Israel: The Crucible of Evil.

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  • #101351 Reply

      I wasn’t aware of that and I’m sure your observations have merit. Unfortunately.

      This is an excellent, but terribly heart-rending interview with Chris Hedges and Fransesca Alabese discussing her Genocide Report.

      #101388 Reply

        Fat Jon

        Yes that is a factor, I also assume the hatred and the traits of a psychopathy for Netanyahu started earlier already in childhood. Netanyahu’s father Benizon Netanyahu was an ardent “revisionist” zionist – that is, someone that value racism, strength, violence, right-wing hawkishness over diplomacy to expand Israel’s borders.

        The so called “Revisionist zionists” started a party, Herut, that Eistein, Hannah Arendt and others blasted as fascists. Later on Herut became the party of Likud.

        In his autobiographical monstrosity, Bibi, My Story, which is part self-aggrandisement, part propaganda and part fascist manifesto, Netanyahu dedicates a chapter to his late father, Benzion. He boasts of his record as editor of a publication aptly named Hayarden (The Jordan), and as a leading voice in the militant revisionist movement which insisted upon the Jewish right to sovereignty over the whole of historic Palestine. Revisionist fighters, who eventually founded Likud’s predecessor Herut, were infamous for their terrorist operations before and during the 1948 war of independence.

        That year, a number of leading Jewish voices, including Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt and others, described the Herut Party in a public statement published in the New York Times newspaper as a “political party closely akin in its organisation, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to Nazi and Fascist parties”.

        Like father like son. As preached by his father’s revisionist guru Vladimir Jabotinsky in his infamous 1923 essay, The Iron Wall, Netanyahu also believes that Zionism must use military force to persuade the Palestinian Arabs to give up their rights to their homeland.

        Some of these people hailed Mussolini and even Hitler.
        Words That Can’t Be Retracted

        Before the Likud came to power in 1977, Abba Ahimeir was not considered worthy of commemoration, on the grounds that he praised not only Mussolini, but Hitler too.

        Rest assured, Netanyahu have been conditioned in fascist values since childhood. That is why he is so cocksure of himself and his perverted worldview, these views, values is the only thing he know.

        #101498 Reply

          In my second post on this topic i suggested that you all stop paying income tax to force governments to comply with international and humanitarian law – and to stop funding war. Here is further information should you decide to do so.

          #101499 Reply

            The Terrorist Financing Convention 1999

            Article 2. Any person commits an offence if that person by any means, directly or indirectly, unlawfully and wilfuly provides or collects funds in the knowledge that they are to be used, in full or in part, in order to carry out any act intended to cause death or serious bodily injury to any other person when the purpose of such act is to intimidate a population, or to compel a government to do or to abstain from doing any act.

            Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

            Article 25. Individual criminal responsibility In accordance with this Statute, a person shall be criminally responsible and liable for punishment for a crime within the jurisdiction of the Court if that person:

            (a) Commits such a crime [a war crime, a crime against humanity or genocide], whether as an individual, jointly with another or through another person, regardless of whether that other person is criminally responsible;

            (b) Orders, solicits or induces the commission of such a crime…

            (c) For the purpose of facilitating the commission of such a crime, aids, abets or otherwise assists in its commission… including providing the means for its commission;

            Article 27. Irrelevance of official capacity. This Statute shall apply equally to all persons without any distinction based on official capacity. In particular, official capacity as a Head of State or Government, a member of a Government or parliament, an elected representative or a government official shall in no case exempt a person from criminal responsibility under this Statute.

            International Criminal Court Act 2001

            Section 52. It is an offence against the Law of England and Wales for a person to engage in conduct ancillary to genocide, a crime against humanity or a war crime.

            Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal

            ” … individuals have international duties which transcend the national obligations of obedience imposed by the individual State. He who violates the laws of war cannot obtain immunity while acting in pursuance of the authority of the State, if the State in authorising action moves outside its competence under international law.”

