Elections aftermath

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  • #49405

      What you wrote is true to a great extent but I would also like to annotate some of what you said (without the original quotes from you for simplicity but I am sure you can follow.
      managing after their shock winning vote.
      The labour manifesto: The problem is that of course it is fair and well balanced to someone who bothers to read it and has the analytical ability to find out what it says. But this is politics which I am afraid means that most people get their information from soundbites or even headlines through the MSM or TV. Both of these presented this choice as complex whereas Boris’s boring Get Brexit Done was succinct and said repeatedly. The other problem is that people everywhere were getting fed up of the uncertainty of whether Brexit was going to happen and from what one hears many remainers in the end just wanted to move on and take the line of least resistance. Also Labour in 2017 where we did much better,. Had stuck to the line that Brexit will happen and therefore the line of the second referendum appeared to have been a change in direction.

      Corbyn’s neutrality as an honest broker

      I also believe so but this whole process did not only present a mixed message policy but highlighted two things: that the PLP was not behind the leader, and that the party is very badly divided. The other factor was the constant demonisation and the high profile use of the antisemitism smear added to this mistrust. This is probably why overall the electorate came to doubt that Labour would be able to carry out all the promises made including very attractive ones.
      Labour support amongst the working class:
      We have to bear in mind some factors about who the core Labour supporters are now. As the article points out this has shifted. To my mind Labour support no longer reliably comes from the working class for a variety of reasons. The ‘working class’ is no longer a defined class because of what Thatcher and subsequent governments did to weaken the trade union movement. The increase in fragmented employment due to privatisation, zero hour contracts, seasonal workers, black economy and employment regulations skewed on behalf of employers, together with prolonged austerity which meant that even unionised workers had little benefit from being members of the union has blurred the concept of working class. It would be interesting to know whether there are statistics about these workers as to how they voted, or even whether they bother to vote because the do not have the time to find out what is good for them.
      I agree with you that the labour manifesto was great and any one who is salaried should have voted for it as well as small businesses and so on. But sometimes less is more. With hindsight, Labour should have stuck to two high priorities, the NHS wand Railway nationalisation. Of course we all like full nationalisation of utilities and even broadband, but it made it all sound that labour was promising too much. Concentration on two main issues with a statement that this is the beginning of a process to look at others in time, a declaration of direction, rather than a wish list, even if fully costed. This would have eliminated the sneers and ridicule from the Tories and their claims about £1.3 trillion.
      Finally I think that in principle the fact that this important function of counting and verifying votes is vital to democracy and on principle should not be left to a private enterprise which is so heavily biased towards one party as is the case here and that should be taken up. But it does not seem to have bothered the Labour party enough to take a second look at this. The electoral commission should also be more neutral and grow sharper teeth. But for us at this stage to try and prove vote rigging we must ask ourselves again as to why the Labour party has not raised this issue? We need some handle on this before it can take wings. I suppose that is what you are trying to do, and this is admirable AND I WISH YOU DO PROGRESS WITH THIS. Time permitting, I will also look at corruption but again there is indifference about this. For example Boris and his sex partner were given a freebie worth £20000 for a week’s holiday in Mustique with no batting of eyelids. It should be clearly stated that a servant of the people should decline such freebies or alternatively like everyone else should pay tax on them. Why this is not the case with the PM of this country is something I find difficult to comprehend.

      Ken Kenn

        Has anyone seen the full results for each and every Constituency?

        Telegraph and Times offer them but behind a Paywall.

        They used to be free and flagged up across the board.

        I would like to see the results of majorities and numbers.

        All I see are ‘maps’ and lots of colouring in of maps.

        Any one got any info please?

        Kim Sanders-Fisher

          At first I was looking on the Electoral Commission Website but then I discovered the information here on the House on Commons Website:
          General Election 2019: full results and analysis
          Published Thursday, December 19, 2019.

          Commons Briefing papers CBP-8749
          Authors: Elise Uberoi; Carl Baker; Richard Cracknell
          This paper will be updated with further analysis in 2020.
          Further election articles are available on the Commons Library website.
          This includes a Dashboard showing election results by constituency.

