi royals, and he found it hypocritical. So he turned against them, and developed a warrior creed in Afghanistan, dedicated to evicting the US from his Holy Land among other things. As such, his organisation was a threat to the al Sauds. 9/11 was blamed on Osama’s organisation both as a cover story and so it could be smashed. Some of Osama’s men, probably an entire cell, probably contributed, not realising they were being tricked. Unwittingly, they were being run by Gladio B.
The torture policy, signed in by Condoleezza Rice and implemented by the CIA, was to produce false confessions and permanently corrupt the testimonial evidence. With so many false confessions the CIA could implicate any Muslim organisation it chose, but more importantly, these false stories could be used to deflect attention away from the Muslim jihadis that the CIA routinely exploits, so that they could carry on doing so, in Benghazi and Syria for instance.
The Mossad’s role was to infiltrate jihadi groups with dual-language Semitic Jews. This is Bollyn’s good work, but it’s all from the 80s and he has no access to top neocon power structures, so he has nothing directly relevant to 9/11. But the principle and his historical investigations are sound; Semitic Jews are Middle Easterners and can pose as Arabs, but their loyalty is to Israel. They acted as handlers and spies, probably in the US too. Another Israeli contribution was to open holes through airport security.
The events of the actual day were almost straight down the official story line. This is the safe way, the way it’s almost impossible to get caught; the clever stuff is all in the background, all set up in advance with nothing to do on the day. NATO insiders had set the timing, knowing when USAF would be otherwise engaged, and when NORAD would be doing a drill with dozens of false “inserts” on their radar screens. Genuine jihadis boarded genuine passenger aircraft and genuinely hijacked them and flew them into buildings. No demolition or explosives were needed; no incriminating evidence if something went wrong. Jihadis could be disowned. The last little bit was that Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld were “unavailable”, “too busy with ongoing events” to give intercept and shoot-down orders. They didn’t have to do anything but fail, and then only a tiny bit.
But who were these pilots who could fly so well? Well the US routinely trained Saudi military pilots under the 1945 Quincy agreement. Perfectly routine; it had been going on for half a decade. Nothing to be alarmed about, the Saudis are US allies… So how to cover that up? Easy. Only four of the nineteen were pilots; the rest were there to control the flight crew and passengers. So have four of the non-pilots train at civilian flight schools and let the investigators think they’d discovered the pilots. Though they almost blew that one with Hani Hanjour’s incompetence.
What about muddying the water? Well, who first suggested a missile at the Pentagon? Er, Rumsfeld, no less. And who first suggested that the Twin Towers were incredibly strong and explosives must have been used? Oh, the Real Donald Trump indeed, advocate of torture and friend of Silverstein; Trump went on air and said both of those things that very afternoon.
I know that the Twin Towers would collapse if structural failure occurred; I did those sums myself. Could they be sure of structural failure to initiate collapse? Well there’s that Ukrainian I found on HistoryCommons, climbing the North Tower as everyone else was going down, with a stuffed rabbit full of explosives; don’t tell me NATO weren’t embedded in Ukraine. He was celebrating the collapse and fire of the South Tower, and he was delivered to security but taken off by Men in Black and never heard of again. And how many more like him?
And WTC7? Basically luck; a godsend for the cover-up. After a massive lump of WTC1 fell on it, the rescue authorities needed it demolished before it fell over and proliferated fire, so a team was assembled and a fast demolition was done; isn’t there a SEAL team stationed in New York naval base? Secrecy was ordered on pain of being prosecuted for premeditated murder by asbestosis. No one involved has said a word since, enabling WTC7 to spawn a raft of demolition theories that have led almost the entire Truth Movement down the garden path for years.
This seems to me a coherent story. It is consistent with the testimony of major whistleblowers; Coleen Rowley and a host of others, who say that investigations that would have revealed the hijackers were quashed from on high. Sibel Edmonds with her Gladio B testimony, whose Sunday Times series was cancelled at the insistence of the CIA. Michael Springmann, who said the State Department repeatedly ordered him to issue US visas to very dubious Saudis. Susan Lindauer, who says that Richard Fuisz of the CIA knew roughly when and where in advance, but not what.
So there you go; that’s my guess.
Paul Barbara
Talking about Seal Teams, you should watch the Jesse Ventura link above – he’d make a great President.
My take on 9/11 is it was planned in conjunction with a Middle East regime (not Saudi Arabia, though certain Saudis were probably told about it).
The ‘Saudi Hijackers’ business was a ‘red herring’ from the outset, no hijackers were on any of the planes allegedly used. OBL had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11.
