Clifton Suspension Bridge

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  • #99510 Reply
    Fat Jon

      This is a strange affair. The response to my online criticisms being similar to that of Madeleine McCann’s disappearance.

      Two suitcases were left on the bridge in Bristol overnight. The police say the suitcases are full of human body parts, but when I ask on local forums why the police did not seal off the area and call the Bomb Squad, I am met with a barrage of rapid rebuttal insults and attacks on my intelligence.

      I wonder why this might be?

      Don’t the police see abandoned suitcases on a bridge as threatening any more. Has Starmer called off the false flag people?

      #99541 Reply

        Probably some elaborate show-off suicide

        #99550 Reply
        Fat Jon

          Possibly, but it now transpires that the police knew the suitcases were not bombs because blood was dripping out of them; which should be a reminder to all potential bombers to stock up on beetroot juice and ketchup.

          Not only that, but the suitcases allegedy came from London. One has to ask how someone carries two suitcases dripping blood from London to Bristol without anyone noticing? If he drove, why did he use a taxi for the last few miles to the suspension bridge?

          I doubt even the most disinterested Megabus driver would load two blood-oozing suitcases into the storage area without asking questions.

          This whole affair gets more disbelievable every day. It would not surprise me if the Chief Nurse of The British Army was the main witness that caused the chap to pose in front of the CCTV camera before dropping the suitcases and legging it into Leigh Woods.

          #99551 Reply

            I believe the man charged is Colombian and further human remains were discovered in a house in Shepherds Bush. So, I’m thinking drug turf wars and some insanely dumb thinking on how to deal with the disposal of bodies problem.

            That said, it’s very strange and there may well be another angle.

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