          Commons Briefing papers page contains the following files to download:
          Topics: Election results : UK, Elections, General elections, House of Commons, Parliament, Political parties
          Download the full report
          General Election 2019: results and analysis ( PDF, 17.62 MB)
          Supporting documents
          HoC-GE2019-results-by-candidate (Excel Spreadsheet, 512.18 KB)
          HoC-GE2019-by-constituency (Excel Spreadsheet, 125.79 KB)

          Despite the cold and rain of winter, given the copious photographic evidence of unusually long lines of people waiting to cast their vote, perhaps the most incomprehensible piece of information presented was this:
          “Turnout was 67.3%, down from 68.8% in 2017. The total registered electorate was 47.6 million, up from 46.8 million in 2017”.
          If the claimed low turnout in your area does not anyway near match your personal experience on the day or the photos you might have taken while waiting in line, please let us know as this is just one of many anomalies that must be taken seriously. There was a massive voter registration drive before both the 2017 election and prior to this latest election, so why were many eager to register, but disinclined to vote? This makes no sense.

          For comparison of relevant data results for the 2017 General Election:
          General Election 2017: full results and analysis
          Published Tuesday, January 29, 2019
          (Not sure if they waited until 2019 to print the report or if this was a typo on the site?)

          I hope this will help you to draw conclusions about the results. To me the data raises more questions than answers. One issue was the claimed lower voter turnout than in the 2017 election despite extraordinarily long lines waiting to vote but, there were other things that do not make sense. If you have any thoughts after reviewing the results please return to share them with us on this forum.


            This is the website that shows constituencies showing cueing in the election. It will take some effort to look at the comparative data.
            Bermondsey 2019 Electorate 93248, votes cast 58613, Labour 31723, Majority 16,126
            2017 Labour majority 12972 but I haven’t got the rest of the data.
            hhttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-50901025are other websites to keep on file


            Kim Sanders-Fisher

              The fight to restore the integrity is complex and will involve multiple different angles of attack to expose the truth. The House of Commons Website posted all the 2019 General Election data on the 19th of December. The task of correlating all those pictures of huge turnout and long lines waiting to vote with the data on each constituency will be tedious, but well worth it. If you have a picture depicting this unusual determination to vote at your polling station check the result data for your area: does it reflect the evidence documented in your picture? We urgently need to gather this information as one component of the allegations of a rigged election.

              Other serious issues over the integrity of our elections are surfacing all the time. If you are outraged by the content of this deeply disturbing final segment of a Joe Glasman Video, please consider taking action. You can contact the Electoral Commission as well as the Charity Commission to lodge a serious complaint regarding this shocking and thoroughly disgusted rant as strong evidence of undue interference in our elections. Joe Glasman, Head of Political and Government Investigations for the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA), made this video of himself admitting that there has indeed been a coordinated effort to interfere with British democracy in order to stop Jeremy Corbyn from becoming Prime Minister.

              This has to qualify as a significant blatant abuse of the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA)s, charitable status as Glasman freely admits on camera that he and his ultra Zionist supporters have triumphed. According to one post elsewhere regarding this video: “He congratulates himself and his #zionist cabal (including spies) for subverting British democracy by making sure #JeremyCorbyn / #Labour lost the election in 2019”

              Stretching further back in time to 2009, an era where all BBC dissent had yet to be totally quashed, we were warned of this unhealthy manipulation of our democracy. There was an informative Dispatches documentary: “Dispatches: Inside Britain’s Israel Lobby 2009.” This documentary exposed how deeply the pro Israeli lobby have infiltrated our politics on behalf of a foreign power. It reveals the vast amounts of cash and trips to Israel used to essentially bribe MPs, buying support on both sides of the isle and gagging the media over atrocities committed against the Palestinians.

              The whole anti-Semitism furore used to unjustly demonize Corbyn represented a massive manipulation of multiple MSM outlets including the BBC as well as MPs, even some within the Labour party itself, in order to destroy him and his progressive socialist agenda for this country. Corbyn’s support of the Palestinians posed such a severe threat to the Zionist cause that fake news and disgusting propaganda was repeatedly used to silence criticism of hard right Zionist policies to continue persecution and the stifling of human rights.

