!! BREAKING NEWS !! (Gaza)

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  • #93867 Reply

      “Genocide in Gaza: Dimensions of an Unfolding Catastrophe”, 90 min.

      with John Mearsheimer
      Bassam Haddad, Founding Director of the Middle East and Islamic Studies Program and Associate Professor at the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University.
      Lisa Wedeen, Mary R. Morton Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science and the College, Director of the Chicago Center for Contemporary Theory, and Associate Faculty in Anthropology at the University of Chicago.

      #93871 Reply

        Oh those pathetic arab leaders… they cannot even support the South Afrian claim against Israel at the ICJ!

        Shameful if Arabs fail to join South Africa’s lawsuit against Israel at ICJ, ex-Egypt VP says


        War on Gaza: OIC and Arab League must back South Africa’s ICJ case on Israel
        The OIC and the Arab League have an opportunity to join a historic process that could redefine how international law works and uphold justice


        This really shows how deep the corrupt nature of the arab leaders relations with the Israel/US actually is.
        I fear the ICJ effort itself is already dead in the water, on the one side you have 1 single state – the brave South Africa but on the other side you have Israel and the whole of the west and their lackey states that will with all means trying to shield and protect Israel at the court.

        #93874 Reply

          open letter to NYT by Blumenthal & Maté charging the paper with false reporting on the HAMAS rape case:

          “Screams without proof: questions for NYT about shoddy ‘Hamas mass rape’ report
          Max Blumenthal and Aaron Maté
          January 10, 2024”


          “After dismantling a New York Times front page feature alleging “a broader pattern of gender-based violence on Oct. 7” by Hamas, The Grayzone is demanding answers of the paper for its journalistic malpractice.

          The following was submitted to New York Times editors and lead author, Jeffrey Gettleman.”

          #93875 Reply

            from 2006:
            Noam Chomskys excellent criticism of Mearsheimer´s notion of the alleged “powerful Israel Lobby” in the US:

            “What were “the Lobbies” that led to pursuing very similar policies throughout the world? Consider the year 1958, a very critical year in world affairs. In 1958, the Eisenhower administration identified the three leading challenges to the US as the M(iddle) E(ast), North Africa, and Indonesia — all oil producers, all Islamic. North Africa was taken care of by Algerian (formal) independence. Indonesia and the ME were taken care of by Suharto’s murderous slaughter (1965) and Israel’s destruction of Arab secular nationalism (Nasser, 1967). In the ME, that established the close US-Israeli alliance and confirmed the judgment of US intelligence in 1958 that a “logical corollary” of opposition to “radical nationalism” (meaning, secular independent nationalism) is “support for Israel” as the one reliable US base in the region (along with Turkey, which entered into close relations with Israel in the same year). Suharto’s coup aroused virtual euphoria, and he remained “our kind of guy” (as the Clinton administration called him) until he could no longer keep control in 1998, through a hideous record that compares well with Saddam Hussein — who was also “our kind of guy” until he disobeyed orders in 1990. What was the Indonesia Lobby? The Saddam Lobby? And the question generalizes around the world. Unless these questions are faced, the issue (1) cannot be seriously addressed.

            When we do investigate (1), we find that US policies in the ME are quite similar to those pursued elsewhere in the world, and have been a remarkable success, in the face of many difficulties: 60 years is a long time for planning success. It’s true that Bush II has weakened the US position, not only in the ME, but that’s an entirely separate matter.

            #93881 Reply

              Interesting interview about colonial settler state vs. indigenous vs. immigrants as a general historic problem and in particular using the example of Zionism and Israel, with anthropologist Mahmood Mamdani, Columbia Univers.

              “The Idea of the Nation-State Is Synonymous With Genocide
              A conversation with political theorist Mahmood Mamdani on the inherent violence at the heart of a nation-building project, the war in Gaza, and the changing meaning of homeland.”


              Nice closing statement by Mamdani:

              “In the period before modernity, the norm was to live in the midst of diversity. To create separate ethnic homelands was a modern project, including in the colonial world. I think we have to retrieve from the premodern past that bit of wisdom—how to live in diversity, to coexist—before building on it.”

              #93996 Reply

                Even though this is reported nowhere significant in the West it is a fact and a victory for popular resistance:

                “the Biden administration seem to have finally pressed Netanyahoo into a concession:”


                “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday night Israel “has no intention of permanently occupying Gaza or displacing its civilian population,” rebuffing hard-right ministers’ calls to rebuild Israeli settlements in the territory and encourage Palestinian emigration.

