On/Off-Guardian Balls

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum On/Off-Guardian Balls

  • This topic has 24 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 years ago by DunGroanin.
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  • #49098 Reply

      The Obsessive Groaniad publishes a lot of complete bollox.
      Let’s bring it here for tears of laughter or wtf remembrance.

      #49099 Reply

        I’ll start with this wtf? Anyone else notice it?


        Rebbecca who????? That was her ONLY cartoon in the Groan.

        Who made the award?

        They are ‘head hunters’ doesn’t say who set up, owns or runs them – all a bit spooky if you ask me.

        Oh by the way
        ‘we would like to thank Ken Clarke and Kate Hoey (who) presented the awards at our gallery in Westminster.’

        Golly a one cartoon cartoonist – Rowson and Bell must be over the moon to not have been invited to join THAT club.

        #49120 Reply

          I think she has more than one cartoon but they all seem rather boring.

          #50258 Reply

            Reply ↓
            February 16, 2020 at 00:12
            Your comment is awaiting moderation.

            [ Mod: This piece is off-topic, as it isn’t related to the current UK government. You’re welcome to share it in the discussion forums, though. ]

            I hate to share anything from the Groaniad but This is too brilliant not to share. The too early taken Jeremy Hardy. A snippet…

            Someone once said that seeing is believing, which is not the case. I’ve seen Tony Blair.
            Jeremy Hardy Speaks to the Nation, 2007

            Some comedy fans just want the stuff about how hard it is to find the end of the cling film. I’d rather be doing that, to be honest. But sadly I’ve been cast a bum steer in life because I’m a political comedian. And it’s a miserable time to be a political comedian… People say: “Oh it must be good for you. Trump must be good for you comics.” But you know what, I think an untrammelled, expanding Israeli state is a high price to pay for some fake tan gags really.
            MAP Comedy Night, Feb 2017


            Reply ↓
            February 16, 2020 at 11:49
            Your comment is awaiting moderation.

            Thanks Mod’ by all means move it to where it may be better posted. I don’t mean to divert the thread – however Jeremy Hardy in my opinion was the most consistent political comedian on the BBC and his statements were always relevant to the government of the day and the media bias against genuine anti neolib/cons. Being dead a year means no quips on that period but there are many which still zing!

            Also that article seems to have been disappeared from todays Obsessive web front pages – quelle surprise!!

            [ Mod: Unfortunately there’s no facility for mods to move a comment into the discussion forum (or even onto a different comment thread). We’d have to log out, post the text using your username and email address, then log back in as a mod and approve the new post. So it’s actually easier for you to do it yourself. ]

            #62663 Reply

              For these readers who are not familiar with the satirical cartoonist Steve Bell of the Guardian I recommend this weeks daily strip panel that he has provided since the 80’s ‘If…’ .

              This week he is skewering Starmer and the continued crucifixion of Jeremy Corbyn for FAKE accusations against him of anti Judaism by the usual suspects.

              However venerable Steve Bell is, the Guardian has ‘evolved’ past his sensibilities and regularly censors his output online. Many of his Opinion cartoons have not appeared and many of the ‘If…’ strips are missed out, not put up on line until very late in the day or just have NO COMMENTS turned on.

              The management and editors in effect have declared war on their elder statesman, ‘soul’ of the Guardian, in an effort to push him out by such CENSORSHIP.

              I have attempted to keep track of the Guardians DS betrayals and daily propaganda at that supposed alternative site Off-Guardian, which turns out to be merely a ‘shadow of the On-Fraudian’ joined at the toes like a real shadow.
              It was obviously set up as a red/brown site, with primary focus on ensuring a supporting platform for a hard BrexShit. Mutated now into Covid denialism. Aimed squarely at that same red/brown readership.

              Recently Off-G escalated their censorship and propaganda just as the On-Guardian did a few years ago when it silenced many a online readers voices and disappeared them. Criticism is not allowed. Countering fake facts is not allowed. Comment is not free. A choir maintains an echo chamber btl and mods barefacedly lie , delay and censor while claiming the opposite. ATL, articles appear without accreditation and by non experts – fully fronting what are obviously PR/Propaganda agitprop pieces.