              A simple Fact Check would have debunked most of the anti-Semitism smears used to suppress the Labour vote; why were there no BBC fact Checks to validate the relentless attacks over anti-Semitism? No apposing voices were allowed air time on the BBC as Labor tried to debunk the myths. This was not thoroughly researched, respectable investigative journalism or the equal and unbiased reporting as mandated during the pre-election period. The Electoral Commission must investigate this violation of the Purdah restrictions by our public broadcaster.

              An Important Reminder:
              Re posting Links in a way that best preserves all the available space for writing comments. Using the html submission format it is very simple to imbed a link within your writing by accessing the link button at the top of the posting box. This will prevent this forum from running out of space as, correct me if I am wrong, it is all on one continuous long page. If a non-tech savvy punter like me can do this, it is really easy; I hope you will give it a try.


                Unbelievable! Is this the same CAA which is going to investigate Labour? No MORE BLATANT BIAS CAN BE DISPLAYED AND SUGGESTS THAT THEY HAVE IMPUNITY

                Kim Sanders-Fisher

                  The CAA cannot be trusted at all with an impartial investigation of anything as their lead person, Head of Political and Government Investigations, Joe Glasman, has clearly demonstrated and articulated his personal obsessive Zionist bias. This is a no win situation for Labour; it is designed to purge the party of all progressive left wing elements and present a no choice option to the electorate at any future token elections. Redrawing constituency boundaries will skew future votes and requiring voter ID will disenfranchise millions of the poorest most vulnerable people in the UK. Absolute control of our media, the judiciary and our military will keep the fascists in power for decades: sadly that is our dismal future.

                  In many instances Labour were their own worst enemy, as valid law suits for libel could have easily shut many of the spurious attacks down in an instant. There was never enough evidence to conclusively prove any of the totally unfounded cases of anti-Semitism in a court of law. Unfortunately, these cases never came to court; Labour and Jeremy Corbyn were unfairly tried in the media, declared guilty and demonized by the full power of the state’s most powerful propaganda juggernaut the BBC. That said it does not make the demonization justified and it certainly was not in the best interests of the British electorate who were so cruelly duped by blatant media lies.

                  Overturning this rigged election result would send a very clear message that no one, MP, Lord or PM, is above the law. It would establish proper credible standards of oversight and reliability in our democratic process. It would eliminate the use of lies, fake news and shallow undeliverable promises repeated with impunity by deceiptful politicians, It would enshrine the principal that obscene amounts of money could no longer be used to manipulate and corrupt our UK democracy. It would established the full unfettered independence of the UK as a totally autonomous world power free of the influences of more aggressive dominant or wealthy rogue states. Is that worth the fight? I think so.

                  It will be too late to try and protect the homeless when they are cleared from our streets as criminals and jailed for the offence of becoming destitute. It will be too late to protect foreign migrants when they become a legitimate target for persecution and removal. It will be too late to strike when strikes are outlawed as illegal in most instances. It will be too late to protest when riot police and the army are sent in to subjugate the people using tear gas, water cannons and violence. We are fighting the onslaught of fascism; it is time t take this threat very seriously.


                    The first 26 constituencies that saw a decline in those registered to vote compared with 2017:

                    Constituency | Electorate | Valid Votes Cast
                    Wolverhampton South East | -6945 | -2861
                    Erith and Thamesmead | -4325 | -3080
                    Bridgwater and West Somerset | -3967 | -615
                    Aldershot | -3588 | -1023
                    Watford | -3148 | -545
                    Stoke-on-Trent Central | -2772 | -1075
                    Faversham and Kent Mid | -2604 | 645
                    York Central | -2514 | -3583
                    Oxford West and Abingdon | -2336 | -1196
                    Hyndburn | -2200 | -2796
                    Warwickshire North | -2006 | -1264
                    Suffolk Central and Ipswich North | -1915 | -274
                    Montgomeryshire | -1758 | -677
                    West Bromwich East | -1722 | -3123
                    Spelthorne | -1712 | -605
                    Gloucester | -1631 | -307
                    Rotherham | -1549 | -2272
                    Stoke-on-Trent South | -1547 | -2086
                    Halton | -1527 | -3315
                    Huddersfield | -1508 | -1952
                    West Bromwich West | -1380 | -1635
                    Warley | -1303 | -2967
                    Hemel Hempstead | -1274 | -1011
                    Caerphilly | -1215 | -1180
                    Easington | -1203 | -1781
                    York Outer | -1183 | -2080

