Elections aftermath

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  • #49603
    Paul Barbara

      Kim, I contacted Jennifer Cohn and she said she was worried about Idox and Halirose lack of transparency. I posted the following, inviting her to comment on here:

      ‘Jennifer Cohn Thanks for reply. It appears that ‘Halarose and Halarose Holdings who were dissolved just before Christmas. Both companies were acquired by IDOX in mid August 2019 thus consolidating the IDOX monopoly of power over the electoral process in the UK.’ Here is a thread about the election of the Discussion Forum on Craig Murray’s Blog: https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/…/elections-aftermath/… Craig was an ex-British Ambassador to Uzbekistan. The main driver of the election thread is Kim Sanders-Fisher. We would appreciate it if you look through the comments and perhaps give us a few pointers, though I am sure you are up to your eyes with stuff in the States.

      Kim Sanders-Fisher

        AVAAZ – 4 Principles for 2020 – A Hopeful Pledge:
        I just received an email from the AVAAZ team with a message that really resonated with me; an attempt to remove the poison from our dialog on the Internet with a pledge to become more respectful in future. I welcomed this intervention and indorsed the pledge by submitting my own personal comment. You might also wish to add this to your New Year Resolutions by supporting this AVAAZ Pledge.

        Although this might at first seem to have little to do with restoring the integrity of our democracy by investigating the possibility of rigged elections; on the contrary, the focus of this initiative champions the same important objectives. The propaganda lies and fake news smears warped public opinion and helped sabotage our pragmatic decision-making at a crucial juncture. The disastrous outcome of this latest vote will sorely test our capacity for polite discourse and moderation in the near future. In consideration of this harsh reality I wanted to share with you the comment that I submitted on the AVAAZ Website.

        As a self-confessed Disruptive Innovator/inventor my critical thinking and radical maverick ideas have led to harsh ramifications; I have been targeted as a whistleblower on both sides of the Atlantic with devastating consequences. However, I genuinely welcome objective criticism as the robust challenges of this vital input always serve to strengthen the formulation of my most viable concepts and help perfect the parameters of my creative designs.

        I resist the instant gratification of twitters, tweets and other rapid fire quips on the Internet as they can so often encourage cruel and mindless anonymous attacks that cause deep hurt and offence. I declare my full name, or at least a compacted version of my name: Kim Sa-Fi. This serves to remind me to behave as if I am face to face with the person I reply to in a comment; it insures that I maintain respectful dialog even with those whom I might vehemently disagree. I immediately disengage with openly insulting comments in order to truncate the ramping-up of venomous tit for tat exchanges.

        Despite travelling a lot less now than I used to, as someone who has lived, worked and been welcomed by people of all ethnic groups, races and religions, rich and poor, in countries all over the world, I would still categorize myself an “Eco-Nomad.” I consider those that so many now disparagingly refer to as “Migrants” as people who share all of the same personal goals and noble objectives of my earlier nomadic lifestyle; prejudice is unfounded as we have nothing to fear from these eco-nomads.

        I have crafted a set of proposals to fully democratize freedom of movement for the universal benefit of all, young and old, not just the wealthy and powerful but the poor and disadvantaged too; this concept of “Collaborative Circular Migration” is designed to enhance cooperation and global equality.

        The rise of toxic nationalism is a horrific infection that now grips so many nations around the world; it serves no one but the greedy billionaires and corporations bent on enshrining neo-liberal exploitation. I am not at all proud of the conquests of our once mighty empire, our proxy wars arming foreign despots or our many jingoistic forays overseas.

        I combat assaults on the strength of my personal support for the defence of our British national identity by declaring that I remain a “Peaceful Patriot of the Planet,” dedicated to protecting our common humanity, especially the persecuted and most vulnerable. I do this while mindful of our increasingly precarious environment with a mandate to protect the world we share with all of the precious species that inhabit the earth: “There is no Planet B.”

        The motto of my 93/94 Whitbread Round-the-World-Race sailing team was: “A healthy body and mind on a healthy peaceful planet.” Sadly, this optimistic message was not inspiring enough for Team Pro-Maxi to gain the sponsorship we needed for our diverse International group of professional female sailors to compete in that race, but this stirring sentiment remains a hopeful course towards a brighter future.

        We must proactively strive to create a positive alternative narrative that is capable of totally disarming the hateful rhetoric of nationalism and the myopic unwarranted “them and us” mentality designed to divide and scapegoat the weakest in our society.

        I truly abhor the divisive term “British Values,” as if only the British maintain a common set of values: this is ludicrous poison targeted to dope the masses. I propose an alternative: the collaborative creation of a set of Universal Human Values. Somewhere high up on that list would be “The Courage to say I am Sorry.” This would go a long way towards peace building throughout the world,

        Peaceful Patriot of the Planet, Kim Sanders-Fisher: (PPP – Kim Sa-Fi)

        Kim Sanders-Fisher

          I would strongly encourage all those who believe in honest and civilised debate, with an end to the incessant lies and slurs that warped all public dialog during recent crucial votes, to sign the Principals for 2020 AVAAZ Pledge. This pledge includes resisting the “triggers” that allow emotion to override sensible thinking and it has this as its forth commitment:
          “Stop the Gossip, seek the truth – Fake news, half-truths, smears, and disinformation motivated by emotion and agenda bring out the worst in all of us. People are fundamentally decent, but we are quick to embrace simple demonizations that justify the worst we do to each other. Let’s strive to see the human not the villain, and understand the often complex truth.”

