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    michael norton

      Americans still at it, in Iraq and Syria

      Hasaka, SANA_ The US occupation forces continued their violations of international laws and entered a new convoy of 35 trucks laden with military and logistic materials to its illegal bases and occupation points in the Syrian al-Jazira region coming from northern Iraq.
      Civil sources said that 35 trucks entered the Syrian territories coming from Iraq through the illegal al-Walid crossing in al-Ya’rubia countryside, to the far northeastern of Hasaka, loaded with logistic and military materials, the majority of which went to the illegal base in Khrab al-Jeer airport in al-Malikiyah area.

      The sources pointed out that the US occupation forces are reinforcing their illegal presence in the military airport of Khrab al-Jeer and other areas occupied by them through sending convoys to these areas periodically, loaded with logistic materials and military equipment.

      During the past few months, the US occupation forces have entered thousands of trucks loaded with weapons, military and logistic equipment into Hasaka through illegal crossings to reinforce their presence in the Syrian al-Jazira region to steal oil, Syrian underground resources and major crops.

      michael norton also known as Rmeilan

        What this does show is that the Kurds and continuing to cooperate with the Yanks and are cocking their noses to the rest of Syria

        Never hear this stuff on the BBC

        michael norton

          Turkey now has the ninth-highest number of covid-19 cases worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University data.

          urkish authorities have imposed new measures to limit the spread of coronavirus, as the number of infections continues to rise sharply.

          The country has reported 30,217 confirmed cases and 649 deaths.

          So the Americans are continuing their build up in extreme North East Syria, around the oil fields.
          But this air-base at Rmeilan would be able to strike Iran.

          michael norton

            The United Nations has ordered its military and police forces across the globe to suspend rotation in an effort to mitigate the spread of the deadly coronavirus.
            The suspension will stay in effect until June 30, the spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General, Stephane Dujarric, told reporters on Tuesday.

            “There is no movement of troops, coming in or out… A few, limited exceptions may be considered,” Dujarric told CBS News.

            The spokesperson explained that the order applies not only to formed military and police units, but to individual officers as well.

            The UN currently has 13 active peacekeeping missions in Africa, the Middle East, Cyprus, Kosovo, and Kashmir.

            France’s sole aircraft carrier ‘Charles de Gaulle’ had to suspend its Mediterranean Sea mission and turn back to port shortly after around 40 of its crewmembers were placed under medical observation with suspected Covid-19.
            All symptomatic sailors have been “isolated” from the rest of the crew and are being constantly monitored by medical staff, the Defense Ministry said on Wednesday.

            michael norton

              The Russian military has setup four new posts in northeastern Syria this past week, as they beef up their presence in the Al-Hasakah Governorate.

              According to a report from northeast Syria, 12/04/2020,
              the Russian military setup four observation posts in the Al-Qamishli and Tal Tamr districts, which is where they have ran into the U.S. Armed Forces on a number of occasions in the past five months.

              michael norton

                The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces arrested a senior Islamic State person this week.

                According to the SDF’s statement, their forces captured the Islamic State official during a special operation in the
                Al-Hasakah Governorate.

                The operation was backed by the U.S. Coalition’s warplanes.

                They added that the Islamic State official was responsible “for financing and equipping sleeper cells in the region.”

                There does seem to be an awful lot of jostling, going on, currently in the North East of Syria.

                michael norton

                  Part of the hustling currently being undertaken in North East Syria, might be attributed to the U.S.A. not want Syria or Russia or Iran capturing Islamic State operatives, putting them on the tele and asking questions, such as
                  who funded you, who trained you, who do you work for???

                  michael norton

                    A Russian jet flew within 7 meters of a U.S. spy plane that was flying towards the Syrian coastline last week.
                    According to the report, the Russian Su-35, which was deployed to intercept a U.S. Navy P-8 Poseidon aircraft, flew within 7-8 meters of the the spy plane.
                    According to the U.S. Navy, the P-8A Poseidon crew struggled to cope with turbulence due to the close passage of the fighter,” the publication quoted Popular Mechanics as saying.

