Israel: The Crucible of Evil.

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  • #101206 Reply

      Like many others, I used to regard Israel and the Jews with much sympathy and admiration – but can now see this as no more than indoctrination and a version of history not dissimilar to our own in the UK; manipulated, imperial and false. From the start of this century, that gratuitous mindset has evaporated. The evidence of such barbarity and evil is without question.

      I don’t know what happened to the people in Israel – their humanity, compassion and respect for others has been transformed into hatred and vengeance with no mitigation of their own culpability.

      Sunday evening 10pm BBC News has an interview with a young woman in the Nacala Movement, Hadar Avi Hai, who is asked how she feels with the continuing bombardment in Gaza of civilians and she answers; “How would you feel if someone came to your house and opened the door without asking and attacked you. What would you do?”

      Without any recognition that this is what many Palestinians have suffered over the last 75 years.

      This is intolerable. We have to stop this somehow. If we don’t, the human race is not worth fuck all.

      What say you?

      #101207 Reply

        “What say you?”

        I don’t know what to say. I have attended protests as often as my health would permit for over a year now. I have flown the Palestinian flag attached to my backpack when I go shopping to utilise that time too, and I’ve spoken to anyone who showed an interest, whether supportive, critical, or just inquisitive. But it is no longer Palestine alone; I cannot fly the flags of all the countries Israel is now attacking.

        I have protested alongside many Jews. Jews have been persecuted throughout history, but Israel’s current behaviour, combined with its claim to be acting on behalf of all Jews worldwide, will provoke more anti-Jewish prejudice than the world has ever seen.

        Never forget, Zionism originated as a Christian ideology, and there are five times as many Christian Zionists as all the Jews in the world.

        #101208 Reply

          The major responsibility belongs with the USA. Israel was a colonial project from the start, so it was bound to vary between right wing and extreme right wing. But without US “military aid”, and to a lesser extent US/UK diplomatic cover, it would have had to negotiate and make peace.

          US “military aid” is nothing of the sort, because the US requires Israel to spend the massive grants with US arms manufacturers. It is therefore a US government subsidy to the US arms industry, a means of transferring billions of taxpayers’ dollars to the private sector.

          #101211 Reply

            Clark, your commitment is admirable as always. Perhaps this may sound fanciful, but in the UK it is forbidden to knowingly support any organisation involved in terrorism and prosecutable under section 12 of the PTA 2000. In the USA the same offence is covered in s3441 of the Terrorist Financing Prevention Act 2023.

            Given the UK and USA’s steadfast support for the Zionist enterprise and its genocidal ethnic cleansing and terrorism in the Middle East, I would argue that our governments are complicit and culpable – and as individuals and tax-payers it is our moral and legal obligation to STOP funding them. If you are self employed, write to HMRC and cite the legislation and your intent to withhold your tax liability. Or instruct your employer to do so on your behalf. Do the same with other organisations who are equally culpable and whom you fund – such as the BBC.

            If enough people took this action – and I don’t know the threshold – it would certainly spook the markets and if maintained, would crash the economy. We are funding this madness – each and every one of us. Just stop doing it. I doesn’t take a great deal of effort – write a letter and send it online then register it somewhere on a public forum perhaps and watch the numbers grow. Or not. Maybe people are too frightened or too ashamed by what’s being done in their name – or maybe they think they can’t make a difference. But we can – together.

            I remember as a young boy listening to the news broadcasts on the radio about the strike at the Rolls Royce factory in East Kilbride where the workers and trade union officials ‘blacked’ the engines of the Hawker Hunter jets they were sent to service by General Pinochet’s junta in Chile. The air force had bombed and killed thousands of citizens in the coup against Allende.

            If you haven’t watched Nae Paseran yet, I urge you to find a copy online and do so. These courageous men saved countless lives and defied their own government and security forces with their principled action. It can be done – people standing together. But times change. Not far from me is BAE Systems who sadly have become one of the biggest arms dealers and suppliers of munitions and equipment. Where are the principled employees now? The trade union officials with national support? Neutered – by money and impotence. But if they were brave enough and wrote en masse to the board or simply refused to work on any projects that serviced military contracts, then perhaps…

            Open to suggestions.