          Back in November of 2010, when it was a Labour PM under attack for lying about a political opponent in order to retain his seat, there was a successful petition challenge to deprive him of his victory which ultimately also barred him from standing for public office for three years. An article in the Guardian predicted the impact this would have on politics.
          “The former immigration minister Phil Woolas was ejected from parliament today after two high court judges ruled that he lied about his Liberal Democrat opponent during the general election, in a judgment that is likely to have profound implications for all future campaigns.”

          But that was then, with a Labour candidate under attack and a genuine commitment to accountability and political integrity. The picture is so very different now, after a relentless Tory campaign of disgraceful, unverified fact-free lies, smears and deformation has managed to depict Jeremy Corbyn, a dignified man of peace, as a hateful, vilified racist! What was the turning point for the decision made in this 2010 case?
          “The specially convened election court upheld those arguments after it saw confidential emails between Woolas’s team, which included the line: “If we don’t get the white folk angry he [Woolas]’s gone.””

          The Labour Party at that time took full responsibility and acted appropriately in accordance with the court judgement by refusing to support any appeal in defence of their candidate. “The deputy leader Harriet Harman said it was “no part of Labour’s politics to try to win elections by telling lies” and the party would not support any appeal.” Wow! Let that statement sink in a bit… Sp where do we stand now? Surely the Woolas case set an important precedent with regard to the use of false information to incite anger and stoke a fabricated ethnic divide. Because the UK lacks a written constitution, our law is primarily governed by precedent.

          We know that the hard data categorically does not support an increase in anti-Semitism in the Labour Party; in reality the opposite is true. Sadly, Labour’s policy of appeasement and engagement with this confected “major problem,” an issue that at most potentially implicated a miniscule 0.1% of their half million membership, really did not help. If following treatment your doctor declared you 99.9% cancer free you would be ecstatic; why is 0.1% so difficult to comprehend? Demonizing loyal Labour Party members to remove high profile figures that were innocent of any anti-Semitic views did not satiate the destructive Tory beast which had the right wing media and even the supposedly neutral BBC on side.

          This divisive Tory wrecking ball was aided and abetted by a few rogue centrist members of the Labour Party whose primary loyalty was not to their struggling working class constituents but, to a foreign power, namely, the Israeli Government via their powerful Jewish Lobby groups in the UK. A 2009 BBC Dispatches documentary investigated the undue influence of these Jewish Lobby groups and their increasing control over political decisions in both major parties, but we did not heed the strong warning signs. The anti-Semitism furore is not about protecting British Jews from prejudice it demands unquestionably loyalty and support of the Zionist agenda of the State of Israel in their persecution on the Palestinian people.

          The brazen crowing of Joe Glasman in his YouTube rant following the triumph of the Tory “landslide victory” is both chilling and utterly disgusting. With Glasman as Head of Political and Government Investigations for the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, CAA, a Zionist bigot who has freely expressed his anti Corbyn bias, is inappropriately positioned to pass judgement on the Labour Party over the handling of a problem that statistics show barely exists. This grossly disproportionate highlighting of anti-Semitism does not make Jewish people in this country any safer; instead it stirs up trouble where there is none and emboldens dangerous, racially bigoted, far right extremists.

          In many instances Labour are their own worst enemy, as valid law suits for libel could have easily shut down many spurious attacks in an instant. There was never enough evidence to conclusively prove any of the totally unfounded cases of anti-Semitism in a court of law. Unfortunately, these cases never came to court; Labour and Jeremy Corbyn were unfairly tried in the media based on the lies promulgated by MPs and supporters of the Tory Party. Corbyn was declared guilty and demonized utilizing the unique reach of the state’s most powerful propaganda juggernaut the BBC.

          That said it does not make the demonization justified and it certainly was not in the best interests of conducting a free and fair election; British voters were cruelly duped by MPs whose integrity and public statements they should have been able to trust. Amplified by blatant media bias, MPs who deceitfully perpetrated those lies have “stolen” the seats they now occupy in parliament: this injustice cannot be allowed to remain unchallenged. This was not just a solitary MP targeted through unjustified smears, it was an entire political party and the leader of that party wrongfully discredited and demonized throughout the UK.

          The BBC is massively at fault in this deformation case: during the mandated neutral period of Purdah their political interviews were saturated with the fake news attacks over anti-Semitism that disproportionately drowned out all of the important information on Labour manifesto policies. No wonder people were so clueless about Labour policies, their MPs and candidates were unable to present the facts while under such unrelenting toxic assault. Despite the BBC’s frequent use of a fact check feature on their broadcasts they never once sought to use this tool to determine the actual incidents of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party; instead they just ploughed ahead with fake news assumptions and right wing opinions that discredited Corbyn and the left.

          Back in a time when a genuine commitment to accountability and political integrity was the norm on both sides of the House, an MP who lied about his political opponent during the general election was “ejected from parliament.” There is a strong case that this decision set a real precedent. Since so much of UK law is governed by precedent, the overwhelming evidence of industrial scale lying by MPs intent on demonizing the Labour leadership to steal the election, should be sufficient to warrant voiding the corrupted result. Did the 2010 Woolas judgment really have profound implications for all future campaigns? Perhaps not.

          Does the UK electorate honestly prefer the current chaotic political landscape where the best financed candidate is able to fund dirty tricks? Can we ignore the use of slander and liable, to relentlessly discredit an opponent with a campaign of lies and smears, as an acceptable path to victory for any MP? Do we allow libellous false accusations and brutal unfounded character assassination to encourage the most unscrupulous, power hungry politicians to break the law with impunity, funded by dodgy money from supportive billionaires? Can we afford to let the selfish interests of the wealthy, and the malevolent intervention of foreign powers, override the needs of ordinary UK voters?

