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- This topic has 25 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 5 years, 5 months ago by
John Goss.
I’ll translate the paragraphs in logical order, the source in russian is here investigation
According to information published on the website of the firm WIFKA, detective Joseph Resch was investigating the crash of MN17 in 2014.
The customer, whose name Resch does not name because of the terms of the contract, offered a reward of firstly 30, and then another 17 million US dollars for information about the causes of the disaster.
In mid-2015, the detective was approached by an informant who provided valuable information. For this he received a reward of 15.5 million, paid in cash in three different currencies — euros, US dollars and Swiss francs.
About a year after this event, the German Prosecutor’s office brought Resch as a witness to the investigation of the criminal case “on a war crime”.
At the request of the Netherlands, the Swiss Prosecutor’s office then opened the banking cell of Resch, which he claims contained important documents.
According to Resh, “then I offered my cooperation to find ways to obtain information without putting myself in danger.” He added that the documents from the cell have not yet been returned to him.
Resch already talked about his investigation in the German press in 2015. In particular, he told Spiegel about the circumstances of the meeting with the informant. And then, in 2016, to Stern magazine about telephone threats against him.Joseph Resch told RIA Novosti that he tried to give the Netherlands new materials on the MH17 disaster, which were not taken into account in the recent statements of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) in June, but was refused.
It is specified that Resh insisted on public data transmission, as he was threatened and he fears for his life. This condition did not suit the Dutch Prosecutor’s office. As a result, the detective published an open letter to the JIT and the Dutch Prosecutor Fred Westerbeke on the website of his detective firm WIFKA.
Letter to the international investigation
“As part of our testimony (to JIT *editor’s note) we will touch upon the following evidence and information:
<…> audio recordings made by special services of air traffic on July 17, 2014 from fighters and “towers” (air traffic control points *editor’s note) of the Ukrainian army and separatists,
telephone conversations of the Ukrainian army,
audio recordings of special services and the military on Vladimir Putin’s flight on July 17, 2014 (on this day the President of Russia returned from Brazil to Moscow *editor’s note) before and after the crash (of MH17 *editor’s note),
records of “towers” after the information about the crash,
audio recordings including intelligence about the relevant military events by the separatists and Ukrainians for several weeks before and after the crash,
handwritten notes and personal audio recordings of fighter pilots about the incident”Information that the investigation does not have
In the list of information that the detective is ready to provide the SSG, there are also:
— “the name of the informant who was paid 15.5 million in various currencies in cash;
— the name of the “institution” in which the informant worked;
— disclosure of information assessment by other important holders;
— allegedly destroyed secret documents of high-ranking military and political figures;
— written notes of the special services about the incident”.Resch insists on public disclosure
According to Resh, he is ready to transfer these documents to investigators only in the presence of representatives of the international media.
“voluntarily and only by working together we offer to make a statement to the competent JIT and the investigating prosecutor Westerbeke in the Netherlands. For the reason of our own security, we believe it is necessary that the international media as well as representatives of affected states participate in our statements and disclosure of evidence” the open letter says.Polite refusal
The JIT has not yet responded to the letter of the German detective, but he received a response from the Dutch Prosecutor’s office, which was signed by prosecutor Anne van Doren.
The text of this letter, which is addressed to Joseph Resch’s lawyer, is available to RIA Novosti.
The Prosecutor’s office “took note” of the detective’s proposal and stressed that the JIT “always interested in materials that can contribute to the investigation.”
However, the conditions put forward by Resch are “very unusual, and they can also harm the investigation if the evidence is discussed by the media and individuals before they are examined”.
In this regard, “the JIT can not answer the request” made by Resch, says the response.
Resch, as a citizen of Germany, is recommended to apply with his “wide range of evidence” to the German Prosecutor’s office, and if he still wanted to send his materials to the JIT, the Dutch Prosecutor’s office suggests to use the appropriate online form on the group’s website.Tatyana
I think it is this website
If German-speaking commentors could kindly confirm and give your evaluation, I would be very grateful!Tatyana
I’m sorry for the translation error you can meet in the text.