              Both On and Off Guardians operate in the same controlled manner. My direct first hand experience is proof.

              I recommend catching up with Steve Bell’s brilliant strip this week and if today’s wasn’t the punchline tomorrow’s should be even better. All available at Steve’s own site.


              Please ‘whip me …’ ?

              #62668 Reply

                Latest is shadow banning. Have you experienced that? It is difficult to prove unless you get someone with a different up to check. You can tell because the comments don’t get any answers or no downticks.

                #62719 Reply

                  Jonathan Cook on Off-Guardian’s “coverage” of covid-19:

                  Doubt is a treacherous path. We must avoid being diverted towards terminal cynicism.

                  #62746 Reply

                    Thanks for reading guys.

                    Besides from Cook (who I rate as high as Craig and only a few others) can you give me your opinion on the recently deceased Vltchek?

                    I had pretty much decided he was for real, Off-G had stopped publishing his pieces (as they have Roddis’s).
                    Then they put up what I thought was a crass ambulance chase, crocodile tear piece about his demise. Which for some reason really pissed me off!

                    The fact they are caught in their big lie of claiming to never censor, but have clearly done so to me at least (there are other posters I haven’t seen there for sometime there now too, some may have been sock puppets, I suppose) is a badge of honour that gives me as much pride as my ban from On-G.

                    #62747 Reply

                      I don’t think they are shadow banning – I have no evidence – but they are effectively doing so by delaying the publication of a comment.

                      After 6-24 hours it appears well down in the comments and often when other articles have been published. So most readers won’t come across it unless they bother reading every comment in a older article with hundreds of comments.

                      It is therefore easy the comment doesn’t get seen at all (except by their Guardian Angel mods).

                      I did many naive moons ago helpfully suggest that there was no problem in having a comment in ‘mod’ but when it was published it should be posted at the front with a time stamp that it was let out of jail – so that it may be seen as it was written, as a instant opinion to be discussed with other readers who have also just come across the article. But that fell on deaf ears and they ratcheted down in it further as I found more inventive ways of bypassing their attempts at attempted ‘shadow banning’ .
                      They have been forced to show their hand.

                      #62825 Reply

                        Shadow banning can be difficult to prove. But what happened to me is that I started getting all my comments being pre-moderated, with the excuse that it was caught by the spam filter, sometimes with totally innocuous comments. Then when I commented on this, the filter was removed but my comments which usually attracted many negative comments and downticks, would not be moderated or downticked or commented on. I can’t believe that the various negative commenters just decided not to comment on my post.

                        #68731 Reply

                          Something nasty stirs in the On-Groans belly.

                          Why has the great seller -outer of the Groan, Rusbridger, turned on one of the papers best old professionals?


                          What in fact is revealed about Rusbridger’s cosy relations with the Establishment?

                          I hope Craig gets some time to give us his thoughts down the line.

                          #68754 Reply
                          Pigeon English

                            Maybe O/T but for me this Hard Talk was more revealing.
                            He published 5% of Snowden leak in Consultation with NSA MI6 Etc.

                            #68781 Reply

                              Thanks for that PE.

                              So a classic example of a Limited Hangout.

                              The perpetual Harry Potter lookalike, is continuing his Deep Shittery and Wizardry. I wonder if the attack on Greenslade is linkable to the Groans position on the Union and actual Scottish Indy after a half millennia?

                              #68782 Reply

                                Meanwhile in the Off they have taken to remove posts that they do not approve of so now it is sheer pats on the back for like minded CTs.

                                #70828 Reply

                                  200 years old – the vampires are celebrating with gaslighting their zombie readers.

                                  The fucking Groan this morning puts on its full bloody sheepskin to entice us like little piggies or red riding hoods further into their grasp and lair by heinous cultural appropriation completely ignoring its slave wealth past and ‘liberal’ sentiments above common social democracy of the Labour Party – even as it cries alligator tears over the further demise of the ‘Red Walls’ which it does not want to see re-emerge! No matter what their chicken little Owen Jones’s screech.

