Latest News › Forums › Discussion Forum › Conspiracy Theorists, Why is Westminster Lifting All COVID Restrictions?
- This topic has 577 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 years, 3 months ago by
Good news – A cheap, easily available drug lowers the risk of hospitalisation and death. It appears that fluvoxamine, which has been around for 30-odd years and is fairly well understood, lowers the risk of hospitalisation and the need for medical observation by a third.
There were a number of small studies, but this latest one is a fairly large study, and it’s published here:
Background: Recent evidence indicates a potential therapeutic role of fluvoxamine for COVID-19. In the TOGETHER trial for acutely symptomatic patients with COVID-19, we aimed to assess the efficacy of fluvoxamine versus placebo in preventing hospitalisation defined as either retention in a COVID-19 emergency setting or transfer to a tertiary hospital due to COVID-19.
Methods: This placebo-controlled, randomised, adaptive platform trial done among high-risk symptomatic Brazilian adults confirmed positive for SARS-CoV-2 included eligible patients from 11 clinical sites in Brazil with a known risk factor for progression to severe disease. Patients were randomly assigned (1:1) to either fluvoxamine (100 mg twice daily for 10 days) or placebo (or other treatment groups not reported here). The trial team, site staff, and patients were masked to treatment allocation. Our primary outcome was a composite endpoint of hospitalisation defined as either retention in a COVID-19 emergency setting or transfer to tertiary hospital due to COVID-19 up to 28 days post-random assignment on the basis of intention to treat. Modified intention to treat explored patients receiving at least 24 h of treatment before a primary outcome event and per-protocol analysis explored patients with a high level adherence (>80%). We used a Bayesian analytic framework to establish the effects along with probability of success of intervention compared with placebo. The trial is registered at (NCT04727424) and is ongoing.
It’s worth looking at. And conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers and Covid denialists really should bother to take a look. This is how real studies are actually done, and discussed. In publications where they set out what they want to test, how they are doing it, all the parameters involved, who paid for it, all the actual data is available for others to check, declaration of any interests, and so on.
It is published in a journal for other people knowledgable in the field to study and follow up on – not on some dodgy youtube or bitchute etc. etc. site with some swaggering self-proclaimed “truth-teller” trying to bamboozle an audience, who just nod along furiously to everything said.
So where does this leave the denialists, and conspiracy freaks? Here is a cheap and easily available drug, which appears to work. Why aren’t “they” covering this up? We’re always told that “they” control the scientists, “they” hush up anything getting in the way of profits, “they” want to control us, so “they” won’t allow all these cures. What happened here – did “they” just let this one slip through the net?
Come on Jay, Node and the rest of you freaks – man up and answer this, you sneaky devils!
Michael norton:
* – “…this is going to run and run, we will be encouraged to have booster each year, for years to come.”
Probably six-monthly; that seems to be about how long these vaccines protect for.
What I hope is that a more transmissible but considerably less serious strain emerges, becomes dominant through being more transmissible, and it then settles down into being an occasional malady like colds, imparting temporary immunity to whoever catches it.
But because it exploits cells via their ACE2 receptors which so many different tissue types have, possibly all variants of it will be serious. Unlike a cold it can cause very varied long term effects; different symptoms in different people, so even if some of a variant’s effects became less serious, others would probably remain or even get worse.
michael norton
The WHO, as far as they know, Europe is the only place on Earth where most people have been vaccinated but the covid numbers just keep going up.
If you look at the weekly trends, other than Romania and U.K. which are slightly going down, almost all other large European countries are racing ahead of the game, some having a 60-70 0r 100 percent increase in numbers week on week.
Many Eastern European countries are almost out of control. So do the vaccines actually work or is the disease seeking out the unvaccinated and the obese?michael norton
Apparently in the E.U. as a whole 78% of adults have been double vaccinated, more in Germany but Germany is taking off as is Poland. The sky is the limit.
Pigeon English
Has anyone heard or watched Dr John Campbell youtube videos?