“SSG” stands for “JIT” aka Joint Investigation TeamTatyana
to keep the information in one place I copy previous piece of news:
July 24, russian news report today on MH17 case:
“In a new documentary film by Dutch director Max Van der Werff about the circumstances of the disaster, the senior investigator for digital expertise Akash Rosen from Malaysian company ‘OG IT Forensic Services’ claims that the security service of Ukraine edited the records of the negotiations presented as evidence in the case of the crash of MH17 in the Donbass…
German analyst Norman Ritter confirmed the words of the expert, noting that the phone records were forged by nine separate manipulations. “I found a total of nine manipulations. There’s a lot of editing. And I really doubt the authenticity of these records,” said Ritter.”the source in russsian with more detail is here is found in Google:
co-producerr of the film is Yana Erlashova, former RT journalist.
the film was created with the help of crowdfunding
the biggest donation came from Roelf Turksema, Nitherlands
I think it is this video, 28 minutes
Don’t bank on the sincerity of the Dutch involved in this case as they are totally compromised by PM Rutte and now EU VP Timmermans. If Russia was innocent they will stand exposed as going on the wrong track from the start, damaging their careers 100%.
They also carry political blame for allowing overflying of risky Ukraine airspace endangering their own citizens.nevermind
Hi Tatyana. with my knowledge of my mother tongue, I can confirm that your translation is very close to that of the original document.
I have read through all of the different correspondences to the various organisation and individuals.
Resch, knowing the way the BND and authoritative bureaucrats work from previous other cases, has safeguarded his information trail; and information, as well as the informant named as ‘otto’.
He offered it up more than once to the JIT and was rebuffed, via v.Weerft, as clearly is shown in the video.
The story is out, but not the details, they seem to be in the hands of Swiss prosecutors right now.It is not obvious from the letters he sent, but I’m sure that Resch has duplicates somewhere.
The BND has seemingly put him under surveillance, he has had one heart attack and is fearful for his life, now that his evidence which is detailed communication references from a source very likely to be inside, or known to western intelligence agencies. He is being pressured but wants this information to be part of the publicly available narrative.
I sus-pect that this wouyld blow the existing ‘t’was Russia out of the water.Another point, which this unanswered case of MH17 and the Skripal affair have got in common, is that both occurances were blamed on Russia within 24 hrs., a slight indicator that says something is amiss. Both cases have multiple actors and various differing alleys are pursued at first, but all under the heading that5 ‘Russia has done it’, when no such thing was provable form the outset.
With the current piracy against the Grace 2 by the UK, and they have form in history, destroying hundreds of years old regulative framework with an illegal act. and the current narrative of a navy flotilla of like-minded NATO states being rumoured sailing to the Gulf, such information of western illegality, so to sp3eak, egging on Ukraine into an illegal act, would not go down well with some in Washingt9on and London, so Resch is very much in danger and his case is being held back by judicial means, interfering BND actions and refusal of acknowledgements, anything to keep this out of the pu8blic.
In my humble opinion. take care
thank you so much, nevermind!
I’ve said earlier in this blog and I repeat it again – my outmost fear is that ‘my people’, who are my state’s representatives, have no control over what they are entrusted with, and they could lie to the population. It is a frightening thought, an incipient responsibility for the actions of my state before the face of the rest of humanity.
Of course, it would be very nice to convince myself that all of the above is true without doubt and that my state was unfairly lied to… But I understand that the truth is somewhere in the middle. And I’d really like to find it out.Tatyana
“no later than October 18, a written statement must be made by the Joint Investigation Group and the Netherlands Prosecutor’s Office that the information that Resh possesses will be disclosed with the participation of international media and interested states.”
“if before October 18 the indicated parties do not inform Resh of their decision, then the “question will be closed.” This will mean “that there really never was a desire to attract his information and that the world community is not interested in investigating this crime.” – says the letter which Resh forwarded to the Netherlands Prosecutor’s Office, the JIT, national and global media, and the UN Security Council.September 17.
update +
September 7, Ukraine and Russia made a long-awaited exchange of prisoners. Among the detainees, Vladimir Tsemakh (Владимир Цемах) returned to Russia.