            #101214 Reply

              Prior to this massacre, I had the sentiment that Israel was quite divided among peace-camp and right-wing crazies and that the peace-camp was sane, logical, compassionate. But I have understood that this was a very naive, a very flawed view of the israeli society. The israeli society is, from what I now understand, an incredibly right-wing radical regime. What they say or do in the streets of Israel you would get jailtime for in europe:

              Israel is a Racist, Supremacist State, a video cover the racist culture inside Israel


              I believe israelis and pro-israeli jews outside of Israel putting themselves on the pedestal. Like they believe they are the chosen people, they are the smartest, the most successful ethnic group there is, they are simply the best. So if someone criticise Israel, that must mean that these people are jealous, that these people are antisemitic because why would anyone level critic against the “smartest people on earth”? It must be antisemitism.

              That also says something about their self-image. For a normal person, the idea of committing war crimes and killing some 15000 kids is, to say the least, an abomination. But not according to Israel and many pro-israeli jews. They are not ashamed of anything. It is like they do not understand right from wrong. Same with nazi ideology, they believed aryans were the master race, that they stood above every other race and had the right expand their national borders. It is the same type of hateful ideology one see today in Israel.

              It is like they are lacking the human trait of self-criticism, they never question themselves. That is why israeli soldiers time and time again record their war crimes and upload to social media, smiling into the camera. Usually, soldiers that commit war crimes certainly do not want to be filmed and if they are filmed they do the best to deny/cover the crimes up.

              Unfortunately the western media have increasingly emulated the israeli pshyche and worldview and this is why western media still report in such a nasty desensitized way and while westerners, especially politicians, have become so completely brainwashed when it comes Israel.
              Imagine if media was as harsh on Israel as they are on Russia. The support for Israel would drop instantly.
              This is the problem too, to understand what Israel do, you have to read thick books, you have to read long reports from human rights org., you have to find and read alternative news sources, you have to look up social media accounts where raw videos are streamed with israeli war crimes 24/7.
              How many people do that? Way too few unfortunately.

              #101215 Reply

                Indeed, Jack. I don’t know how some people can watch the settler documentaries where they lay out clearly their aims for a Greater Israel – which includes neutralising Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran. Those old enough will remember those countries from the Project for the New American Century adopted by the administration following the Zionist atrocity on September 11th 2001. You have to wonder how a country as small as Israel could carry out so many quite heinous crimes, without any rebuke or questioning. Mossad’s greatest asset during the same period was undoubtedly Jeffrey Epstein and his remarkable honey trap operation, which might explain some of it – but Zionism is a ponerology first and foremost; understand that and it starts to make sense.

                David Miller recently won his unfair dismissal claim (for criticising Zionism) against his former University is a powerful voice in this conflict.

                “I know it’s bleak but there is an inescapable fact that, through my work, I have long been trying to explain: the war in the Levant has no borders, because Zionism has no borders.

                So when you, in Britain or France or Germany, are having mosques shut down and Muslim homes are raided and academics are fired and journalists are arrested by ‘counter-terror’ police, that is being done directly on behalf of the State of Israel. And yes, as you say, it has been going on for at least 23 years.

                Your state is at war with you because the State of Israel is at war with you. And the soldiers of Zion have penetrated the security establishment of your state to make its policy; penetrated the media to make you a public enemy; and penetrated political parties to create extremist footsoldiers who will execute their strategies in government.

                Take Geert Wilders, in the Netherlands, whose statements have been published by the Gatestone Institute for 16 years. Wilders can be said to be a creation of the State of Israel and its foreign intelligence assets, like Gatestone. But there are hundreds like him across Europe.

                So the answer is not just to be ‘pro-Palestinian’, whatever that means. The challenge is to be anti-Zionist, to materially contribute to the global struggle against Jewish supremacism. Your war is right where you are.

                Once you recognise a war has been declared on you and has already been fought for 20 years, you will no doubt find it strange that all that’s been done to resist is some mild-mannered protests. Does it make sense to protest those who are at war with you? Or do you accept that you’re in an existential war and act accordingly?

                What do people think schools teaching ‘British values’ is about? Who is it for? The purpose is to suppress, demobilise and disincentivise any political dissent, but especially that coming from Muslims, because it tends to be more coherent, universalistic and material than other varieties.