          Overturning this rigged election result would send a very clear message that no one, MP, Lord or PM, is above the law. It would abundantly demonstrate the vital need for proper, credible standards of media oversight and accurate fact check accountability especially from, our “not so neutral” state broadcaster, the BBC. If deceitful politicians knew they would face serious consequences in future, it could finally eliminate the use of lies, fake news, deformation and shallow undeliverable promises repeated with impunity. A clear precedent was set in 2010; there is an urgent priority to pursue this eminently winnable case which is so obviously in the public interest.

          Kim Sanders-Fisher

            On the Jewish Voice for Labour Website there is an interesting article exposing the fake news of the so called “anti-Semitism crisis” in the Labour Party that helped derail the election. Surely this article: “Smoke Without Fire: The Myth of a ‘Labour Antisemitism Crisis” has the necessary evidence to fight a defamation case that could void the shocking 2019 Election result. JVL Note: “This article by Jamie Stern-Weiner and Alan Maddison features in an eBook on the ‘Labour antisemitism’ controversy edited by Jamie Stern-Weiner, forthcoming from Verso. As of the 2nd December: This FREE eBook is now available…” – Visit the JVL Website to download it.

            In the above article there is a useful link to the Media Reform Coalition they revealed that: “The Media Reform Coalition (MRC) has recently provided us with some hard statistical evidence. Its report on media coverage of antisemitism in the Labour Party shows that (perhaps counterintuitively) the BBC and Guardian are among the worst progressive media, offenders.” Who would have thought it!

            The embedded link to Glasman’s toxic rant in my last comment has been taken down; I guess he is not so proud of that poorly worded victory outpouring. It could imperil the charitable status of the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, CAA, as legitimate charities claiming charitable status are supposed to be apolitical. I hope a few of you will take the opportunity to file an official complaint with the Charities Commission reporting CAA for Glasman’s revelling take on CAA’s underlying agenda.

            I have provided a functioning new link to this material posted in a piece written by Asa Winstanley for Electronic Intifada called “The beast is slain.” I just hope it hold up for a bit longer so that we can expose this man’s ruthless agenda to sabotage Corbyn and the Labour Vote. Adding a comment and a link back to this forum, I also contacted Asa Winstanley by direct email. I hope he reviews some of the data here, takes an interest and has the time to offer his investigative skills.


              Kim, thanks for staying with this, and for your energy and determination.

              I, too, believe some underhand business has been going on to create such a big win for the Conservatives; and, perhaps even more importantly, to ensure that Corbynism cannot gain a foothold in Western politics.

              I imagine that such a political coup would likely be orchestrated by the same arseholes who have been manipulating the world to fit their iniquitous agenda.

              As Mary has pointed out, Boris Johnson seems to have some kind of connection to the Henry Jackson Society: and those are just the kind of people I’m thinking of.

              Henry Jackson Society patrons include Robert Kagan, co-founder of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) and husband of the odious Victoria ‘Fuck-the-EU’ Nuland, the Ukraine coup agitator; William Kristol, PNAC co-founder with Kagan; and Richard Perle, PNAC signatory.

              From 2004: “It should not be entirely surprising in this context that while advocating for regime change in Iran, war-mongering in Syria, and hyping up US homeland terror (despite terrorist incidents steadily declining over the last decades and now at an all time low), the Henry Jackson Society invests much of its energies in intellectual agitation on behalf of elite Anglo-American financial, security and fossil fuel interests.”

              A signatory of the Henry Jackson Society and fellow of the Hudson Institute, economist Irwin Stelzer was a frequent visitor to 10 Downing Street during Blair’s reign.

              From 2004: “Few passers-by would have noticed the lone figure slipping discreetly through the front door of Number 10. Fewer still could have guessed what was on the agenda with the Prime Minister. According to media reports at the time, the visitor was delivering a message from his master. And for Tony Blair it turned out to be a Corleone-style horse’s head in the bed.

              “The visitor was Dr Irwin Stelzer, the American economist widely defined as Rupert Murdoch’s emissary, secret agent and representative on earth. To some this makes him a devil incarnate. Peter Oborne, political editor of the Spectator, wrote that Stelzer ‘stands in the same kind of relationship to Murdoch as Suslov did to Stalin’. Chris Patten, the former EU commissioner, remarked: ‘I wouldn’t sup with Irwin Stelzer if I had a spoon a yard long.'”

              These are devious people. They will do what is necessary to preserve their world.

              Kim Sanders-Fisher

                Cimarrón – Thank you for your input and the chilling links that you provide. Exploring the jingoistic agenda of the Henry Jackson Society and its prominent Hawk members leaves scant room for hope of a positive future. The corrosive nature of their destructive neo-con policies will prevail if we do not fully expose the mechanism of their grip on power both from their access to obscene amounts of funding and through illegal rigging our now only superficially democratic elections.

                We can only control the excessive leverage facilitated by vast sums of cash through reforms. However, such reforms will never be put in place until we are able to secure the integrity of our democratic process to install a government that prioritizes the genuine needs of the majority over the power of the global elite. We, the people, have the numbers so their only solution is to warp the count.

