!! BREAKING NEWS !! (Gaza)

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  • #93395 Reply

      Israeli troops broadcast Hanukkah from mosque on third day of Jenin invasion




      I do not understand how the whole muslim world could sit and watch this without taking any action.

      In other news Israel bombed Rafah once again, so first Israel cleanse the palestinians to the southern Gaza and then they bomb them. Pure evilness.

      Israel ‘carpet-bombs’ Gaza amid starvation, epidemic, coms blackout


      #93411 Reply

        Some videoclips I watched past days..

        Daily humiliation by Israel against palestinians


        Video: Israeli soldiers brutally beat Palestinian dad


        A video shows an Israeli soldier beating a protester in Hebron for no reason


        Egregious acts of torture, abuse committed by Israeli army against Palestinian civilians in the West Bank


        IDF soldier throw in grenade in a mosque


        Israeli soldier makes video vandalising Palestinian shop in Gaza


        Clip emerges of Israeli troops burning aid in Gaza


        Israeli policeman pushes palestinian out of wheelchair


        Again, and I am just repeating myself, but I have never seen such evil behavior like the one the israelis display ever before one have to go back to the fascist, nazi regimes of the 30s to witness something similar.

        Personally, I feel even bad if I have to kill a spider or a bug, here we have people that kill another people, in the thousands, systematically, and they …enjoy it.

        It is time for the muslim, arab world to wake the F up because they cannot let Israel humiliate themselves like this anymore. Enough is enough.

        #93419 Reply

          Imagine being so calculated, so evil such a low-life scum to a nation, that you 80 days into a massacre still have the gall to target journalists in a refugee camp!?

          An Israeli drone attack against a United Nations refugee center in southern Gaza Strip has killed a cameraman working for the Qatar-based television network Al Jazeera.


          If an Arab state would commit the same carnage there would be bombs dropped on such a state after mere days by the west.

          #93420 Reply

            Ah sorry I forgot the <em> tag..

            [ Mod: Fixed. ]

            #93425 Reply


              and you know eventually people here will get tired and used to it and then the protest will ebb away. Just like reporting on UKR, which was an entire media conglomerate. And Israel is waiting for the fatigue to set in. Who has the time and energy to protest for 2 years?

              And in Germany not a days passes without a new case of cancelled pro-Palestine protest or event. Now in Berlin they intend to repeat what happened to those pro-Palestine students at Columbia.

              I am speechless. The crime could not be more obvious. And the papers here are filling their pages with warnings of antisemitism, repeating the lies about rape, and those hostage stories over and over again. Whenever the Palestinians are concerned, it, as you said once, is an act of God. No one responsible. Or max, disputed. I mean even Mearsheimer is devastated.


              Last phrase:

              “As I watch this catastrophe for the Palestinians unfold, I am left with one simple question for Israel’s leaders, their American defenders, and the Biden administration: have you no decency?”

              (include the German government.)

              #93428 Reply


                Yes exactly, all over the west they only talk about 7th of october, rape horror stories by evil muslims, stories that is set to appeal to the islamophobic west to summon up more support for the israeli massacre, and sure 7th of october was a horrible day, but Israeli/Palestine conflict did not start 2 months ago like the west seems to believe and if we are going to honor some 1000 victims of 7th of october, what about the 20000+ more victims from: oct 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30, 31, nov 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31 dec 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 or what about the brutalization of palestinians for every single day, EVERY SINGLE DAY, since 1948?
                Nope, not interesting for the liberals in the west. As Chomsky said, there are “worthy victims” and there are “unworthy victims”.
                It is interesting that a western europe that talk about the Holocaust almost every day fell right into the trap once again of dehumainziation and large scale killing of a defenseless people.

                During WW2 many westerners could argue that they did not know what certain nations were up to, but no one could claim that they did not know what Israel was up to after this mayhem, as the israeli massacre have more or less been live-sent onto the westerner 24/7 day in and day out.

                Thanks for the link to Mearsheimer, will read that later today!

                #93435 Reply

                  an oddity of an interview on Gaza with NEW YORKER writer Masha Gessen.

