Latest News › Forums › Discussion Forum › Conspiracy Theorists, Why is Westminster Lifting All COVID Restrictions?
- This topic has 577 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 years, 3 months ago by
It would be difficult to maintain many different threads about covid in my view. Would it not be better to leave this as a general covid thread? In fact what has happened, from your description is typical of those covid deniers, to evade questions, to change topics and to indulge in whataboutery.J
Will the Mods kindly, publicly acknowledge the censorship of five consecutive posts? Does the current moderator wish to have this discussion here or elsewhere? Is this not deeply ironic, considering what is being done to Craig Murray even as you censor in his name?
[ Mod: It’s not clear what definition of “censor” you’re working with. As mentioned previously, 4 consecutive posts from you weren’t approved because they were starting new conversations unconnected to the foregoing debates. You were advised to post them as new forum topics, which you haven’t so far attempted. There’s no record of a fifth post from you being suspended over the last few days; but maybe you have a personal definition of “consecutive” too. ]Clark
Mods, thanks for the behind-the-scene information. I was wondering whether J had disengaged, or had become too inflammatory to get past moderation. Please publish this comment despite it being addressed to the moderators.
michael norton
“Last month Mr. Boris Johnson unveiled his “plan B” for tackling the covid pandemic if a rise in cases and hospitalisations risked overwhelming the NHS.”
Time to get on it Boris, we are the stand out bad boys of Europe, with Russia.
11 hour waits for ambulance.michael norton
“Yesterday the U.K. recorded 45,140 new coronavirus cases, with the seven-day average up 15.1 percent.”
Wokingham, near me, it is now, completely out of control, 249 new positive cases, yesterday.
Weekly/100,00 rate = 574.9
I think that’s almost the worse in the country.
Thought to be mostly care homes and school children.
Pigeon English
Brilliant article.
Antivaxxers I know are definitely part of “Wellness and Yoga” comunity” and reasoning evidence and sarcasm did not help one iota.
They could not understand basic concept of probability.I hope you keep posting since you are one of my favorite commentators!
Funny enough ET few days ago asked where are you ?.
michael norton
So for Wokingham (near me), yesterday, that means one person in 687, newly tested positive for covid.
This is ludicrous, it has been going on for almost two years.At least one in seven of the U.K. population has now has covid.
When will it end?Clark
J, I am glad you’re still attempting to engage (assuming that you’ll actually pay attention to this comment), but the mods are correct to enforce some structure upon the discussion. It is an unfair technique to simply drop your former argument and change the subject onto various other ones. This tactic is routinely used in the promotion of conspiracy theory – one assertion of the overall theory gets refuted, so instead of acknowledging that refutation and accepting that it has been eliminated, the conspiracy theorists act like they never raised it in the first place by raising several new ones instead (“Gish galloping“), protecting each of the weak assertions in the same manner in turn, as if a load of superficially plausible assertions added up to proof.
I find moderation at this site to be fair, and I fully expect that if you exercise self-discipline, adhering to valid methods of argument and accepting refutation when it has been reasonably demonstrated, the moderators will publish your contributions.
michael norton
In the U.K. we have had a few Lock-Downs, a bit of mask-wearing and a bit of vaccination.
Recently, all precautions have been thrown in the canal.
Now we no longer bat an eyelid at forty five thousand new covid positives cases in a day.
We also, no longer bat an eyelid at 150 deaths a day.I am convinced that this pattern is no natural.
michael norton
The U.K. covid positive figures have been remorselessly going up for the last three months.
We are now at the third highest peak of the pandemic but it is still going up?Clark
J, please also refrain from exploiting Craig’s plight in that manner (Oct 18, 13:30); “Craig has been censored, therefore it is unfair to censor Meee!”
Craig has always made his points with evidence and reasoning; he has accepted refutation on the few occasions it has occurred, and either retracted or edited his post. Only two of his posts have been actually censored; his arguments are still very well supported by the many posts that remain. Rather, he has been made an example of, to discourage others.
And try to show some consideration for the moderators and site admin. You are pushing opinions that the best evidence shows to be potentially fatal, and you do so with unfair and invalid techniques of argument, linking to sources that rely on evidence that has been shown to be distorted and sometimes even fraudulent. Moderators have an ethical responsibility to the public. Please stop trying to hang on Craig’s coattails.
michael norton
Eastern Europe and Turkey are doing very badly.