            Generic letter to HMRC


            For the attention of: [insert name of individual]

            I hereby acknowledge receipt of your correspondence dated [insert date], which constitutes a demand to pay the sum of £[insert amount]. Be advised that I have discharged the entirety of this alleged unlawful debt by depositing it into a Conditional Revocable Trust, wherein you are designated the Primary Beneficiary. This sum shall be made available to you within a period of fourteen (14) days, contingent upon the provision of irrefutable proof that the demand is lawful and that the following five conditions of the said Trust have been fulfilled to the satisfaction of my trustee.

            Conditions of the Trust

            You are required to furnish proof that a court of competent jurisdiction has adjudicated and ruled that:

            1. Exclusion from Criminal Offences:
            All taxes, levies, and transfers of money or property to Her Majesty’s Government, public officials, Crown agents, and taxpayers (including tax collectors in both business and government such as yourself and your colleagues) are expressly excluded by law from the criminal offences enumerated in sections 15 through 19 of the Terrorism Act 2000, section 52 of the International Criminal Court Act 2001, and article 2 of the International Criminal Court (Scotland) Act 2001.

            Nota Bene: It is my understanding, as a matter of law, that the criminal offences under the aforementioned Acts of Parliament take precedence over all taxation and public finance legislation. These statutes apply to all Members of Parliament, Peers of the Realm, public officials at all levels of government (national, regional, and local), members of Her Majesty’s Armed Forces, and all law enforcement officers (including, but not limited to, judges, police, lawyers, court officials, and bailiffs), as well as tax collectors, company directors, accountants, business managers, and every adult taxpayer resident within the United Kingdom.

            2. Termination of Unlawful Acts of War and Genocide:
            The United Kingdom’s involvement in the criminal wars and military and medical genocides, as detailed in paragraphs 2 through 4 of the attached Deed of Trust, has been explicitly terminated. Furthermore, new laws, rules, procedures, and protocols have been implemented to guarantee that no elected or appointed Minister of State, Crown agent, or public official within the United Kingdom can again violate or breach domestic and international laws governing warfare and peace.

            3. Commencement of Criminal Proceedings:
            Criminal proceedings have commenced against no fewer than one thousand (1000) United Kingdom leaders and tax collectors responsible for initiating, financing, or supporting the eight (8) illegal wars and ten (10) military and medical genocides that, since 2001, have resulted in no fewer than five million (5M) serious injuries and two and a half million (2.5M) deaths of innocent civilians, none of whom had the opportunity to defend themselves before a court of law.

            4. Compliance with International Law:
            Every Member of Parliament, Peer, and public official within the United Kingdom is acting in full compliance with the United Nations Charter, the Nuremberg Code, and the Declaration on Principles of International Law.

            5. Immunity from Prosecution:
            I am guaranteed, both now and in perpetuity, full immunity from prosecution in respect of any and all alleged offences arising from the payment of monies to Her Majesty’s Government.

            Failure to Meet Conditions

            Should you fail to provide incontrovertible evidence satisfying the aforementioned conditions by no later than 1 January 2025, your claim to the aforementioned sum will be nullified, on the grounds that the funds are likely to be used for criminal purposes. In such a case, the monies held in Trust shall be transferred to the Secondary Beneficiary as stipulated in the attached Deed of Trust.

            Clarification on the Use of Public Funds

            The assertion made by public authorities that no public monies are utilised for purposes of terrorism or war is patently false. As stated on Her Majesty’s Government’s own website: “The Consolidated Fund (CF) was first established in 1787 as ‘one fund into which shall flow every stream of public revenue and from which shall come the supply for every service.”

            My Position on War Crimes and Genocide

            Under no circumstances, as delineated in the attached Deed of Trust, will I, under any condition, participate in the funding of mass murders, military, or medical genocides, which have injured and claimed the lives of millions of innocent men, women, and children in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Palestine, Lebanon, and indeed Britain, since the year 2001.

            Your Legal Obligations under International Law

            It is imperative to highlight that you, your colleagues, and every resident of the United Kingdom are bound by the Nuremberg Judgement and the statutory provisions enumerated in Condition (1). You are under a legal obligation to cease and desist from following government orders when such orders are manifestly illegal. The use of taxpayers’ money to fund war, mass murder, and genocide is manifestly and unequivocally illegal under both domestic and international law.