                                  So the tableau consists of
                                  2 little cartoon figurines of white Top hatted Englishmen one holding a giant banner with ‘universal suffrage’ upon it;
                                  They are dwarfed by a Jolly piped Einstein (!);
                                  Who is somewhat smaller than a even bigger photo of ..Mahatma Gandhi – both men overlooking a tiny suffragette requesting ‘votes for women’ banner.
                                  Next in the list of cultural appropriation comes MLK and Aretha Franklin ( ??? Me neither!)… followed by a smaller JFK, with a fully ‘stylish’ Jackie ‘gold digger’ (I mean just WHY? what great deed or cause does she even represent except the exceptionalism and entitlement?);
                                  To complete the appropriation of their slave owning past they squeeze a freed White head cuddly Mandela behind princess JakieO and, at the very end with at the front they end with the current woke white elfin princess of the old slavers barons and exploiters – the latest slave/opium resource robbery. (A photo of her pigtailed hoodied little girly from years ago)

                                  “Join us” they hiss
                                  “Celebrating 200 years of high-impact ,independent journalism” – they lie with every word except the first.

                                  Then they tell me how closely they watch me as they count every article I have ‘read’ in the last year – nearly 6,000 apparently – how very good they seem to creepily know –
                                  Before imploring me to “Join In” & subscribe as long as I’m happy having had my tongue out ripped out because I wouldn’t keep my gob shut about their disintegrity and disingenuity over every aspect of their fake sjw faces selling the liberal neocon lies daily – just like their latest piss taking woke montage.

                                  Yup I now hate them more than the Murdoch, Torygraph and Fail combined – which must be the actual purpose of the constant gaslighting of their soft hearted and soft minded readership.

                                  #70829 Reply

                                    And just confirm the character of the Warmongering, racist, sexist, pretend to internationalists here is Declassified U.K. with rigorous analyses:


                                    #70837 Reply

                                      Thanks for that link DunGroanin; forwarded to a Guardian-trusting friend 🙂

                                      #75741 Reply

                                        “ ‘Can we ever return?’ Tears and heartbreak as Hongkongers leave for a new life in the UK Residents fearing China’s tightening grip are departing in droves, not knowing if they will be back”
                                        — Guardian reporter Fri 13 Aug 2021 05.00 BST

                                        This must be the looniest silly season crowbarring of complete and utter bullshit ever. If it wasn’t Friday the 13th , I’d say it was April Fools day.

                                        Well suck it up BrexShitheads – who thought it was immigrants who were your biggest scapegoated bug bears in your political austerity imposed relative poverty and you would only need to drown a few thousand in the Channel with long poles to preserve ‘YOUR lickle wicker island paradise’

                                        Where are they going to live (London probably)? and they will buy apartments (specially built as the new China town in the environ of the Olympic Park and the wharfs I expect)? Home from home. A Hong Kong on Thames!

                                        I welcome their seditious ways let’s hope they carry on against our own ever more despotic fascistic State …

                                        So let’s see how many are coming to roost:

                                        “The Home Office expects up to 153,000 people with British national (overseas) status and their dependents to arrive in the UK in the first year, and up to 322,000 over five years. According to Home Office statistics, 34,300 people applied in the first two months after applications for BNO visas opened at the end of January, with 20,600 from outside the country.”

                                        What’s that last line mean?
                                        10k were already here?

                                        Anyway don’t all cheer expecting that it will solve the lorry driving, fruit picking and chicken farming needs or the bottom wiping carers needed or nurses and doctors that are in short supply.

                                        Who’s coming?
                                        Charlie, said she was going to study to be a psychologist;
                                        Victor, a 28-year-old IT professional;
                                        Patricia, a businesswoman ;
                                        Carol, an accountant;

                                        Why are they coming?