                    In Wolverhampton South East any impact of the reduced electorate/turnout fell entirely on the Labour Party. Wolverhampton SE would be mainly the Bilston area, although Wolverhampton as a whole is predicted to gain a population of about a thousand people per year.

                    West Bromwich East is Tom Watson’s former seat, which George Galloway contested.

                    Rushmoor District Council which represents the Aldershot constituency only predicted a fall in population of about seven hundred persons in the two years since 2017. However, Aldershot is due to have several new housing developments in the next few years.

                    Kim, I’ve posted more to your blog at medteam.wordpress.com

                    Kim Sanders-Fisher

                      Saticon – All of your posts came to my email address for moderation. Unfortunately, I have not touched my blog for rather a long time, so long that I have even forgotten my password so I could not gain access to approve your posts. In reality the important information you sent would languish in neglect on my obscure medical whistleblower blog. I have cut and pasted all the info you sent into a file where I can review the data.

                      It would be far more topical and useful to post all of your data here on this forum where others who are trying to crunch the numbers and make some sense of this debacle can share your findings. Ross has also been uncovering relevant facts about the vote so he could benefit from the information you shared with me. It will undoubtedly contribute to all of our efforts to expose the truth, so thank you for sharing.

                      I have found a new person at the Electoral Commission to pester with awkward questions. I hope he is as prompt with his replies as the first person I spoke to. If he reveals any important nuggets I will share them with you all here.


                        As I don’t know how long my comments will last on here I’d have preferred to post somewhere more neutral.

                        I’ve had a brief look at some of the social media reports of high turnout and they tend to correlate with a high turnout registered in their constituency if it can be inferred.

                        Walsall have broken down their results to a ward-by-ward basis

                        The post by Andy Anderson suggests that there are two polling registers, one for those registered to vote in-person or by proxy and another for those registered to vote by postal ballot. Are voters supposed to be marked or crossed off as they vote? What happens to the voter who takes his or her postal ballot to the polling station, which registers will he or she appear on?

                        A second question would be; is when and where are the postal ballots handed in person to a polling station and the postal ballot box held over to the day of the General Election ‘processed’?


                          Faulty ballot papers affected postal voters in Newcastle and Wansbeck, under 200 voters in total, threatning to invalidate their votes.

                          They also reveal that the voter information can still be paired up with their voting intention or marked ballot after the covering envelopes would have been processed.

                          “For those who may have already sent in their ballot paper, we are asking them to sign the additional letter along with their date of birth in the space provided, then return it in the pre-paid envelope we have supplied.

                          “Alternatively, they can ask for a replacement pack and we will cancel the original pack.”


                          According to the BBC, errors or defective settings in software supplied by Xpress / Electoral Reform Services / Civica to 245 Local Authorities meant that several people were wrongly informed that they were entitled to vote despite the fact that they had apparently registered succesfully after the 26 November deadline.

                          ‘The issue means scores of people who did not apply before the 26 November electoral registration deadline may have been wrongly informed that they can vote at the election, forcing councils to reprint their polling station registers after installing a software update.’



                            One director of Electoral Reform Services, now owned by Civica, is Sian Eleri Roberts, daughter of Roger Roberts, Baron Roberts of Llandudno. His other daughter is Rhian Roberts, a commissioning editor for the BBC ‘Digital & Podcasts BBC Radio 4, 3 & 4 Extra’. Lord Roberts is also honorary president of Bite the Ballot, a charity involved in youth voter registration drives. BTB also have a ‘Voter Advice Tool’ called Verto, and frequently collaborate with the Hope Not Hate campaign (I wonder how much the anti-semitism debate crossed over into BTB activities?). Despite the frequent partnership with Hope Not Hate they invited Katie Hopkins onto a live-streamed debate in advance of the EU Referendum.

