Climate Change Denialists (who get all shy)

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  • #100597 Reply

      @ michael norton September 17, 2024 at 20:30

      You have no reply to glenn_nl either in the Pending queue or in the Trash list. No forum contribution in your name has been deleted since 10th Sept – and that wasn’t a reply to glenn_nl.

      #100606 Reply
      michael norton

        “I’m in Spain right now, about 50 miles from Portugal where this is happening:

        But that’s OK I guess, because the British government can look forward to saving a few quid on winter fuel subsidies for poor pensioners, right Michael?

        You’ve been pumping out the same BS line here for weeks now, and I really wish you’d cut it out.”

        Hello glenn_nl,
        When I was in Northern Portugal about 1980, in the area of Vila Pouca de Aguiar, there was a plantation fire, my group assisted the locals and the bombardeio beat the edges of the flames.
        The locals told us they had always had fires but the fires were worse because of the planting of Eucalyptus.
        That was in September, in the bars/streets the thermometer read 114 Fahrenheit

        #100620 Reply

          Michael – there have been fires of record sizes, in record numbers, around the world in recent years – particularly since 2020.

          Good grief, are you seriously dismissing all that because it was a bit hot there and you witnessed a fire in 1980?

          Global climate change has contributed massively to fires worldwide. Do you not care about that at all?

          You often give me the impression that you’re doing your utmost to avoid the very obvious points that are made to you, over and over, and it makes discussions incredibly tedious.

          #100621 Reply

            “You often give me the impression that you’re doing your utmost to avoid the very obvious points that are made to you, over and over, and it makes discussions incredibly tedious.”

            But it also illustrates succinctly the reason this discussion hasn’t developed dividends. Michael isn’t illiterate or uneducated, but he chooses not to engage as to do so would undermine his carefully constructed dissonance. Like most he is concerned, but is unable to process the information provided to its natural conclusion. Perhaps it’s the best way – it’s not easy retaining any sanity when you can see the express train hurtling down the tracks toward you. But yes, it does become tedious and tiresome.

          Viewing 4 posts - 451 through 454 (of 454 total)
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