Latest News › Forums › Discussion Forum › Conspiracy Theorists, Why is Westminster Lifting All COVID Restrictions?
- This topic has 577 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 years, 3 months ago by
michael norton
Now Brisbane, Australia on Lock-Down
“The only way to beat the Delta strain is to move quickly, to be fast and to be strong,” Miles said.
Maybe Australia could try vaccinating their people?
Oh no they forgot to buy any.So, quite possibly, those countries which have been praised so effusively
for their very harsh and immediate Lock-Downs
should have ordered, paid for and vaccinated?ET
“Covid infection rates in those countries that in the past have been so massively praised by some on here are outbreaking again.”
Yes, but the numbers are in the 1-200 per day not tens of thousands, Sydney, Victoria..
“Australia are sending in the troops to control the restless masses of poor in Sydney,”
Cops crush planned anti-lockdown protest with CBD shutdown. It’s a provocative headline but there is no mention of army, only police.
An anecdote: NSW is the only place where I was ever done for speeding, over 20 years ago, when I worked in Australia for a time.
How do you know they are poor? From the above linked article “Essential workers, or anyone that requires medical treatment, will be able to make their way to their destinations.”“In Japan the ordinary people did not want the Games……………”
Indeed. Didn’t we just have Euro 2020 for the same reasons, corporate sponsorship money. That is why both of these events went ahead despite rising cases. Money.
As for people being locked up………Craig Murray goes to gaol tomorrow after supreme court rejects appeal. Julian Assange is still in Belmarsh. Look on YT and you’ll find multiple examples of UK polce abusing powers. It’s kinda everywhere.
“But not everything about the U.K. is rubbish………”
Of course not Michael and I don’t think anyone has said that. Same applies to all the other countries. It is no better or worse than any other “western” country if I’m being honest. Corporate interests fester in all western countries. Also Michael, most people here are either in UK or have close ties with the UK so it’s not unexpected that most of the commentary relates to what the UK gov does.
ps. Think I’m suffering from long captcha syndrome……….. 😀
“Oh no they forgot to buy any.”
With all due respect Michael, that is an overly simplistic view of vaccine supply. At the beginning, the major manufacturing hubs for vaccines and their precursors restricted export. That included USA, UK, Europe and India. The vaccines just were not available to be bought. Australia doesn’t have the biomedical capacity to make their own, yet. Remember relatively it’s a small country in population terms of 25 million. Most countries on the planet don’t have their own manufacturing capability and rely on the pharma companies to supply. If they won’t sell them to you what can you do?
Perhaps Australia recognised this and that is one of the reasons they continue with their policy. I have read that they have about 18% of the population vaccinated and are presumably vaccinating the most vulnerable first and moving forward as supplies allow. Many other countries will be in the same boat.
Something most states have done wrong is refusing to give money to the people so that they don’t need to work during social restrictions – so of course there is resentment.
It shouldn’t take long, it’s not handouts forever. It should take around five weeks. It would cost a fraction of what governments have paid to bail out companies, what they have lost by permitting their economies to be crippled by the pandemic, and the extra they have had to spend on hospitalisation.
China’s infection figures prove that it works – no matter the Chinese government’s other sins, which are many. The Chinese government didn’t support the people out of the goodness of its heart. They did it to protect the economy. It worked, and it continues to work.
As to Australia, just one of the eight Administrative Territories, New South Wales, made restrictions voluntary. Nearly all the increase is there:
Covid has bled a little into other territories, but the majority of the continent is still free of covid. One Territory has had no covid for well over a year.
As to criticisms being because of a Conservative government, Australia has a Conservative government, and one that I intensely dislike because of their attitudes to native Australians and to the climate crisis. But that doesn’t make them wrong about covid.
Lockdowns need to be immediate if they’re to work, because covid spreads fast. They need to be firm, but they needn’t be harsh. But they HAVE to come with support, or they can’t work.
It’s the same as not vaccinating kids; if anyone’s exposed, everyone is. It’s like fitting expensive security locks to all your windows but leaving the front door wide open.
michael norton
To me and Nicola, it seems obvious that youngsters should be vaccinated or there will be yet another wave when schools/universities go back at the end of the Summer/Raining season.
michael norton
There most definately has been terrible, brutal beatings handed out by police/troops to poor people in many countries, the poor seem to be despised.
It is so much more important that the vaccine is available everywhere than for it to be given to UK children, that is the outstanding priority both for saving more lives worldwide and as a policy to reduce the overall world burden of the disease and to restart trade and travel. Why are you and Nicola so obsessed with vaccinating children?
“….the poor seem to be despised.”
That is why we hate the Tories so much here.
michael norton
In political and sociological theory, the Elite are a small group of powerful people who hold a disproportionate amount of wealth, privilege, …
French President Emmanuel Macron is suing a billboard owner who depicted Emmanuel as Adolf Hitler to protest COVID-19 restrictions.