                The premier’s English-language video posted to social media came on the eve of the International Court of Justice in The Hague hearing a highly charged case accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza.

                “I want to make a few points absolutely clear,” Netanyahu said. “Israel has no intention of permanently occupying Gaza or displacing its civilian population. Israel is fighting Hamas terrorists, not the Palestinian population, and we are doing so in full compliance with international law.

                “Our goal is to rid Gaza of Hamas terrorists and free our hostages. Once this is achieved, Gaza can be demilitarized and deradicalized, thereby creating a possibility for a better future for Israel and Palestinians alike.”

                #93997 Reply

                  For what it’s worth I’ve read six or seven articles in The Irish Times (relating to the ICJ hearing) in the last few days maybe more. It is behind a paywall after seeing a few articles per week/month. There are ways around that and I’ve archived some of them.
                  I’ve also seen it on UK news channels. Can’t speak to other countries and their own media.

                  #94008 Reply

                    Good to hear that I am wrong!
                    However I believe to remember the Irish Times used to be unconventional in its published views as an exception from the rule (?).

                    #94030 Reply

                      A list of all UN Security Council vetos since 1946
                      as provided by the Dag Hammarskjöld Library
                      very handy to have

                      #94032 Reply

                        “John Dugard: The choice before us: International law or a ‘rules-based international order’?”

                        Published online by Cambridge University Press: 21 February 2023
                        originally written for the Leiden Journal of International Law
                        10 page pdf


                        #94048 Reply

                          Time has come for EU to unite, push for end to Israeli hostilities in Gaza: Borrell

                          “The absolutely tragic situation experienced by the civilian population in Gaza is unfortunately not always sufficiently known in Europe, not least because Western journalists do not have access to the enclave and many Palestinian journalists have lost their lives,” said Borrell in an opinion piece published on EU’s website on Saturday.


                          Oh look who is talking, the same chump that naively supported Israel from the getgo and blocked any efforts for a ceasefire.
                          First off, it is not a “tragedy”, this is a pre-planned, callous intentional killing of civilians!
                          Secondly, what is he waiting for? Start sanctioning, punishing Israel just with the same eagerness you did with Russia Mr Borell!

                          #94050 Reply

                            This is the talk of a madman, that will stop for nothing to achieve what he wants:

                            The Hague won’t stop us – Netanyahu
                            The Israeli PM has lumped the International Court of Justice in with his country’s enemies in recent comments, including Iran


                            UN should face criminal court – Israel
                            The organization is an ‘accomplice’ of Hamas, West Jerusalem’s representative to the international body has claimed

                            Netanyahu and Israel know they can be this cocky because indeed, no one will stop Israel from doing what it is doing.

                            Speaking of a madman, that is what Oliver Stone rightfully claim Netanyahu is:

                            Oliver Stone… “Netanyahu is a madman, America cannot continue to support him”…


                            Speaking of another madman, in the UK, David Cameron cannot even admit that Israel is occupying Gaza.

                            “I’ll have to check”: David Cameron asked if Gaza is an occupied territory


                            That is quite a different tone from Cameron when he in 2010 said this:

                            David Cameron: Israeli blockade has turned Gaza Strip into a ‘prison camp’


                            #94051 Reply

                              Ah forgot the second link:

                              UN should face criminal court – Israel
                              The organization is an ‘accomplice’ of Hamas, West Jerusalem’s representative to the international body has claimed


                              #94065 Reply
                              will moon

                                Discussion on Syriana Analysis concerning Germany and Namibia and the broader context of genocide at the ICJ

                                Guest: Dr Tarik Cyril Amar – A high quality contribution – concise and trenchant. Always impressed when well educated people keep their discourse simple, without dumbing down the complexities of an issue.


                                #94089 Reply

                                  Look who is talking:

                                  ICJ must take urgent action to end Israel’s aggression: Palestinian PM


                                  Have not the Palestinian Authority (PA) been able to refer Israel to ICJ themselves for years, decades?
                                  Apparently the PA want some attention now, their reputation is already rock bottom among palestinians and has been for years.

                                  Not to mention the PA have of course never been interested in punishing Israel before at the courts:

                                  Is the PA stalling Gaza war crimes probe?