He is my favorite place to go for Covid19 but his Videos are about 30 mins long so I do not watch everyone! He has every day video released
In my opinion He is objective and goes meticulously through all kind of studies related to Covid,Vaccines, treatments and everything connected to Covid!
He is hard core Vaxxer and was supporter of hard lockdowns but open minded to treatments!
As he said he wants vaccines and treatments
One of his many good podcast that I would like to share is controversial Ivermectin and Dr JC debunking debunkers(BBC)
The way he did it should be example to all of us how to approach Science ,Data ,and available info
michael norton
The U.K. is the only country in Europe to have posted more than nine million cases of covid.
We must remember that we have tested twice as many as any other main country in Europe.
So that leads us to believe that one person in seven in the U.K. has tested positive for covid.I expect it is actually a lot more than that who have had a wiff of covid.
How long before Herd Immunity kicks in?Pigeon English
BTW Dr Campbell convinced my wife and me to take Vitamine D.
He is not selling or promoting Brands!(He does not even ask to subscribe, like, share or donate) just generic for couple of £ for couple of hundreds.
If I remember well 2000 IE
The NHS widened and increased its vitamin D recommendations, and set up supplies for those “extremely clinically vulnerable” to covid. I haven’t heard of the media covering it much though.
michael norton
Very, very high levels of Delta covid in U.K. since July, now more than nine million cases.
Do we think that the new variant is taking off?michael norton
Take a look at Hungary, they are taking off like a skyrocket. Yesterday they posted their second highest daily covid positive numbers of the pandemic. It is almost as steep as a shear cliff. Bulgaria, is another one to watch, yesterday they had their highest death toll of the pandemic. Greece, yesterday had the highest covid positive count of the pandemic.
This certainly is not winding down, however much we want it to.
Pigeon English
Romania is much worst by infections and deaths!
On 20 mil population they have 500-550 deaths
Hungary had one day that number but 7 day averige is not even close to that number.
Pigeon English
One I am wondering is Ireland.
High vaccination % and yet quite high deaths to the size!
michael norton
Yesterday Greece claimed its highest number of covid positive cases of the pandemic.
Other than the U.K. and Germany, there seems to be a divide between Western Europe and Eastern Europe.
We know Russia is doing rather badly but also Ukraine, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Greece, Hungary, Slovakia, and some parts of the Former Yugoslavia.
But Spain, Italy and France post ludicrously low figures, quite frankly, just not believable?michael norton
The other day a man flying from Istanbul, Turkey to Germany was found dead on arrival.
He had been double vaccinated but had tested positive for covid.
How come he was able to fly?
It has been said, the dead man was born in Russia.
This is disturbing.The Economy of the E.U. is not doing very well.
The U.K. is the stand out state that has, now, decided to forget about covid restrictions and fully go with herd immunity.
The U.K. is sealing deals, here there and almost everywhere, especially AUKUS, which has incensed Macron.
The E.U. Elite are looking to the British Experiment to see how it runs.
They are also extremely fearful of the U.K. bouncing back more quickly than the rule-bound E.U.It is known that almost no countries in the E.U. undertake as much covid testing as is undertaken by the U.K.
I think that perhaps, some in Western Europe are so concerned about their economic malaise that they are not testing because they do not want to find?
What they do not want is for the U.K. too look good while they look bad.
Voters might begin to see the E.U. as loser in this race for World trade.
Hence the manic ravings of Macron.SA
There is a good article here by Paul Mason which addresses the discussions in this thread. Basically the argument is that both climate change and covid have confronted liberal capitalism with major dilemmas showing the inherent failure of capitalism and individualism in a highly interdependent society. Governments have to act on behalf of the majority, not for the profit of the minority. If our own local resident covid deniers realize the extent of the cognitive dissonance this is creating, they might pause to think as to where in the political spectrum does their allegiance lie. I like Paul’s analogy to the Virgilian circles of hell because it shows how self appointed pundits are all part of a continuum and the highest circle lend credence to the lowest most ignorant one.
michael norton
As we have been saying for weeks, Russia and Eastern Europe are doing very badly, now too, Germany.
“Germany’s public health body reported a record-high number of COVID-19 cases on Thursday.
