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- This topic has 417 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year, 2 months ago by
michael norton
After watching the Andrew Marr show, today, I was rather impressed with his chat with Greta Thunberg.
She claimed, even now, China is constructing one new Coal fired power station, each week. She said it is her and other people’s duty to make a fuss as people cannot demonstrate in China.
That is very telling. Even if there are climate worriers in China, people who are against ever more stuff, ever more burning of Coal, they will not be allowed to demonstrate.
So the question then is what now |¦| if the Chinese Regime refuse to burn less Coal?Clark
– “So the question then is what now if the Chinese Regime refuse to burn less Coal?”
Pay China to burn less coal? Richer countries burned China’s share long since. But similarly, China probably owes a share to countries that industrialised even later. But it’s obviously unfair that the richest nations started early and so they get away with having used coal to grow their economies, whereas for later nations that route is closed.
Russian gas has to get to China. That’d cut emissions while China is building more solar. So maybe the US should stop its sabre rattling (which is actually just a proxy for commercial competition) and instead build a mega-pipeline between its two former rivals.
michael norton
Clark, I think you will find people in China were burning Coal before anyone in the West were burning Coal.
It was just explained on Radio 4.It is the keep Xi Jinping in seat. He hopes to make himself life-Time-Ruler of China under the present regime.
Although at some time in the future he will begin to look at Global Warming, not till he is ensconced as Life-Time-Ruler.
They will continue to burn more and more Coal, that is why he will not come to Glasgow, he does not want people to point that out to him. He will not even take part in a video call.So it is not that ordinary peasants do not have worries. It is the head of the snake who wants to stay head of the snake, at all costs.
Michael – “people in China were burning Coal before anyone in the West were burning Coal.”
That may be true, but the USA and Europe have both burned more carbon than China has. And on average, a resident of the UK still burns more carbon than a resident of China, and a US resident far more than that.
Why, in your opinion, do residents of the USA and Europe have more right to make emissions than a resident of China?
This sort of attitude may be why China is unwilling to reduce emissions faster? What would you do in China’s position? The others had already eaten two thirds of the cake, but they call your group greedy unless you give up half of what’s left. And all the while, their people are eating cake faster then your people. You might not want to go to their party, especially as they all have the lurgy, they imprison your executives and keep wielding knives at you.
With an attitude like that, you might wonder if they’re really serious about eating less cake themselves. Especially as they maintain well-armed gangs that keep looting cake shops.
michael norton
I think Xi Jinping wants the cake and he wants to devour it, all of it.
The regime in China does not allow freedom of thought, unless you think how they want you to think, essentially it is still 1984, in Communist China.If there comes a time in the near future that the Chinese Economy goes in to reverse, then the whole rotten edifice falls down. He must keep his Chinese Balls in the air, at least untill he becomes Life-Time-Ruler with absolute power.
Pigeon English
I think Xi is monitoring Royal navy and Taiwan and doesn’t want to risk going to Plague island!
You did not inform us that China and Russia had joint patrol in the Pacific.
Maybe there are more urgent issues than blah blah blah in Glasgow?
Pigeon English
Allegedly Boris fell asleep and sleepy Joe as well!
Uk is leading to sunny uplands!
Pigeon English
blames China for everything but the elephant in the room is India.
In 1980 India had about 700 mill and China 1 Billion!
Now they have about the same population or China grew by 50% while India by 100%.
China’s CO2 emission is 10 but India’s is 2.5. Should India develop or stop developing for good of humanity and the western life style?
It is obvious what needs to be done; humanity needs to share instead of compete. There is plenty for everyone if all were shared.
Sharing is how groups who become isolated survive; there are hundreds of such stories, after shipwrecks or aircraft crashes. The single exception is fiction, Lord of the Flies, but real groups of people who get isolated behave nothing like that, in fact they do the opposite, they share their resources and skills.
michael norton
Quote “As soon as this news came out, all the old people near me ( in China) went crazy, panic buying in the supermarket,” one user wrote on the Chinese social media site Weibo.
Chinese Communist Regime have suggested people stock up on basics, as perfect storm coming.
I know that a super big development company is on the edge of collapse.
Apparently part of the thinking of the Regime has been continual; growth and as everybody knows you can not have forever growth, for that way lies catastrophic collapse.Pigeon English
When I was a child in 70’s if my memory is right (doubt since I can’t find the links) we are set a goal to eliminate hunger in the world by 2000. Have we achieved any target since 2000?
