!! BREAKING NEWS !! (Gaza)

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  • #102065 Reply

      Part of the acceptance, normalization of the mass slaughter in Gaza, Lebanon is the racist fundament by the western elite, they look down upon arab, muslims, immigrants etc.
      Just take the speech on immigration by Starmer the other day where he was dangerously close in repeating the right-wing extremist conspiracy theory of the so called “Great Replacement”:

      Starmer: record net migration shows Tories ran ‘open borders experiment’

      Keir Starmer has accused the Conservatives of running an “open borders experiment” after new figures showed that net migration to the UK hit a record high of nearly 1 million in a period covering Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak’s administrations.


      #102075 Reply

        I am worried that Trump may fail to stop the proxy war against Russia because he is so supportive of Israel and hates Iran so much. Rather than reposting, please see here on the Ukraine thread.

        #102084 Reply
        Fat Jon

          This article illustrates just how much of a police state the UK has now become; and seemingly our police are run by Mossad these days.

          This was the kind of activity our media would point to, when lambasting the freedoms of individuals in the days of the USSR and KGB.


          #102132 Reply
          Allan Howard

            Just checked out JVL to see if there were any new articles, and they re-posted the following Haaretz article yesterday. Here’s the JVL introduction and the first part of the article:

            In this long but important interview Rashid Khalidi raises a number of issues including the value and success of BDS, the changing attitudes towards Israel, the weakness and mistakes of Palestinian leaders past and present. Among many other works, Khalidi wrote “The Hundred Years War on Palestine” in 2020 that has been updated to include the reality and impact of the early months of the post October 7th attacks on Gaza, which we would thoroughly recommend.

            Khalidi is highly critical of the US and Israel but still condemns the violence meted out during the attack into Israel on October 7th and here he also voices criticism of suicide bombings in the past even while recognising the context.

            When asked what he wishes Israelis understood, he says he wishes that they understood “something that’s very hard for them to grasp: how the Palestinians and the rest of the world see the situation. It’s seen from the beginning as an attempt to create a Jewish state in an Arab country. This is not some innocent bunch of refugees arriving in their ancestral homeland and suddenly being attacked by wild men and women. They arrive and do things that generate everything that follows; their very arrival and the structures with which they arrive create the conflict.”

            LL [Leah Levane]

            Rashid Khalidi: ‘Israel Has Created a Nightmare Scenario for Itself. The Clock Is Ticking’

            The story isn’t Hamas, religion or terrorism. Rashid Khalidi, the preeminent Palestinian intellectual of our time, is convinced that the Israelis simply don’t understand the conflict – living in a ‘bubble of false consciousness’

            by Itay Mashiach, Ha’aretz

            On May 1 this year, the day after the New York police, with the aid of stun grenades, burst into the building where pro-Palestinian protesters had barricaded themselves on the campus of Columbia University, Prof. Rashid Khalidi went to one of the gates of the university to talk to demonstrators. In aviator sunglasses and wielding a megaphone, the historian looked to be in his element.

            “When I was a student back in the 1960s, we were told we were led by ‘a bunch of outside agitators,’ by politicians whose names nobody remembers today. We were the conscience of this nation when we opposed the Vietnam War and racism,” he told the crowd, adding that, “today we honor the students who in 1968 opposed a genocidal, illegal, shameful war… And one day what our students have done here will be commemorated in the same way. They are – and they were – on the right side of history.”

            Khalidi has been described as the most significant Palestinian intellectual of his generation, as the successor to Edward Said, and as the preeminent living historian of Palestine….


            #102266 Reply


              Palestinian museum wants to set up museum in former Israeli embassy in Dublin. 😆

              #102279 Reply

                Israel steps up anti Ireland rhetoric.

                Israeli foreign minister Gideon Saar had earlier described the Taoiseach as “Ireland’s anti-Semitic prime minister Simon Harris”
                Also “The latest exchanges come as the Department of Enterprise confirmed the US Chamber of Commerce, the largest business group in the US, raised the Occupied Territories Bill during talks with the Government in Dublin last week.”

                Government is due to change following elections but likely will be similar in make up.

                #102280 Reply


                  Tremendous idea and a far better site than the sites Israel pick to build their museums on:

                  “Museum of Tolerance” being built on Muslim cemetery


                  In other news:

                  German human rights group ECCHR claim that based on the available facts and information one could claim that Israel commit genocide:

                  In recent months, ECCHR has been conducting independent research and analysis on the topic of genocide, and analyzing this against the available information and evidence relating to Israel’s actions in Gaza. This process has led us to the conclusion that there is a legally sound argument that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza.