                It is important to note that IDOX, the company that has grown exponentially to dominate all aspects of the handling and management of our suspect postal votes, is a subsidiary of an Oil and Gas giant. They are highly unlikely to remain neutral in a situation where the electorate votes to dismantle their industry and shrink their profits. Privatization allowed this obvious conflict of interest to further intensify the direct involvement of Tory MP Peter Lilley; it was inevitable that a potential for rigging the vote would result.

                Transparency is the best disinfectant. If there has been no wrongdoing in this or previous votes then it can withstand the robust challenge of a full investigation and emerge unscathed. However, that will not necessarily prove that our electoral process is riddled with weaknesses and ripe for future abuse. I want to launch a Petition that covers these core demands, but this would need the support of people with better Social Media connections than I have.

                I read an earlier comment #49522 from J, posted on the 6th of December, about a petition on the 38 Degrees website that had rapidly garnered votes before it vanished without notice or explanation.
                “I note this petition gained over 6,500 signatures in its first 24 hours but has subsequently disappeared from 38 Degree’s website. Could be significant.” The Petition stated: Demand an independent investigation into the 2019 general election we suspect fraud corruption…

                I contacted 38 Degrees to try and get an explanation as to why this happened and left messages with the staff for a member of the Petitions Team to get back to me as a matter of some urgency. I have now made three calls that have all been essentially ignored; I still know nothing. On the Website it says: “Got something you want to ask or tell the 38 Degrees office team?” You can contact them by emailing: [email protected] or give them a call on Call: 0207 8460 093. Perhaps you will have better luck getting a definitive response than I did,

                Paul Barbara

                  @ Kim Sanders-Fisher January 14, 2020 at 17:49
                  ‘..The embedded link to Glasman’s toxic rant in my last comment has been taken down; I guess he is not so proud of that poorly worded victory outpouring…’
                  No probs, here it is in full: ‘We ‘slaughtered’ Jeremy Corbyn, says Isr^el lobbyist’:

                  Paul Barbara

                    @ Kim Sanders-Fisher January 14, 2020 at 17:49
                    That’s a bummer – I thought 38* was OK. I didn’t rate the other two, Change.org and Care2.
                    There is another one linked to Parliament, which is good IF they accept the petition wording. I’ll try to find out what it’s called.

                    Paul Barbara

                      @ Kim Sanders-Fisher January 14, 2020 at 17:49
                      A similar one is up on Change.org, but I don’t expect it will get very far, due to ‘shenanigans’.
                      ‘Demand Parliamentary Investigation into rigged postal votes 2019 Election’:
                      5,484 have signed as of now.
                      I will also contact 38*; I believe I have responded to a couple of their fund-raisers.


                        I think Kim made two very good points that need widespread publicity, that there is creeping unregulated privatisation of the electoral process with obvious clash of interest in that the organisations involved are headed by a Tory, and that the electoral commission has no teeth. These should be the start of this campaign I think because they are provable and will get more traction than going in at the deep end about election rigging.

                        Paul Barbara

                          @ SA January 15, 2020 at 06:45
                          Basically agree, but though Peter Lilley helps people realise the clash of interests, if he were to resign the problem would remain, through other forces controlling the firm. What is needed is bringing it under some kind of government control, perhaps run by the Civil Service, with absolute transparency, and much more attention being paid to any possible loopholes. Particularly, the postal voting system needs a thorough shakeup, and the postal votes should be kept separate from ballot box votes, and kept for scrutiny if something seems amiss.
                          I don’t understand it, but the Venezuelan system should be seriously considered – it has been referred to as the best voting system in the world.
                          And of course, as you say, an electoral commission with teeth.



                            Craig, himself, was unable to get a satisfactory response from 38 Degrees regarding a petition targetting Laura Kuenssberg. When he asked for evidence of the ‘sexist abuse’ which they claimed as the reason for taking down the petition.

                            Realistically, I doubt there is any way of touching the manipulators at the top of the chain. Even if there were an angle by which any of them could be brought to court, the chances of justice are very slim indeed. The judiciary are part of the Establishment (look at how they can mistreat Julian Assange with impunity).

                            I thought this comment on Craig’s blog by Ken Kenn could be something worth further looking into:
                            “What are the odds that an increase of just 1.2% in the overall Tory vote could land so precisely in so many ex-Labour-voting Constituencies that the Tories won by less that two thousand votes?
                            Distribute 78 (the Tory Majority) into 650 seats and that equals 12% of all seats.
                            The Brexit Party helped but, by crikey – the chips fell against Labour alright – to a phenomenal degree.
                            Any good psephologists out there to put us right about distribution?
                            That was one hell of a strange distribution of luck on 1.2 % of an increase.
                            It could have gone anywhere.”

                            And, Ross, below that, says “The odds get even more astronomical when you consider that those votes fell, not only exactly where they needed them, but concomitantly in seats with low voter turnout.”

                            Some commenter on this blog, or a colleague, or a tutor might be or know a ‘psephologist’, or a statistician, someone able to say whether there is strong reason to doubt the randomness of the figures.

                            A noteworthy result could arouse interest and awaken people’s suspicion.


                              Whitney Webb has also written about the Epstein affair. Here is an interesting article by her about possible interference with elections in the States and elsewhere.

                                Paul Barbara

                                  @ SA January 16, 2020 at 09:21
                                  This was linked to in the article you linked to above:
                                  ‘Microsoft’s ElectionGuard a Trojan Horse for a Military-Industrial Takeover of US Elections#:
                                  Enough to make anyone collapse in despair. The aware may bark, but the evil PTB NWO/One World Gulag plans roll ever forward.