                  In this interview, which I wish to recommend, she mixes interesting observations on Palestine/Germany with unnecessary allegations regarding Russia. Even though THAT has nothing to do with Gaza.

                  (Regarding Russia I never know when to believe her and when not. Judging from her writing on Russia since that war started it is all very much fiction or speculation, allegations dressed as top notch trustworthy reporting. After all it begs the question if there is ANY connection between her reporting on Russia for this prime outlet and the fact that she fled the country and ever since is spreading a very narrow, extremely subjective view which however is happening in an environment that is doing the very same 24/7. A circle of total self-confirmation in the Manhattan media bubble which is the absolute opposite of critical jounalism.)

                  #93436 Reply


                    I agree with your view on Gessen at the same time I think she should be credited for speaking out against Israel as a jew, which seems to be quite rare these days.

                    In some other news, the horror in Gaza unfolding with an even more fatigued and passive global audience:

                    More than 100 killed in Israeli strikes on Gaza’s largest refugee camp


                    Israel bomb hospital and then bury and bulldoze the patients alive


                    Some intellectuals, ex-politicians etc condemn Israel in open letter

                    At least 115 world leaders, academics and intellectuals have signed a declaration to denounce the months-long “genocidal onslaught” by Israeli forces against Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip.


                    How the Israel-Hamas War in Gaza Is Changing Arab Views
                    Support Is Falling for America and the Two-State Solution—but Rising for Iran and Violent Resistance


                    #93437 Reply

                      eventually Gessen did appear at the ceremony for a public discussion in Berlin.
                      Article see here:

                      “Masha Gessen in Berlin: The attempt to silence me failed
                      At the Böll Foundation, Gessen repeats the comparison of Gaza with an Eastern European ghetto during the Nazi era. The only difference: The world can still do something.”



                      “Was it sentences like this that a man thanked Masha Gessen for after the event, saying that she had spoken the truth? “It turns out that the Israeli army has orders not to take prisoners,” Masha Gessen said. The killing of three Israeli hostages, all unarmed, brought this to light. Something similar happened at a checkpoint before, where an Israeli who soldiers thought was a Palestinian was shot while he was kneeling. “People who are not armed, people who surrender, will be shot.”

                      #93447 Reply

                        Washington Post investigate Israel’s Al-Shifa claims about the alleged Hamas HQ under the hospital:

                        But the evidence presented by the Israeli government falls short of showing that Hamas had been using the hospital as a command and control center, according to a Washington Post analysis of open-source visuals, satellite imagery and all of the publicly released IDF materials. That raises critical questions, legal and humanitarian experts say, about whether the civilian harm caused by Israel’s military operations against the hospital — encircling, besieging and ultimately raiding the facility and the tunnel beneath it — were proportionate to the assessed threat.


                        The whole idea of raiding, threatening, shooting at hospitals, dragging patients out, kidnapping doctors, remove electricity and life-supporting measures for newborns … it is truly an unprecedented evil that Israel show off to the world and there will be, I fear, no repercussions against these sickening obvious crimes against humanity.

                        Senseless, absolutely senseless that so many people support this regime, they are no better than the people in the 30s that was fooled by the fascist and Nazi states.

                        #93467 Reply

                          Just like Al-Shifa claims the rape claims prove to be as stubborn.
                          I still encounter them in the papers.

                          Jonathan Cook with a really neutral look at the matter with the hindsight of 2 months now:

                          “Evidence Missing in ‘Mass Rape’ Charge Against Hamas”


                          recommended for discussions

                          p.s. what Cook does not mention but is important – I know it from Electronic Intifada who were the first on this issue –
                          Cochav Elkayam-Levy´s work as “former spokeswoman for the Israeli military” also included her advice for Shin Bet and how to cover up torture and other illegitimate/illegal means with the expertise of human rights law.

                          Additional authoritative evidence on THAT work of hers would be welcome.

                          #93488 Reply

                            another odd text on the rapes this time in THE INTERCEPT.
                            Interesting: It anchors as a “rape story” but is actually not and fails to even mention IDF rape.

                            All these stories are based on the same few documents which of course haven´t changed regarding the lack of real evidence.


                            So the first phrase begs the question, why write it?