                                  There has been no international investigation into war crimes in Gaza so far. Leaked document may hold clues as to why.


                                  #94099 Reply

                                    The development in Iraq past couple of months is so sad to watch: the majority shia nation of Iraq, did not refer Israel to the UN security council for 3 months for their genocidal killing in Gaza nor did they refer the US after repeated US strikes in Iraq (nor kick the american soldiers out for good!) past weeks against resistance forces… but NOW when IRAN carried out a strike against Israel/US/ISIS interests in Iraq, Iraq wake up:

                                    Iraq files complaint against Iran at UN Security Council over Iranian ‘aggression’- statement

                                    Instead of uniting themselves against foreign threats against the pan-arabism they collaborate with US/Israel!
                                    Ghadaffi of course were 100% right when he called out the corrupt nature of arab leaders:

                                    2008: Gaddafi condemns Arab leaders
                                    Libyan leader criticises lack of unity at summit overshadowed by absences.


                                    For those that have not seen the video, watch it, it is very on point:

                                    One wonder where the public resistance forces are in Iraq too? There are 45 million ppl. in Iraq. I would be easy to get rid of the american troops by some clandestine acts of resistance targeting US military bases etc.

                                    #94137 Reply

                                      I have always disliked the Eurovision contest: the obvious nationalism, the flag waving robotic audience, the crass performance, the tacky clothes and now I got another reason to dislike this competition even more:

                                      Israel at Eurovision 2024: EBU statement confirms KAN will not be banned from song contest

                                      Culture-chief MEP defends Israel against any Eurovision ban

                                      Of course as everyone remember, Eurovision booted Russia out of the competition 2 years ago:

                                      Eurovision: Russia banned from competing at 2022 Song Contest

                                      Eurovision chief says Russia ban stands for ‘ultimate values of democracy’

                                      #94141 Reply

                                        What a perfect exhibition of hypocrisy, all glammed up with sequins and backing dancers! What better way for European culture to put their yankee-wanking values on display than to stage their very own postmodern pisstake.

                                        Maybe Israel will enter another pisstake contestant like Netta – who, for all her sins, managed to get Bibi (quite appropriately) (yet rather inappropriately) doing a chicken-wing dance for the camera (watch on YouTube).

                                        Several leading Icelandic musicians have already signed a letter of objection to Israel participating in this year’s contest, and Finlandic musicians have threatened a boycott.

                                        In another interesting topsy-turvy twist, the UK’s entrant will be the established popstar Olly Alexander (the decidedly non-macho woke-friendly singer out of the band Years and Years) who has already accused Israel of genocide:

                                        – After it emerged that Alexander had endorsed a statement accusing Israel of genocide, an Israeli official told the UK’s Telegraph newspaper the arguments were “absurd” and accused signatories of “anti-Israel bias”. (BBC News)

                                        So I might be cheering on the UK entry, despite … well, everything. There are so many levels of irony here, that even the futile attempt to make sense of it all makes an ironic point of sorts. (Possibly, or possibly not …)

                                        It’s even more ironical-ish that last year’s winner was Sweden (an aspirant member of NATO), who won with a song called “Tatoo”, echoing the lesbo-baiting band TaTu – who represented Russia (that horribly homophobic pariah state) at Eurovision 2003.

                                        Can this year’s “competition” be even more of a post-modern joke than all the previous years put together? (You’ll have to watch it and see! – which, to be fair, might be real point of all this fake controversial nonsense: to boost the TV ratings.)

                                        At the other end of the musical spectrum, here’s a genuinely high-quality song which makes a very valid and germane point:
                                        Manic Street Preachers: “If you tolerate this, then your children will be next

                                        #94173 Reply

                                          since Eurovision is mentioned:
                                          not everybody´s taste of course,
                                          US Comedian Will Ferrell´s Eurovision spoof-comedy movie from 2020:

                                          “Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga”

                                          #94166 Reply

                                            The brilliant and essential Michael Hudson gives a dazzling analysis of the immediate global, geopolitical situation:

                                            MICHAEL HUDSON ON RUSSIA, IRAN AND THE RED SEA: NATO’S WAR ECONOMY COLLAPSES (1h25m) –

                                            Even at almost 1.5 hours it’s worth trying to make the time to take it all in imho.

