Climate Change Denialists (who get all shy)

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  • #101199 Reply

      The climate crisis fanatics don’t deny that they are quite happy to see “the end of modern life” as we know it. But get all shy when asked to confirm that is what they are happy to see happen.

      Now we have Miliband with this seemingly unrestricted opportunity to make that hope real. Not everyone here is a member of the Labour Party, or even a supporter, but I sincerely doubt many of the climate crisis fanatics will protest this governments green plans. As a long term party member, I can assure everyone that the overwhelming majority of the Labour Party are in ecstatic mode about the parties plans.

      It is really unnecessary to argue if the policies the government is now pursuing will work. The proof of this green pudding is about to be tested, to the last scrape of custard off the plate…_

      #101203 Reply


        “You seem to be advocating the end of modern life?”

        The laws of nature aren’t up to me. They’re not up to you either. Actions have consequences. Modern life is heading for a crash; my preferences make absolutely no difference.

        What I am advocating for is facing facts and taking action to soften the blow.

        #101204 Reply


          “I can assure everyone that the overwhelming majority of the Labour Party are in ecstatic mode about the parties plans.”

          That’s because there are only Starmerites left, isn’t it? Didn’t two thirds of the membership leave or get thrown out after Corbyn was sabotaged?

          Wishful thinking, fantasy and ignorance confer zero protection from physical law. Old age seems a popular protection; suiting oneself and dumping the consequences on the young. If they protest, call’em fanatics and lock’em up. You seem well suited to Starmer’s red Tory party, DiggerUK.

          #101205 Reply

            The Starmtroopers are firmly in control, but they are not the only ones still here, neither will they be here for ever.
            The faction that has gone is mainly the Momentum mob. Whether or not they were pushed or jumped, it is not a lot for me to cry over.
            The faction I am saddest to see out are the pro Palestine comrades, but inside or outside the Labour Party, Palestine lives on.

            To say that I am suited for Starmers party is a limp ad hominem. I am in their sights, but I am smart enough not to give them the bullet to out me.

            Your nasty comment that seeks to justify taking benefits from and apportion blame for societies ills on oldies like me, is ageism and ignorance at it’s crudest.

            The drive to Decarbonize/NetZero policies is a folly of historical proportions. It is by their own hubris that the climate crisis fanatics will hoist themselves. If I can’t win the argument today, then I will just have to wait until the fanatics lose painfully tomorrow. I would prefer not to have to see the pain with which these policies will be implemented, nor the societal disaster that will happen when they are shown to be a search for fantasy solutions to a fantasy crisis…_

            #101209 Reply

              DiggerUK, you are playing God, claiming it’s just fine to increase the atmospheric concentration of a biologically vital compound, already 50% up. That’s everyone’s air, DiggerUK, not just yours to abuse as you wish – and by ‘everyone’, I mean all species, the whole complex web of life, not just humans. Humans are dependent upon that web of life; disrupt it, and we disrupt ourselves. But you, DiggerUK, are not going to have to live with the consequences, at least not for as long as most. Your denial of the obvious is thereby rendered more ugly.

              I’ll remind you that Palestine Action and Scientists’ Rebellion share a founder.

              #101238 Reply
              michael norton

                It is looking like wind farms may not be the answer, after all.
                We know that the blades are not recycled, just landfilled or just dumped in deserts.

                Efficiency of wind turbines drops off, a lot, as they age, particularly with the new more massive types.


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