            Now that you are fully aware of the fact that His Majesty’s Government utilises taxation revenues for the criminal purposes of war, terrorism, mass murder, and genocide, you, as a tax collector and taxpayer, are legally and lawfully bound to refuse to comply with such governmental directives. Furthermore, should you persist in following such orders and continue to remit funds (in the form of taxes) to Her Majesty’s Government, you may be held personally liable under criminal law and subject to arrest, trial, conviction, and imprisonment, alongside political, civil, judicial, and military leaders, for the offences of fundraising for purposes of terrorism and conduct ancillary to genocide.

            Reporting of Criminal Conduct

            In the event that you or any of your colleagues continue to transfer monies (taxes) to Her Majesty’s Government in contravention of sections 15, 16, and 17 of the Terrorism Act 2000, my trustee is compelled, by virtue of section 19 of the Act, to report you and/or your superiors to a police constable for the commission of a criminal offence. Accordingly, I urge you and your superiors to familiarise yourself with, uphold, and enforce the laws of war and peace, as your legal duty demands.

            Yours faithfully,
            [Your Name]

            #101505 Reply

              I think it’s quite a neat idea, but would like your view please? I was enlightened recently by an HMRC inspector who claimed the same lacuna has been exploited by many individuals who use the off-shore trust schemes regularly for tax purposes. The UK deposits will normally attract income tax, but by using a Conditional Revocable Trust you avoid paying the sum as HMRC and the government cannot make any counter claim – especially after recent events in Gaza and Ukraine.

              If enough people took the same action it would force governments to change policy. It isn’t fanciful – it’s your legal and moral responsibility. It doesn’t involve demonstrations, violence or damage. Just your laptop, printer and email.

              What say you?

              #101524 Reply

                No? Och well, I’ll just finish countersinking the nails in the baseball bat and wait for the zombies then.

                #101525 Reply
                michael norton

                  you are barking at the walls, nobody is interested.

                  #101574 Reply

                    I think that’s a fairly common view about most things these days, Michael. Few care enough about ecocide or genocide, corruption or injustice, to take any meaningful action. But I’ll simply recommend the above in the hope that one or two may give it further consideration – not least as it’s a perfectly legal mechanism, even though it doesn’t really constrain government spending – especially in the UK where we operate a fiat currency and create sterling by simple keystrokes. But of course, that would create an interesting dilemma for government..

                    But imagine if you will, that such a lacuna was exploited by the masses and the tax revenues plummeted as a result. The markets would have the skitters and the City would be in meltdown within weeks. The government would be paralysed – especially if the tax protest was predicated on a series of conditions (as above) that meant an end to all military exports and the unequivocal support for the Zionist regime in Israel.

                    Would it not be worth a try? I wonder what Ed would think?

                    #101599 Reply

                      I saw your question but unfortunately I have no good answer to it.
                      Yes that is the sad truth, too few people care about the genocidal regime of Israel.
                      In my view there need to be state actors that take care of this from now on. There have been demonstrations throughout the west for 400+ days now, but governments, media do not listen – instead becoming more fanatic, more pro-israel! It would be great if rejecting paying taxes to pressure politicians, but again will the power in charge listen?
                      In my view, only the arab populations – where the negative view against Israel is somewhere between 80-100% – could do anything by now, they need to put maximum pressure on their leaders. They should bring these corrupt leaders down by mass-protests just like during “Arab Spring”. Only them could change the situation by now.

                      #101634 Reply

                        I agree, Jack – but temper any hope of Arab leaders taking a stance against Israeli/US hegemony, especially following Trump’s election last week. Reading Craig Murray’s latest post affirms that view. Where is the Lebanese army defending its people rather than Hezbolla? Palestine doesn’t have an army so they rely on Hamas, which is rather like Britain relying on the Home Guard in WWII. Asymmetrical warfare without restraint.