                                  Kim Sanders-Fisher

                                    This is really scary shit! I have been deeply worried about the future for the UK for quite a while, but this information is seriously troubling. I feel helpless to prevent the coming disaster and now only see myself as a target due to my honest outpourings on the Internet. Too late to hide; I feel doomed just for daring to speak out.

                                    I am working on a judiciously worded petition with a lot of strong data embedded links. The government petition site is down until they create a new committee. Not sure where to put this, but it will take massive levels of support to get off the ground. Can you commit to giving it that intense level of social media support?

                                    Kim Sanders-Fisher

                                      SA – On December 9, 2019 at 14:17 Pre Election, you wrote: “Here is an analysis which argues that that the Tory lead should be no more than 3% based on erroneous assumptions from the current pollsters. If true it is extremely encouraging. Lets keep our fingers crossed.” The comments from Dr Moderate @centrist_phone are still up on twitter, but I have new links to this info on Thread Reader which I have cut and pasted into a file. There is a second pre-election thread on Thread Reader that was equally upbeat re Labour chances.

                                      Going over that pre-Election post that Craig did on “The Invisible Tories” there were a lot of comments on the reality of what people were observing in communities all over the country. Very few comments reported getting Tory mailings; they also noted the rarity of Tory signs in windows and the lack of canvassers on the ground. While there was a huge pot of Tory money to throw at Facebook ads, if that was all it took other parties would have relied on the same model. Even back then, there were a number of people who anticipated vote rigging.

                                      The Tories had no manifesto to speak of and nothing to offer but promises easily debunked as fake. Keep repeating “Strong and Stable” had made Theresa May look like a brain-dead robot, but they chose the exact same tactic of mindless reputation. Boris refused interviews and hid from the press just as May had done, but the safe silo BBC coverage was employed once again. Why did the Tories think it would pay off? Simple, none of this mattered at all as it was purely cosmetic. Boris did not even bother to vote in his own constituency: he knew he didn’t need to as the 2019 General Election was in the bag… because the Tories put it there.

                                      However, it wasn’t enough to simply rig the postal votes so that the Election Day count guaranteed a “Tory landslide victory.” That result had to carry some semblance of plausibility to avoid any possibility of a challenge and that would require a number of crucial elements. The heavenly right leaning pollsters needed to nudge the vote by cooking the weighting numbers they used as analysed by this number crunching sleuth on twitter. We really need to contact this person who is probably distraught and disillusioned by now, but possibly using excellent powers of deduction to reach the same conclusion we have arrived at here: the vote was rigged!

                                      Beyond that the right wing MSM and the BBC had to launch a relentless smear campaign to discredit Corbyn and hide the reality of his huge supporter rallies. They also needed to drown out all possibility of the Labour Manifesto being presented to the public and conduct dozens of one sided Vox Pops repeating the lifelong Labour voter now going to vote Tory fake news. This last did not need to make sense to anyone with an atom of logic it just had to be a consistently reported distorted message.

                                      Our right wing MSM and the BBC had one last task that was the least predictable and the toughest challenge: the “Ming Vase!” They had to hide Boris and cover for his many gaffes and humiliating scenes of public vilification. That lead to several very easily exposed “mistakes” perpetrated by the BBC: editing out audience laughter at Boris claiming he was “Trustworthy” and trading out footage of him laying a wreath upside-down at the Cenotaph. By the time he was caught snatching a phone to avoid a disgraceful A&E picture, and diving into a fridge to take cover, the ordeal was almost over.

                                      All our puppet PM has to do now is make token appearances in the House of Commons to defend his lies at the dispatch box. The BBC and MSM are focusing on decimating the opposition to put a more compliant centrist leader in charge in order to minimize scrutiny. The newly elected Tories have all sworn never to oppose the PM, who will be warping our laws using “Henry the Eighth Powers” and dismantling any authority the courts might have to reign in his absolute power in future. The UK has elected a dictator and it could take decades to overthrow this hard right government if we do not challenge the rigged vote ASAP.

                                      If you use twitter try to make contact with Dr Moderate @centrist_phone; we really need this person on board…


                                        I agree completely with your analysis but would like to add this to your observations.
                                        On 3/9/2019, Boris sacked 21 of his backbenchers for voting for legislating against a no deal. This meant that he at that time ended up with a minority of minus 40. It did not make sense at the time but with hindsight it is clear that what he was doing was clearing out the old guard and selecting his own yes men and women. Most of these rebels either lost their seats, such as Dominic Grieve, or retired from parliament.
                                        His calling an election then was also a sign of confidence that he knew he would win. He continually taunted the opposition until they agreed. These two facts to my mind, indicate that he was confident of winning.
                                        Unfortunately I do not do social media.

                                        Kim Sanders-Fisher

                                          SA – I think you are spot on about the arrogant show of confidence shown by Tories despite the train-wreck performance full of Boris gaffes and hiding from public scrutiny. Boris smashed that “Ming Vase” into tiny pieces and got away with just a naughty boy grin and a tepid joke again and again. People on the ground throughout the country were well aware of the huge positive response to Corbyn and Labour, exposed on social media, even if they were totally ignored by the BBC.

