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- This topic has 67 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 years, 4 months ago by
James Charles
“For climate change, there are many scientific organizations that study the climate. These alphabet soup of organizations include NASA, NOAA, JMA, WMO, NSIDC, IPCC, UK Met Office, and others. Click on the names for links to their climate-related sites. There are also climate research organizations associated with universities. These are all legitimate scientific sources.
If you have to dismiss all of these scientific organizations to reach your opinion, then you are by definition denying the science. If you have to believe that all of these organizations, and all of the climate scientists around the world, and all of the hundred thousand published research papers, and physics, are all somehow part of a global, multigenerational conspiracy to defraud the people, then you are, again, a denier by definition.
So if you deny all the above scientific organizations there are a lot of un-scientific web sites out there that pretend to be science. Many of these are run by lobbyists (e.g.., Climate Depot, run by a libertarian political lobbyist, CFACT), or supported by lobbyists (e.g., JoannaNova, WUWT, both of whom have received funding and otherwise substantial support by lobbying organizations like the Heartland Institute), or are actually paid by lobbyists to write Op-Eds and other blog posts that intentionally misrepresent the science.”
Just to point out that capitalism, control of vital resources, market forces, globalisation all play a part in this attempt at benevolent orientalist attempt at saving the rhino. A non sequitur I say.
Its an elementary scam. Carbon dioxide makes up 0.04% of atmosphere = 400 parts per 1,000,000 and the man made carbon dioxide is about 4% of the 0.04% or 16 parts per 1,000,000 and easily eclipsed by natural variations in carbon dioxide.
Other carbon dioxide is trapped in greenery/plant life, but most is trapped in the oceans that cover about 70% of the planet. As explained by Rhys Jagger when temperatures rise due to the Sun the oceans release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and when temperature cools is falls back into the oceans, with the rest taken in and then released by plant life.
And now scientists are forecasting a colder period due to another downturn in the Sun, ironically making man made climate change even if true. However what this and any other forecast requires is man made changes/infrastructure to cope with changes in climate (rather than futile/religious attempts to halt change) which is how mankind has progressed throughout the ages.
The crazy emission reduction targets make no sense and are anti-life, except they are not intended to be met, the ‘excess’ emissions are intended to be taxed under “carbon trading” legislation and is designed to direct funding to the rich 1% at the expense of the poor everywhere.
michael norton
Those Dastardly Chinese are reviving old coal excavations as their economy slows down.
The Communist Regime is reliant on keeping the peasantry in full time employment, so they do not have time to ponder.
China is now responsible for half of all the World’s Carbon emissions.
The U.K. has almost given up coal mining.michael norton
In a surprise move, the woman appointed to run the crucial UN climate summit in Glasgow in November has been sacked.
Claire Perry O’Neill, a former climate minister, had been assigned the post of “president” of the event, known as COP 26.
The British government has confirmed that the job will now be handled by the business department, Beis.
In a tweet, Mrs O’Neill said she was “very sad” to lose the role, and went on to criticise the government.
It couldn’t “cope” with an independent unit managing preparations for the conference, she said.
And in a sharp dig at No 10’s green credentials, she also added: “A shame we haven’t had one climate cabinet meeting since we formed.” as we have now Brexited, the Boris Johnson administration is going to row back, just as David Cameron said after winning the 2005 election
“Cut the Green Crap”michael norton
now David Cameron, sometimes friend of Boris Johnson
has turned down the job.
I suspect that David ( Cut The Green Crap) Cameron, like Boris does not really think Carbon dioxide is much of a problem
and doesn’t want to be tarnished with leading yet another fiasco climate event.michael norton
Very interesting Climate information, especially if you are a Scottish historian.
Recent work has linked historical crises, both regional and local, with palaeoclimatic estimates of global and hemispheric climate change. Such studies tend to underemphasize the spatiotemporal and socioeconomical disparity of human suffering and adaptive capacity as well as the complexities of past climate change. We focus herein on the effects in Scotland of a severely cold climate episode in the 1690s, associated with major tropical volcanic events including a large unidentified tropical eruption in 1695. A tree-ring based summer temperature reconstruction from the northern Cairngorms region identifies the 1690s as the coldest decade in Scotland for the last 750 years. Archival sources meanwhile reveal the 1690s as likely the worst era of crop failure, food shortage, and mortality ever documented in Scottish history. The connection appears simple – volcanic cooling triggered famine – but the drivers towards famine are far more complex. Although the unusual coldness of the 1690s was near-hemispheric in scale, it had a differential impact across north-western Europe. Within Scotland, both lowlands and highlands experienced dire conditions.
michael norton
As the World gets ready for the worse pandemic since the Spanish Flu of 1918, when possibly 100 million died, China, the production center of the World, is virtually shut down, the air quality is much improved, which coincidentally may help people survive, this viral pneumonia epidemic.
If the World goes into Lock-Down-Mode for say, a year, XR and other Greens should be delighted.
Less pollution all round.michael norton
In 1918 there were about two an a quarter billion people in the World, today there are over seven billion, one and a third billion, just in China.
michael norton
Very little interest in Global Warming these days.
A key climate summit in Glasgow will be delayed until next year due to disruption caused by the coronavirus.’ve personally not heard Global Warming mentioned for the last month.
Climate Change and the PLAN-demic share authors and modus-operandi. I.e. The end of the world is nigh, we’re all going to die, UNLESS you surrender your liberties to a controlling corporate police state.
michael norton
Dave, now you need to let us know, who you think are these authors?
I can say I see some convergence.
One is Elon Musk.
He is a maker of Electric cars.
He is wanting driverless cars, without ignition key or door key.Once “allowed” on the streets it is very easy to see that you could be stopped from driving by authority.
I have just realized that authority and author have the same root, thereby helping to confirm your fears.