                        I sometimes wonder if there’s an asteroid on the way which will decimate the planet and only the elite and political leaders know. Or perhaps another engineered virus to decimate the global population? Because what we are witnessing now is madness; a total disregard for humanity’s prospects of living in a peaceful, hospitable world, without any care of where it will ultimately lead.

                        #101644 Reply

                          Yes the arab leaders appeasement of Israel just make Israel more emboldened. Absurd that they – the arab world – cannot put up a resistance against this rotten regime.

                          Speaking on evil. The evilness of Israel was in full display in Amsterdam. I think the events there really summed up the evilness by this regime.

                          So already on the airport from Tel Aviv to Amsterdam the israelis chanted racist songs and even cheered that palestinian children are killed:

                          Maccabi Tel Aviv hooligans chanting anti-Arab chants at Tel Aviv airport


                          And then when they got to Amsterdam, as guests, they kept chanting these racist songs, started attack pro-palestinians and pull down palestinian flags all over.

                          When the football game held 1 silent minute, the same israelis made noise:

                          Israeli fans disrupt 1 minute’s silence for Valencia flood victims


                          I mean who does this? It is like they lack common, human decency, like they have no red lines for anything. They believe they are the Herrenvolk and could do anything they want. Everything is permissible.
                          I cannot come up with another population that act like this.

                          Also the appeasement for this behavior is also something else, which in turn just embolden the israelis to become even more evil, more depraved.
                          If any hooligans from a western state would act like this the government of that nation would condemn them, they would distance themselves from their sick behavior, but the response by the israeli regime have been nothing but support!
                          Plus, if any other hooligans spread racism, made noise during commemoration/silent minutes, they would also get fines from UEFA/FIFA etc but when the israelis do it there is zero reaction!

                          It almost look like a grand conspiracy going on in the west where the elite/media/politicians are all on the board of accepting, supporting whatever Israel or israelis do.

                          #101651 Reply

                            I don’t understand a) why Israel is allowed to participate in any international sporting or media contest. Russia is banned from everything – why not Israel. b) Notwithstanding the above, why were their fans allowed to travel? Surely someone in the Dutch Police or UEFA or FIFA would have foreseen trouble. In any other game with the potential for violence, the away fans are not permitted tickets or any travel near the match. How was this allowed to happen?

                            And given the behaviour of some of the Israeli fans on the night before the match and on Thursday too – what did they expect in a city with a significant Arab population and many others with pro Palestinian anti Zionist views? Sausage rolls and Bovril? I’m only sorry it was Ajax and not Celtic the Israelis were playing. Netanyahu would have another hostage situation to deal with.

                            #101653 Reply

                              Exactly, what did they expect to happen? It is like if pro-genocide/nazi germans hooligans travelling around europe in 40s chanting racist songs and then cry like a baby about racism when people chase down in the streets!?
                              But what to expect, they live in their supremacist bubble in Israel and travel to one of the most multicultural state on earth and obviously their small racist minds cannot handle that.

                              It seems that there is no wonder that israeli tourists often top lists of the most rude, obnoxious, entitled tourists there is.

                              #101657 Reply

                                I can see most Israelis being asked and challenged on their views everywhere in the near future. If they are zionists or IDF soldiers or just some racist thugs, I’d hope they would be robustly challenged and invited to return to Israel. This government in the UK and their lickspittles in the media are equally complicit in genocide and should also be treated accordingly. I’m not advocating violence but constant challenge with a consistent message. Imagine if it had been Moscow Dynamo playing Belgium and their ultra supporters rioted outside the EU Parliament chanting offensive slogans and burning the Ukrainian and EU flags.
                                If the locals responded robustly, they would be hailed as heroes. Quelle difference?

                                #101659 Reply

                                  Because, that’s exactly what these rabid nutcases are doing to anyone who speaks against their genocide.

                                  Campaigners against antisemitism have held protests outside universities in London against a visit by the UN special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories.

                                  Francesca Albanese, an international lawyer specialising in human rights and the Middle East, was taking part in an event at the London School of Economics and Political Science on Monday.