Only the Chinese Communist Party(Regime) has achieved something to reduce hunger!!
In 2015, agenda 2030 was signed. We are nearly in 2022 and what are probabilities that in the next 8 years those commitments will be achieved?
“I know that a super big development company is on the edge of collapse”.
Is it Evergrande? And then what? Is that the beginning of the fall of China or we should take investment out?
Pigeon English
I know that a super big development company is on the edge of collapse.Why don’t you tell me now ? You want me to lose millions because I invested in China regime.
I took my millions earlier?. Warn me about UK companies and Brexit news! I lost my money investing in shipping company without ships but make good profit on 37 Billion track and trace system. PPI is really good system . Now I will invest in companies providing British jobs for British people!
michael norton
PE, yes Evergrande.
I was out for a walk today, very cold, full Winter coat time.
I was chatting about this with my friend.
He said the problem in China is the loaned money, when Evergrande goes down, it will take the banks with it.
Evergrande cannot ever pay off the loans, all they can hope to do is pay off some of the installments but if a bank insists Evergrande pays what it owes, Evergrande, will totally collapse, taking the banks with it.
There is a perfect storm coming for China.
That storm has been stoked by the Chinese Regime. The stoking is loaning money to pay for ever more schemes, such as new airports, such as Belt and Road, such as Three Gorges Dam, such as North South Canal.
The piper needs paying but there is no real money left.michael norton
PE, the mode of operations for China, is to make things happen fast by command.
So China has apparently had a growth rate of about seven percent for decades, ever expanding the base of the Pyramid, at the top of this Pyramid, currently sits Xi Jinping as the overloard of all China. You can keep loaning money at a fast rate as long as the GDP keeps growing but unless you gradually ease off the throttle it will all crash and burn.
Although they might have just started to gently ease the throttle, they were hit with unexpected multiple whammy.
One Whammy was Donald Trump, who had sussed them, Donald was no longer going to buy everything from China, while fat Americans sat watching daytime T.V. eating popcorn. Donald understood that America was failing. America, needed to start making things again.
With the pipeline, Donald said the Iron must be mined in America. The Coal must be mined in America. The Steel must be made in America. The Pipes must be made in America. The Pipeline enterprise must be undertaken by an American firm.
No more everything from China. Then the pandemic hit. China got off lightly with the pandemic but their customers fell by the wayside. Nobody was buying anything for a year.
So China pumps more money into infrastructure in China. Then Awareness of Global Warming strikes.Make local, buy local, we are told, want less stuff.
Make things last.China has primed its pumps but their economy is now melting down, with the collapse of banks, next along the road.
This is why Evergrande is on the precipice.michael norton
Slightly more involved than I imagined, Evergrande owns part of Shengjing Bank.
In 2015, Shengjing Bank announced it would issue “offshore RMB bonds”This might get us to the proportions of the Great Banking Crisis of 2007.
Where Gordon Brown “saved the world”This is Pyramid stuff, ochestrated stuff.
The growth of China has not happened organically, it has been demanded to happened by their High Command.Pigeon English
China is planning 150 nuclear reactors in next 15 years wort $440 Billion
michael norton
“Earlier this year, the government singled out atomic power as the only energy form with specific interim targets in its official five-year plan. Shortly after, the chairman of the state-backed China General Nuclear Power Corp. articulated the longer-term goal: 200 gigawatts by 2035, enough to power more than a dozen cities the size of Beijing.”
so the Chinese High Command have not yet accepted that the game is up.
By the game I mean continual fast expansion.
Soon, there will be no world left to save.
This is ghastly beyond belief.Pigeon English
– Do you want China to emit less CO2 or not?
What is your suggestion on how to replace coal burning powerstation?
– You told us about Von der Leyen trip Vienna- Bratislava but nothing about
BJ trip Glasgow-The Garrick Club in London
Boris Johnson has been accused of “staggering hypocrisy” after he took a private jet back from the Cop26 climate
summit to attend a private members’ club dinner in London.The Tuesday night dinner at The Garrick Club in the West End was for a reunion of Daily Telegraph journalists.
– You talk about France and EU corruption but not mention lastest Corruption by British Regime.
Mp receiving big money for lobbying his mates.
– Apparently some UK farmers are exporting meat to be butchered in EU and than returned back. How sustainable, (Pork to Nederland, Beef to Ireland). Can’t the English not tranche a pig? Every peasant in Eastern Europe can do it!!!! Not many can tranche a cow! BTW butchering is skillful operation and yet in English we use it as destroying something in unskillful way. IMO driving lorries and buses is a skill as well.
michael norton
PE, we are exploring some fundamental questions here.