“So in Macronia you can make fun of the prophet’s ass, that’s satire, but to make the president look like a dictator is blasphemy,” he added.The offending poster portrays Macron in the uniform of Nazi leader Hitler, with a small moustache, a lock on his forehead and the acronym of the presidential movement LREM turned into a swastika. A message reads: “Obey, get vaccinated.”
France seems a rather unhappy country, they detest Macron.
Macron is making all sorts of new rules up to force his peasants to get the jab.
Soon, the peasants will not be able to go shopping or ride the trams unless they can prove they are doubled jabbered up. What I think is happening, in many parts of the World, is a stamping down by the Elites on poor people.
The poor people do not want to be told what to do by their betters.
This is starting to get like the very early days of the French Revolution.michael norton
Covid in Sydney: Military deployed to enforce Lock-Down have questioned whether the military intervention is necessary, calling it very-heavy-handed.
The Lock-Down – in place until at least 28 August – bars people from leaving their home except for essential exercise, shopping, caregiving and other reasons.
Despite five weeks of Lock-Down, infections in the nation’s largest city continue to spread.
Not quite so wonderful?
Malcolm Turnbull: Australia ex-PM says vaccine rollout ‘a colossal failure’Clark
Michael, I find the situation very worrying. It’s so convoluted that it’s hard to put into words.
The fuel for this potential fire has been accumulating for years, decades, in fact centuries. Despite its massive impact so far, covid is just a spark. The people have a choice between socially inhibiting the spread of the virus, mass vaccination, or letting the virus run riot. But if the people rise up without coordination, in chaos, society will be disrupted and vaccine production and distribution will cease. Social viral control will also be so fragmented as to be almost ineffective.
The fuel is exploitation and oppression. There is little consumption or production that poor people do that does not make rich people yet richer, because nearly all work is mediated by money, and every time money moves, the system diverts some of it to those who have more; the more they have, the more they get. Most people can’t even stop and sleep safely without subsidising someone better off, either through mortgage or rent.
We’ve all heard of inequality of wealth, but seldom stop to think what it really means. As it increases, everyone’s experience of life diverges from everyone else’s. Watch a queue of vehicles at a red light. When the light goes green, they start to move and speed up, but they also all get further apart from all the others; the distance between any two cars increases. Another analogy is the starburst of a firework rocket – pick and follow any spark in the burst; whether it was leading near the circumference or slower and near the centre, all other sparks move away from it as the starburst expands.
Inequality of wealth literally tears society apart; everyone’s comprehension of everyone else’s situation decreases, and with this comes distrust. Why should anyone trust the findings of science? The majority don’t have a single scientist as a friend. This applies to the rich and powerful as much as to the poor and disempowered, science being one of the middling professions.
This problem was understood by those returning after World War Two, they had all been in the shit together, officer and private alike, and for a couple of brief decades it was reversed through socialist politics, the great Labour governments of the UK that built the NHS, the Welfare State, rent control, council housing and universal education. But the system of privilege is centuries older than that, and through its media power it persuaded the people to vote against it. I watched that happen, and, to my shame, I was even persuaded of it briefly.
I have to go now, but now we have a mass of people who distrust social structures so much that they don’t even believe the virus exists, and think the vaccines are designed to kill them. I’ll get back to this tomorrow hopefully.
…if the blog is still open for comments by then. If not, goodbye for a while, and I hope Craig and his family are ok.
@ Clark 31/7/21, 20:19
To cite Craig’s farewell article:
we are not legally able to post anything while I am imprisoned. But the Justice for Craig Murray campaign website is now up and running and will start to have more content shortly. Fora and comments here are planned to stay open.
In other words, these discussion forums will remain open for readers to raise issues for analysis and debate. For legal reasons, lead articles cannot be published during Craig’s incarceration. However, we are contacting prominent public figures to solicit articles for publication on the Craig Murray Justice campaign site. Whether that site will also host public comment facilities has yet to be determined. In any case, supporters will have an open forum here. If this becomes the primary channel for public opinions about issues concerning Craig Murray, then we will consider how best to boost the prominence of the discussion forums on the front page.
michael norton
Dr. Eggitt says: “Covid is the extra straw on the camel’s back – but the camel was already dead.” guess most people have given up trying to get through on the phones to their doctors.
It is almost impossible, you could be dead by the time you get past the robots.michael norton
Hello Mods, I do understand that today is a very tense day.
I have posted this morning but nothing happened.