                Not only are you supposed to shed your beliefs but also your values. That’s the price of existence the State of Israel seeks to extract from Muslims globally, from the Gulf to Europe.

                Defeating this Zionist strategy requires a few things:

                1. Waking up from the stupor of denialism to accept that there is a global, maximalist, eliminationist war being waged against Islam and Muslims (and all dissenters to Jewish supremacy) by the State of Israel.

                2. Understanding that the Zionist movement, and Jewish supremacists in general, fight this war by occupying institutions, whether the state or local activist groups or your council or even your mosque. It’s not just about ‘the lobby’ and megadonors. The war goes all the way down, street to street, everywhere in Europe. Wherever you find Jewish supremacists, you will find the war. Confront it where you find it.

                3. Evolving away from woolly liberal methods like A to B protests on weekends, which, while symbolic and raised morale in Palestine in the early days of the war, do nothing material to prevent the genocide or create accountability for its perpetrators. And again, the perpetrators of this genocide are all around you. Donors to the IDF and to other Zionist institutions may be on your street or in your workplace and certainly in your neighbourhood or your city. Zionist ‘charities’, which funnel cash for the purpose of Zionist terrorism, or to advance the cause of Jewish supremacism, are in all the major British cities. They cannot be allowed to operate as normal while perpetrating this genocide. We in Britain may not liberate Palestine, but Palestine may liberate us.

                Finally: there’s no such thing as ‘foreign’ policy. The British state has made a colossal miscalculation by participating so directly in this genocide, via the RAF, SAS and its intelligence agencies (including MI5, MI6, GCHQ and the Homeland Security Group). Such direct intervention to destroy Palestine is on a par with the Balfour Declaration in historic scale, and will have effects on the future of Britain itself larger even than the invasion of Iraq, which permanently destroyed public trust in domestic institutions.

                The British people will have to repair this trajectory by taking British political and public institutions out of the grip of Zionist fanatics. This is the only way to preserve the balance of British society in the long-term. It is essential that Britain is de-Zionised, both to protect others internationally from the harms that this Zionist entryism and subversion has caused, as well as to create a viable and sovereign Britain accountable to its own citizens rather than the US Empire or the State of Israel and its assets. A de-Zionised Britain could be an example to other post-imperial states in how to confront centuries of imperial violence and chart a course away from the suicidal client relationship with the US. It’s the least we can do.“

                #101216 Reply

                  In addition to David’s suggestions above, I would add the following conditions to ensure a just and lasting peace.

                  1. That the prison that is Gaza is evacuated and restored as a place of peace and remembrance for the victims of the genocide.

                  2. That the remaining people in Gaza be resettled in their historical and righteous homeland. Where their homes have been taken they will be returned, in pristine condition, furnished and fully stocked with food for their homes-coming.

                  3. All illegal Zionist settlements to be evacuated and the properties given to the returning Palestinian refugees whose family homes were demolished.

                  4. Every single Palestinian to be generously compensated for the horrors that have endured over the last 75 years.

                  5. The Balfour Declaration is revoked by the UK government with immediate effect.

                  6. Zionism is a proscribed activity.

                  7. Jews and Muslims have lived together for many centuries – mostly in harmony until various extreme groups in both religion seed hatred. They can and must do so again – but without the interference of other States – the UK and USA in particular. The new society must lead the quest for peace – no military or weapons other than side arms for the Police. Allow them to work it out together.

                  And if we’re aiming our stance at the UK Government, they must also:

                  1. Cease all arms sales and exports to foreign countries.

                  2. Exit NATO immediately.

                  3. Decommission all nuclear weapons under the UK control.

                  4. Close all foreign military bases and return sovereignty to the nations where they are stationed.

                  5. Repurpose our military to a force for good – SAR, emergency relief operations, overseas aid and natural disaster management.

                  6. Bring back National Service to bolster the previous demand capability.

                  Can you think of any more?

                  #101222 Reply

                    Shibboleth, thanks. I was already aware of section 12 of the PTA 2000, so it does not sound fanciful at all.

                    I don’t exactly agree with David Miller. I think that the human tendency to supremacism is the problem; Zionism is merely its current vehicle. However, I suspect there’s a very specific reason for supremacism’s alliance with Zionism…

                    “The purpose is to suppress, demobilise and disincentivise any political dissent, but especially that coming from Muslims, because it tends to be more coherent, universalistic and material than other varieties.”