                    “It was found that the passage was unsafe due to the fact that the Su-35 conducted a high-speed maneuver at a distance of 25 feet directly in front of the mission aircraft, which endangered our pilots and crew,” the US military said in a statement.

                    Popular Mechanics cited the U.S. Navy as saying, “we expect that they [Russian pilots] will behave in accordance with international standards established to ensure safety and prevent incidents.”

                    michael norton

                      following planning and coordination that took more than four months, the authorities secured the exit of an armed group from al-Tanf (U.S.A. held enclave)area near the Syrian-Iraqi borders, with the militants handing over their weapons and vehicles to the Syrian Arab Army.

                      A source from the authorities involved in this process told said that 28 militants and 6 drivers from the so-called “Jaish Maghawir al-Thawra” group, which works under the supervision of the US occupation forces, arrived at Palmyra city where they handed over all their weapons and equipment to take advantage of the amnesty decrees.

                      michael norton

                        This might be really quite important news.

                        Jaysh Maghawir al-Thawra
                        previously called the New Syrian Army

                        So the al-Tanf Enclave, is one of those strange places that holds displacement camps and American camps and special forces.
                        It has three way passage between Jordan, Syria & Iraq, which means that contractors can shift between these different states, then shelter, in the American held Enclave.
                        Very similar to how the Islamic State Enclave worked, against the Golan.

                        michael norton

                          Syrian air defense were activated late on Monday to engage ‘hostile targets’ above Palmyra and Homs, the local media reported, calling the incident an act of ‘Israeli aggression.’
                          Several enemy missiles have been shot down, the state news agency SANA reported. Witnesses spoke of multiple explosions heard in the Palmyra area in central Syria.

                          Anna Ahronheim, military correspondent for the Jerusalem Post newspaper, tweeted that the attack was targeting the Syrian T-4 airbase in the Homs province.T-4, also known as Althias, is about halfway between the city of Homs and Palmyra.

                          It would seem the Americans/Israelis are unhappy
                          and can not let it go.

                          michael norton

                            Iran – U.S.A.

                            Donald Trump instructs U.S.A. Navy to shoot down and destroy all Iranian gunboats if they ‘harass our ships at sea’
                            A week earlier, the US Navy accused the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) of “dangerous and provocative” actions, claiming that nearly a dozen Iranian vessels buzzed a group of American ships in the Persian Gulf. The US Fifth Fleet later published video footage of the encounter, which showed the gunboats circling a larger US ship.

                            michael norton

                              Donald Trump tells America to stop buying Saudi oil,
                              America has more oil than it needs.
                              This is BIG NEWS

                              That is Saudi buggered.


                                There is a glut of oil. Nobody is buying any oil. Some have even paid money for people to take it away.

                                michael norton

                                  Saudi State still killing people if they do not do what the government want, quickly enough


                                  Quite shocking, how ruthless they are.
                                  The crash in oil price is almost certainly, going to make them more ruthless.

                                  michael norton

                                    The Golan

                                    New York, SANA-Syria’s permanent representative to the UN, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, reiterated that the occupied Golan is an integral part of the Syrian Arab Republic’s territories, adding that regaining Golan, until June 4th, 1967 line, with all means guaranteed by the internal law, will remain a priority for Syria.

                                    michael norton

                                      Just watched the George Galloway show, orbiting the world.
                                      He had some pundit on, who claimed the Saudi Regime is in terrible, possibly terminal trouble.
                                      The price of crude has collapsed, this is on what 99% of the Saudi Economy is based.
                                      The price of crude will not bounce back, after the initial covid-19 crisis has passed, because the world will have stepped-changed, much less international flights, as it was international air travel that spread the plague around the globe. There will be another plague and we must become more intelligent and prepared.
                                      The push to wind turbines and photovoltaic will rush past crude, more people will work and shop from home, so less car commutes. Countries will move away from globalism and make themselves like Medieval states, unto themselves.
                                      Clean Fresh water will be highly prized.
                                      The massive Saudi Royal Family are parasites who suck the life blood of the country.
                                      covid-19 is rife but officially it is only slight.
                                      America is will be very preoccupied for the next decade and will offer little help to the Desert Kingdom.
                                      End of Days for the Desert Kingdom.