Yes, it would be lovely if China weaned off Coal, they could make a start by not constructing a new Coal Fired Power Station, each week. China have a lot of wind turbines and a lot of Solar Farms and a lot of Hydroelectricity plants.
What China is doing very wrong, is never ending expansion, the world can’t sustain this growth, they need to just stop but they will not stop untill the Great Collapse, which is just around the corner.
The whole world must stop buying stuff from China. They are like abusers, with their growth, there is only one world.
Pigeon English
on so many occasions you pointed out that China is Command Economy and you believe the following.
“Evergrande cannot ever pay off the loans, all they can hope to do is pay off some of the installments but if a bank insists Evergrande pays what it owes, Evergrande, will totally collapse, taking the banks with it.
There is a perfect storm coming for China.”So you believe that “Regime” will let the whole economy collapse because of 300 Billion liabilities?
IMO Regime tells the Banks what to do and not the other way around like in our democracy. We do what “Masters of the Universe”(Bankers) tell us.
Either is Regime or Free Market Economy. It can not be both!
Evergrande is not the bank.It does have real assets as well. Trouble started in late September and beginning of Oct.
In the meantime EG paid dividends. If anyone get screwed it will be investors! It is up to competent people in CCP to decide what action is the best in the interest of China. Regime can tell the bamks to bail it out or screw investors. Evergrande will be saved!
michael norton
I do not know but I think China is Command Economy, then also capitalist but under censure of Communist Regime, alright making money as long as you do not in any way upset the High Command. You certainly cannot speak out against the High Command.
A sort of mix between Brave New World and 1984 but with huge reeducation camps.I am not sure what their ideology is?
Pigeon English
Few basic rules of Capitalism and Market economy.
– Purpose of Capital is to multiply itself and make profits.
So if Investing in China gives better profits Capital will go there until investing in other country makes more prifits. Brexiter and patriot Dyson moved operations to Singapore?
– Market “fundamentalism” tells us that
a) if importing coal in 70’s and 80’s from Poland is cheaper than having your own then let’s close the mines. (miners don’t vote Conservative)
b) If importing meat from NZ and AUS is cheaper let’s do it (farmers do vote Conservative but there are not that many).
c) If you can not compete with the world your Industry should die out (farming and manufacturing). It was never said by leading Brexiters. Most of them are connected to Finance (strongly competitive industry). In most of the Trade deals services and Finance industry is not included it is just goods.
M Thatcher did not get out from coal because of ecological consideration! After discovery of oil and gas in the North sea UK went for Gas and Oil power plants. Claiming the high moral ground is disingenuous!!!!!
michael norton
I think Hilda was an early uptaker of the theory “Global Warming”, by trade she was a chemist.
Correct, cheaper to buy in timber from Canada, the Baltic and Russia, than grow at home.
Correct, cheaper to buy in Coal from Poland and crush Coal unions in Britain.
Then in the eighties there was the unimaginable boom in Oil from the North Sea.
I never understood, why it needed to be extracted – flat out?
Maybe Hilda had known at some point in the future there would be a movement of “Keep it in the ground”.
Then there was the Natural Gas boom.
This transformed energy in the U.K.
We could start winding down the Coal industry and start winding down the Coal Fired Power Plants, in favour of Natural Gas.
It gave the country an infrastructure boom, as everything was converted from Coal Gas to Natural Gas.Then in 2021 the price of Natural Gas went through the roof.
Do not keep all your eggs in one basket.michael norton
“Dash for Gas”
“An underpinning factor in the dash for gas was the recent development of North Sea gas.
Also the decline in wholesale gas prices”Several things came together under Hilda.
Privatisation, getting the Coal miners back for what they did to Ted Heath ( Three Day Week), |¦| the drop in Natural Gas prices. A Big Kick-Start to infrastructure in the U.K.
Pretty well, everything was going well with Natural Gas being the base load for electricity delivery in the U.K. untill the pandemic hit.
Or more specifically as we climbed out of the economic hole of the pandemic.
Perhaps when Nord Stream Two comes on line, Natural Gas prices will drop?
Iran has the world’s second largest proved Natural Gas Reserves.
Yet America does everything in its power to fuck them up?There is more than enough Natural Gas in the World, for several hundred years.
This immense increase in Natural Gas prices is partially a response to the pandemic but there must also be more beneath the surface?