                    Indeed. Islam teaches that usury is a sin. But usury, or the charging of interest, is central to neoliberal capitalism. It is central to supremacism, because it is the rule by which those who are ahead increase their lead. Neoliberalism is all about establishing this as a fundamental right, “the rich have the right to get richer without limit” – and neoliberalism doesn’t apply this only to rich Jews or rich Israelis.

                    In fact it isn’t a right applied to humans at all; it’s the right of capital itself to concentrate without limit. The neoliberal system doesn’t much care who’s holding the capital, so long as it’s fewer and fewer rather than more and more.

                    Somewhere between a million and ten million, additional wealth can confer no further luxury or freedom; the human capacity to experience becomes saturated. Beyond that, wealth confers only power, i.e. supremacy. This is where fossil fuels converge with neoliberalism – anyone can acquire a car, and experience the supremacy of terrorising those not using one. Even considerate drivers experience the deference of pedestrians who run from their likely path, conditioned by the sizeable minority whose driving routinely threatens pedestrians’ lives. This is the taster, the temptation, that hooks so many in.

                    Neoliberalism is the ideology of addiction to power, Israel is its junkie nation, and Islam stands in its way.

                    #101242 Reply


                      Yes one wonder, do Israel have dirt on western politicians or why this constant bend-over-backward bootlikcing support for Israel no matter they do? If they want to support Israel why do they go to this gruesome, heinous unlawful lengths of genocide?! It genuinely feels like Israel could in theory send a drone over England and assassinate a palestinian inidivual and the government, media would defend Israel doing that.

                      Speaking of blackmail. This is also disturbing:

                      Netanyahu said to have offered Lewinsky tapes for Pollard | The Times of Israel


                      Thanks for the David Miller quote – very true words. I see it so clearly here in Sweden where I live. Not only do both rightwingers but also labour opposition here support Israel like it is something completely normal and all of sudden media, politicians and regular folks have become agitated against…Iran, Hezbollah and the Houthis! It is ridiculous, and that is what Israel do – Israel time and time again trying to frame their problems with “muslims” with “terrorists” “arabs” etc as the problem of the west. Same with groups, organisations that purport to work for religious, jewish causes and/or again racism/antisemitism but end up being a front for pro-israeli propaganda. ADL for example.

                      I just read a book on the neocons and it is insane how this fifth-column group could work so openly trying and also successfully dragging another state – the US into war against enemies of Israel. The conservative party was remolded from being quite a non-interventionist party to rabid war hawks and this new thing of aggressively attacking other nations and this talk about regime change, that is a neocon invention that actually started during the cold war where neocons urged and took the most aggressive stance against Soviet Union.

                      The Transparent Cabal: The Neoconservative Agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel


                      It is interesting that almost every one of the rabid, aggressive neocons are born in eastern europe. Why? Is there something in the water huh?

                      Elliot Abrams, David Furm, Richard Perle, Richard Feith, Paul Wolfowitz, David Wurmser, Meyrav Wurmser, Eli Lake, Robert Kagan, Ken Adelman, Max boot, Eliot Cohen, Douglas Jay Feith, Reuel Marc Gerecht, Charles Krauthammer, Irving Kristol, Joshua Muravchik, Michale Novak, Martin Peretz, Norman Podhoretz, Dov Zakheim, Robert B. Zoellick etc

                      #101243 Reply

                        Clarify: the neocons listed above was not born in eastern europe but majority of their parents were born there.

                        #101244 Reply

                          “Neoliberalism is the ideology of addiction to power, Israel is its junkie nation, and Islam stands in its way.”

                          Great observation, Clark. I agree. In my experience, Islam is very much a way of life that promotes peace, understanding and forgiveness, contrary to what you may hear elsewhere. The Quran is another religious text from the region that strives to promote a moral code wrapped around spiritual guidance – that it was written nearly 1500 years ago by what has been described as a simple, uneducated Arab in the Middle East should give some context – but it is poetry.