I am unsure of what to do next, I do not want to upset people.
michael norton
[ Mod: It’s not clear what you’re referring to. If you mean that you posted a reply that didn’t appear, you may be referring to your comment above which appeared at the top of a new page. When you post a reply, the forum software reloads the page that you were viewing before you posted, and doesn’t automatically load the new page containing your reply. It may therefore appear that the reply has not been published. In such cases, check whether you are viewing the last page by looking at the page number at the bottom of the screen. If there is another page, represented by a higher number, then click on that number to view your reply. ]glenn_nl
Looks like ‘Juz’ was just another drive-by Covid denialist, who lacks the courage to stick around and get to the bottom of any of his supposed points.
There has not been an exception to this to date – denialists fold on every single point, and either skip to another or run away. Kind of a shame really, because it would be nice to see that at least _one_ of them is capable of acknowledging the truth.
[ Mod: ‘Juz’ was a new identity posting via NordVPN, and has not attempted to post again.Several months ago, Node’s modus operandi was to post replies under various pseudonyms via anonymous proxies to evade moderation and provide illusory consensus with his own positions. At that time, the mods warned that such replies would be liable for deletion without further explanation. The same policy will be invoked now.
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michael norton
88.6% of all U.K. adults have now had at least one jab.
About double what has happened in France but lots of the French don’t like jabs or Macron.
If Macron told them not to get a jab, they would probably get one, to spite Macron. They have no trust in him.
Free kebabs to U.K. young if they get a jab.michael norton
Here is a question.
If the covid pandemic started in an ordinary country, say South Korea, and spread taking many millions of lives, would they internationally have had such an easy ride as has been enjoyed by Communist China?ET
Michael, it seems you wish to deride China because of their ideology. I don’t think many here would take issue with you in pointing out China’s communist government’s many sins over the years but as you said above of the UK, China is more than its government. I’m not sure in what regard you see China as having had “an easy ride.” Perhaps you could elaborate on that. As far as I see there is and has been a lot of anti-China press for a long time now.
However, it is difficult to fault their logic when it came to their response to a pandemic, a response honed on previous outbreaks of Sars and Swine flu. Other countries with a very much western outlook, Australia, New Zealand followed a similar logic as did the IOM right next door to UK and a crown protectorate.
I’m not so sure China is a communist state anymore. For sure it’s a one party state but the communist ideal of the means of production being owned by the people seems far from the reality. China produces more billionaires than anywhere else. Whatever has happened in China they have been through a remarkable journey in the last 50 years and have come from almost nowhere to the world’s second largest, soon to be largest, economy. With 1.3 billion population they have a huge resource, one no one can match except for India. They are here for the long run, perhaps it would be better to improve relations.
michael norton
Well ET
the China Regime have not been that helpful in getting to the beginning of covid.
I do not think they have named covid Patient Zero?I expect the real covid Patient Zero
worked in the Level Four Laboratory in Wuhan or they were a collector or transporter of bats to the Level Four Laboratory in Wuhan.michael norton
A House Republican lawmaker’s investigation into the origins of COVID-19 is raising concerns that the pandemic outbreak stemmed from a genetically modified virus that leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, located in the Chinese city where the virus was first detected in December 2019.
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), the ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, released on Monday a third installment in his investigation into the origins of the virus and the missteps by China in alerting the world to the risks of the pandemic. guess America is going to start to pin the blame for the origins of covid-19 firmly on China.
There are many questions.
Where are the answers of how it exploded on the World from China?michael norton
McCaul, in statements alongside the release of the report, is calling for Congress to pass legislation sanctioning scientists at the Wuhan lab and Chinese Communist Party officials who were determined to have obstructed efforts to respond to the pandemic quickly and effectively.
McCaul also calls on the House Foreign Affairs Committee to subpoena Peter Daszak, an American scientist who has come under scrutiny for his connection with the Wuhan lab and involvement in publishing an open letter in February 2020 that rejected the lab theory as a xenophobic distraction from the pandemic response.So it is hotting up in America, let’s see how Sleepy Joe hits the Chinese Regime?
The US (America is a continent), or rather its government, is doing its damnedest to say nothing about the origins of SARS-CoV-2, ‘cos it was a US sponsored agency that commissioned the Wuhan work. The WHO has been falling over itself to cooperate with the Chinese government because it would do no good at all for anyone to antagonise them; what cooperation they have would be withdrawn.
Research into a lab leak needs to be negotiated at the political / legal level before it can proceed unrestricted. The Wuhan researchers are probably bound by US civil non-disclosure agreements in their contracts, as well as the Chinese government’s restrictions.
– The US government shares a strange common interest with the Chinese authorities: Neither is keen on drawing attention to the fact that Shi’s coronavirus work was funded by the US National Institutes of Health. One can imagine the behind-the-scenes conversation in which the Chinese government says, “If this research was so dangerous, why did you fund it, and on our territory too?” To which the US side might reply, “Looks like it was you who let it escape. But do we really need to have this discussion in public?”
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