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- This topic has 351 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 months ago by
There hasn’t been much covid denial/trivialisation on this site recently – because, I suspect, influence campaigns sponsored by businesses were active only during lockdowns or when a lockdown was likely. During those times I put a lot of time and very stressful effort into countering the prevalent disinformation – my attempt to reduce suffering, damage and death, my evidence-based alternative to the crude censorship of the major social media platforms, whose approach, I believe, actually strengthens conspiracy theory by seeming to validate it.
However, covid is still with us and still doing damage and, if a suitable variant were to arise, could again break out into major waves. Against that background, I post the following information.
As I repeatedly warned, covid can do long-term damage to survivors. Covid causes delayed hepatitis in children – Epidemiologist & biostatistician Dr Zoë Hyde on Twitter.
The danger is not over – new variants are still arising, and some of them are on the increase – physician and scientist Eric Topol, also on Twitter.
Repeated reinfection with covid is certain, and damage may be cumulative – Staff writer Katherine J Wu interviews multiple experts for The Atlantic. (I had to switch Firefox into “Reader View” to get this article to scroll.) Note carefully:
– The outlooks of the experts I spoke with spanned the range from optimism to pessimism, though all agreed that uncertainty loomed. Until we know more, none were keen to gamble with the virus — or with their own health. Any reinfection will likely still pose a threat, “even if it’s not the worst-case scenario,” Abdool Karim told me. “I wouldn’t want to put myself in that position.”
I know that bad news is unpopular and I apologise for being the bringer of it. But forewarned is forearmed; best wishes to all.
Latest from Professor Oliver Johnson
Very informative video symposium posted by Catherine Austin Fitts on her Solari website, where a distinguished list of doctors, pharmacologists, economists, epidemiologists discuss the following aspects of Covid and the vaccines:
– How and why mRNA vaccines are a serious threat to mankind
– The long history of crime and abuse in medicine
– The centralisation of power and threats to democracy and sovereigntyConcluding with:
Beyond medical tactics: What is the solution: Observing the wide variety of excuses for central control further to faked health concerns, solutions and actions must continue to gain ground by fostering Faith in the failure of totalitarianism.
Here is a link to the Solari page posting the Covid symposium I referenced earlier:
Doctors for Covid Ethics – Live Symposium – recorded video hosted on rumble (7hr 4m 7s)
“Very informative video symposium posted by Catherine Austin Fitts…“
Very informative if you like being ‘informed’ by complete lunatics, sure. You can be ‘informed’ that vaccines contain microchips, that Covid-19 was a ‘plandemic’. Shame nobody caught wind of this MASSIVE, WORLD-WIDE plot involving every single government and agency on Earth ahead of time, eh? But not to worry. The faithful can overlook little stuff like that.
The fact that Fitts has no background in science, medicine or public health is not a problem either.
Covid-19 vaccine modifies your DNA and makes you infertile too, despite no evidence for it at all.
And so on.
Sorry John, this BS is just so tedious. No offence, but are you stupid, lazy, or just having a laugh here?
Good grief John! I used to think that hour long YouTubes were a bit much, but seven hours? Are you serious? Including the likes of Mike “there can be no second wave, so please don’t mention the nebulisers I’m selling for when it arrives” Yeadon, Andrew “I refuse to admit I was promoting an alternative vaccine to MMR” Wakefield, all organised by an investment banker who previously worked for George “of course we’re not after Iraq’s oil” Bush.
No way will I wade through a hassle barrier so wide, least of all one infested with people so utterly discredited and unscrupulous. So if you’re actually vicariously claiming that covid is a hoax, as seems likely, please supply some convincing alternative explanation for the huge surges in the death rates over the last couple of years. Something has been killing all those people, but what, if not covid? I wasn’t born yesterday 🙂
And mind how you answer as I might get offended. A friend of mine was working in a care home over the second wave in the UK, and watched the number of residents drop from about sixty to forty over the course of a month, as covid rapidly killed them off. Two people I knew personally died of it, plus a close friend’s mum. I’ve had it myself and am very glad that vaccines including an mRNA vaccine had primed my immune system in advance.
John, rather than an appeal to authority, as in “a distinguished list of doctors, pharmacologists, economists, epidemiologists…” (why economists?), try posting a handful of the claims made, so that we can examine them against the available evidence. For instance, if “mRNA vaccines are a serious threat to mankind” as you wrote, show me the graphs of the overall death rates rocketing up as they were deployed, as opposed to it returning to more like normal after the covid waves, as it did in every country I’ve examined.