                                        “With speech freedom under threat”

                                        “civil freedoms previously taken for granted. Expressions of dissent can be punished”

                                        ““I miss the old Hong Kong, the good old days when we were free. We had no democracy but had the rule of law”

                                        Pilgrims – I got a bit of arrival news for our HK cousins – we have political prisoners, tried without juries and judges who make up evidence and no free newspapers and national security laws a plenty – you’ll feel right at home. ???
                                        Apparently we’ll easily be able to tell who these anglicised named minions of Empire born as the house slaves of Opium dealers are , not by their names and perfect English but also ‘a yellow face mask’ A symbol! ???
                                        Will they be carrying their ‘Color’ umbrellas ☂ too?

                                        HongKong Pooey by a anonymous ‘Guardian writer’

                                        #80004 Reply

                                          Not give the Groan/OffGroan a deserved showing for a while. This is hot off their coverage today.

                                          “Why do they keep closing comments. It’s weird. There were almost none yesterday. It feels like being gagged or treated like school kids.”

                                          Writes a still tolerated Guradian btl commentator.
                                          As comments were closed on the Daily Politics blog – prior to PMQ’s starting!

                                          Why? Because the fascist state is moving on cancelling free speech.
                                          All Starmers questions were aimed at curtailing freedom of speech and stopping criticism of him. The Starmer brand is poison and if the Labour membership still refuses to see and believe it – with hi at proven collusion in protecting Savill and Janner and the Met Police over its daily systemic failures over many decades whilst pursuing Assange for real journalism.

                                          The Obsessive Groan now like a possessed priest, like Starmer are happily spewing green evil projectile vomit whilst mocking the supposed pious naïveté of the populace – threatening us with judicial edicts made up on the fly as they try on their various uniforms caps and boots of the fascist rump Empire they front.

                                          Here is how they admit to being influenced by external donors.

                                          “The only restriction to the Guardian’s coverage is where grant funds may not be used for participating or intervening in any political campaign, or for carrying on propaganda or attempting to influence legislation within the meaning of Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c) 3.”

                                          The age of extinction

                                          About the age of extinction – a Guardian series
                                          Our reporting draws attention to the catastrophic loss of species across the planet and looks at ways to tackle the crisis

                                          The age of extinction is supported by

                                          About this content
                                          Mon 16 Sep 2019 16.46 BST
                                          Last modified on Fri 15 Oct 2021 06.40 BST

                                          This project focuses on biodiversity: the variety of all life on our planet. It highlights the crisis represented by huge losses of animal, insect, bird and plant life around the world, as well as innovations to tackle these losses.

                                          This series is supported, in part, through grants to theguardian.org by the BAND Foundation, a private family organisation that oversees charitable interests through strategic grant-making, primarily in nature conservation and epilepsy care, and by the Wyss Foundation, which has committed $1.5bn (£1.1m) to the Wyss Campaign for Nature to expand protected areas and help conserve 30% of the planet in a natural state by 2030 and by Oak Foundation, which commits its resources to address issues of global, social and environmental concern, particularly those that have a major impact on the lives of the disadvantaged; and Arcadia – a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin, which supports work to preserve endangered cultural heritage, protect endangered ecosystems, and promote access to knowledge.

                                          All of the reporting is editorially independent and follows Guardian News & Media’s published editorial code. You can read more about content funding on the Guardian here.

                                          The only restriction to the Guardian’s coverage is where grant funds may not be used for participating or intervening in any political campaign, or for carrying on propaganda or attempting to influence legislation within the meaning of Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c) 3.
                                          Unless otherwise stated, all statements and materials, including any statements regarding specific legislation, reflect the views of the individual contributors and not those of the BAND Foundation, the Wyss Foundation, the Oak Foundation, Arcadia, theguardian.org, or the Guardian.

                                          … we have a small favour to ask. Perhaps you’re familiar with the Guardian’s reputation for hard-hitting, urgent reporting on the environment, which tens of millions of people read every year. We need your support to continue providing high-quality coverage from across a rapidly changing world.