                  #102292 Reply

                    I believe it is now time to end the conflict in Gaza. The Palestinian situation seems beyond hopeless. A settlement needs to be negotiated, the killings will become more than obscene the longer they hold out without support.

                    HST’s capture of Damascus and the House of Assad making it’s rapid departure leaves no hope for Gaza. Without support from Hezbollah and the Houthis what choice have they got.

                    Here is Moon of Alabama with their latest…_

                    #102293 Reply
                      #102301 Reply

                        More evidence of genocide. Everyone is deliberately shot, everyone is considered a “terrorist”. Even children:

                        ‘No Civilians. Everyone’s a Terrorist’: IDF Soldiers Expose Arbitrary Killings and Rampant Lawlessness in Gaza’s Netzarim Corridor
                        ‘Of 200 bodies, only 10 were confirmed as Hamas members’: IDF soldiers who served in Gaza tell Haaretz that anyone who crosses an imaginary line in the contested Neztarim corridor is shot to death, with every Palestinian casualty counting as a terrorist – even if they were just a child

                        Unlocked-paywall link to Haaretz: https://archive.is/IbH0B#selection-401.0-405.287

                        Also in Haaretz, on the Pager attack in Lebanon, Mossad agents went through the set-up in 60 minutes. A plan executed a decade ago and involved shell-companies after shell-companies covering up traces to Israel:
                        Unlocked-paywall link to Haaretz: https://archive.is/m8Kq8
                        Note how cheered and hailed this attack is in the west. When in fact it is an obvious crime of terror.

                        #102315 Reply

                          Jack, can you please help to unlock another Haaretz article?

                          ‘When You Leave Israel and Enter Gaza, You Are God’: Inside the Minds of IDF Soldiers Who Commit War Crimes


                          #102316 Reply

                            https://archive.is/d5iWb (archived link of above harretz article).

                            Does that work for you Tatyana?

                            #102317 Reply

                              Hi, ET. Looks like there’s a problem, screenshoted it

                              #102321 Reply


                                Could you reach this site?
                                Or this: https://archive.is/kJlXD

                                In other news Germany keep arming Israel, so awful and terrible considering the flagrant war crimes (even obvious acts of genocide) being commited by Israel, war crimes commited with the very arms, bullets west have provided, it is like reality, facts does not matter at all:

                                Germany allows more arms exports to Israel, report says

                                Besides, does Israel even need more weapons? Or is these arms exports rather a symbolic move?
                                Nevertheless, Germany is complicit in this genocide. It is sickening that the Greens are pushing for this. The far-right drift by the Greens is heinous. Compare the european Greens with the US Greens led by Jill Stein. Two different parties.
                                Do the Greens in europe never stop up and question their policies and how far off they have difted from their original policies of anti-war/de-escalation/nuclear disarment etc?

                                #102327 Reply

                                  Some various news/links I want to share

                                  Is it not strange that, the more evidence for israel’s apparent crimes, the less criticism by the west?

                                  As clarity on Israel’s genocide grows, so does the int’l community’s silence


                                  The gaslightning is absurd and deadly:

                                  The US pressured a leading food security monitoring organisation to withdraw its warning of imminent famine in northern Gaza, according to officials in Washington who spoke to the Associated Press (AP).


                                  And *Surprise surprise*, israel’s claim of terror-HQs in Gaza hospitals is widely exagerrated claims ICC:

                                  Claims of Hamas fighters in Gaza hospitals have been exaggerated, says senior ICC prosecutor


                                  #102345 Reply

                                    The useless, collaborationist Palestinian Authority-regime, ban Al Jazeera

                                    Al Jazeera slams Palestinian Authority move to suspend West Bank operations
                                    The network says the PA’s decision is ‘in line with the [Israeli] occupation’s actions against its staff’.


                                    Al jezeera, that probably had the best coverage of the genocide, are banned, by the Palestinian authority. You cannot make this up but prove once again what kind of disgraceful, fifth-column Mahmoud Abbas/PA really is.

                                    #102352 Reply
                                    Allan Howard


                                      Just seen your December 27th post and the Guardian article (from December 11th) you linked to, and I’m now wondering if the following – which I just happened to come across earlier whilst doing some research – is just coincidental:

                                      Palestinian Authority: Hamas is using hospitals for military purposes
                                      Ephraim D. Tepler and Itamar Marcus | Dec 30, 2024

                                      The Palestinian Authority itself has revealed that Hamas turns hospitals into military interrogation facilities. As proof, on Facebook, the PA posted a summons issued by Hamas to a Gazan to report to Nasser Hospital to be interrogated by Hamas’ military intelligence.