                                            [ Mod: The transcript shows that most of the interview concerns Russia and NATO countries, but mentions of Israel occur in passages beginning at 13m:00s, 17:00, 30:50, 36:00–49:00, 1:01:00, 1:12:00. ]

                                            #94187 Reply


                                              In another interesting topsy-turvy twist, the UK’s entrant will be the established popstar Olly Alexander (the decidedly non-macho woke-friendly singer out of the band Years and Years) who has already accused Israel of genocide:

                                              Good for him for speaking out, I would not be surprised if he was booted from the contest now though for saying the truth about Israel. In the best of worlds, nations should unite and boycott the event, nations like Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia Herzegovina, Turkey could take the lead.
                                              Yes that Manic Street Preachers’ line is unforgettable. Great song.

                                              Of course part of the reason why Israel is so adored among the elite, western Eurovision leadership is the effort, money, PR they put in their LGBTQ pink-washing campaigning.

                                              The hypocrisy is striking, it is the same with sports, where Israel is not banned from sports events like the Russians still are; at the same time the Israelis really suck at sports anyway….unless it comes to shooting sports, like sniping children in the thousands, then they win hands down.

                                              #94196 Reply

                                                “Israeli HQ ordered troops to shoot Israeli captives on 7 October”
                                                by Asa Winstanley

                                                Israeli article in Engl. about 7th Oct. orders of IDF:
                                                “The Black Time”
                                                By Ronen Bergman and Yoav Zitun

                                                Published by Yedioth Ahronoth’s weekend supplement 7 Days, on 12 January 2024.

                                                Translation by Dena Shunra for The Electronic Intifada, based on the print edition.

                                                #94197 Reply

                                                  On the occasion of a new Jonathan Cook text and rebuttal of rape fabrications, this time by THE GUARDIAN:

                                                  re: THE GUARDIAN´s latest:
                                                  “Guardian’s ‘Hamas Mass Rape’ Story Doesn’t Add Up”
                                                  January 21, 2024


                                                  “What the BBC fails to tell you about October 7
                                                  2nd November 2023
                                                  It is journalistic malpractice for the media to still be repeating so credulously the Israeli military’s account of that day”

                                                  “Israel-Palestine war: Why is the media ignoring evidence of Israel’s own actions on 7 October?”
                                                  The BBC and others keep revisiting Hamas crimes that day, but fail to report on growing evidence that Israel killed its own citizens
                                                  15th Dec. 2023

                                                  “Hamas ‘mass rape’ claim lacks evidence. But it’s being used to justify genocide”
                                                  Claims of systematic rape on October 7 appeal to a racist trope of the savage, predatory Arab. Which is why western politicians and media are so unconcerned by the dearth of evidence
                                                  18th December 2023

                                                  #94202 Reply

                                                    The whole, almost pornographic in depiction by Israel, the type of atrocity proopaganda about alleged palestinian acts on the 7th of october is quite…perverse. It is like the israelis and pro-israel crowd want to paint and indulge in the most bizarre sex crime stories. So they make up images that are most not likely real, never occurred and attack anyone that try to claim that this or that event simply did not happen on the 7th of october.
                                                    Of course sex crimes should not be taken lightly and I do not question that sexual acts occured on that day but the whole idea that palestinians raped small jewish kids, cut their breast tissue off and played around with it with laughter or engaged in necrophiliac gang-rapes of dead jewish women… is so bizarre and without any evidence seems to be complete propaganda/BS, untrue/bullshit that in turn is used to commit the acts of genocide Israel now commit.

                                                    Atrocity propaganda is the spreading of information about the crimes committed by an enemy, which can be factual, but often includes or features deliberate fabrications or exaggerations. This can involve photographs, videos, illustrations, interviews, and other forms of information presentation or reporting.


                                                    #94203 Reply

                                                      Saudi Arabia reveals new conditions for ‘normalizing’ Israel ties
                                                      IDF attacks on Gaza civilians are unnecessary and unacceptable, the Saudi foreign minister said


                                                      Interesting use of word, “unnecessary”.
                                                      After almost 4 months of acts of genocide, the corrupt nasty leaders in Saudiarabia still have not cut the idea of normalization off with Israel!
                                                      The saudis know full well that Israel will never quit what they are doing, the saudis know full well that Israel will never accept a palestinian state. Because Israel know that leaders like the saudis will not interefere in their grand zionist plan.

                                                      As I said before, people that comment here – that lack any agency – have spent more time,energy, devotion to the palestinian cause than these corrupted leaders in the arab world.

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