                            ‘Bite The Ballot presents Verto – a voter advice tool to match your values and views with the political parties’

                            Verto was developed in association with Political Studies Association and Demos and claimed over 400,000 back in 2016.


                              This linkThis linkUh shows that others errors have also been noted in this case voters had voting cards but names not in the list at the voting station

                              Postal Vote Investigation

                                You can follow my twitter at @PaulWar17502822

                                By mind mapping the postal vote sevices, use cases, and documentation flow i independently came to pretty much the same conclusion that others have on how there are many points where a private contractor can either supress postal votes (by delaying their delivery) or create phantom postal votes (by knowing who has and who hasn’t used their postal votes)

                                it seems IDOX is very much involved in the voter registration drive as well, and so who and who isn’t registered is now also a piece of the jigsaw puzzle.

                                and they also have their own canvassing app that has been used across the board to identify voter intention

                                i think the most important thing we can do is highlight the possibility of fraud, so that the general public no longer has faith in outsourcing democracy.

                                Kim Sanders-Fisher

                                  Welcome aboard Postal Vote Investigation, Paul War – I have gone to your twitter feed, I think they call it a “feed,” not sure as I am not in the loop on such matters. I have cut and pasted the info you have posted in wee sound-bites on twitter; they are assembled in one on my files on this concern. I can read through them looking for important points that prompt further questions. A lot to examine, but very reassuring to know someone else is working so hard on this. The following piece of information caught my interest:

                                  “You can challenge an election vote within 21 days (2nd of January) if after finding someone registered for a postal vote, that didn’t vote, the electoral officer confirmed a vote was made for them . Contact your local labour party for help with this.”

                                  Is this 21 working days? There have been three national holidays in addition to weekends. 21 days including weekends but excluding the three national holidays does indeed take us to the 2nd of January.

                                  However, this does seem incredibly restrictive considering many offices will close with staff away for longer than just the official bank holiday days off. Despite an aggressive Tory effort to engineer this rigged election in such a way that it avoided any scrutiny this tight deadline might represent more bluff than rigid deadline. In any of my dealings on similar government issues, where a submission deadline is given it is expressed in working days excluded weekends as well as national holidays: this would push the complaint deadline out to the 15th of January.

                                  Do not put government agencies beyond “accidentally” giving you the wrong deadline in the hope you will drop the case. I would not be at all surprised if staff were instructed to give the wrong deadline … oops! Sorry about the mistake from headquarters… too much wine at the Christmas party! Let’s move on… My first contact at the Electoral Commission will be away until the 6th of January. Call them on it as I doubt they can justify how a review of something as important as concerns over you right to vote can be sidelined while offices are closed to the public.

                                  Another thing that peaked my attention was a couple of articles posted with links I have embedded here. The first was: TruePublica @TruePublica• 27 Dec 2019 – A 2016 article warning about #IDOX and why #postalvotegate was going to happen – #IDOXFraud. The second was one I had read before regarding Argyll and Bute in the Scotish Independence Referendum; it is worth linking to it again here. “The Postal Ballot at the Scottish Independence Referendum – Fraud?”

                                  This also interested me more than other twittering as it identified a certain BBC presenter who appears to be functioning as an impartial investigative journalist with considerable integrity… Shock horror! Since “BBC journalistic Integrity” has become such a total oxymoron nowadays, I thought it might be worth contacting this poor chap, who may now have been relegated to making tea and organizing the summer picnic! Hell hath no wrath like “Auntie” throwing a hissy fit”

                                  In an interview Nolan recorded for the BBC on the 19th of December he captured a credible complaint from an experienced election official dealing with an unprecedented situation. The official stated that: “It was such a shambles. It was an embarrassment. We shouldn’t have been put in that position.” He was described by Nolan as “a whistle blower with 32 years experience at polling station” when telling Nolan what he witnessed on the General Election 2019 polling day 4:36 / 4:36 A clip was taken from The Nolan Show, BBC

                                  Later input from Nolan identifies a letter, sent in hast to those who were belatedly informed they were not registered to vote due to an error of some kind. He writes: “What message does this send out in terms of confidence in the electoral system? He highlights: “Look at the date on the letter – 16th Dec – FOUR days AFTER the election . If you have information about voting registration problems – send it to [email protected] Electoral Office confirm right to vote 4 days after the election is over.” This would be an award winning story for any reporter to break so can we enlist Nolan’s help as an investigative journalist?

