!! BREAKING NEWS !! (Gaza)

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  • #100790 Reply

      What west fear is high on oil prices so just when the oil price was about to skyrocket because of israeli aggression against Lebanon, the saudis “save” Israel/west by increasing the oil export levels:

      Oil prices fall on prospects of lower Saudi Arabia price target

      Saudi Arabia is preparing to abandon its unofficial price target of $100 a barrel for crude as it prepares to increase output, the Financial Times reported on Thursday, citing people familiar with the matter.


      Another obstacle out off the way for Israel to wage their full scale invasion of Lebanon that is.

      #100794 Reply


        “Would you say that deep down germans are more critical of Israel than they perhaps dare/will admit openly?”

        Of course they are.
        83% of the German population use Smartphones.
        You cannot control reality in such a fashion that they would not find out about Gaza.

        Of course the surveys you quote are known, FORSA being one of the biggies in the polling business, but it´s not being reported every single day.

        Were it, some things could change really fast.
        People know. But naturally family, job safety, friends come first.

        #100804 Reply
        Allan Howard

          I posted the following in the current thread earlier (Netanyahu Plays Chicken) and it just occurred to me to post it on here so it’s easier to find for research purposes (as AG suggested several weeks ago in respect of a comment I posted at the time):

          I did a search a bit earlier re >only one baby was killed on october 7< and, as such, ended up saving around a dozen or so articles from the list of results to new tabs so that I could then go through them one by one. And the article I just got round to checking out turned out to be one that I came across ages ago, and almost definitely before Christmas, and I definitely posted it on at least one site, but I don’t remember which, but it was either Skwawkbox or JVL or this site.

          I didn’t realise until I started reading it that it was this article that I came across before, posted on November 16th, and at the time I think I must have focussed on the main issue raised in the story (or to be precise, what *I* regarded as the main issue) – ie that the World Jewish Congress posted the names of some children they said were killed by Hamas on October 7th that turned out to be the names of Israeli children in an article published in 2014. It’s convoluted, so here’s a clip from it:

          It appears that the Instagram post by the World Jewish Congress — an organization representing Jewish communities globally — shown in the video does repeat some of the names included in a list from 2014 of children who had been killed in Israel over the preceding years.

          Although the post is no longer available, a reverse-image search shows that the organization did post a graphic on its Instagram page with the title “Israel’s children murdered in the Hamas massacre” and a list of names.

          We emailed and called the World Jewish Congress about the Instagram post, but we didn’t hear back.

          Hmm, I wonder why not… Anyway, further down the page towards the end of the article it says the following:

          As we have written, Israel’s National Center of Forensic Medicine has been working to identify the remains of those killed on Oct. 7. Forensic pathologist Chen Kugel, the head of the center, said the ages of those killed ranged from 3 months to 80 or 90 years, according to The Media Line, an American news outlet that covers the Middle East.

          Kugel also told the Los Angeles Times that initially most of the bodies could be identified through DNA. Now, the staff’s work involves “reassembling and reconnecting pieces” of remains found in the landscapes where the killings occurred.

          For example, what initially appeared to be a piece of charcoal was examined through a CT scan, Kugel said. The scan revealed, “These were people who were hugging one another and burned while they were tied together. It might be a parent and a child.”

          I don’t suppose for one minute that it could have been the Israeli tanks and helicopter gun ships that incinerated them all!


          NB How the feck does a scan of a piece of charcoal reveal that they were tied together?! Oh, right, and it might have been a parent and a child!

          Anyway, I should just quickly point out that just prior to reading THIS particular article, I had read the transcript of a Chris Hedges interview with Max Blumenthal on November 17th, and I’ll post just one wee bit from it:

          Max Blumenthal: Well, when I first went to Gaza in 2014, in the midst of Israel’s 51-day-long assault on Gaza, I came across a car that was on the roadside that had been roasted by a Hellfire missile along with its driver. The driver’s body had been removed but it was undoubtedly charred and you could actually see his sandal melted into the gas pedal. He had been hit by a Hellfire missile. I embedded the picture in my article to compare it to the vehicles that the Israeli Foreign Ministry was pointing to as evidence of Hamas savagery, and it’s identical.

          Oh, and this!:

          But if you look at the confirmed death count, only one Israeli baby was killed. It’s horrible and tragic. It was a 10-month-old baby named Millie Cohen, who was accidentally shot by Hamas gunmen in an exchange of fire.

          And more reporting will come out about this, but you can look at the confirmed death toll at Haaretz. There’s no other baby.


          PS What I was trying to determine is the date that it was first mentioned that just one baby was killed.

          PPS The baby’s name was actually Mila Cohen.