                                      Text posted on Facebook by Adnan Al-Damiri:


                                      Read the summons, its date, the sender and the recipient.

                                      How, when, and where Hamas’ militias summon a citizen in Gaza in the name of the State of Palestine. They order him to come to a security interrogation office at Nasser Hospital (note where) [parentheses in source]. The summonses, interrogations, and extortions continue in whatever remains of the hospitals.”

                                      Text in picture cited by Al-Damiri:

                                      “State of Palestine

                                      Ministry of Interior and National Security

                                      Internal Security Force


                                      To Citizen: Shadi Subhi Al-Suweiti, aka: Abu Subhi

                                      Address: Khan Yunis/Al-Mawasi

                                      Under the law of the State of Palestine and in accordance with our vested authority, you are to report to:

                                      Premises: Nasser Medical Center

                                      Office: Public Relations

                                      On: Wednesday

                                      Date: 16 October 2024

                                      At: 11:30 AM

                                      Attendance is mandatory and legally binding.

                                      Bring your ID card or passport.”

                                      [Adnan Al-Damiri, Facebook page, December 27, 2024]

                                      Israel has been libeled for committing war crimes at Gazan hospitals [ … ]


                                      I really don’t know what to make of it, because why would the Palestinian Ministry of Interior and National Security write to this guy, as if to say there’s still a functioning postal service in Gaza, which there obviously isn’t. And how on earth would this PA guy, Adnan Al-Damiri, have got hold of this ‘summons’, and even if one put all that – and more – to one side, and took it as legit, were they using the hospital as a military base – ie command and control center, or whatever? No, they weren’t.

                                      And something else just occurred to me: So this summons was dated October 16th and, as such, begs the question of not only HOW the PA guy came by the ‘summons’, but WHEN he came by it. I mean if, as he did, he posted it on facebook on December 27th, that’s around ten weeks after the ‘summons’ was issued. And this is my point, that if the Palestinian ministry really WERE located at this hospital at the time, then how does the PA guy know that they’re not still there, and that the IDF wouldn’t bomb them and kill them all, on account of him posting such information on facebook. There’s no mention of that happening, but if it HAD, the PA guy would be a marked man, and he knows it, so (if the ministry really WAS using the hospital) one has to assume that he – the PA guy – knew that they weren’t using it any more when he posted it on his facebook page.

                                      I mean if it IS all a ruse and a scam and the summons a fake – and as we all know, the Israeli mafia leadership are capable of anything – then it would of course be backdated to well before the senior ICC prosecutor story came out – ie was in the public domain. And timed for a couple of weeks or so later so as to not make it look as if it had any direct connection to the senior ICC prosecutor story.

                                      #102353 Reply
                                      Allan Howard

                                        I should add that I initially read about it in some Jewish newspaper (online), but I can’t find it just now, although I’m sure I didn’t close the tab, and that it’s somewhere amongst the hundred or two tabs/articles etc I’ve got up on my laptop. I’ll endeavour to find it at some point, and if I do I will of course post it on here.

                                        #102354 Reply
                                        Allan Howard

                                          OMG, I thought I’d just have a quick look to see if I could find the article before I crash out, and in the first tab/article I clicked on to check (which is what I was researching about at the time – ie the Israeli response to the Pope), lo-and-behold there’s a vid down the page a bit, and it says the following just above it:

                                          Related video: Israel eliminates Gaza Police Chief in Al-Mawasi, strikes Interior Ministry in Khan Younis (The Economic Times)

                                          I am of course assuming that the ‘Interior Ministry’ is the same ministry as the Ministry of Interior and National Security mentioned in the summons, posted by the PA guy on his facebook page!


                                          Yes, I heard about the police chief etc, but I didn’t pick up on the ‘Interior Ministry’ bit. Until now!

                                          #102355 Reply
                                          Allan Howard

                                            Found it! I knew it was somewhere. It’s actually an article on the Jewish Press website, which I don’t think I’ve ever come across before, and in effect a hit-job on the Pope (posted on Jan 1st):

                                            Pope Francis And The Genocide Defamation
                                            By Editorial Board

                                            It is ironic that Pope Francis has again this week accused Israel of “cruelty” over its air strikes in Gaza which resulted in the deaths of civilians as well as combatants, and called on the international community to investigate whether they constitute a genocide of the Palestinian people. Israel, of course, has insisted, with compelling evidence, that they only target Hamas military sites and fighters and the civilian deaths that have occurred were occasioned by Hamas’s policy of locating their military sites and fighters in civilian areas and buildings.