                                          Also on Twitter: Postal Vote Investigation @postalvoteprobe is actively trying to corral Postal Vote data using Freedom of Information Requests. One post says: “Only had a few postal vote data come in. The trend Marginals very high postal vote 30-43% (Bridgend, Wrexham, Blackpool) and less but still high postal vote turnout in safe seats (Ogmore, Frith,) A pattern? As more and more data comes in from FOI requests we shall see #PostalVotes”

                                          A reply asks: “How could you use this data to prove there was any fraud if there indeed was fraud? dm your thoughts” to which Postal Vote Investigation @postalvoteprobe suggests the following:
                                          “Presumably if you could prove that more than 1432 people who had postal votes couldn’t have used them because they were either dead, moved or didn’t use them (arrived late etc) then you could prove phantom postal votes had been used.”

                                          This tactic was used in Scotland after those investigating discovered that in some areas the number of postal votes returned was as high as 96%. This figure was highly improbably because the postal vote packs are sent out to all those registered to receive a postal vote despite the fact that this list can never be 100% up to date. People move out, die or go to jail, but this is only fully updated once a year; they might also ignore their right to vote, making the 96% return rate highly suspicious.

                                          A later post highlights: “The postal voting system is far more complicated than voting in a polling booth. It is possible to systematically create postal votes for a party, whilst systematically suppressing postal votes for another party and we will investigate how.”

                                          Another person away on holiday during the election used a postal vote and asks: “Is it possible for me to verify that our votes were recorded correctly and as intended?”
                                          This question is a highly relevant one as, due to the timing of this election, postal votes were not confined to the elderly and disabled. Not only were more people concerned about the winter weather, but the vote was during a week when university students were on the move going into their Christmas break. This was a predominantly younger voting bloc, more likely to support Labour, that Boris would prefer not to cast their ballots.

                                          Postal Vote Investigation @postalvoteprobe replied with useful details: “all you have to do is email your local electoral services…” “Just put your postcode in to get contact details from “Your election information.” Enter your postcode to find your electoral services team at your local council. “You need to send your postal and proxy vote application forms to them. electoralcommission.org.uk”

                                          Replying to a question from a voter in Wrexham, another check on your postal vote to see if it was included and counted correctly for your chosen candidate is suggested: “the marked register which you can view for free under supervision will show everyone who had a postal vote. You have to put the request in writing to [email protected]

                                          Unfortunately, the EC will not have the full data sets available for months as these will be sent in piecemeal from constituencies across the country. Even when it is finally available certain key pieces of information are not included. If postal votes were counted separately we could immediately tell if the ballot had been stuffed in favour of one party: why is this not the case?

                                          If the Electoral Commission was given government authority to be able to function more effectively in the best interests of the public, transparency and secure elections, all of this information would be rapidly available in one place. Until the safguards are improved, we must work with what we have got to help expose the truth. We need more people to file FOI requests and demand viewing access to the voting results in all local constituency. I would suggest that you arrange a viewing accompanied by a local representative.

                                          The powers allocated to the Electoral Commission drastically needs to be stepped-up to eliminate the outsourcing loophole and secure the integrity of our electoral system. This is an urgent demand even if there was no vote rigging in this or previous elections and referendums. The entire system is wide open to vote rigging, fraud and corruption: this must stop. We must put extreme pressure on the government to make these vital changes and/or renationalize our Electoral System. A watchdog that cannot watch is just a dog!

                                          Kim Sanders-Fisher

                                            Time to wake up and smell the coffee! The latest hot-off-the-press announcements should sound a very powerful alarm bell for the resuscitation of our dying democracy and put the urgency of our efforts to correct the gross injustice of our rigged 2019 General Election into overdrive. The first is that Boris Johnson, or more likely his Master Puppeteer Dominic Cummings, is acting decisively to rapidly consolidate the British dictatorship by ordering all newly appointed ministers to shape up or be sacked! Not only will all the Tory MPs be forced to vote in absolute unquestioning compliance with the PM or face immediate ejection from the party, but all of his Tory ministers will be prevented from conducting interviews to supply important information and clarifications to the press. No dissent – no TV interviews – no press conferences: just Boris’s unchallenged dictates!

                                            How will this latest dictate affect government accountability and our right to public scrutiny over the decisions made on our behalf? Essentially this absolute control will, permanently and completely, shut down all external oversight by gagging the official heads of departments. Boris does not intend to grant interviews where his increasingly alarming proposals might by challenged by a political commentator or one of the last investigative journalists left in a dying breed. Nothing accept the PM’s deceptive announcements will be released to our already alt-right controlled media or the state mouthpiece our increasingly manipulated BBC. Control over the BBC’s funding has allowed what we used to rely on as our “public broadcasting service” to be steered further and further to the right for quite some time, but in future it will become a fully compliant propaganda machine in support of the dictatorship.

                                            The opposition in parliament is outnumbered and outgunned, a purely cosmetic nuisance to be delegitimized through absolute control of the BBC and print media. This process is already well underway through manipulation of public opinion regarding who will be elected as leader of the opposition. The Tory press and BBC are plugging their most favoured stooge to minimize any efforts at rebellion in the House of Commons. The strong advocate for participation of all MPs in the commons, John Bercow, is no longer there to function as a thorn in the side of a dictatorial Prime Minister running roughshod over convention and the law.

                                            Boris has announced that the House of Lords is to be moved up north with York mentioned as a possible venue. Why is this being done? It might strongly discourage the participation of the Lord’s current heavily London centric membership as this second chamber, with the important role of scrutiny, is not yet in full Tory control. Currently there is a significant amount of back and forth debate between the two chambers and various parliamentary committees; the sheer distance involved in this proposed move would probably reduce this function or be extremely disruptive and costly. Although it is disguised as Boris showing favour to the northern heartlands where he stole the majority of his fabricated “landslide” of support in the rigged 2019 General Election, the underlying objective is more likely to totally disable all future scrutiny.