Wish I’d noticed this earlier, I wouldn’t have bothered looking up this Fitts freak. Note the OP’s concluding point:
J: “… solutions and actions must continue to gain ground by fostering Faith in the failure of totalitarianism.”
Note the highlighted word. A lot of cynical hucksters talk about “faith” while shaking down the gullible, peddling conspiracy theories all the while (such as Fitts’ good friend, convicted fraudster Alex Jones of Prison Planet infamy).
There are plenty of crazed pastors who will denounce any attendees in the congregation for wearing a mask, saying the ‘Rona “hoax” is a trick of the devil, vaccines are Satan’s spittle, and so on. A sizeable proportion have actually been killed by the ‘Rona, but it doesn’t stop them.
Tennessee pastor threatens to boot mask-wearers from church – The Hill (26 July 2021)
Glenn_nl, an hour long podcast you might find interesting; the first of a series.
#1: The biology of the right-left divide pt. 1: Why political arguments don’t change people’s minds, by Arnold Schroder:
The retired engineer’s story.
The following summarizes my personal covid experience from a health perspective.I became aware of covid in the early months of 2020, and cancelled my bi-annual trip at the end of March from home in Norway to visit my 94 year old mother in Scotland, due mostly to concerns over infecting her or my wife, who has a cancer diagnosis. At age 69, I did have a personal health concern due to the evaluation of (virologist and Nobel Prize winner) Luc Montagnier that the covid pathogen contained an HIV sequence which could not have occurred in nature and therefore indicated an engineered virus, i.e. a bioweapon.
It took a year for the (Pfizer mRNA) vaccine to become available to me, so I had plenty of time to do due diligence on it, and identify any other measures I might take to protect myself and my wife from infection. Like most people I do not have medical knowledge, and had to evaluate the experts’ advice.
Dr Robert Malone indicated two major types of antibody – (1) those which protect the blood, and (2) those which protect the respiratory system. He argued that since the mRNA vaccine induces the body to produce type (1) antibodies, it could not be effective against a pathogen like covid which infects the respiratory system. He further cited animal tests that were performed with mRNA vaccines on an earlier SARS pathogen, in which all of the animals died due to antibody dependent enhancement (ADE). The Pfizer vaccine was not even tested with animals; it was barely tested on humans prior to mass inoculation of the world population.
These were the main reasons I judged that the vaccine presented a greater risk to me than the pathogen, and I declined the vaccine when it became available.I steered clear of people who were coughing and clearly sick, following the advice of Dr Mike Yeadon, who had debunked the mainstream claims of asymptomatic transmission and the efficacy of masks. Dr John Campbell had discovered an arithmetic correlation between vitamin D intake and hospitalisation due to covid infection; accordingly I doubled the dose of fish oil that I had been taking to keep arthritis at bay.
In February this year I had a sore throat and tested positive for covid. I had caught it from one of my 70-something mates at the boat club who were all triple jabbed. My only other symptom was fatigue. I had no fever and it was all over in a week. My wife caught it from me. She is triple jabbed, but she was sick with a fever for 8 weeks and nearly died.
My mother, who had been successfully taking care of herself in her apartment at the age of 95, took the vaccine on doctor’s advice and within a few months developed breast cancer and had to have home care three times a day due to general deterioration of her health. By mid-February this year she could no longer walk and was admitted to a care home.
When the Scottish government finally dropped their quarantine rules towards the end of March I was able to visit my mother. Physically she was a shadow of the woman I had seen 30 months earlier, and she soberly told me she prayed to god every night to take her, her life was so miserable. The pores of her legs were weeping fluid for unknown reasons. She had her wish on 13th May.
During the past two years I have lived to see vindication of the experts in whom I entrusted my health.
If you care to view 10 minutes of the video I posted from the 56:25 mark, you will see:
- the infection mortality rate for covid is <0.05% for under 70, and 0.00% for children; general inoculation of the population is not clinically justified
- the clinical mRNA trials showed absolute risk reduction of < 1% only (this and other fraudulent aspects of the Pfizer trials are analysed in the link below)
- all cause mortality data in Israel, one of the most “protected” populations, show steep increases following the 1st/2nd jab, the 1st booster, AND the 2nd booster. The last peak is just as high as the first, even though it coincides with the less-virulent omicron variant. This indicates onset of ADE, and should result in immediate withdrawal of the emergency authorization for the vaccines.