                                  She recently published a report in which she alleged that Israel was not just committing war crimes or crimes against humanity in Gaza but a “genocide”, and suggested the UN should consider suspending Israel as a member state.

                                  Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the US ambassador to the UN, described her in a tweet as unfit for office, adding: “The United Nations should not tolerate antisemitism from a UN-affiliated official hired to promote human rights.”

                                  Albanese said she was right to insist on the term “genocide”, adding: “Palestinians had experienced war crimes all their lives, but this was different. It is very important to understand why this is recognised as a genocide.

                                  “In the same way as the international community has failed to protect the victims of genocide in the case of the Jewish people in Europe and then Bosnians in former Yugoslavia and the Tutsi in Rwanda, in the same way we are failing the Palestinians.”

                                  She accepted that determining a genocide is complex due to the need to prove intent, but she claimed Israel’s intent was the destruction of Palestinian life.

                                  Protesters from the Campaign Against Antisemitism gathered outside the LSE on Monday where Albanese took part in “a conversation about international law and Palestine” hosted by the student union’s Grimshaw Club for international relations.

                                  Posts on social media showed dozens of protesters, armed with “Ban Fran” banners, gathered outside the university building in central London, with the message “Ms Albanese is not welcome at British universities”.

                                  Further protests were planned outside Soas University of London where Albanese was speaking later on Monday. A protest outside Queen Mary University of London where Albanese is due to speak on Tuesday was cancelled, however.

                                  A spokesperson for Campaign Against Antisemitism said: “Due to threats in local residents’ groups to engage in ‘Amsterdam-style’ violence against our planned protest tomorrow, it will not be proceeding.

                                  “The safety of our team and supporters is an overriding concern for us. We are pursuing legal action against identifiable individuals who made threats.” Dozens of people were arrested after violent attacks took place around a football match between Amsterdam’s Ajax and Maccabi Tel Aviv last week.

                                  A Soas University of London spokesperson said: “Freedom of expression and academic freedom are fundamental to our existence. The increasing tendency of some political groups to demand that speakers they disagree with should be prevented from speaking is an approach we reject. We would only act to limit speech that breaks the laws, or advocates hate or violence.”

                                  An LSE spokesperson said: “LSE is committed to providing an inclusive culture of equity, diversity and respect between individuals. Antisemitism and any other form of discrimination are completely unacceptable.

                                  “Free speech and freedom of expression underpins everything we do at LSE. Students, staff and visitors are strongly encouraged to discuss and debate the most pressing issues around the world, but this must be in a mutually considerate manner.”

                                  The Union of Jewish Students did not respond to requests for comment but previously told the Jewish Chronicle that Albanese’s presence at London universities underscores the “increasingly belligerent environment” on British campuses.

                                  “We urge universities to consider the impact of hosting Ms Albanese and the message it sends to Jewish students and allies who are deeply affected by these statements. UJS’s welfare hotline continues to be open 24/7 for any Jewish students worried or affected.”


                                  #101759 Reply

                                    hello mod I made a comment yesterday here but it is gone, any chance it was caught in the spam-filter?
                                    (I also made a comment containing lots of links in the Ukraine-thread and that comment is also vanished).

                                    #101762 Reply
                                    Fat Jon

                                      From reading Craig’s post on X, the site crashed (technical term) at some point overnight, and although the techs have it back now – the last 24 hours’ worth of messages appears to have been lost.

                                      #101801 Reply
                                      Allan Howard

                                        I was just checking out The Times of Israel to see what they’ve posted on their website the last couple of days and, as such, came across the following article posted late last night (November 17th). It’s pretty long, and of course pushes the narrative that the Israeli football fans were the poor innocent victims etc, and denigrates any alternative narrative, and this one short passage sums it up:

                                        [Kevin] Kreuger [a council member] lamented the unwillingness to name the attackers by their background and motive, which he described as “Jew-hatred driven by Islam.”
                                        “Everybody saw the videos, heard the attackers speak Arabic. It’s like they are a group we need to feel sorry for and protect,” Kreuger said.