                          But this isn’t about religion, it’s about power – and you are quite correct in that Zionism is just the current outlet for humanity’s greatest failing. 85 years ago it was Fascism – the parallels between Hitler and Netanyahu are plain to see. Yes, the majority of Palestinians are Muslim, but not all are devoted and other religion are common too. It’s about the race – the tribe.

                          What’s perverse is that the fate of so many innocent people hangs in the balance of the events in the USA – the election in two week’s time. It’s not about humanity or right and wrong anymore. It never was. Just power and greed.

                          #101248 Reply

                            Imagine you were the most powerful superpower in the world, but your military might was utterly dependent upon liquid fuel, and the greatest, highest quality, and most easily extracted reserves of it were in the Arabian lands which are primarily Muslim. Say an awakening was occurring among Arab populations, and a pan-Arab socialist movement was rising. How might you go about installing military outposts in those lands? How might you foment division and instability, so you could offer ‘protection’?

                            (Look at the flags, countries and names on these search results for pan-Arab socialism.)

                            The primary reason European governments support Israel is that they aren’t; actually, they’re bowing down to the USA. Haven’t you heard Israel referred to as the biggest US aircraft carrier in the world? Secondary reasons include the Samson Option (look it up), and the MOSSAD’s activities including potential blackmail material, but like the primary reason they couldn’t have come about without the acquiescence and collusion of the USA, the child of the British Empire.

                            Have some sympathy for Israel because it is being used. After the Holocaust, establishing a Jewish state seemed a powerful route to permanently protecting Jews against the prejudice and persecution they had suffered for centuries. But it was bodged; deliberately I suspect. The USA recognised Israel the very day after the fascist paramilitary Jewish groups declared Israeli independence – thus did the USA bestow its blessing upon the terrorism and ethnic cleansing of the Nakba. At a casual glance that may look like a favour to Israel but actually it was a poisoned gift, because it ensured that Israel would be hated and distrusted by its Arab neighbours.

                            Tension and resentment, division and instability, right on the doorstep of the Arab lands with their massive reserves of high quality liquid fuel. And a tiny, isolated enclave of Holocaust survivors, to pose as the great benevolent guardian of. What more could a military superpower hope for?

                            Recently, the inevitable result of the unlimited supply of weapons and unconditional diplomatic support has come to fruition; Israel has gone full-blown genocidally fascist. The original dream of a secure Jewish state lies in tatters; the genocide of Gaza will breed resentment and distrust for at least three generations. The consequences for Jews and Israelis worldwide will be no better. Yes, Israel is the immediate aggressor and Arabs are the immediate victims, but don’t be tricked, don’t be distracted by the violence and carnage; follow the weapons back to source and you’ll find a far greater evil; a vastly richer, virtually unthreatened, supremely violent manipulator posing as a righteous guardian.

                            Curse the US military Empire of Oil.

                            #101251 Reply

                              Yet another way oil destroys the planet. Shamefully, the UK and USA are complicit with the latter driving the process, but the UK has provided most of the aerial surveillance over Gaza during the genocide (50% – against the USA 30% and Israel 20%).


                              #101252 Reply

                                “Yet another way oil destroys the planet.”

                                Which is why there’s such a concerted effort to stoke division between the peace movement and the ecological movement. The fossil fuel industry is very well connected to the arms industry. And both are intertwined with secret services – including, apparently, NATO’s own secret service division, which most people don’t even suspect the existence of. The following might not seem directly relevant, but the Turkish American Council illustrates the point:

                                Kill the Messanger – Sibel Edmonds – YouTube, 52 minute documentary:


                                There are a number of claims in that video which I would question, but it provides some revealing glimpses behind the scenes nonetheless.

                                #101268 Reply

                                  Thanks for the link. There are overtones with the Katherine Gunn prosecution – not least two quite remarkable women.

                                  There’s a debating society in my town called New Horizons that host monthly guests. In 2005, Chris Bollyn gave a talk on the 9/11 Commission Report and his summary of the case against the Zionists. He was accompanied by a Jewish academic – cant remember his name now – who claimed to have knowledge of the atrocity. He asked, “who has the capability and motive to procure, plan and execute an operation on this scale using military grade munitions and equipment such as nano-thermite and remote controlled drones as aircraft?”

                                  He didn’t dispute the Saudi ‘hijackers’ on the aircraft, but they were simply useful idiots, inculcated, recruited and managed by a Mossad team they thought were Jihadists.