- the VAERS system in the US shows more than 13000 deaths due to the vaccines. It is estimated that VAERS under-reports by a factor of between 40 and 100. (This may explain why insurance underwriters in the US have reported deaths in the 18-64 age group in 2021 were around 40% higher than average)
John, I’m sorry about your mother, and that your wife suffered such prolonged symptoms.
Hopefully I will find time to address the various points you have mentioned when it isn’t so late at night. Thanks for posting matters that can actually be examined against evidence.
John, relating our personal experiences to a global context is a highly challenging task, and I have an awful lot of practical matters to catch up with at home over the next few days (among other things, the pandemic has run me down considerably), so I suggest that we examine individual points one at a time. If it’s OK with you I’d like to start with a point you quoted:
– “the infection mortality rate for covid is <0.05% for under 70, and 0.00% for children; general inoculation of the population is not clinically justified.”
Assuming that the figures are accurate, I propose that the conclusion is not supported by the premises. From a personal perspective, 0.05% sounds like a small risk. But consider the UK’s entire population of 67 million. I don’t know how many are younger than 70, but if I guestimate 40 million, of whom, without social infection rate reduction, 80% would become infected, that would translate to 0.8 x 0.0005 x 40,000,000 = 16,000 people. That’s a lot of extra people to die over the course of a month or two, before we even include the context of several times that number of over 70s being killed.
But there’s another problem in the quote too:
– “the infection mortality rate for covid is <0.05% for under 70”.
Infection fatality rate is frequently taken like this, as if it were a constant pertaining a given virus, but it isn’t a constant, it’s a social outcome. As an analogy, say we considered various models of cars produced in the 1990s over the course of their service lifetimes. Would we be justified in saying something like “the occupant fatality rate of a Ford Focus is x fatalities per million occupant.miles”, as if we had determined a physical constant for the Ford Focus? Certainly we would find that some models would be less, or more, dangerous than others, but other factors would be orders of magnitude more significant, for instance comparing rural driving versus urban driving versus motorway driving, or countries with varying standards of driver proficiency and road furniture design.
Likewise covid. From memory, covid infection makes about 3% ill enough to require hospitalisation. Of those, the majority require simple oxygen enrichment; not mechanical ventilation, just a tube up the nose metered by a blood oxygen monitor. But if they don’t get it they deteriorate rapidly, internal organs becoming compromised, and they become far more likely to die. But the health service has a limited capacity – only so many beds, doctors, nurses and oxygen enrichment kits, all of which can be overwhelmed. So the IFR can’t be stated as a constant; the faster covid spreads through the population, the larger proportion of the infected it kills.
Does that seem reasonable so far?
“Does this seem reasonable so far”
Actually no it does not.
Covid deaths have been defined by CDC/WHO-compliant government health authorities as “deceased for whatever cause within 28 days of a positive PCR test”, and that is the basis for the IFRs quoted.
This basis therefore includes those who die concurrently with perennial mortal diseases such as cancer and heart disease. “Covid deaths” may also include those who died from the mRNA inoculation itself, as illustrated by the experience of the poor folk in Israel.
Another problem is the PCR test which is not appropriate as a diagnostic tool, as stated by its developer, Nobel prize winner Karry Mullis, because due to its sensitivity it detects all kinds of viral material living and dead.
Health authorities guided by CDC/WHO have therefore vastly overstated covid deaths, additionally using an inappropriate test.
John, you’ve changed the subject, ie. moved the goalposts. I raised two points; one about 0.05% for the under 70s being a highly significant death rate, the other about IFR being a societal outcome rather than a constant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Do those two points seem reasonable so far?
If you dispute the 0.05% figure, why did you cite it?
And I repeat my earlier point (June 16,22:42, comment #87228), if covid wasn’t responsible for the huge surges in the death rate before vaccines had been fully deployed, what was?
It is looking depressingly likely that we’re to traipse through all the usual hackneyed canards of the covid denial influence campaigns. Oh well, at least it shouldn’t take long; there must be less than a dozen.
0.05% is one in two thousand. Would that be an acceptable death rate for, say, car journeys?
…even if the occupants did have cancer or heart disease?
“Dr Robert Malone indicated two major types of antibody – (1) those which protect the blood, and (2) those which protect the respiratory system. He argued that since the mRNA vaccine induces the body to produce type (1) antibodies, it could not be effective against a pathogen like covid which infects the respiratory system.”