                                  If you are thinking that our efforts will be totally stymied by lack of evidence take heart and think again. All we need is to get our foot in the door with a warrant to seize ballots for testing. We need access to a random batch of votes in a heavily suspect marginal constituency. When I say “access” I mean a level of suspicion that affords more than a quick glance under supervision. The ballot papers will need to be tested my the forensic department of the local police department concerned. These ballot papers will include a number of postal ballots mixed in with ballots cast in polling stations.

                                  As I have stated in earlier posts it is still possible to differentiate between postal ballots and polling station ballots after the fact despite the mixing in with postal ballots. The postal ballots are more likely to be marked in pen after filling in confirmation data in pen, while in the polling station only a pencil is available. In an automated process the marked ballot would need to match similar postal votes prior to the mixing in process. A statistically significant number of the ballot papers, would need to be subjected to forensic testing primarily to identify fingerprints.

                                  While this might all sound rather labor intensive it is actually incredibly simple; the principal is so simple it was probably overlooked in arrogance and haste. It would be normal to find a group of common sets of fingerprints within the same batch of ballot papers. Idox staff are not pictured wearing gloves in the promotional video, but the count staff will also have left their mark. However it is not the fingerprints present you are testing the ballots for, it is the fingerprints that are missing. Replacement ballots would have required a fully automated printing process with a limited number of people involved to maintain secrecy.

                                  There is no way that Idox or any other Vote Management service could possibly explain why a significant number of the tested ballots of any type did not bear a unique set of fingerprints from the person actually casting the ballot; this is simply not humanly possible. Yes on some occasions a person has very dry hands and does not leave an easily identifiable print, but there are also more sophisticated ways of testing for fingerprints on paper now. There is no possible credible explanation for a large number of ballots to be totally devoid of any unique sets of fingerprints. Got ya!

                                  I will add the deadline question to my inquiries when I chase down the chap at the Electoral Commission on Monday. He did not yet reply to my email sent earlier today; it was an in depth grilling. I will continue to go through your posts to see what other questions you might be able to answer. You appear to have accumulated a lot of data and I am glad you have joined our forum. We need someone to keep this issue alive on twitter and I am not that person: keep up the good work.

                                  • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by modbot.
                                  • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by modbot.
                                  Kim Sanders-Fisher

                                    One of the questions I have asked the Electoral Commission is why, if company employees at electoral management companies are not meant to have political affiliations or vested interest in the results, it was not a massive conflict of interest for Tory MP Peter Lilley to remain the director of IDOX for so many years? Lilley and his family still retain significant shares in IDOX.

                                    Saticon – I had been looking to find out which two companies handling some aspect of the vote had reportedly closed shortly after the 2019 General Election. I found this in among the info you sent to my blog:
                                    “IDOX acquisitions include ‘Halarose Ltd. […] a software development company specialising in Electoral Registration and Election Management software for local government customers, including Birmingham City Council, The Electoral Office of Northern Ireland, and Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council. Its EROS-II Electoral Registration software registers over 6 million electors …” You said that it was both Halarose and Halarose Holdings who were dissolved just before Christmas.

                                    IDOX acquisitions include ‘Halarose Ltd:
                                    “Halarose delivers a wide range of contemporary registration and election management solutions which are continuously refined and evolved to deliver practical outcomes that best suit the customer’s needs. With an outstanding local government client list, and a strong reputation in the elections market, Halarose significantly extends Idox’s capabilities and reach in the sector.”

                                    Idox Chief Executive Andrew Riley said: “The acquisition of Halarose, which has a strong product offering, team and track record, presents Idox with the opportunity to significantly expand its existing presence in the elections market.”