                                            Key appointment to the House of Lords include the former Labour MP John Mann who believes he has been entrusted by the Tories with the task of shutting down all alternative media outlets under the guise of ridding the UK public of so called ”fake news.” In his new role as anti-Semitism tsar, left leaning Websites like “the Canary” have already been identified as prime targets for removal, but very soon any attempt to criticize the Tory government or hold the PM to account for reckless or inhumane policies and decision making will be taken down.

                                            That the Judiciary will be neutered with judicial reviews prohibited plus the likelihood of government appointed judges was clearly outlined in the Tory manifesto. No one will have the power to reign in the PM or prevent him from proroguing parliament whenever he likes for as long as he wants. Because the UK does not have a written constitution that might have saved us from dictatorial manipulation the aptly named “Henry the Eighth Powers” will allow British laws to be warped in favour of the Tory government and corporate interests.

                                            Our hard won rights at work, current environmental safeguards as well as vital food and product protections will all be abandoned as we crash out of the EU. Our human rights will be suitable “updated” after we are forced to jettison the Human Rights Act that enshrined the “European Convention on Human Rights” (ECHR) into UK law: ECHR is totally separate from our membership of the EU. Page 48 of the Tory Manifesto paints a frightening picture of our future subjugation and exploitation under Boris Johnson. Gypsy travellers were identified as the first minority sector destined for state persecution under a new law to crackdown on “unauthorized encampments” will criminalize them, authorizing seizure of their caravan homes and possessions. Echoes of Hitler! This expansion of the laws of trespass could just as easily be used to “cleanse” our streets of the homeless by throwing them in privatized US style “for profit” prisons.

                                            The progressive curtailment of our future rights and the abandonment of any form of scrutiny and accountability were introduced into a deceptively vague Tory manifesto so that the stolen victory would endorse the legitimacy of their inclusion in laws that will be rapidly enacted. Denials and complete reversals of any positive pledges are fully expected from serial liar Boris.

                                            In the book “Britannia Unchained,” written by Kwasi Kwarteng, Priti Patel, Dominic Raab, Chris Skidmore and Elizabeth Truss, five extreme right wing Tory MPs revealed their desired vision for a totally deregulated slave state with the social safety net dismantled and low taxes to encourage corporate welfare to become obscenely engorged. In reality, all of the absolute worst excesses of this Tory government have already been announced in statements brazenly boasted of by Dominic Cummings, Boris Johnson or rabid Tory MPs, sometimes in writing, but also caught on camera.

                                            Boris has promised not to sell off our NHS but can he be trusted? Tory MPs John Redwood and Oliver Letwin outlined the demise of our NHS in a pamphlet entitled: ‘Britain’s Biggest Enterprise: ideas for radical reform of the NHS.’ In case anyone is deluded enough to believe that our NHS is not destined to be fully privatized they need to understand that this is an essential element of completely disempowering the people. Costly health insurance will protect the rich, but even employees in higher paid jobs who might get healthcare coverage as part of a benefit package will remain in constant fear of losing their job. No whistleblower will come forward to protect public interests knowing that they risk access to healthcare for themselves and their entire family the second they are fired.

                                            That is the absolute stranglehold of corporate interests that helps keep workers gagged in the US where they can be fired without cause and marched out under security guard or a police escort just as Dominic Cummings did with Sonia Khan one of the government Special Advisors (SPADs), after taking away her mobile phones. There was temporary outrage in the press over this grotesque abuse of power displayed by the unelected megalomaniac controlling our PM, but the incident was soon forgotten. Who will challenge his abhorrent conduct when such degrading tactics could soon become normalized? The infamous “walk of shame” serves a very important purpose; it is designed to humiliate and permanently isolate the fired employee, severing all of their work based contacts and friendships, through extreme intimidation after an outspoken target is wrongfully marked as a criminal.

                                            Without cause firing will undoubtedly be introduced as part of “business friendly” plans to emulate American companies entering our healthcare sector and other lucrative markets, a necessary adjustment to accommodate a US trade deal. Brexit has provided Boris with the perfect excuse to strip unions of their rights as industry will require remodelling to destroy their power to protect workers from exploitation. The right to strike will become so severely limited in scope that it will no longer be an effective bargaining tool. Public protests will face increased intimidation by police and the fully anticipated riots following our crash-out Brexit will be met with the redirection of our armed forces under Operation Yellowhammer. The poor turkeys will be well and truly stuffed by Christmas as all of this dystopian scenario could be fully accomplished by December of this year if we do not take immediate steps to expose the rigged 2019 General Election that enabled this nightmare process to begin.

                                            A notice on the government’s petition Website states: “We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee. Petitions had to stop because of the recent general election. As soon as a new Petitions Committee is set up by the House of Commons, petitions will start again.” While this closure should not be considered abnormal would be normal for this there is no reason why Boris might ever want the government petition site to reopen and all he needs to do is postpone or permanently block the appointments to a new committee. Other petition sites and avenues for public protest exist right now, but they could be rapidly eliminated to force the population into compliance with this toxic Tory governed state. Free speech is going, going and very soon gone if we do not fight back.

