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  • #53092
    michael norton

      A reckoning is coming to the Turkish Regime.
      Transit vans were made in Southampton for half a century, then re-located to Turkey ( cheaper) now nobody is buying vans, no matter to Southampton, they have moved on.
      Turkey is rushing up the covid-19 league, right behind Russia.
      The Turkish Lire has fallen to the lowest level against the American dollar, since the Second World War.
      Erdogan is pumping billions in to the Turkish banks to hold off economic collapse.

      michael norton

        Turkey’s president for life, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is a populist juggernaut, fond of suggesting that his leadership is the only way to protect the country from enemies both real and imagined. The coronavirus pandemic, however, is an existential crisis unlike anything he has faced before.
        The economy of Turkey is taking a nosedive, the contagion is running out of control, he is fighting wars in Turkey against Kurds and in Libya and in Syria, whilst also try to harass Greece and Cyprus.
        The Turkish lira dropped to a record low this week of nearly 7.27 to the dollar as central bank interest rate cuts intended to boost growth – as well as investor fears over Turkey’s depleted foreign currency reserves – began to bite.

        michael norton

          Now the worms are coming out of the woodwork

          Three Daesh terrorists confess to perpetrating a number of operations in cooperation with US occupation forces in al-Tanf

          michael norton

            The SANA video of the three terrorists saying they were working with the Americans, they only did it for the money,
            from al-Tanf

            was very quickly removed, it was also featured in al-Masdar
            also very quickly removed.

            michael norton

              Joshua M. Landis (born May 14, 1957) is an American academic who specializes in the Middle East and is an expert on Syria.
              [Probably where they got the name Pamela Landy] ( CIA) the Jason Bourne films.

              There is “stuff” going on with the maternal relatives of Assad the butcher.
              His elder brother Bassel al-Assadan heir to the presidency died in a car crash, sat next to him was one of his cousin’s head of Intelligence/security, Hafez Makhlouf, brother of Rami Makhlouf .

              On 18 July 2012, Al Arabiya reported that Makhlouf was killed in a bombing which targeted Syria’s National Security headquarters in Damascus. Other sources however indicated that he was only wounded in the attack.

              In September 2014 multiple sources reported that he had relocated to Belarus with his wife. Earlier in the month Makhlouf had been removed from his powerful intelligence post in Damascus but pro-government sources said at the time that it was a “routine” move. Joshua Landis, a U.S. expert on Syria tweeted that Makhlouf had left Syria.
              Now we learn that Rami Makhlouf( possibly) the richest business man in Syria has been unfriended by Assad.

              If true this may be a tactic learnt or encouraged by Putin.

              michael norton

                How great, some good news from Syria, new gas well comes on stream to aid electricity output.

                michael norton

                  Deir Ezzor,
                  Three soldiers of the US occupation and 5 members of Qasad (SDF) groups were wounded in an attack against a joint convoy for them on the administrative borders between Hasaka and Deir Ezzor provinces.

                  Local sources told SANA reporter that a joint convoy for the US forces and the US-backed Qasad groups was attacked by unidentified gunmen with machineguns and RPG launchers at the roundabout of Rwaished village on the administrative borders between the provinces of Hasaka and Deir Ezzor as 3 US soldiers and 5 members of Qasad groups were injured.

                  The sources indicated that the wounded were rushed to the US illegitimate base in al-Shadadi city south of Hasaka.

                  michael norton

                    RAF still bombing Islamic State, presumably taking off from Cyprus
                    The first strike took place on 8 May, when a remotely piloted RAF Reaper destroyed a bunker, which the MoD said contained a group of IS fighters, at a location west of Tuz Khurmatu in northern Iraq.

                    On 10 May, two Typhoons struck a cave system identified by surveillance aircraft as occupied by IS.

                    Two Reapers struck another two bunkers on 13 May, while on 23 May, the MoD said a patrolling Reaper struck IS fighters hiding in woods.


                      Today in russian news:

                      Muhammad Hussein Saud, from the city of Palmyra for some time was recruited by the Islamic State. He fled to At-Tanf, and there he met with British intelligence.

                      Muhammad said that he was recruited by the British to “… work like a spy, like a traitor…The task is to photograph important objects of Mukhabarat, the Russian and Syrian army”

                      British experts needed information about “important sites in Russia and Syria” … in order to arrange a terrorist attack in the future.


                        Under cover ov the Covid-19 epidemic, the oil hungry Turkish regime is attempting to control all oil in the Mediterranean production and eventually probably also shipping although the later would need a stronger navy.
                        The Turkey Libya connection is raising hackles in the area and both Egypt and Greece and others are not so happy.

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