                                    Postal Vote Investigation, Paul – I was curious to know more about the IDOX connection to the canvassing app you mentioned which would certainly provide the company with useful data on who to target for the late delivery or removal of labour supporting postal votes from the ballots they handle with their Postal Vote Managed Service.

                                    I found the link you posted to it on twitter, worth repeating here:
                                    “Quite a few people (mainly Councillors or those involved in canvassing have been adamant that there is no way IDOX can have access to voter intention. I give you IDOX canvassing app”

                                    How secure is our ballot when one company IDOX, the subsidiary of an Oil and Gas Company with strong links to the Tory Party, offer this canvassing app and boast:
                                    “A fully-managed Postal Vote Checking service, tailored to your needs, providing intuitive technology for complete accuracy and reassurance.”
                                    I do not feel in the least bit reassured…


                                      I am now utterly convinced that what you are doing In pursuing this is extremely important. My moment of seeing the light cake not on the road to Damascus, but on what happened on the road from Baghdad airport. I am trying to rally support through the main discussion page

                                      Kim Sanders-Fisher

                                        Wow! This is truly unprecedented, a major international crisis that could herald an inextricable march towards a major war in the Middle East and the BBC’s Marr Show is still obsessing over the Labour leadership contest candidates rather than focusing on the charlatan who stole the recent election and whether he might take the UK to war on Trump’s orders. One wouldn’t want to disturb Boris basking on a sunny beach in the Caribbean while the duped masses fret over the threat of him compliantly following the US into another illegal war based on lies.

                                        The Foreign Secretary’s was invited to present his evidence free justification of the US extrajudicial slaughter of Suleimani as if it was warranted as it certainly went unchallenged by Marr. Raab’s feeble attempt to shore-up the ludicrous Trump assertion that taking Suleimani out was done to “prevent a war” rather than credibly provoking justifiable retaliation passed with little viable interrogation from Marr over that ridiculous premise. This was a truly shocking display of gullible ignorance regarding the dangerous reality of the situation we now face after the BBC pulled out all the stops to shoehorn this hard right Tory government back into power with a majority to end all resistance or debate.

                                        Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s plight was easily written off with meaningless platitudes as was Raab’s too little too late intervention on the Cyprus rape case. The British public should get used to being completely abandoned by our Foreign Office while this die hard supporter of US and Israeli interests remains in the position of Foreign Secretary. Marr swiftly moved on to the Brit’s favourite genre of daring epic, the next heroic war movie to hit the screen. Such idealistic nostalgia about war will always help to soften up the cannon fodder in readiness for a fast approaching brutal onslaught.

                                        Why was so much prominence given to who might become the next leader of the opposition at a time when MPs of all parties will have almost zero influence over foreign or domestic policy for the foreseeable future? The BBC know they have helped the Tories pull off the greatest con trick in UK political history so they must be really worried about all those angry Labour voters who could take to the streets in protest or grind the country to a halt with massive strikes before such democratic options are entirely outlawed.

                                        Who knew that the potential US war with Iran would be upon us so soon? We had all hoped in vain that Trump would be distracted and contained by impeachment but, POTUS is merely the puppet of far more dangerous actors like the War Hawks Pompeo and Bannon. Ignore this Pompeo moment of truth caught on video at your peril as Boris blindly follows US dictates. Also captured on a revealing film clip we cannot forget Pompeo’s early warning threats to destabilize a Corbyn Government if their dirty foreign intervention tactics failed to secure a Tory stranglehold on power.

                                        The powerful Zionist Lobby groups in the UK foolishly allowed Joe Glasman to rant on camera about the disgraceful extent of the Israeli Government’s foreign intervention and manipulation of UK politics. We should have headed the strong warning back in 2009 when a Dispatches documentary revealed the dangerous path we were on in our blind support of Zionist apartheid policies. What will it take for the UK public to finally wake up to the terrifying prospect of a prolonged Tory dictatorship forced upon us through a rigged election?