          #100805 Reply
          Allan Howard

            Afterthought: As I’ve said before, you can be 1,000% certain that the MSM have known for months and months – and almost definitely as of since December – that only one baby was killed on October 7th (albeit not deliberately) and, as such, that the 40 beheaded babies story (and the other various versions of it) was a falsehood and atrocity propaganda, and yet not one single British MS news outlet has said as much. I mean I wouldn’t expect them to say that it was atrocity propaganda of course, but the fact that none of them have mentioned it at all is because they want their readers and viewers and listeners to go on believing that Hamas actually did such an evil thing.

            That said – ie that they have undoubtedly known since at least last December – I have little doubt that they knew that it was a big lie and atrocity propaganda from the outset. I know I did, my thinking at the time being that Hamas are hardly gonna do something like that and, in doing so, lose the support of many people around the world who are sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians. And, also, that they have no history of decapitating people, let alone babies.

            It seems to me that in all likelyhood BN and his fascist buddies had all the atrocity propaganda already concocted and contrived and prepared prior to October 7th, ready to be deceminated by various ‘agents’, and if you knew an attack was coming, as they undoubtedly did, and long before it actually happened, then THAT would be the most obvious thing in the world for such evil malevolent inhuman beings to do. And Biden and Blinken and Co would have been in on it all, of course.

            I mean we ARE talking about some of the most evil people on the planet.

            NB The only MSM that I’ve come across (so far) that posted articles about the disparity are France 24 and The Times of India (and Haaretz). and in both cases it was an AFP article (Agence France-Presse). Here’s a clip from it:

            The data gives a clear picture of the scale of the atrocities at the Supernova music festival in Reim where 364 people were killed.

            But it also invalidates some statements by Israeli authorities in the days following the attack.

            In particular, a claim made on October 10 on the government’s official X (formerly Twitter) account spoke of “40 babies murdered” at Kfar Aza kibbutz, based on a report by i24NEWS channel.

            Questioned by AFP the following day, Israel’s foreign ministry, which runs the X account, said it could not “confirm any number at this stage”.

            According to Bituah Leumi, 46 civilians were killed in Kfar Aza, the youngest 14 years old.


            Other media outlets have posted articles in respect of the age group breakdown of Israelis killed on October 7th – The Times of Israel and i24news, for example – but they ommitted to mention the disparity.

            #100816 Reply

              “Meet the First Tenured Professor to Be Fired for Pro-Palestine Speech
              Maura Finkelstein was terminated by Muhlenberg College for an Instagram repost.”


              Intro + mid point (it´s a longer report):

              Neither her longtime public support of Palestinians, however, nor the courses on Palestine she taught in her early years at the school prevented Finkelstein from earning tenure in 2021. Following the arduous tenure process, professors are supposed to enjoy lifetime job security and robust safeguards of academic freedom. The bar for dismissal from a tenured academic position is by design meant to be extremely high, requiring justifiable cause.
              In late May, however, Muhlenberg told Finkelstein that she was fired. The reason? She had shared, on her personal Instagram account, in a temporary story slide, a post written not by herself but by Palestinian poet Remi Kanazi calling for the shunning of Zionist ideology and its supporters.
              “Do not cower to Zionists,” Kanazi wrote on January 16. “Shame them. Do not welcome them in your spaces. Why should these genocide loving fascists be treated any different than any other flat out racist.” At the time, Israel had already killed over 22,000 Palestinians in Gaza, the majority of whom were women and children.

              For Finkelstein’s repost of Kanazi’s words, the college determined that their employee of nine years had violated its equal opportunity and nondiscrimination policies.

              “The College at all times follows its mission, policies and procedures with respect to matters arising under our Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination Policy and the Faculty Handbook,” said Todd Lineburger, Muhlenberg’s vice president for communications. “Per those policies and procedures, the College does not comment on confidential matters.”
              According to an article in the Muhlenberg student paper at the time, students enrolled in Finkelstein’s classes were given scant information about her suspension, aside from an email from the provost on January 24 saying their professor was on leave.

              “I was immediately upset with the college, as there were zero updates as to what was happening,” one anonymous student told The Muhlenberg Weekly. “[F]rom the limited information that I do know, it seems like a heinous violation of Dr Finkelstein’s academic freedom, something which Muhlenberg claims to pride itself on having.”

              Faculty colleagues who sought further details on the situation also reported feeling left in the dark.

              “We weren’t allowed to ask questions, we weren’t given information,” Muhlenberg professor of sociology, Janine Chi, told me.

              “It has been chilling,” she said of the school’s treatment of Finkelstein, then reconsidered: “I used the word chilling in the Fall. I think at this point I will call it an icy tundra.”

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