                                      michael norton

                                        Aleppo, SANA-A number of civilians were martyred and injured in an explosion of a booby-trapped tanker truck in Efrin city in Aleppo northern countryside which also killed and injured many terrorists affiliated to the Turkish regime.

                                        Local sources told SANA that a tanker truck, loaded with a big quantity of explosives, went off near a center for the mercenaries of the Turkish regime in one of the markets, killing a number of terrorists and injuring many others.

                                        The explosion also claimed the lives of many civilians.

                                        michael norton


                                          Since the Turkish annexation of Hatay Province in 1939, the Afrin District is now almost surrounded by the Syria–Turkey border, apart from the border with the Azaz District to the east and a short border with the Mount Simeon District to the southeast.
                                          There was an outbreak of civil unrest on 21 March 1986, during which three people were killed by Syrian police. In 1999, the arrest of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan triggered renewed clashes between Kurdish protesters and the police.

                                          This recent lorry fuel bomb in Afrin has been attributed to the Kurds by the Turks.

                                          michael norton

                                            This new attack by the Syrian Arab Army followed reports of a new TURKISH military convoy heading to the Idlib Governorate.

                                            Per the previous Sochi Agreement, the Turkish Army is only allotted 12 observation posts in northwestern Syria; however, they have since constructed dozens of others.

                                            Turkey is out of control

                                            michael norton

                                              They are still at it.

                                              Israeli helicopters attacked a number of military positions in southern Syria with missiles, Syrian state media reported, noting the strikes inflicted “limited material damage.”
                                              The aircraft bombed sites in the Quneitra and Daraa provinces early on Friday morning after approaching from the occupied Golan Heights, firing some five missiles, according to the Jerusalem Post. A number of unconfirmed reports said the targets included militias allied to Damascus, such as Hezbollah, in addition to the Syrian military.

                                              michael norton

                                                I guess the Israelis have stolen the Golan from Syria and they are going to do their utmost to hang on to it.
                                                The United Nations have a team based in the Golan, you never, ever hear a squeak out of them.


                                                  South front YouTube channels have been suspended without warning and their admin think it might be in preparation for a war against Iran.
                                                  It looks that Trump and his advisors think that the fall in oil demand and prices gives an opportunity to attack Iran as the removal of Iranian oil from the market would also lead to an increase in oil prices to rescue the failing unprofitable shale oil industry. This of course will be done when the rest of the world is busy with the Covid-19 crisis.
                                                  This of course would be outrageous but who is going to complain?

                                                  michael norton

                                                    Hasaka, SANA_ The US occupation forces carried out an air landing on the border area between Syria and Iraq, in the northeast of Hasaka province.

                                                    Civil sources told SANA correspondent that the US occupation forces on Monday carried out an air landing operation using two helicopters backed by six vehicles and with the participation of a group of the Syrian Democratic Forces SDS.

                                                    The operation targeted a house in Quraish village, about 1 km from the Iraqi border and 24 km south of al-Yarubiya town.

                                                    According to sources, the occupation forces kidnapped two civilians, one of whom is Iraqi, and took them to an unknown destination without knowing the reasons.

                                                    Over the past few years, US forces have carried out similar air landings that later turned out to be a cover for the transfer of their agents from “Deash” terrorist organization in Hasaka and Deir Ezzor countryside to their bases in Iraqi territory.

                                                    michael norton

                                                      Hasaka, SANA-Turkish occupation forces and their mercenaries of terrorist groups are going on in the policy of systemized displacement against Syrian citizens in some occupied regions of Hasaka in addition to perpetrating acts of killing, looting and kidnapping against families and their properties.

                                                      According to the Social Affairs and Labor Department in Hasaka, nearly 50 thousand citizens of the northern countryside of Ras al-Ayn city suffer from the coercive displacement and live in shelters after their houses became haven for the mercenaries of the Turkish occupation who are being brought from Aleppo countryside and Turkey.

                                                      I can’t understand how Turkey gets away with destroying Syria.

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