                                        To fulfil the US, Israeli mission the Tories need a cowering, totally enfeebled Labour leader to help quell the coming unrest as they know the fight-back is coming and we could see rioting on UK streets. Weekening the opposition was what the BBC prioritized this morning; not questioning our absconding PM revelling in the glory of his stolen election, but insuring that no one questioned his legitimacy. The big push from the BBC is getting as many Labour MPs as possible to own their fake defeat and make a radical change of direction to support the Tory agenda. We cannot allow this to happen: protests and nationwide strikes are the pragmatic next step.

                                        We must focus the attention of Labour MPs on the very real threat that the Tories will lead us into another illegal war in the Middle East unless we immediately and aggressively challenge the legitimacy of their rigged parliamentary majority. There is no effective opposition unless we overturn the vote. We must contact all MPs urging them to change their defeatist narrative and relentlessly start questioning the unfathomable results of this 2019 General Election before it is too late. There is legitimate cause for concern over the results on a multitude of fronts with significant anomalies that cannot be dismissed by insisting that Labour voters deserted the party over Brexit and anti-Semitism. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s not a giraffe!

                                        If you watched Andrew Marr grill two of the five potential candidates for leadership of a thoroughly toothless opposition, spiced up by an interview with recently knighted Sir Sam Mendes, including a liberal dollop of action clips from his new film about the Second World War, you might have guessed the elephant in the room… My quest for knowledge on what to expect from the Tories as the prospect of war looms was not satiated by the pathetic “I agree with Trump” spin from Dominic Raab. Who is running the country and, perhaps more importantly, on whose behalf? We all know the BBC cannot be trusted to present real news: STOP DRINKING THE KOOLAID!

                                        Kim Sanders-Fisher

                                          I tried to post new materual three times; what is up?

                                          Paul Barbara

                                            @ Kim Sanders-Fisher December 28, 2019 at 16:11
                                            Re ‘Facts Central @StillDelvingH’, like you I don’t ‘Twitter’, but when I tried to follow a number of her links, I found the page didn’t exist (probably removed).
                                            You don’t appear to have had a response from any Twitterer’s on here, though I am only now still going through the large number o f comments.
                                            Re Greg Palast, I contacted him on his site via an online form re our extremely dubious election results, but he didn’t bother to reply.
                                            Glad you and others are keeping this thread alive.

                                            Paul Barbara

                                              @ Kim Sanders-Fisher December 28, 2019 at 16:11
                                              Re Jennifer Cohn, here is her Facebook page; you said you didn’t do Twitter, but maybe you are on Facebook. If so, you could apply to ‘befriend’ her, then if accepted you could comment on her Facebook page and also send a personal message with whatever queries you have:
                                              Also, following up on her 60 minutes comment, I found this:
                                              ‘Convicted felon /embezzler Jeffrey Dean massaging the huge vote-by-mail databases for CA and CO counties’: http://12160.info/profiles/blogs/convicted-felon-embezzler
                                              (it seems to take ages to load, but it does eventually).

                                              Paul Barbara

                                                @ Km Sanders-Fisher December 30, 2019 at 10:44
                                                I came late to this thread (although suggesting initially that you should continue on here) so I hope my comments will not be missed). I absolutely agree with you. These politicians will gladly lead us into wars which cost millions of lives and ruined countries, and then swan around the world with plum ‘jobs’ and lucrative ‘speaking engagements’; does anyone really believe they wouldn’t steal elections, if they could? And given the state of modern technology, does anyone believe they don’t have that ability?

                                                Paul Barbara

                                                  @ Kim Sanders-Fisher January 1, 2020 at 17:14
                                                  I have emailed Skwarkbox re the identities of the two firms dissolved after the ‘selection’, and if they know why they were dissolved.
                                                  I’ll let ya’ll know if I get a response.

                                                  Paul Barbara

                                                    @ Kim Sanders-Fisher January 3, 2020 at 04:33
                                                    If you forget your password, there is normally a button to press marked ‘Forgotten password?’ which allows you to set a new password.


                                                      Excellent. One thing to add. Tge Tory party treasurer is a dual citizen the other country being a beneficiery if outlawing tge BDS movement. He donates a lot to the party.

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