The video footage we saw of ‘Boeings’ hitting the Towers were faked; I don’t know if any aircraft hit the towers, but if so they were drones with no passengers and not the’planes’ shown in the fake TV footage (I am fully aware that even in the 9/11 Truth Movement, this idea is largely anathema).
No plane hit the Pentagon (nor did a missile), but a drone was shot down over the Pentagon lawn near the helipad.
Barry Jennings was murdered, as his testimony conflicted with the NIST WTC 7 Final Report.
Danny Jowenko was murdered, ‘Boston Braked’, because he was seen as a credible demolition expert whose testimony could cause trouble for the PTB and their ‘Official Narrative’.
Many very important eye-witnesses, whom William Rodriguez assembled, were not allowed to testify to the Commission, and William Rodriguez’ own extremely important testimony was held behind locked doors, and no mention of it was included in the Commission Report.
The Twin Towers were brought down with explosives (including nanothermite/nanothermate), as was WTC 7.
We know where we differ, and neither of us is likely to change our beliefs without a very substantial breakthrough, but I for one will continue to put up articles I believe help get to the truth.
And I believe that this Covid – 19 is another ‘False Flag’ event, blaming China, to be used to massively increase government control and to strike at Civil and Human Rights (including, probably, a mandated vaxx program – or limiting people’s natural rights if they don’t accept it).Clark
You’re taking the most sensationalist option at almost every step.
You should beware, Paul. Humanism, non-duality, rationality, and their practical application, science, are the modern ideologies and practices of dedication to truth, honesty, and dedication to reality, so of course those who advance the evil of winning at the expense of others, those who effectively worship Mammon, take every opportunity to chip away at them. If a claim contradicts the scientific consensus, be very, very wary about propagating it. Such claims need to be thrashed out in the scientific literature, where the most knowledgable congregate.
I’m worried that we might never get a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes covid-19. It’s a coronavirus as are some of the common cold viruses, and vaccines against coronaviruses have never been successful. It isn’t even clear yet whether suffering and recovering from covid-19 imparts immunity. If it doesn’t, no vaccine may be possible, because there’s no immunity to prime with a vaccine. That’s why there’s no HIV vaccine after all these decades; there are no former sufferers, people whose immune system has defeated the virus, so there’s no target for a vaccine to reach for.
Those who blame China are blaming the victims.
I tend towards anarchism, Paul. I think we’d all be better off without leaders everyone should take responsibility, like in the Quakers everyone’s a minister to everyone else.
As for Ventura, he knows that demolitions can be rigged in hours because he’s done it; he was in the U.S. Navy Underwater Demolition Team during the Vietnam War:
26 minutes into Jesse Ventura and he’s opened discussion for questions from the audience. Good points; I like what he’s said so far, criticism of “two party dictatorship”, his books sound interesting, and I wholeheartedly support his advocacy for openness, and criticism of official secrecy. Mild criticism; he’s obviously taking the opportunity to promote his books, but hey, who wouldn’t?
Paul Barbara
I’ll correct that slightly – I’m not sure if a missile was used, but I believe explosives were used, either alone or in conjunction with a missile/drone.
Paul, how should we know things?
I mean, by what method should we determine what is true, and what is false? Is the self enough?
Paul, apparently William Rodriguez testimony to the 9/11 Commission was made public in 2008:
Paul Barbara
@ Clark
I can only speak for myself. I use my previous experiences, reading etc. to judge the likelihood of what is true. I may on occasion be wrong, but when (if) later proof comes up, I was generally right. I started campaigning practically 50 years ago, so I can safely say I know how evil our leaders are, and their Puppetmasters (even though I may well not know who precisely these Puppetmasters are).
Re a previous comment:
‘..If a claim contradicts the scientific consensus, be very, very wary about propagating it. Such claims need to be thrashed out in the scientific literature, where the most knowledgable congregate…’
Unfortunately money controls the ‘Scientific Consensus’ these days; scientists, doctors, lecturers, universities overwhelmingly succumb to the lure of the filthy lucre.
Others are murdered. For a long time I had a Red Top, I think the Mirror, where the front page had 50-odd doctors and/or scientists who had died in mysterious circumstances or admittedly been murdered. Not long ago, I threw the lot away, as I had a stack of newspaper cuttings going back decades, which I thought I’m never going to sort out, and use, and if there is something I want to refer to I can always find it on the internet. I reckoned without the increasing logarithms and pruning of contentious articles, and was unable to find the ’50-odd dead doctors’ article, but I did find this:
‘The Mystery Of The Dead Scientists’:
That is another way the PTB adjust the ‘scientific consensus’ in their favour.Paul Barbara
Here’s another article, and it is not the one the Mirror (or whichever paper it was that I was looking for the article from) was covering – they were different doctors/scientists.