                                        Oh how the propagandists lurve turning everything on its head and amusing those in the know. And the author throws the following in as well, which I have little doubt is a falsehood, concocted to neutralise what the Israeli thugs did re the Palestinian flags:

                                        Since the October 7, 2023, Hamas-led massacre in southern Israel and subsequent conflict in Gaza, desecrating Israeli flags at protests has become a common occurrence in the Dutch capital.

                                        ‘Who attacked Israelis in Amsterdam? Some Dutch politicians can’t bring themselves to say’


                                        PS And has anyone seen any vids of these ‘”youths on scooters” that have been mentioned repeatedly from day one, cos I HAVEN’T?

                                        PPS It just occurred to me to do a search on the ToI website re >protesters in amsterdam desecrate israeli flag< and absolutely nothing came up in the results.

                                        #101802 Reply
                                        Allan Howard

                                          Actually, thinking about it again, Kreuger isn’t so much turning it on its head… he’s mocking the people in Amsterdam who were outraged by the false narrative that was being disseminated by everyone, including the king, and the MSM. I’m referring to the bit where he says: “… It’s like they are a group we need to feel sorry for and protect”, and does so knowing of course that THAT is precisely what the propagandists et al did in relation to the Israeli thugs.

                                          Anyway, it was probably on the news last night, but I just put the BBC News channel on (albeit on mute whilst I typed out the above), and the banner headline (at the point when I turned it on) was ‘Biden Lifts Restrictions on US Missiles in Ukraine’, but that report ended about fifteen seconds later to be replaced by another banner headline (report) which said At Least 40 People Killed in Gaza (in a strike on an apartment building). Anyway, I did a search re the Biden story, and here’s the Daily Mirror (MSN) article about it:

                                          ‘President Joe Biden lifts ban on Ukraine’s use of U.S. weapons for strikes on Russian soil’

                                          President Joe Biden has authorized Ukraine to deploy American-supplied long-range missiles for strikes within Russian territory, according to senior US officials.

                                          The decision marks a significant escalation in the States’ support for Kyiv, allowing Volodymyr Zelensky to use Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) with a range of nearly 190 miles…

                                          Earlier this year, Biden eased restrictions on America-made weapons in response to Vladimir Putin’s cross-border assault near the northern city of Kharkiv.

                                          At that time, the US leader allowed Ukrainian forces to use the M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System with a range of 50 miles to strike Russian positions near the border but stopped short of permitting the use of ATACMS.


                                          Looks like Genocide Joe is determined to start a nuclear war before he leaves office. Talking of which, I spotted the headline to the following article on there (posted on November 14th):

                                          ‘Ukraine ‘months away’ from building devastating new atomic bomb that could annihilate Russian city’

                                          A new briefing document suggests Ukraine is months away from being able to make a new atomic bomb that could flatten a Russian city if the US drops military aid

                                          Top officials claim the country could unleash havoc reminiscent of Nagasaki on a city in Russia if American military support should dwindle. It’s suggested that President Volodymyr Zelensky might turn to the “nuclear option” if Trump’s incoming administration cuts defense funding necessary for Ukraine to hold its ground against Russian incursions, as per a recent briefing note.


                                          I assume it’s B/S – ie that Ukraine is just months away etc – but needless to say, if they DID do such a thing, they would be committing suicide, and they know it.

                                          Ah, I just did a search to see how widely it was reported in the MSM and, as such, came across the following (posted on November 15th):

                                          Ukraine breaks silence on shock claim it may be ‘months away from building nuclear bomb’

                                          A bombshell report by a Ukrainian think tank suggested it would be ‘not difficult’ for Kyiv to build a nuke as a bargaining chip for any future negotiation with Russia.

                                          Ukraine has spoken out after a think tank reportedly claimed that Kyiv would be able to develop a nuclear weapon within months, if Donald Trump follows through on threats to withdraw US aid as President.

                                          According to a research paper prepared for the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence by the Centre for Army, Conversion and Disarmament Studies (CACDS), the country would have the means to build a basic device, one tenth of the power of the “Fat Man” bomb American forces dropped on Nagasaki in 1945, The Times reported.

