Anne Sacoolas

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    michael norton

      Anne Sacoolas

      ‘Smoking gun’ text reveals Foreign Office AGREED to let Harry Dunn’s killer fly home ‘on the next flight’ (Daily Mail)

      • ‘Smoking gun’ text shows UK official agreed to let Anne Sacoolas escape justice
      • Harry Dunn’s family have taken legal action against the UK Foreign Office
      • The department has disclosed incendiary text message to London’s High Court
      • It shows former CIA operative Sacoolas was told to get ‘on next flight out’
      • Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab told House FCO object to US claim of immunity
      • Dunn family lawyer claims text message shows Mr Raab misled Parliament

      Anne Sacoolas was/is from Langley, Virginia.

      michael norton

        So, it would seem the U.K. government have not been straight with the U.K. populace.
        I thought it weird how Anne Sacoolas was whisked out of England on an American military aircraft, to Langley, Virginia.
        It was nothing to do with her husband having diplomatic immunity, whatsoever.
        She was a CIA operative.
        The reason to get her away from the English law system was if she took the stand, a question could be put to her,
        “Anne, how many people have you killed?”


          Surely the answer would be “That’s classified information”.

          michael norton

            “That’s classified information”

            If you have never killed anyone before or since you had run over and killed young Harry, why not just say,
            I have never killed anyone, apart from young Harry?


              at least it is now highly likely that all the assorted spooks will now be working from home


                Because under oath you have to tell the truth. No?

                michael norton

                  I take your very good point.
                  Does not look good for Rabb, though, does it.
                  Lying to parliament is a resigning moment.


                    On second thought it may be that in thee twisted world of spooks, ‘collateral damage’ is not classified as murder or even homicide and there is always ‘alternative truth’.


                      No accused can be forced to take the stand. Your comment is now redundant.


                        Raab and all the robber barons in HMG are safe for now in view of the Covid-19 epidemic.

                        michael norton

                          On the George Galloway show , second half, is the neighbour, friend and retired lawyer who represented the parents of Harry Dunn in The White House, where they met the president of the U.S.A. and the head of the CIA.
                          Anne Sacoolas is a Russian speaking Intelligence Officer, working for the CIA, she is higher up than her Intelligence husband.
                          After fleeing the U.K. she went to Washington and was promoted.

                          michael norton

                            Spokesman Radd Seiger for the family of Harry Dunn


                            now claims Anne Sacoolas is a CIA Operative.


                            michael norton

                              Harry Dunn crash: Anne Sacoolas extradition refusal ‘final’

                              The US has said its decision to refuse an extradition request for Harry Dunn’s alleged killer was final.

                              It comes after an Interpol Red Notice was issued for US national Anne Sacoolas who is now “wanted internationally”.

                              So Anne will never be held accountable, in this life.

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