                                            Just out of interest, has anyone come across this ‘compelling evidence’? Anyway, it continues:

                                            Yet paradoxically, even as the Pope was delivering his calumnies, the Palestinian Authority, which of late has begun a crackdown on terrorists in the West Bank in order to present itself as an alternative to Hamas control of Gaza, confirmed Israel’s position. As reported by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), the PA has now revealed that Hamas continues to be headquartered in what was once the largest hospital in Southern Gaza.

                                            Thus, the PA posted a formal summons issued by Hamas to a Gazan resident to report to Nasser Hospital, once the largest hospital in Gaza to be interrogated by Hamas’s military intelligence. The text, according to PMW, is as follows:

                                            “State of Palestine
                                            Ministry of Interior and National Security
                                            Internal Security Force

                                            SUMMONS [etc.]

                                            And further on in the article:

                                            In fact, a letter he [Pope Francis] wrote to Middle Eastern Catholics on the first anniversary of the Oct. 7 attack was particularly disturbing. As reported by The Times of Israel the letter never even mentioned Hamas by name or made explicit reference to its atrocities, including the hostages. The letter also quoted passages from the Gospel of St. John which disparage Jews and have historically been used to fuel religious antisemitism…

                                            Yes, well he’s obviously an antisemite, like most of the rest of us on the planet. And growing in number daily!


                                            From the wikipedia entry:

                                            The Jewish Press is an American weekly newspaper based in Brooklyn, New York City. It serves the Modern Orthodox Jewish community.
                                            The Jewish Press was co-founded in 1960 by Albert Klass and his brother Sholom Klass.[3][4] The Klass brothers had previously co-published the Brooklyn Daily and Brooklyn Weekly newspapers in the 1940s. In 1960s, a group of leading rabbis approached the Klass brothers to publish a weekly English-language newspaper for Jews who were not fluent in Yiddish. This became The Jewish Press…


                                            #102356 Reply
                                            Allan Howard

                                              Apologies, but I just twigged that they don’t mention that it was posted on facebook by so-and-so, or when it was posted on facebook of course (or who it was addressed to, and their address, which you can’t help but notice!).

                                              #102374 Reply
                                              Allan Howard

                                                I should point out that to fully understand what I’m talking about, you need to begin by reading my 01.42 post from yesterday (Jan 4th) up the page a bit.

                                                Anyway, Tony Greenstein posted this excellent piece earlier today about Yad Vashem, the holocaust museum, which is very illuminating and well worth reading:

                                                Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust Memorial Museum, Wrote Asking Me to Help Them ‘Preserve the Truth of the Holocaust’.

                                                I Responded by Asking Them Why They Wanted to Commemorate the Holocaust and what ‘Truth’ was it That They Wanted to Preserve?

                                                In Yad Vashem’s sanitised world we learn nothing about Zionist collaboration with the Nazis. Nor do we learn about how the Zionist leaders made every effort to sabotage rescue schemes where the destination was not Palestine. Or how the Zionists undermined the Jewish Boycott of Nazi German and instead did their best to ensure that the Nazi regime was not destabilised…


                                                And Tony links to this Haaretz article from last January (which I haven’t come across before), albeit behind a paywall:

                                                50 Holocaust Researchers Ask Yad Vashem to Condemn Israeli Public Discourse Calling for Genocide in Gaza

                                                The ‘incitement to extermination’ heard in the words of Israeli officials and personalities ‘can reach the stage of genocide,’ the researches say. They’re calling on Yad Vashem to learn from the lessons of the Holocaust

                                                Fifty Holocaust and genocide researchers from Israel and abroad have called on Yad Vashem chairman Dani Dayan to voice an “unambiguous moral call condemning the public discourse calling for extermination and the commission of war crimes and crimes


                                                Needless to say, he didn’t of course.

                                                #102377 Reply

                                                  Tony Greenstein is a remarkable fellow! A bold man. I shouldn’t wonder if he ends up in jail one of these days.

                                                  #102492 Reply

                                                    In my December 19th post I concluded that “I believe it is now time to end the conflict in Gaza. The Palestinian situation seems beyond hopeless. A settlement needs to be negotiated, the killings will become more than obscene the longer they hold out without support”
                                                    It seems all of you were happy to sit at your keyboards and ‘fight’ the good fight to the very last Palestinian. It seems that negotiations are yielding results for which I am truly grateful.

                                                    I pass no comment on the silence from all of you…_


                                                    #102493 Reply

                                                      And what did you do, Digger?

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