Can’t post comment – getting sent to Paypal page

Latest News Forums Site technical issues and feedback Can’t post comment – getting sent to Paypal page

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  • #100106 Reply
    Brian Red

      I tried to post a comment to the most recent article, “The Purpose of Scottish Independence”, but when I clicked on “Post Comment” I was sent to a Paypal page. This happened a few times.

      Also – @Craig, did you get my email of 9 August, which I sent to …1710… ?

      #100117 Reply

        Thanks for the incident report, Brian.

        As you may have gathered, the problem was soon resolved. It seems that there was a missing HTML tag at the bottom of the article, in the standard boilerplate appeal notice. The addition of a closing tag fixed the issue.

        We’ll know what to look out for if it happens again.

        #100123 Reply


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