John, this is not how it works. This distinction between “respiratory” anti-bodies and “blood” anti-bodies is nonsense. Your body is a holistic machine with layers of defense intimately bound to each other. The “respiratory system” is not just your lungs nor is it just the inhalation and exhalation of air. Every single cell in your body respires in that oxygen is taken up from arterial blood and CO2 given up to venous blood (a simplification but for now suffices) and in turn that CO2 is transferred from blood to the air in the tiny lung spaces whilst at the same time oxygen is absorbed into the blood from the air in the tiny lung spaces. Literally, your blood bathes every single cell lining your tiny lung spaces (alveoli). ALL of your blood gets circulated via your lungs. Two chambers of your heart are dedicated to that purpose whilst the other two supply the rest of your body. Your lungs are one of the first lines of defense as is your skin and mucous membranes. Whatever might be in the air we breath is presented to the lungs and the cells lining the alveoli be that a virus, bacteria, fungi or foreign body (dust etc). Every secretion your body makes, sweat, saliva, mucous contains some antibodies. They are first line defense.
So you breath in a virus and it attatches to a cell lining an alveolar space (tiny lung space where gaseous exchange (respiration) happens). What happens? That virus injects its mRNA code into that cell and that cell’s manufacturing apparatus replicates that viral code. That viral code is then released into the blood so that it can circulate and reach other cells. It’s now in your blood. That is when second, third and fourth line defenses kick in. If you have had that virus before and you have anti-bodies circulating (in the blood) that virus will be attacked. If you don’t have large amounts of that specific anti-body but retain a “memory” of having seen it before relevant anti-bodies will be quickly manufactured and that virus is dealt with. If you have never met it before it will infiltrate more cells and replicate and be released into your blood which is why you get a temperature and may feel unwell etc etc. Eventually other cells will innovate (a complex process but for now lets keep it simple) an anti-body which will be ramped up and fight off the virus.
What is my point? This attempt to distinguish the life cycle of a virus that enters your body via the “respiratory” system (ie. Your lungs) from a virus that say enters via a scratch in your skin or a needle stick injury or whatever is bunk. No matter what the attack vector of a virus is thay will all be presented to your blood. Every cell in your body is in constant contact with your blood, if it isn’t, it’s a dead cell.
If I remember correctly, Mr.Yeadon is a former Pfizer employee but now has his own pharma company and is currently attempting to develop drug delivery based on inhalation of pharmacological agents similar to how say nebulisers or asthma inhalers work SO THAT THEY WORK SYSTEMICALLY.
John, everything in your body (that is alive) is intimately and very connected to your blood all the time. Your hair and your nails may not be but everything else is.
Death is unavoidable, without exception; to make an analogy with car travel is therefore absurd.
The CDC’s influenza data for the 2019-20 flu season in the US for the 50 – 64 cohort estimates 8,125,732 symptomatic cases, resulting in 5,727 deaths, which represents a mortality rate of 0.07%.
I am not disputing the 0.05% covid mortality figure for the 70+ cohort that I quoted; I am highlighting the doubly dishonest ways that the health authorities are inflating the mortality rate.
In the context of the mortality rate of endemic respiratory illnesses, the dishonesty of the health authorities is creating unwarranted hysteria.
Thanks for your response and please forgive my uneducated attempt at explaining why the covid vaccines can not be effective against covid.
The paper linked below provides the following argument as to why they can not be effective, and goes on to present clinical evidence showing that while no positive effects can be expected from the vaccines, they can trigger self-destructive processes that lead to debilitating illness and death. The authors call for an immediate stop of use.
“Why the vaccines cannot protect against infection
A fundamental mistake underlying the development of the COVID-19 vaccines was to neglect the functional distinction between the two major categories of antibodies which the body produces in order to protect itself from pathogenic microbes.
The first category (secretory IgA) is produced by immune cells (lymphocytes) which are located directly underneath the mucous membranes that line the respiratory and intestinal tract. The antibodies produced by these lymphocytes are secreted through and to the surface of the mucous membranes. These antibodies are thus on site to meet air-borne viruses, and they may be able to prevent viral binding and infection of the cells.
The second category of antibodies (IgG and circulating IgA) occur in the bloodstream. These antibodies protect the internal organs of the body from infectious agents that try to spread via the bloodstream.