                                          The Guardian views the climate crisis as the defining issue of our time. It is already here. Mega-droughts, wildfires, flooding and extreme heat are making growing parts of our planet uninhabitable. As parts of the world emerge from the pandemic, carbon emissions are again on the rise, risking a rare opportunity to transition to a more sustainable future.

                                          The Guardian has renounced fossil fuel advertising, becoming the first major global news organisation to do so. We have committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2030. And we are consistently increasing our investment in environmental reporting, recognising that an informed public is crucial to keeping the worst of the crisis at bay.

                                          More than 1.5 million readers, in 180 countries, have recently taken the step to support us financially – keeping us open to all and fiercely independent. With no shareholders or billionaire owner, we can set our own agenda and provide trustworthy journalism that’s free from commercial and political influence, offering a counterweight to the spread of misinformation. When it’s never mattered more, we can investigate and challenge without fear or favour.

                                          Unlike many others, Guardian journalism is available for everyone to read, regardless of what they can afford to pay. We do this because we believe in information equality. Greater numbers of people can keep track of global events, understand their impact on people and communities, and become inspired to take meaningful action.

                                          If there were ever a time to join us, it is now. Every contribution, however big or small, powers our journalism and sustains our future.


                                          #82368 Reply

                                            It’s the time of year to give a Xmas kicking to the Obsessive Guardian ‘news’paper with never ending daily lies for its deepstate warmongering, robber baron masters.

                                            Example 1.


                                            The headline claims falsely:

                                            Peng Shuai appearance fails to address concerns for her wellbeing, says WTA

                                            Yet they can’t fail to report a direct quote by Peng:

                                            “First, I need to stress one point that is extremely important: I have never said or written that anyone has sexually assaulted me, I have to clearly stress this point,” Peng said ‘

                                            The first version published late last night was even more scurrilous maybe the ‘authors’ ‘Rhoda Kwan in Taipei and agencies’ complained?

                                            2nd example, wherever Luke Harding ‘the muppet who can never sit’, who has so many hands up his arse making his mouth move, is now doing his Angel of War act – wherever he lays his hat there is death!

                                            There is a massive narrative construction on top of actual facts – so much so that Luke, The Farce is always strong with him , convolutes a nonsensical sentence such as:

                                            “Zelenskiy’s ratings have dipped since 2019, when he won an astonishing 70% of the vote. Halfway through his presidential term, he commands about 25% support. He remains the country’s most popular politician. As things stand he is likely to be re-elected in 2024 “

                                            That single sentence shows how western MSM propaganda operates – take facts and embellish than present it as a the opposite! Voila!!

                                            In less than 50 words that is how good they have got a modern propaganda and Narrative control aimed at Nudging the population to accept any amount of self destructive edicts.


                                            This is all happening as the Groan is fear mongering Covid and using it as part of the not at all secret (except in British MSM) selling off the NHS, by also incidentally bashing its staff (see the mandatory vaccine narrative).

                                            The stories about 2020 transgressions in Downing Street – completely ignoring the Cummings testing his eyesight in Durham (strange that, hmm?) – ignores also the beach holidays that Johnson was enjoying last Xmas and just about everything that has happened THIS year; the revolving doors between government and private gorging off the public services and funds of the U.K. for the next 50 years through ‘contracts’.
                                            So we have ‘600 to thousands’ of deaths possible in the next 6 weeks. Whilst ignoring the emerging evidence from South Africa, Hong Kong and Denmark that Omicron is hospitalising only a third of the previous strains and the patients are not needing the horrible ventilation treatment as the virus has mutated to do its business in the throat rather than the lungs! Hospital stay in ICU is therefore not as long if at all required.

                                            All of that is mere smoke and mirrors from the reality of the geopolitics as they fill their boots, pockets, faces and barrows with as much booty as they can before heading off to their cities in the sun and their mates’ islands and yachts to live their dream.

                                            All while they bang war drums over Ukraine and Taiwan.
                                            All while they face deadlines for withdrawal from Iraq in the next 12 days or else.