Russia now has about one thousand covid deaths a day.
Russia now has the mostly daily covid cases that is had had during the pandemic.
France is just starting to uptick, too.Something is drastically wrong, in Europe most people 3/4 of population has been double jabbed, yet still cases numbers are relentlessly rising?
Pigeon English
Without mentioning number of tests per day or per million in countries quoted, you can not come to your conclusion? I can state that NHS is the best in Europe based on your data. So many infected people and so “few” deaths.
Are there any other factors to take into consideration and how to put them all together and come to most scientifically and statistically based conclusion? No wonder people study statistics at Uni level!
michael norton
The only guess I can come to P.E. is that far more are tested in the United Kingdom, than in other lands.
So, almost certainly in other countries there are many millions who have had some sort of covid but these persons are not counted.
Yesterday France has eleven times fewer covid positive cases than U.K. and eleven times fewer deaths.
This to me seems strange, similar populations with a shared tunnel, so our very near friends, yet completely different recent figures.
The U.K. is of course much more densely populated, so more prone to disease.
We got the Delta earlier, as millions of people cross from India to U.K. every year.
But U.K. now has more covid cases than even India. India has one and a quarter billion people, it makes you think – apples and oranges.michael norton
so, today. 18/10/2021 the U.K. announces not far short of fifty thousand extra covid positives.
I think another Lock-Down is coming soon?
Two accounts from UK doctors’ Twitter streams. Please read the whole threads:
@seahorse4000 – acute medicine doctor – 18 Oct 2021
– Seeing working age people with long covid who have nothing I can treat but are too breathless & tired to function or work, waiting for long covid clinic appointments. Confused & angry 45 yr old plasterers and busdrivers, “never been sick in my life” types. Double vaccinated covid was a rarity in July but it’s not now. Someone dies of covid every shift, usually weeks after admission. There are sick children with covid on the children’s ward. We’ve had sick prem babies on neonates after early sections to save mum on ICU with covid.
Andy Conway Morris – Academic ICU consultant – 17 Oct 2021
– …around half our level 3 (ventilator) beds are filled with patients with COVID. A lot of the patients are double vaccinated, and pressures are rising from other conditions. This is in significant part because we have high levels of community transmission – under conditions of high transmission even small percentage of vaccine-breakthrough infections will be severe, a small percentage of a very large number is still a large number. […] waning immunity from vaccination is a major part of this […] But it’s not just vaccination, people in the U.K. are behaving as if the pandemic is over – crowded, under-ventilated indoor spaces are great places to spread COVID. […] The patients with COVID are not patients we would have otherwise seen with other conditions – they are additional…
J, this one’s for you:
@seahorse4000 – acute medicine doctor – 12 Oct 2021
– There are some really charming anti-vaxxers on my last tweet, laughing at dead pregnant women, threatening me with nuremberg trials…
J, I’m not saying you’d act like quite that (though you did make some quite nasty accusations). But do please think about what sort of crowd you’re adding your voice to.
Michael, you’ve been wondering why there is so much more covid in the UK than in other European countries. Here’s an analysis that I find convincing. Summary – lots of people mixing indoors with poor ventilation; waning protection due to early vaccine roll-out; lots of transmission through schools and young people; hardly anyone is wearing masks any more:
John Burn-Murdoch, statistician for the Financial Times:
Clark: “But do please think about what sort of crowd you’re adding your voice to.”
That’s another thing. It isn’t pro-vaccine, pro-mask people marching through streets, intimidating kids in schools, sending death threats to scientists and politicians, and screaming at people to put a mask ON. No – that sort of violence, real or threatened, is exclusively from the denialists.
Which is strange, because – as the title of this thread suggests – restrictions are lifted now. Denialists can carry on exactly as they want, and indeed they do – I was upstairs on a bus a couple of weeks ago up north. Of the 10 of us there, 3 were wearing masks (including myself and the misses). So why are they so fighting mad at people who still take precautions? Why do they want to attack vaccine and testing centres?
Why are denialists not only ignorant and dishonest, but aggressive with it?