Vaccines that are injected into the muscle – i.e., the interior of the body – will only induce IgG and circulating IgA, not secretory IgA. Such antibodies cannot and will not effectively protect the mucous membranes from infection by SARS-CoV-2. Thus, the currently observed “breakthrough infections” among vaccinated individuals merely confirm the fundamental design flaws of the vaccines. Measurements of antibodies in the blood can never yield any information on the true status of immunity against infection of the respiratory tract.
The inability of vaccine-induced antibodies to prevent coronavirus infections has been reported in recent scientific publications.”
John, your sentence:
– “I am not disputing the 0.05% covid mortality figure for the 70+ cohort that I quoted; I am highlighting the doubly dishonest ways that the health authorities are inflating the mortality rate.”
contradicts your earlier claim and, more importantly, contradicts itself. You cited a figure of 1 in 2000 (0.05%) for the under 70 age group, not “70+”. I assume you merely made a mistake. But if you’re not disputing the figure, then the health authorities are not “dishonestly inflating the mortality rate”, because that is their own figure, based on their own method of attributing cause of death.
Please try to make some sense, or discussion is simply pointless.
I reiterate yet again – if, as you claim, covid was not the cause of the huge surges in the general mortality rate pre-vaccination, what was?
Clark – Thanks for the link.
John – Your long post above is quite amazing. You decide to take the advice of among others Mike Yeadon, who thinks that lockdowns and masks are ineffective, despite all evidence to the contrary (for instance : ).
You also ‘decline’ the vaccine based on evidence you feel qualified to evaluate, from a bunch of hucksters, denialists and lunatics who also know nothing about actual medicine.
This sagely advice – including apparently “knowing” that asymptomatic transmission is all apparently nonsense – causes you to give your wife Covid from which she nearly died. You must be really proud of yourself. A good thing she had more sense than you, and got vaccinated, or she would undoubtedly be dead.
I wonder how many people you actually have managed to kill, through your own recklessness and spreading of disinformation, like you’re trying to do here?
Glenn_nl, it does make me wonder where our retired engineer used to go for engineering reference materials; marktaliano dot net, solari dot com or the Rumble video hosting service perhaps. Presumably not to the standard engineering journals or textbooks, which are full of government lies, of course.
“When you have no evidence, resort to ad-hominem.”
Well, your man Abbas Panjwani at Full Fact, has BA in English Language and Literature and his salary is paid by Facebook and Google, who have jointly and in lockstep with .gov vigorously suppressed any debate on covid and its treatment, up to and including career destruction. The effect of this is to destroy informed consent, which is one of the basic principles of public medicine, and surely is crucial when proposing an experimental treatment to patients. For me that means his credibility lies between zero and negative on the covid topic, and I find it very surprising that anyone with a pair of brain cells could find otherwise.
The webhosters you mention are just that, hosts, who do not speak on topics they are not qualified to, and have provided a platform for highly qualified and experienced health professionals such as Dr Mike Yeadon, Dr Robert Malone, and Dr Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr Arne Burkhardt, whom I quote above in 87292.
On the topic of lockdowns, the WHO published a study in Q4 2019 which concluded that such measures are not effective in limiting disease transmission. Why then, 6 months later, did governments institute coordinated lockdowns across European countries, north America and Australasia, which devastated the economy and health of their citizens?
And why did these same governments coerce their citizens into injecting an experimental gene therapy when they were all aware that Pfizer’s own 6 month test results showed that it does more harm than good?
– “When you have no evidence….”
There is clear evidence, and I keep asking you about it, but you haven’t replied so far. Early in 2020, something started making lots of people very ill with similar symptoms, in region after region internationally, before any covid vaccines had even been developed let alone deployed, and before lockdowns had been imposed anywhere but China, just as if some deadly disease was spreading very rapidly.
Yet here you are, attributing increased death rates to vaccines and lockdowns and, I note, citing economists and talking about damage to economies.
China, Hong Kong, Diamond Princess, Iran, Italy, Spain… I remember watching reports of rapidly rising illness followed by rapidly rising mortality.
What was causing this effect? Can we get this one, fundamental issue straight before introducing any further complexities?
Doctors and nurses were hit particularly hard by this new illness. There was outcry that insufficient Personal Protective Equipment (PPE ie. masks etc.) was available. A young doctor in China, one of the first to raise the alarm in defiance of the local authorities, died of the illness. Doctors all over the world began exchanging their observations on symptoms and treatment. The medical preprint servers began to be overwhelmed with papers about the new illness…
Or was I imagining all this?