                            “One thing is true: Hamas and other Palestinian militants committed unspeakable sexual violence against Israeli civilians on October 7.”

                            – actually it is not.

                            One item however is good to know: The allegation of captured HAMAS fighters interrogated by Shin Bet admitting rape plans were via video footage NGO doctors have seen. And fortunately they make clear it´s not court worthy.

                            #93489 Reply

                              however while notions of concentration camps start popping up like here:


                              (Though I never trust any video footage)

                              At the same time in the lovely Bavarian metropole of Munich writers meet on stage to declare their solidarity with Palest… ooops…sry….Israel of course.

                              “Benefit reading for Israel in the Volkstheater
                              Voices of Jewish literature”, Dec. 13th

                              (one of the three biggest theatres in town)


                              #93490 Reply

                                In the israeli media they are totally open what they want: Extermination of everyone in Gaza


                                And in the streets, israelis protest not against the war, no, they protest that Israel’s war is so, in their view, too soft:

                                Israeli protesters call for a ‘blue and white Gaza’


                                I must say that the arab states have acted so incredibly immoral and stupid, now Iraq whine that US have bombed sites on their soil, well what did Iraq expect to happen when Iraq when they invited the americans?

                                Baghdad condemns US strikes on resistance positions as ‘violation of Iraqi sovereignty’


                                Special UN rapporteur on Palestine

                                “It is not that different from other massacres of civilians if you look closer. Genocide is a process, not a single act. It must be prevented but in Gaza – as in Srebrenica and Rwanda before – the world is just letting it happen,” Francesca Albanese said on X, formerly known as Twitter, on Monday.


                                The problem is no longer only just Israel but the whole world who either look upon passively or actively arming, funding, supporting Israel.

                                #93530 Reply

                                  At least 100 journalists murdered, not killed, deliberately murdered by Israel since the start of the massacre in Gaza.

                                  Gaza media office says 100 journalists killed since Israeli attacks began
                                  Palestinian journalist Muhammed Abu Hweidy latest to be killed in Israeli attack on his home in the east of Gaza City.


                                  And not only the journalists themselves but their family members in multiple cases too are deliberately targeted.

                                  And of course Israel strike Bethlehem during christmas holiday:

                                  Israel hits Bethlehem in Christmas raids on occupied West Bank
                                  Dozens have been arrested as Israeli forces stormed Jenin and areas around Nablus.


                                  Still, we have in the west so called christians that support, not their christian brothers/sisters in Gaza, but the regime that is killing them!

                                  #93531 Reply

                                    Book Review: Antony Loewenstein, “The Palestine Laboratory” (naked capitalism, 27 Dec 2023)

                                    Does Israel-Palestine’s present provide a glimpse of a wider future?
                                    “It has been reported that the Israeli Defense Forces’ use of artificial intelligence has aided in the current brutal war against Palestinians. Israel testing out new technologies to surveil and kill Palestinians is unfortunately nothing new, as described by Antony Loewenstein in his book, “The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World.”

                                    Loewenstein is an Australian/German independent investigative journalist, author, and the co-founder of Declassified Australia.

                                    “The Palestine Laboratory,” which was published in May 2023, details how Israel sells its technology and weapons all over the world (about 130 countries in 2021) in order to support its economy and curry favor from other nations that will help it continue to deflect criticism from its treatment of Palestinians. Israel benefits from having a captive population on whom to constantly test its weapons and surveillance technology.

                                    While Israel weapons and surveillance development is boosted by its use on Palestinians, it is also far from the only country using or developing such capabilities. There exists the possibility that Israel is just ahead of the curve in its widespread deployment of occupation technology, but the authoritarian capitalism it practices is spreading along with the technologies it uses to advance such a system. Reading Loewenstein’s account of the proliferation of such tech left me wondering what’s to prevent Gaza and the West Bank’s present becoming the future for many societies. The neoliberal economics underpinning Israel’s embrace of such weapons of war and surveillance would suggest the incentive is certainly there.”

                                    #93534 Reply

                                      THE INTERCEPT:

                                      “Exclusive: Israeli Military Censor Bans Reporting on These 8 Subjects

                                      The highly unusual, English-language order for the Gaza war breaks from the secretive and informal way IDF censorship normally works.”