                                          The authors argued that the weapon could be used as a bargaining chip in any peace negotiation with Russia if the flow of weapons from Washington is cut off.

                                          Though Ukraine wouldn’t have time to develop huge secure facilities to enrich uranium in, it would be “not difficult” to use spent nuclear fuel from its nine power plants to create a basic atomic device, the report claimed…

                                          But today Heorhii Tykhyi, spokesman for the Ukraine’s foreign ministry, firmly rejected any suggestion Ukraine was considering developing a nuke.

                                          “We do not possess, develop, or intend to acquire nuclear weapons,” he said, as per The Sun.


                                          So that’s THAT then! WtF!!

                                          #101803 Reply
                                          Allan Howard

                                            Sorry about that, but I was just going with the flow, and just after I posted my comment (directly above), it occurred to me that most of it should have gone in the ‘Ukraine’ thread. Apologies.

                                            #101804 Reply
                                            Allan Howard

                                              I won’t bother explaining how I came across it (last night), as it’s too damned convoluted, except to say that JVL re-posted it at the time, in October 2021:

                                              How Dutch Israel lobby attacks free speech

                                              There have been dozens of attacks on Palestinian rights defenders by Israel lobby groups in the Netherlands.

                                              Smear campaigns, threats of violence, attempts at defunding human rights groups, efforts to restrict academic freedom, threats of lawsuits and cyberattacks are among the intimidation tactics identified in a report released this month by the European Legal Support Center (ELSC).

                                              The Israel lobby group CIDI has been at the forefront of attempts to stifle advocacy for Palestinian rights and efforts to hold Israel accountable.

                                              But the 76 incidents documented in the report also involve other Dutch pro-Israel groups, media, political parties, faith-based organizations, Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs and the Israel-based group NGO Monitor…


                                              I wonder how many Israeli lobby groups there are around the world? I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it amounts to hundreds… Hundreds and hundreds!

                                              #101805 Reply
                                              Allan Howard

                                                I thought THAT was me done for the night, but I just came across this Classic posted in a JVL thread about the Amsterdam affair, albeit belatedly:

                                                So it’s bad of Israeli football fans to sing patriotic songs, but it’s ok for pro Palestinians to go round tearing down hostage posters and intimidating Jews.

                                                #101808 Reply

                                                  Reported on the World Service last night. Leaders in the settler movement, including the odious Daniella Weiss, have been taken into Gaza by the IDF to survey areas for future settlements. The Israeli spokesman claimed it would bring civilisation and stability to the Strip.

                                                  It is incredibly difficult to process the level of injustice, cruelty and malice that has been inflicted from those perpetrating this genocide, not only in Israel but from their allies in the US, UK and EU. The facilitation of this violence aided by the authorities in Holland and the football governing bodies, UEFA and FIFA, is a case in point. The Zionist regimes will subvert and manipulate every related incident to suit their own agenda – we can see how far their influence has spread. The horrors still await close scrutiny in Gaza; when they are finally revealed, there will be no hiding place.

                                                  Surgeon’s evidence to Select Committee 12th November 2024


                                                  #101809 Reply

                                                    Gaza is slightly larger (308 sq m) and more populous (2.1m) than Greater Glasgow – 189 sq m and 1.7m people. Imagine enclosing it within a security wall, stopping all food and water supplies then subjecting it to constant bombing, drone and sniper fire for over a year, whilst preventing any residents from leaving and seeking safety. There is nothing left that is recognisable, corpses litter the streets and decompose under the rubble. Nothing functions. Except death squads patrolling and killing at random.

                                                    You cant compare it. The Palestinians have endured a century of oppression and injustice. Gaza is the largest prison in the world and has been for decades. Thousands of Palestinian hostages are detained in Israel, many of whom are young children. Israel has stated it will end this conflict – and will do so in the only way it knows, by systematic extermination. Last century, another national and ideology attempted the same and was repulsed and defeated. It is incumbent and essential we do the same now.