‘Authority’ – compare ‘authorisation’ and ‘written permission’. I expect it’s from former times when only a privileged minority could read, and even less could write.
Beware argument based mainly on motive. Everyone has motives, making it too broad. It’s more useful for eliminating a suspect because they don’t have any motive. I certainly have a motive to want a vaccine for covid-19; it’s a horrible and dangerous illness.
It’s not that “we’re all going to die”; the infection fatality rate is looking like 1% to 1.5%, concentrated towards the oldest in the population. It’s that it’d be entirely inhumane to let hundreds of thousands suffocate for a week until most of them die.
Climate change activism may have been suspended by the Covid-19 epidemic but also the epidemic has produced some arguments that were not given due prominence before and there are now practical demonstrations of how a sudden radical reduction in the use of hydrocarbons has actually already produced some tangible improvements. It is only how this will be capitalised on that will determine whether covid-19 will eventually give a boost for climate change activism and serious consideration by governments.
The problem isn’t necessarily the worthiness in searching for a genuine vaccine, but its a bit like and forlorn as seeking the Holy Grail and therefore the wrong focus. And very much the wrong focus if those seeking the vaccine are drug pushers who put profit before people, as they are likely to offer you something that makes you ill not better, as healthy people are bad for business.
Whereas a focus on more tangible things such as sanitation, clean water, healthy eating and exercise in the sunshine to boost the immune system and treatments to sooth and cure an illness once you get it, is more realistic and effective approach as an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
@ SA
Climate Jehovah’s are seeking to use the coronavirus hoax to advance their climate hoax, but the lockdown also acts as a wake up call against their climate agenda as the carbon reductions due to the lockdown are not yet sufficient to meet zero emission targets.
In other words the Lab/Con zero emission targets if seriously attempted would require a bigger economic collapse than we have so far, a full blown ‘end of days’ depression. No wonder Clark supports the lockdown.
michael norton
Dave, that is interesting.
So the Climate Change people do not think that Carbon dioxide has been brought down enough during this once in a hundred year pandemic?If they want even less, there will be no hope for billions of the world’s poorer inhabitants, no jobs no future.
There is a spiritual impulse to build a brave new world (and there are the money men ever ready to exploit that impulse), and the big universal religions are clear evidence of the popularity of this impulse, but thankfully this impulse is restrained by commandments like thou shall not kill.
The problem arises when there is no restraining moral code, as in Bolshevik communism, who believe the end justifies the means. Ironically this is why a selfish creed like nationalism (not imperialism) is more peaceful in practice than a “teach the world to sing” creed, because a nationalists ambition is far more limited than a creed which wants to save the world.
In short Climate Jehovah’s have a universalist creed to save the world, but without a moral restraint are prepared to destroy the world (humanity), with a continued lockdown, to save it.
Michael, In short, reductions in CO2 due to covid-19 barely show up. Here is the graph for the last two years, here is the Keeling curve home page, and here is a relevant blog post; What does it take for the coronavirus (or other major economic events) to affect global carbon dioxide readings?
Here is an animation of arctic sea ice loss since 1979, and this cartoon depicts climate change since the last ice age.
michael norton
They are still building Hinkley Point C, which is ever loaded with fuel, will be one of the largest nuclear plants in the world.
Let us hope the Chinese do not bomb it or fuck around with the controls.
Let us hope that there is not another Bristol Tsunami that could engulf it.
If so only Scotland and Northern Ireland will be left as inhabitable United Kingdom.Dave
@ Michael
There are a range of interests behind the climate hoax or scam, including the nuclear lobby. They ‘justify’ the cost of Hinckley Point by saying its needed to save the planet, as only nuclear power is a viable alternative to ‘fossil’ fuels.
(I say ‘fossil’ as there is research showing oil isn’t formed from fossil deposits, but from something else, and that depleted oil fields refill after time from deposits deeper down in the earth).
There are different forms of nuclear power, but Hinckley Point is a very expensive form and isn’t really carbon free once you examine the change of construction and operation. So why?
The purpose of a civil nuclear power programme is to provide the skills and technology to renew the extremely expensive (and obsolete) Trident nuclear submarines/missiles programme and hide the cost in fuel bills.
Now unlike “man made climate change”, nuclear proliferation is a genuine man-made threat to the planet, but the Climate Jehovah’s, useful idiots and agents of the state help promote a real threat to humanity in the name of opposing a phoney threat!
michael norton
I agree Dave, the concrete pour at Hinkley point c was said to have been the largest ever pour in England.
The production of concrete is a big factor in releasing Carbon dioxide.I have also, for a long time thought that after introduction of ever more efficient wind turbines and photovoltaic
conversion, there is little “need” for nuclear.
Especially since Graphene was developed in England.
People are working on Graphene windows, where by some of the light is let into the building and some is turned into electricity, very, very, very soon it will be economically feasible to have most building produce enough electricity for their own needs, some will be able to produce more electricity than they need.Further more, if a Severn Barrier of caisson ponds or under water turbines were constructed instead of Hinkley point c, a massive amount of forever electricity could be more safely produced, which could be exported around the world, and we would not need the bloody French to build it for us.
So you are correct, its only function is to produce scientists and engineers to train in the nuclear industry so we can keep our seat at the top table of nuclear deterrent.Clark
A hoax can’t melt the polar icecaps.
– “useful idiots and agents of the state…”
Classic bleating; bravo!
michael norton
twenty or so years ago I read a book by Gold
Deep Hot Biosphere.Only 1/3 century ago were Archaea discovered.
Now, it is thought a large proportion of the biosphere is populated by Archaea, particular the deep ocean and the sediments beneath and the rock beneath that.
That is where Methane largely comes from.Dave
But the Sun can. Simples!