The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) said 33,949 new cases had been registered in the last 24 hours, up from 28,037 daily cases a week ago. The previous record was 33,777 new cases on 18 December 2020.
Federal health minister Jens Spahn is set to meet with state health ministers to discuss how to limit the virus’ spread ahead of the winter as intensive care units in hospitals fill up and infections in children surge.”
The WHO are very worried about Europe and covid, they think Europe is having very high numbers, even though 3/4 of people in most European countries have been vaccinated.
Pigeon English
Country bigger than UK rapports 30000 + cases a day while UK is having about 40000 for days.
I really don’t understand why you love extremes?! what is the latest Bulgaria number?
Romania according to worldometers had again about 440 deaths a day.
Deaths and hospitalisations in UK are still rising but the rate of rise is slowing as the case rates fall. I suspect that is the lag between case rate changes and other parameters. As long as case rates continue to fall in UK, which is not guaranteed, it looks like things are improving and hopefully the UK is headed out of this wave. In Ireland and Germany (and other countries) case rates are rising and likely the other parameters will also rise in time, reflecting the lag.
What is apparent is that there are fewer deaths from the number of cases than before whch is more than likely the effects of vaccinations along with improved protocols in patient clinical management for those who are hospitalised. That is a positive direction.
However, we stll don’t fully know what the effects of “long covid” or other health implications of covid will be. There is still a lot we don’t understand yet.
michael norton
Some proff was on Radio Four this morning being fed basic questions.
I do not understand why the interviewer could not let him tell it like he wanted to.
It was delivered in bullet format.
So much more information could have been had from this proff had he been allowed to speak rather than quick fire semi moronic questions.michael norton
Well, now Germany has edged into the lead in the E.U.
Yesterday they claimed 45,410 covid positive cases, and 244 new deaths.
So Germany is certainly now in the forefront of daily cases in the E.U.but perhaps, this is by far the highest daily cases they have ever posted.
Add to which they do not currently have an effective government.
Also to remember that each of the German states has its own covid rules.The second highest number was posted for the November 5th this year but this latest figure is ten thousand more than the 5th, so very steeply upward.
michael norton
As well as a fairly high vaccine hesitancy in Germany, there is a lack of health staff, as many have recently left their jobs, possibly burn-out.
“A cocktail of particularly explosive elements explains why the fourth wave of Covid-19 in Germany appears to be, in many ways, the worst. The most obvious is “the one-third of adults who are not yet vaccinated, which represents millions of Germans, some of whom have comorbidities that make them more likely to develop severe forms of the disease,” Till Koch, an infectious disease specialist at the University Hospital of Hamburg, told FRANCE 24.”
The curves on many European countries are going up steeply.
In my ambulance area South Central, they are calling in the Army
South Central Ambulance Service has declared a Critical Incident due to extreme pressures across our services.
“South Central Ambulance Service pleaded for people to only dial 999 in a life-threatening emergency”michael norton
The Netherlands breaking ranks and becoming the first E.U. state to reimpose some covid restrictions, this Winter.
Possibly as the covid infection rate has been so high for months in the U.K. we may be getting to herd immunity.
Pigeon English
“Breaking ranks” sounds very dramatic!
Good point, PE.
Michael – kindly explain what you mean by ‘breaking ranks’.
All too often you give us clichés and news-clips. Justify what you’re saying, in your own words, for once in your life.
What the heck is ‘breaking ranks’ supposed to mean? Whose ranks? What ‘ranks’? Do you really have any idea what you’re talking about? Why do you post here at all?
I suspect these are just other people’s unsupported notions which sounded good to you at the time. That is how propaganda works, after all. Dupes spouting such nonsense never know how to justify it, and simply keep mouthing more of it, exactly the way you do here.
Seriously – I would like to know, if you’re up to the task.
michael norton
“Breaking Ranks”
as you will have guessed is a military term.
Moving on the the current pandemic.
The first E.U. member country to announce a new-partial-winter-Lock-Down.
That “Breaking Ranks” E.U. country is the Netherlands.
Other E.U. countries will swiftly follow. -