Analysis & opinion on COP26 & the fluffy “green” agenda

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Analysis & opinion on COP26 & the fluffy “green” agenda

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      Josh R, this is for you:

      I hope it addresses some of your concerns, eg:

      – “The Natural Capital Declaration was launched in 2012 at the UN Conference, Rio + 20. The UN Environment Programme describes it as, ‘a commitment by CEOs from the finance sector to work towards integrating natural capital criteria into their products and services’.

      – Capital is usually defined as a large amount of money (or other economic asset) used to produce more wealth. So what is ‘natural capital’? The World Bank defines it as ‘assets like forests, water, fish stocks, minerals, biodiversity and land’. But isn’t that nature? It is, but the giveaway word there is ‘assets’, because ‘natural capital’ is nature valued through the prism of profits and losses.”

      Please note that the article was published by the Extinction Rebellion website.

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