                                  I don’t recall any hard evidence of this claim; it is conjecture and circumstantial, but considered in context of the totality of evidence, including all the measures, legal or otherwise, to suppress factual information and replace it with a fantasy didn’t give any confidence in the official version of events.

                                  Now, two decades on and millions dead, the principle suspects for 9/11 are still orchestrating and executing the plan that Bollyn illustrated so well that evening. I wonder what might happen if he was correct?

                                  #101270 Reply


                                    Speaking of which:

                                    Israel Kept ’83 Bomb Plot From U.S., Book Says

                                    Israel could have prevented the bombing that killed 241 Marines in Lebanon in 1983 but it chose not to give the Americans details of the plot, according to a book about Israel’s fabled Mossad intelligence agency.

                                    The book, “By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer,” was written by Victor Ostrovsky, a Canadian-born artist who grew up in Israel and said he served in the agency for four years starting in 1983.

                                    At the request of the Israeli government, a New York state judge issued an order Wednesday temporarily barring St. Martin’s Press from distributing the book. A similar order was obtained this week in Canada.


                                    Prior to 9/11 Israel tried to justify and get support by the west for their attacks, policy against palestinians and there were a whole lot of resistance towards that in the west. Everything changed after 911.
                                    Israel also waited for big events like 911 and 7th of october to happen. For decades Israel have welcomed and thrived on these rare catastrophies to push their grand agenda. In just 1 year Israel destroyed (more or less) Hamas and Hezbollah and even escalated to a war with Iran. On top of it they have managed to destroy Gaza and kill some 45000 palestinians, and they still have the option now to also ethnically cleanse a great part of the palestinians out of Gaza. This is unprecedented so Israel needed an event like 7th of october to happen. It is simply out of the question that Israel that spy and conduct surivellance of everything simply did not know this was about to happen and also when the 7th of october attack indeed happend Israel were extremely slow in their response. The more horror stories, deaths from the israeli side – the greater acts they believe they could commit against palestinians, Lebanon, Iran etc without getting any criticism from the west.

                                    As neocon group PNAC framed it:

                                    In September 2000, just four months before Bush took office as President, the PNAC published a report called Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a new Century. It was devoted to matters of maintaining US pre-eminence, thwarting rival powers and shaping the global security system according to US interests. Section V of the report, entitled “Creating Tomorrow’s Dominant Force”, included the clumsily-written sentence: “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor”.


                                    #101273 Reply

                                      And yet, despite all that, there are many groups sending schoolchildren out to Israel from the USA for a term or yearly sabbatical to learn about ‘Jewish advocacy and settlement’. Can you imagine if British or American Muslims started a scheme to send children to Iran, Pakistan or Saudi to learn about Islamic movements?

                                      What is being normalised and peddled here is extremism. Marketed and advertised as American and Jewish values – it is the new age of fascism, as Clark alluded to earlier; the ugly face of human supremacy and the lust for power.


                                      #101278 Reply

                                        What’s the difference between an American youngster from New York enlisting in the IDF and carrying out atrocities in Gaza – and Shemama Begum?

                                        The latter isn’t a murderer.

                                        #101285 Reply

                                          Yes I have no words for it. How the western elite, politicians and journalists alike – that talk about the dangers of racism everyday to then go out and support the most racist of regimes…I am speechless.
                                          While it is taboo it is obvious that many of these (pro-israel) jews do not have loyalty to any western state but to Israel. Israel is above all. And if they want to support Israel above all they are of course free to do that but what I really dislike is the apparent manipulation by this group. There are many jewish journalists/editorials in the west that for example take stance for immigration and against racism in western societies. But then, when it comes to Israel they suddenly become full-blown far-right extremists that claim that Israel and jewish race must be protected, that Israel should not have to take in any refugees, that Israel to be state only for a certain race. It is disturbing how this double-think could go on.