Incidentally, I was deeply disappointed to see ‘J’ earlier, simply ignoring the discussion he had started. A few of you had obviously gone to some effort to research his own stated points and references, and then he just ignores it and runs away from it! Frankly, I was shocked at the dishonesty and cowardice, and from a denialist too. And then simply to try to move onto other points instead – shocking, and totally unexpected.
Glenn_nl, 16:12 – indeed. The denialists and trivialisers would never admit it, but they’re also in the same camp as the UK government and its BBC mouthpiece, which is the subject of my next comment…
The BBC is at long last reporting on Delta variant AY.4.2, but they’re playing it down – the BBC really is just a government propaganda channel these days.
Things that are wrong with this report:
- The BBC claims 6% of “current infections”, but by using “latest official data” the BBC manages to report a figure that is a month out of date. Latest sequencing figures (which will become the official figure once they have worked their way through various offices) is 10%.
- The BBC claim that transmission advantage is 10% over standard Delta, but the best figures give 15% to 25%.
- The BBC claim “it is not yet considered a variant of concern, or a variant under investigation” – of course it bloody is, all descendent variants of Delta are variants of concern!
- The BBC claim “experts say it is unlikely to take off in a big way…” but it is already taking off in a big way; you only need to look at the sequencing data – the official data will jump from 6% to 10% when the next monthly report comes out. Of course, you can always find an “expert” who says the opposite if you make enough ‘phone calls, and the BBC have found…
- Professor Bollox, sorry Balloux, but has picked up the nickname Bollox in the trade because his predictions have been so poor. This is a prof who advised against early lockdown that would have been shorter, far more effective and saved tens of thousands of lives.
Incredibly, you’d get a better idea of what’s going on in the UK from the Israeli press; the Times of Israel covered AY.4.2 far more accurately, and over a week earlier.
Then there’s this, from the same link:
– “A few cases have also been identified in US. There had been some in Denmark but new infections with AY.4.2 have since gone down.”
Even Prof. Balloux admits that this is bunk, but he seems to like speaking in code:
– “The situation in Denmark has to be interpreted carefully. The population size of SARS-CoV-2 is much smaller than in the UK. In small populations of constant size, a ~10% selective advantage is not necessarily sufficient to counteract demographic stochasticity.”
More simply put, we cannot draw conclusions from the Denmark data because very few cases have been found so far. That is unsurprising because, not only does Denmark have far fewer infections in total, they also do far less sequencing.
But worldwide, absolute numbers of AY.4.2 are more than tripling each month, which equates to about 25% transmission advantage. Why on Earth ignore the world data and instead draw attention to Denmark, unless you wanted to play it down?
Going on UK growth rates, AY-4-2 will amount to 50% of infections by around Christmas.
The Big Lie in the denialist movement is that independent youtubers, bloggers and so on are completely uninterested in ratings – indeed, anything but the sacred truth. That they are not inhibited by numbers of hits, advertising, and the generation of forwardings and references according to the content of individual posts, in the way cable companies and “corporate news” supposedly is.
The corporate news media is certainly interested in how many people stay on for the next segment, and through a set of adverts, and usually they’ll wait 24 hours for the data to come in. With these independent postcasters/youtubers, they are intimately familiar with the results, pretty much in real time. Lifetime experts on the subject wouldn’t be putting out the number of episodes on vaccines and their effects as these people.
It takes a fair amount of gullibility to imagine that the “vaccine scepticism” isn’t being driven by hits by these supposed independent commentators. They want response. Suggesting that the scientists are pretty much correct, given the current data and understanding at any point, just isn’t going to get the response these grifters crave.
If I mention the Harvard study again, which you censored all mention of, will that be censored too under the grounds that it is not conspiracy theory and therefore impermissible in this thread? Who exactly is running this facade?
[ Mod: To reiterate the advice given to you earlier:As these contributions aren’t relevant to the thread title (the lifting of covid restrictions by Westminster) and don’t follow on from any earlier post in this thread, J should create a new topic with an appropriate title for each separate issue, to avoid multiple overlapping discussions on a single thread.
Regards. ]
Glenn_nl, it’s surreal. We’ve got the government playing it down and doing the minimum possible, and the denialist movement actually believe that they’re opposing the government!