                                      #93547 Reply

                                        I’d like to thank contributors to this forum thread, and the similar one about Ukraine. Not many commenters are willing to step out of the limelight of the frontmost comment thread, to present matters in more detail in the forums, so thank you for compiling this valuable resource.

                                        #93613 Reply


                                          This is all MODs fault 😜
                                          Was his/her idea to open this thread in the first place.

                                          * * *

                                          “Israel’s Security Agency Ignored Warning from Gaza Source About October 7 Attack
                                          A source told Shin Bet that Hamas was planning ‘a big move’ that would take place shortly after Yom Kippur
                                          by Dave DeCamp Posted on December 28, 2023”


                                          #93647 Reply

                                            Since the lies about Hamas rape etc. constantly are popping up, this important longer piece on Scheerpost:

                                            “ZAKA Is Not a Trustworthy Source for Allegations of Sexual Violence on October 7”

                                            “ZAKA is one of the leading organizations alleging Hamas atrocities on October 7. But the organization’s volunteers have systematically given false testimonies, and continue repeating them to journalists on behalf of the Israeli government.”

                                            December 31, 2023


                                            final verdict:

                                            “The fact that women’s organizations are now endorsing the statements of ZAKA leadership and demanding the world to blindly believe Meshi-Zahav’s defenders when it comes to the events of October 7 is not only absurd and cynical but is indicative of how deep anti-Palestinian racism runs.”

                                            #93652 Reply

                                              Clark & AG

                                              Thanks, yes I really hope atleast someone read the comments here by AG and me. There are plenty of things to say and links to share but as you guys imply, this sub-forum is not optimal.


                                              Colossal destruction by Israel in Gaza according to a Wall Street Journal article today:

                                              WSJ: The war in the Gaza Strip is generating destruction comparable in scale to the most devastating urban warfare in the modern record.
                                              By mid-December, Israel had dropped 29,000 bombs, munitions and shells on the strip. Nearly 70% of Gaza’s 439,000 homes and about half of its buildings have been damaged or destroyed. The bombing has damaged Byzantine churches and ancient mosques, factories and apartment buildings, shopping malls and luxury hotels, theaters and schools. Much of the water, electrical, communications and healthcare infrastructure that made Gaza function is beyond repair.


                                              #93653 Reply


                                                Yes and no.
                                                There might be the danger that too few people take notice of the info.

                                                But I consider this rather an archival take on the matter with a long-term effect.
                                                A place where people can look up things long time after events have faded in memory.

                                                Archives are no place for limelight. Fortunately.

                                                Wrinkle: For this to be truly solid, we would have to archive.is every singe piece linked…

                                                #93655 Reply

                                                  Democracy Now on Israeli propaganda / smear campaign “Canary Mission”
                                                  Interview with investigative journalist James Bamford

                                                  “Who Funds Canary Mission? James Bamford on Group That Doxxes Students & Profs for Palestine Activism”


                                                  Bamford´s piece in THE NATION





                                                  “Jacob Baime, currently the ICC’s chief executive officer and the former national field director for AIPAC. In his Washington headquarters, Baime boasted to Kleinfeld about the power of his organization to secretly attack American students who support Palestinian rights. “We built up this massive national political campaign to crush them,” he said.

                                                  #93657 Reply

                                                    BBC propaganda in full effect:-
                                                    Video: https://www.tiktok.com/@david.stotelmyre/video/7316926286532807966
                                                    What is so absurd is that Israeli media itself, politicians itself, spew, openly, genocidal threats every day. But to say that in the western media, oh then it is “controversial”. Sigh.
                                                    This type of downplaying, gaslighting, censorship by BBC is the exact reason why the killing goes on unhindered.

                                                    Also, BBC would of course never intervene like that if a pro-Israeli guest was accusing Hamas of this or that crime then this woman would nod in agreement until her head fell off.

                                                    #93664 Reply

                                                      Jack and AG, remember that you can always link back to here from on-topic comments on the most recent posts, eg. “more detail here: (link)”, or “and that’s not all; see here: (link)”. The permalink for a specific comment is its #comment-number at its top-right.

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