                                          Take this quote from 2001 from former a director within the “American Jewish Committee”, he said:

                                          I’ll confess it, at least, like thousands of other typical Jewish kids
                                          of my generation, I was reared as a Jewish nationalist, even a
                                          quasi-separatist. Every summer for two months for 10 formative
                                          years during my childhood and adolescence I attended Jewish
                                          summer camp. There, each morning, I saluted a foreign flag,
                                          dressed in a uniform reflecting its colors, sang a foreign national
                                          anthem, learned a foreign language, learned foreign folk songs and
                                          dances, and was taught that Israel was the true homeland. Emigra-
                                          tion to Israel was considered the highest virtue, and, like many
                                          other Jewish teens of my generation, I spent two summers working
                                          in Israel on a collective farm while I contemplated that possibility.
                                          More tacitly and subconsciously, I was taught the superiority of my
                                          people to the gentiles who had oppressed us. We were taught to
                                          view non-Jews as untrustworthy outsiders, people from whom
                                          sudden gusts of hatred might be anticipated, people less sensitive,
                                          intelligent, and moral than ourselves. We were also taught that the
                                          lesson of our dark history is that we could rely on no one.

                                          This is the reason why Israel want to manipulate and drag westerners into big wars like the war on Iraq and now war on Iran. They simply look upon the westerner as an inferior race/ethnic group that is disposable while their own race/etnhic group must be protected at any cost.

                                          #101286 Reply

                                            Forgot to add, the quote is from Stephen Steinlight.

                                            #101340 Reply

                                              It is difficult to process the news on a daily basis from the Middle East. Ninety five dead this afternoon from an Israeli air strike on a block of flats in north Gaza – 20 children at least are victims. This is random slaughter – there are no other words. Now UNWRA have been branded a terrorist group and will be denied access to Palestine. The MSM still cant report from the strip.

                                              I am old enough to remember the atrocities of the Khmer Rouge in the killing fields in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, then all the wars and horrors since. This is a new level of genocide – one inflicted with complete impunity, thanks to the US and client states including the UK. How do we stop this?

                                              #101343 Reply

                                                I just wish we had politicians of the same calibre as this. He pretty much sums up how I feel right now.


                                                #101344 Reply


                                                  Exactly my sentiment too, day in and day out, one read reports and view videos that crush your heart every single day. Sometimes I just have to take a pause, it just get too much to handle emotionally.
                                                  As horrible Israel’s massacring is in itself what is also horrible to witness is the total lack of care among western media/politicians. There is no doubt that Palestinians have absolute zero human value according to the west. Israel could by now even drop a small nuclear bomb on Gaza and even then west would back Israel for doing so.
                                                  As someone said: ‘Nothing could justify 7th of october but 7th of october justified everything Israel have done since’ seems to be the creed west follows.

                                                  What is really heinous to watch is that the longer this massacre goes on, the more apparent war crimes by Israel the less revulsion one hear from the west and from the world in general!? How could this be?

                                                  Yes what can we do? What I really dislike is that the only thing people like “us” could do is write angry comments on the internet or protest in the street. It must be something more “regular” folks can do?

                                                  #101347 Reply

                                                    I’m not sure, Jack. I’ve given serious thought about a selfish, cowardly solution; I can see where we are heading in conflict and collapse – economically, ecologically and emotionally – and after six mostly enjoyable decades, I’m not sure I would enjoy witnessing the inevitable downfall. But that would be cowardly and selfish – and unforgivable, given the evil that has befallen the people of Palestine and the neighbouring countries.

                                                    When people watch the videos of Gaza – the total destruction of life – they have to understand that is where we are all heading. But they are being manipulated by the media and politicians in the most heinous manner. The BBC are beyond repair; the principal celebrant of human supremacy and the neoliberal ideology. Their correspondents have had a fine innings, personally, but they too are complicit in the genocide – although many have since resigned.

                                                    What Israel, the USA, UK and EU now stand for is the polar opposite of what humanity needs right now. How can we change direction?

                                                    #101349 Reply
                                                    Fat Jon

                                                      Yes Netanyahu is a psychopath, but in an effort to try and understand the mind of a bloodthirsty nutjob I discovered the Jonathan Institute.

                                                      Jonathan Netanyahu was Benjamin’s brother who was the only Israeli killed in the IDF’s raid on Entebbe in 1976, trying to release passengers on a hijacked airliner by PFLP terrorists.

                                                      I think this event intensified whatever hatred of Muslims Netanyahu already had, and he swore a lifetime of effort to destroy as much of Muslim life as he could, in revenge at the loss of his brother.

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