concerning inappropriate content

Latest News Forums Site technical issues and feedback concerning inappropriate content

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  • #91029 Reply
    useless eater

      Hello, I have just posted a comment. I apologise if it is inappropriate, please delete it with no prejudice. I will still make the small contribution that was offered. I was attempting to boost morale by introducing a small amount of levity. As you may have noticed I have an issue with self-restraint.

      #91030 Reply
      useless eater

        Hello again, sorry to be a nuisance. I have just read another thread in “Site technical issues and feedback section” and realised because my email address is fictional, I may be causing more trouble for you. I have never used email nor had a real email address. It would be no problem for me to create one; would you advise I do this?

        #91031 Reply

          No, you don’t have to bother: the email addresses are rarely used for contacting people anyway. The main practical purpose of the email address is to determine the icon – the Gravatar – by the left hand side of the comments, which serves as an identifier to assure readers that any comments under that name are being posted by the same person. So please retain the email address you are already using.

          Your suspended comment has now been approved, albeit shorn of the potentially offensive quip that was tacked on to the end of it. You’re welcome to include light-hearted banter, but discriminatory terms and tropes should be avoided where possible.

          #91039 Reply
          useless eater

            Thanks, I’ll try to do better if I post.

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