                                            All while the Chinese with their Billion plus only have 5,000 deaths from the very beginning while Britain heads for 200,000. Letting the bodies pile high yet providing a steady stream of forever ‘vaccines’ and forever side effects that will only ever be treated with forever health insurance or bankruptcy.

                                            Meanwhile the absurd, nasty, lying Guardian and most of its thug stenographers do their stinking ratsnest worst pissing and shitting all over its naïve, educated but ignorant, progressive but compliant readership who it seems will never believe that their bible is full of satanic verse.

                                            Good luck, especially if you are young, as we go over the top to our certain doom as per Blackadder Goes Forth.

                                            #82394 Reply

                                              Another day another advent offering today did I not enjoy waking upto this even crosser than their current Covid and Politics coverage. I am driven to comment on the self congratulatory crap.


                                              “Inside the Guardian: six years of candour, courage, and craft” is the headline.

                                              11 years of Slander, Cowardice and Graft more like.

                                              Bylined ‘Sophie Zeldin-O’Neill
                                              Deputy membership editor ‘
                                              A curiously Orwellian title.

                                              A massive whitewashing exercise with a couple of fig leafs for cover – Amelia Gentleman (disappeared now it seems)

                                              Not a single mention of integrity initiative and their role in being shameless deep state presstitutes.
                                              Cadwalladr’s limited hangout, that diverted from the crime of FB and the Empires foreign billionaires fixing BrexShit. As they still do by completely ignoring the postal vote fraud that influenced the results of the referenda and the last general election.

                                              Or their almost fanboi coverage of ‘Tommy’ a fake name for a fake DS stooge, a stablemate in reality.

                                              No mention of their vicious attack on Corbynite Labour actual grassroots massive membership surge for people starved of genuine progressive politics. Using fake Anti Semitism charges whilst completely disregarding Pompeo’s Gauntlet guarantee to Yankee Zionists.

                                              Nothing about their own fake socialist bloody sheepskin they have removed from their readership and their actual Liberal slave owning dark satanic mill owning originators.

                                              Not a single mention of Assange and wikileaks and crimes they revealed – not a single criminal case against collateral murders; and the Guardians betrayal and scurrilous coverage by their bunch of witch finders and harridan slinky ladies of snide.

                                              Nothing at all about their anti Russian, pro Apartheid Israel, anti Chinese (pro HK Color agit prop) or their support for neocons war and neoliberal pillage of public services or the Liberal Democrat betrayal of the voters by gleeful imposition of Austerity which led to the selling of BrexShit, which they told us was not worth crying over and to move on with the absurd global England;

                                              no support for Scottish independence; their role in the conspiracy against Salmond and the ongoing major persecution of Julian and his supporters such as Craig Murray.

                                              And their cover up of the Syrian White Helmet British proxies & head choppers & their fake chemical warfare but real killers of children , the 15 thousand uighers and their families made into religious fundamentalist mercenaries to send back to China to create havoc whilst promised a caliphate in a secular country, that stood up against the inevitable and won! With a little help from some mighty magnificent friends.

                                              Six years?
                                              That’s a long time to become a professional handmaiden of the deepstate that daily demands a drop to their knees.

                                              What were they doing for ‘six years’?

                                              The only thing that rings true is the deep ransacking of their written records to find, reframe or eliminate the incriminating past evidence which has been disappeared never to be seen again and never to be digitised. A sanitised Obsessive Groan for this century.

                                              Fuck the lying bastards and their role in destroying any semblance of a free media and independent investigative journalism.

                                              Fuck their scheming lying propagandist grandees and anti true social Democratic true motives.

                                              Their actual agenda to throw plenty and know that some will stick – Crap, crap and more crap.

                                              Phew , I need another pot of tea!

                                              #82402 Reply

                                                You’re on a roll DunGroanin 😀 . Whilst you are sipping your tea you might take a glance at Caitlin Johnstone’s article
                                                Absurd Guardian Article Declares China World’s Only Imperialist Power” in which she demolishes the “cartoonishly ridiculous anti-China propaganda piece.”

                                                “Agreeing with Simon Tisdall on any foreign policy issue is nature’s way of telling you to revise your media consumption habits.”