                                                    #101815 Reply
                                                    Allan Howard

                                                      I was just checking out any new re-posted articles on JVLs website, and came across the following, posted today, which is well worth reading. Here’s the JVL introduction and a couple of passages from it:

                                                      Avi Shlaim was interviewed by Mohammed Shaheen about his book Three Worlds: Memoirs of an Arab Jew.

                                                      They covered many topics including the different histories of Jews in Europe compared with Asia and North Africa and how the communities experience in Israel have been very different from the Nakba to the Gaza genocide driven by the logic of settler-colonialism.

                                                      Avi explains how growing up,in Iraq has led him to advocate for “one state from the river to the sea with equal rights to all its citizens, regardless of religion and ethnicity” as the most hopeful future and an ending of apartheid.

                                                      MS We have already established that you support the term ‘apartheid’ as an accurate description of the State of Israel, but what about ‘genocide’? Is this an apt description of Israel’s actions in the current war in Gaza?

                                                      AS In my memoirs, I wrote that “for all its sins, Israel has not committed genocide.” I was forced to revise my opinion because in Gaza today, Israel is perpetrating genocide. Genocide is a very big word, and I was hesitant to use it, but when Israel stopped humanitarian aid, food, water, fuel, and medical supplies from reaching civilians in Gaza, that was the clincher for me. I have followed Israel’s military offensives in the Gaza Strip since Operation Cast Lead in 2008. By my count, this is the eighth Israeli military offensive, but it is by far the most destructive, devastating, and lethal. We are witnessing a new horror show that is extreme – even by Israeli standards. In ten months the IDF has killed nearly 40,000 people, mostly women and children; destroyed 70 percent of the housing and civil infrastructure of Gaza, and forcibly displaced over 90 percent of its population of 2.3 million, some of them as many as eight or nine times. The forcible displacement of civilians is a war crime. Israel is committing war crimes on an industrial scale and on a daily basis. If this is not genocide, I don’t know what is.

                                                      MS Do you think Netanyahu is to blame for the continuation of this violence, and that the moderate voices in Israel are being ignored, or do you think the nation is collectively responsible?

                                                      AS Netanyahu plays a major part in this ghastly assault on the people of Gaza. He is an obnoxious individual, a pathological liar, and an exceptionally selfish politician. His policy in Gaza is dictated by his political and personal interests. He is on trial at home for bribery, fraud and breach of trust. Once he stops being Prime Minister, he will have to stand trial and most probably he will end up in jail, so it is in his interest to prolong the war. This is why he continues to frustrate all the efforts to secure a ceasefire and a release of the Israeli hostages held by Hamas. But Netanyahu is not the only problem; Israeli society has been moving to the right steadily for the last 25 years. One manifestation of this shift to the right is the rise of two far-right religious Zionist parties: Religious Zionism, led by Bezalel Smotrich, and Jewish Power, led by Itamar Ben-Gvir. These are fascist Jewish supremacist parties whose aim is the ethnic cleansing of both the West Bank and Gaza, before officially annexing the former and resettling the latter. Netanyahu is not a simply a prisoner to his more extreme coalition partners, as many people believe; he is an extreme ethno-nationalist himself whose life mission is to prevent the birth of a Palestinian state. The assault on Gaza is an act of state terrorism. Terrorism is the use of force against civilians for political ends. Netanyahu is orchestrating this murderous state terrorism but, in the final analysis, the whole of Israeli society is responsible for it.


                                                      As I’ve said on more than a few occasions, I have no doubt wharsoever that Netanyahu and his fascist buddies knew well in advance of the October 7th attack that Hamas was planning and training for such an attack and, as such, let it go ahead, and did so for a number of obvious reasons. And I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they actually instigated it in the first place, and when I say ‘they’, I mean Biden and Blinken and the rest of the Neo-Nazi regime that runs and controls most of the West. These inhuman monsters are evil to the core of their being, and evil beyond most peoples’ comprehension. And ‘Ukraine’ is another one of their demonic and diabolical creations/conceptions of course.

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