‘Mysterious Holistic Doctor Deaths Are On The Rise’:
You know, of course, that the PTB are not keen on Holistic Doctors.
And what do you make of this, from the 2012 London Olympics?
‘C- vid 9teen h-oa-x ritual with predictive programming at olympics 2012 ORIGINAL’:
Forget the end of the video – that is where the presenter adds his own religious views, but otherwise, like so many times before, the PTB telegraph their intended nefarious plans, often years in advance (they did the same on many occasions with 9/11).Clark
– “..when (if) later proof comes up, I was generally right”
Would you give me some examples please? Preferably including some you got wrong too, because negative results are important results too.
How did you get on with Bad Science ?
Paul Barbara
@ Clark
I got to page 216 (over half way through) but then got on with other things – I was not impressed, and of course agreed with some of it. I accept I’m a bit of a sucker for supplements, which I realise may not be of any benefit, but I still take them.
Zinc Lozenges are a good bet for the virus, and flu-like virus; here is a good source:
Exactly the same products from the same firm are on sale for much more on Amazon and Ebay.
An obvious time I was right was with the Syrian ‘CW’ attacks/hoaxes. From the outset I was sure they were False Flag ops by the Western mercenary Headchoppers and their Western-supplied PR outfit the ‘White Helmets’. The OPCW leaks have proved this to be the case.
I can’t think offhand where I have been wrong, but I know I have been on occasion.Paul Barbara
@ Clark April 21, 2020 at 02:47
I didn’t know William Rodriguez’ testimony was published. But serious issues arise – they read differently to his testimony, which I have heard in person from him a number of times, about how the first explosion came from below him (and he was in Basement B1), then the second came some 7 seconds later from above.
As you can see from link below, parts of his testimony are still restricted.
I heard him tell his story at least two, and more likely three or four times. I have a picture of myself giving him a book (‘Operation Cyanide’, what else?).
I totally believe his story, that he was feted by the government and media, was offered his own TV show, and encouraged to become a politician, and got a medal from Bush, but that they dropped him like a hot potato when he insisted on there being explosions in the North Tower.
He said he had two hundred friends who died in the collapse (he had been working in the Tower almost twenty years).Clark
Here are two interviews William Rodriguez gave on the day. In both he said he was in the basement. In one, the first thing he describes is an explosion; in the other it’s a “big rumble”. In both, the first victim he describes has severe burn injuries rather than blast injuries, so the explosion was probably the fuel fireball down the lift shafts rather than explosives:
CBS via NIST – ‘Explosion’
CNN direct – ‘Big rumble’
Rodriguez also described the fireball in other accounts. On the first anniversary of 9/11 (2002) he gave this interview:
– On the subject of your friends, one of them is with you, a relatively new friend I know, William Rodriguez. If Mr. Rodriguez is actually close enough, we’ve got a mike on him, just tell the story of how — William, tell the story of how the two of you met.
– UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, no, we knew each other for many years. We work at the — I work at the building. I personally in charge of all the stairs, of all the maintenance of the stairs in the building. And I knew David for probably 15, 16 years.
– And at that terrible day when I took people out of the office, one of them totally burned because he was standing in front of the freight elevator and the ball of fire came down the duct of the elevator itself, I put him on the ambulance. And I came back running into the building. And the only person that I found there was Officer David Lim. And the first thing that he told me was, Willie, do you have the key. Meaning if I had the master key to the building, which I have and I still have. It’s over here. This is the key that opened all the doors on the staircase. It’s called a T2 key. And he said let’s go.”
But a few years after 9/11 I think a lawyer latched onto him and started promoting him for publicity, and Rodriguez’ story changed slightly to the explosion happening before the aircraft impact, which Rodriguez couldn’t have had any knowledge of, being in the basement at the time.
Rodriguez testimony to NIST was given in public. His restricted testimony to the 9/11 Commission might be about his claim to have seen one of the alleged hijackers:
I think this probably is what’s restricted because the real identities of the hijackers is a major government no-go area, because they were Saudi military pilots trained by the US I strongly suspect. Jihadi headchopper pilots. Headchopping is compulsory public family entertainment in Saudi Arabia.