                                                #82427 Reply

                                                  Thanks for listening ET, it is never ending sewer from the Groaning Stable.

                                                  And here we have two examples of what is allowed and not allowed by the Judiciary that works to deliver the states edicts.

                                                  Make up your own minds about what seems right and wrong – I have.

                                                  Rachel Riley awarded £10,000 damages over ex-Corbyn aide’s tweet

                                                  The Guardian trying to have its cake and eat it with this:

                                                  Jewish woman accused of antisemitism by Labour threatens to sue

                                                  I am almost speechless with their chutzpah! Almost.

                                                  #84171 Reply

                                                    is the Groan suddenly going into damage control?

                                                    Sometime ago I asked about Jonathan Liew – a Guardian ‘sports’ journalist. Based on a piece he had written with a passing geopolitical reference. I don’t know his ouvre much. I saw he progressed quite quickly from university.

                                                    Anyway. Now he has just had this extremely pro Palestinian and what I can only say is the most anti Israeli state piece I have NEVER seen in the GUARDIAN.

                                                    What next in these hours and days of wonder we are about to face?

                                                    Sportswashing is associated with certain countries – why not Israel? – by Jonathan Liew (The Guardian, 24 Jan 2022)

                                                    “When we refer to sportswashing, the attempt by nation-states to sanitise their reputations and launder their crimes, there is a certain kind of country we’re usually thinking of. We have no problem linking the manifold abuses of Qatar or Saudi Arabia or China to their investment in sport. And yet there appears to be a certain squeamishness about referring to Israel in similar terms, even though its aims are even more explicitly stated, its crimes well documented by human rights groups.
                                                    In many ways cycling is the ideal sportswashing partner: a sport with no real tradition of political activism, where cash-strapped teams are generally none too precious about where the money is coming from. But there is another dimension to this: for many cycling is synonymous with freedom, the open road, the intimate connection between humans and the land. For Palestinian cyclists, running a daily gauntlet of checkpoints, roadblocks, violence and economic hardship, the bike is its own quiet form of resistance. “It is our duty to keep our relationship with this land,” a Palestinian cyclist called Sohaib Samara told the Guardian in 2020. “If we stop moving around, the occupiers will steal more of it.”
                                                    And so for Israel sport serves a dual function: both positive reinforcement and tool of repression. In March 2018, a promising Palestinian cyclist called Alaa al-Dali attended a march in Gaza with his bike, wearing cycling kit, to protest against Israel’s refusal to allow him to travel abroad for international competition. According to a United Nations report, he was shot by an Israeli sniper in the leg, which then had to be amputated after his request to leave Gaza for treatment was denied by Israeli authorities. He now competes as a para-cyclist. “

                                                    #85508 Reply

                                                      After yesterday’s piece on Macron trying to fool Putin, today is a sudden new financial story about the leak of Credit Suisse account holders.

                                                      Who are the great expert reporters who get to present it to the readers?
                                                      Ha ha – the Credit Suisse dead cat hits the dining tables and look who the ‘journos’ are …

                                                      The caped crusaders themselves magically transformed from friends of head choppers to financial wizards.

                                                      That well known finance expert (NOT) ‘Martin Chulov, who covers the Middle East for the Guardian, won the Orwell prize for journalism in 2015. He has reported from the region since 2005.’

                                                      & as I was just wondering what had happened to him and his fellow crusader Luke ‘the Farce’ Harding ‘a Guardian foreign correspondent’ after having done his bit in geeing up the proxy crazies in Mariupol and various parts of where the secret British forces are coordinating the canon fodder, supposed trench dwellers, ‘defenders’ of the peoples of Eastern Ukraine because they speak Russian, watch free Russian TV and remember the good old days of the Soviet when sausages were cheap! These dumb soldiers expect Putin will personally come and fight them in a single hand to hand combat.

                                                      Interesting that Credit Suisse have all these secret account holders but none appear to be English!

                                                      Great reporting guys. Are they doing it from Ukraine?

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