Afghanistan, Joe Biden has to own this debacle

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  • #76890 Reply
    michael norton
      Apparently the Taliban were started in Pakistan by the Inter-Services Intelligence. Guess who the first important visitor to Taliban controlled Afghanistan is?
      ISI Chief Lt Gen Faiz Hamid.
      The Taliban was constructed to keep Afghanistan unstable.

      #76978 Reply

        “Apparently the Taliban were started in Pakistan by the Inter-Services Intelligence.”

        But before the Taliban, Pakistan’s ISI collaborated with the US CIA and the UK MI6 to create, train and equip the Mujahideen:

        John Pilger at Information Clearing House:

        Recruited from all over the Muslim world, America’s secret army was trained in camps in Pakistan run by Pakistani intelligence, the CIA and Britain’s MI6. Others were recruited at an Islamic College in Brooklyn, New York – within sight of the doomed Twin Towers. One of the recruits was a Saudi engineer called Osama bin Laden.

        – The aim was to spread Islamic fundamentalism in Central Asia and destabilize and eventually destroy the Soviet Union.

        This seems entirely consistent with the US policy adopted in the secret 1945 Quincy Agreement between the USA and the al Saud monarchy of ‘Saudi’ Arabia.

        With thanks to Courtenay Barnett for the link.

        #76991 Reply
        michael norton

          This was very revealing on the Alex Salmond show

          Colonel Laurence Wilkerson, the former chief of staff to U.S.A. Secretary of State General Colin Powell, explains to Alex Salmond why America went into Afghanistan and the consequences of its rapid withdrawal some two decades later.

          This chap was right on the ball.

          One of the reasons for going in to Afghanistan was to keep three enemies of the U.S.A. apart
          IRAN and CHINA and RUSSIA.
          Iran would be economically viable if it could pipe Oil and Methane overland direct to China. China could hoover up all the fabulous mineral wealth of Afghanistan and drive its Belt and Road through Afghanistan directly to the Gulf of Persia. Iran has the world’s second largest reserves after Russia.
          So, imagine if Russia reabsorbed Ex-Soviet Central Asia, piping Hydrocarbons into India and China. This scenario would almost make the U.S.A. second or third rate.

          It was madness for America to let Afghanistan slip away.

          #77006 Reply

            Let us not allow Them to disappear Afghanistan off the agenda just because They can’t control the Events anymore.

            — GEROMAN — I fell in love with #NATO – Retweeted

            Lijian Zhao 赵立坚 @zlj517
            China government official
            China has decided to urgently provide 200 million yuan (31 million US dollars) worth of grains, winter supplies, vaccines, and medicines to Afghanistan according to the needs of the Afghan people.

            & this is funny

            sameera khan @SameeraKhan
            We don’t even know if they all identify as male yet. How dare the State Department just assume their gender?!?

            Quote Tweet

            The Hill @thehill
            State Dept. voices concerns over all-male Taliban government

            And this final one is guffaw worthy, is it a reduced Demand or a increased Supply? The free market appears to actually be working somewhere in the world.

            Cᴀʟɪʙʀᴇ Oʙsᴄᴜʀᴀ @CalibreObscura
            #Afghanistan Update on M16A4 pricing in Southern:

            Jun 18th 2021: $2410
            July 2nd 2021: $2375
            Aug 14th 2021: $1500
            ???? ??? ????: $????

            55% price drop in the value of fresh rifles in ~3 months. Taliban fighters/commanders still selling plenty of M16 (Colt/FN)

            Quote Tweet

            Cᴀʟɪʙʀᴇ Oʙsᴄᴜʀᴀ @CalibreObscura
            14 Aug
            #Afghanistan I have enquired as to the value of an M16A4 such as this on the (offline) black market.

            Jun 18th 2021: $2410
            July 2nd 2021: $2375
            ??? ???? ????: $????

            37.75% price drop in the value of fresh rifles in ~2 months. Been most dramatic in past 3ish weeks.…”

            Oh I really am missing CM’s take on this, I hope to read it soon as he can publish it.

            #77007 Reply

              Nice to see this topic here. It is not easy to find! Something needs to be done about visibility from the landing page. Please.

              Here is a from the horses mouth cowboy imperialists modus operandi via wikileaks cables.


              First build a hefalump trap… utterly childish strategy by the yankers.

              #77013 Reply

                It appears in the recent posts on the right side of page. I agree it could be better. As could a search function. As I assume all the “staff” are voluntary and doing it in their own time that might be a tall order as well as CM being out of action for now. Difficult time for all concerned I guess.

                #77029 Reply
                michael norton

                  The Taliban have said “They’re committed to women’s rights, and are not against women being educated or having jobs!”

                  I think a most terrible mistake has been made by the Americans, pulling out and letting these terrorists take over.

                  #77145 Reply

                    The United States has pulled out because it was in Afghanistan for wrong reasons in the first place. The US retroactively justified its invasion with false confessions extracted by torturing the prisoners they took. They installed a ruthless drug lord’s brother-in-law as President. Faking a vaccine programme to collect biometric samples couldn’t have gained them much trust with the locals either. If they were trying to make Afghanistan a better place, well, maybe they should have subcontracted the task to China like they do everything else.

                    #77409 Reply
                    michael norton

                      Things turning unpleasant in Afghanistan.
                      People being taken out and shot.
                      Protests made illegal.
                      In-fighting among factions of the Taliban.
                      Journalists beaten.

                      #77427 Reply

                        “People being taken out and shot.
                        Protests made illegal.
                        In-fighting among factions of the ruling elite.
                        Journalists beaten.” (or killed in an embassy)

                        Just like Saudi Arabia (Barhain, Quatar….) but they are our friends…………………
                        I am sure I wouldn’t want to live under Taliban rule, but to be clear when asked to hand over Osama Bin Laden by the USA they asked for evidence of his involvement in 9/11, much like an extradition process would, and instead of evidence they got invaded.
                        Who are the terrorists?

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