                                            The frightening “Race to the Bottom” will enshrine greed and impoverish everyone but the wealthy elite. The recent election was not about Brexit; I refuse to believe that the most vulnerable in our country voted for destitution and to watch their children to starve. I fear that the potentially rigged vote marked a fraudulent pattern of criminal behaviour that the public have become far too complacent about. People around the country are just waking up to the harsh reality of what this radical hard right Tory government, led by a deceitful PM, under the Machiavellian control of Dominic Cummings, Trump, Bannon and overseas interests, could perpetuate for decades. Keep gathering the evidence and sharing your solutions because we must overturn GE 2019.


                                              Google document, a good compendium of accounts and details can be found here.

                                              More details including postal vote counts from freedom of information act requests can be found here: https://twitter.com/PostalVoteProbe


                                                Also, in the months before the election does anyone reading this recall encountering in their locale any advertising by any media and in any form, urging them to vote by post? If so, a brief description (or link) would be appreciated.

                                                Kim Sanders-Fisher

                                                  J – When you said: “…a good compendium of accounts and details can be found here.” You weren’t kidding. The document at that link contained a huge wealth of information on who is involved in what way, in a position of power that has corrupted the integrity of our elections: I would urge others to follow that resourceful embedded link.

                                                  Aside from nudging Labour supporters into picking the most compliant Tory stooge to lead the opposition, all the news coverage right now is conveniently drowned out by the trivialities of a royal couple wanting to go their own way: big deal! Hey, good luck to them. As someone with absolutely zero interest in such matters, the excessive coverage is looking distinctly like a deliberate major public distraction tactic; a well-timed “Dead Cat” without the gore of any feline demise!

                                                  Boris will be enormously grateful to the royal couple for keeping the focus away from the quiet stealth tactics of a massive personal power consolidation that should seriously worry us all. We cannot afford to take our eye of the ball for one second; it remains an extremely urgent priority to oust this rogue Tory “unelected dictatorship” that is currently masquerading as a majority government.

                                                  There is of course a quid-pro-quo here for the media because they know that Jeremy Corbyn would have immediately gone ahead with the Leveson 2 inquiry, but Boris will not. No accountability, no reigning in the press: they need to keep the bad guy propped into power. In comments elsewhere on this site Dungroanin alerts us to an interesting article that makes sense out of the royal delema: “Rusbridger breaks cover AGAIN!” In this Guardian article Rusbridger States that:
                                                  “For some years now – largely unreported – two chancery court judges have been dealing with literally hundreds of cases of phone hacking against MGN Ltd and News Group, the owners, respectively, of the Daily Mirror and the Sun (as well as the defunct News of the World).”

                                                  This explains how: “The two publishers are, between them, forking out eye-watering sums to avoid any cases going to trial in open court. Because the newspaper industry lobbied so forcefully to scrap the second part of the Leveson inquiry, which had been due to shine a light on such matters, we can only surmise what is going on.” It is worth reading about the connection to Harry and Megan who were among those targeted; their legal suits against the tabloid press are among the many that could expose the extent of corruption of our mass media. This has not endeared the trash sheets to the couple so they have been fair game for discriminatory smears.

                                                  On a more positive note, I have contacted the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists in an email asking, no, begging them, to get involved with uncovering the scandal of our grossly insecure electoral system and expose the potential rigging of the recent 2019 General Election. I am really hoping that we can interest at least one respected investigative journalist within the consortium to take on this case as it could evolve into a hugely important story and bring down this rogue government.

                                                  The tough research of legitimate investigative journalist is wrongfully discredited by the illegal practices of these tabloid press bandits so I would imagine it is in their best interests to clean up the industry and restore the respect and integrity of their profession through Leveson 2. That will not happen under the Tories as they have too many major connections helping to secure their grip on power and far too many scandals of their own to hide. The implications surrounding the theft of this election has the potential to blow the whole power, money, corruption scandal wide open and at the same time open up the possibility of a progressive government putting safeguards of accountability in place for the future.

                                                  Although based in DC the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists have investigative journalists all over the world and they can be contacted by emailing: [email protected] It will take the hard work and dedication to the truth of honourable investigative journalist to shut down this vicious circle of toxic propaganda spouted by the wealthy tabloid press barons supporting this government. We have done some of the initial digging, but we need a professional Journo on board. Try sending a really persuasive email to the consortium asking them to consider the merit of exposing the truth. As i said in my email to them:
                                                  “Yes, this could amount to nothing, but equally it might evolve into a massive, award winning, news story. I hope you will accept this challenge and not dismiss this appeal for help.”

                                                  Do not be distracted by “Dead Cats” there is an important overriding principal to get across here: the need to guarantee the security and integrity of the UK Electoral System.
                                                  When a Watchdog cannot watch it’s just a dog.


                                                    Another Cummings coup. To reward the servile BBC they are now being demonised as anti Tory! What?
                                                    This is a ploy with a three forked attack on dissent, by pretending that despite bias they win a landslide and by diversion from the truth.

                                                    siergi chripal

                                                      Kim – I think you are on to something here and i would bring your attention to the “Sonic Boom Event” of 01 December – involving an unidentified aircraft entering UK airspace with it’s transponders off, being ‘intercepted by the RAF’in the middle of the night, in total darkness, on a Sunday night.

                                                      Initially I could establish the origin of that plane and it’s ultimate destination.

                                                      This info seems to have disappeared down the rabbit hole.

                                                      I wonder why, I heard it, and it awoke my interest.

                                                      What was on that plane? People or pieces of paper? Neither or what?

                                                      One to consider…

                                                      12 days before the election, allowing time for distribution, and the postal ballot is now officially closed.

                                                      People? Boxes? Paper? Who knows? But the RAF do, they intercepted it.

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