Vladimir Tsemakh was a commander of the “air defense” in Donbass. Kiev authorities consider him a witness in the MH17 case. Tsemakh’s relatives say, he was abducted in July from his apartment by the Security Service of Ukraine.
Dutch investigators questioned him before his release.“Witness in the criminal case of the MH17 crash, Vladimir Tsemah refused to make a deal with the investigation” – former Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko. – According to the Ukrainian constitution, Kiev has no right to extradite him to the Netherlands. Netherlands has repeatedly held high-level negotiations with the Ukrainian leadership to prevent the transfer of Vladimir Tsemakh to Russia, said Stephanus Blok (Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs) in a letter to the country’s parliament. Prosecutor’s Office refused to disclose Tsemah’s status in MH17 Netherlands Prosecutor General’s Office has now turned to Moscow with a request (or even a demand) to extradite Tsemakh. The Russian embassy does not confirm the information.
In addition, the Dutch “cannot ignore the extraordinary fact of Ukraine’s transfer of its own citizens,” including Tsemakh himself, which directly contradicts the country’s constitution.
And taking into account the fact that in June he was abducted by Ukrainian special services from the Donbass territory, pumped up with drugs and taken out with fake passport, that is, very serious effort was made to seize him.
update ++
“The Dutch parliament instructed the government to investigate the question that everyone reasonably asked from the very first minutes after the disaster: why Ukraine did not close its airspace over the zone of military conflict. It is not surprising that a number of Dutch media accompany the headlines of news about this event with the word “Finally.
The reason was Vladimir Tzemakh, or rather, the fact that Ukraine extradited him to Russia during a recent exchange of prisoners. The Dutch media… spread reports that Tsemakh was almost a key witness, and therefore they painfully took the message that he was returning home.
Dutch Parliament obliged the government … to investigate the inaction of Ukraine … and report to the deputies on the results … as soon as possible. The initiator of the project, Chris van Dam: “Time is running out. Memory is erased, data is lost.” It seems that the decision and especially the complete unanimity of the parliamentarians was an unpleasant surprise for the government.
the arguments of the head of the Dutch Foreign Ministry … are striking in their frankness. E.g, Blok repeated several times that … “they will also have to cooperate with Russia.” Apparently, the minister considers this a big problem for himself.
the decision of the Kiev authorities not to close the airspace … the actual use of civilian airliners to cover their military aircrafts, heavily bombing the peaceful cities of Donbass.“Tatyana
the source for the last comment is
Cheers for all that Digging Tatyana … I must come back and have a look at it all when I have more time.
Meanwhile … OT … your man at the UNGA was very good I thought –
Brianfujisan, thank you.
BTW, do they report in the western media, that the USA refused visa for some russian UN delegates?
Russian media were indignant about this and suggested to move some UN bodies to other countries.John Goss
Some very pertinent comments Tatyana. It is no good hoping that a news outlet in the UK would entertain anything that might exonerate Russia and the Donbas or point the finger towards Ukraine’s culpability. We in this sceptred isle do not even know that Kiev’s forces are still bombing the villages and towns of Donbas. I know but I am alone.
However, when there were demonstrations in the Maidan before the US orchestrated coup we could not get the story off our tellies.
Thanks for stopping by, John. You reminded me of another today’s news. There’s a man from Norway, MP, who visited Crimea and Donbass for several times. He now publishes his book “Unsere Krim” in German, and waits for it to be translated into English.
He underlines exactly what you say – people in Britain have no understanding of what is going on in Ukraine. He says you’re shown the photos of terrorists detained with the commentary it is the russian police goes along the streets in the Crimea and seizes the Tatars. He says many people believe that Maidan took place in the Crimea 🙂
He begins with Kiev in 2013, and he says that the pre-history rests as far as 1997, referring to the “The Great Chessboard” book by Zbigniew Brzezinski, the US President’s advisor on National Security.
In a nutshell, that is what he says:
– Is it honest to say it is the first book about Crimea from a foreigner?
Hendrik Weber:
– In Europe there are books about Crimea, but their authors have never been on the peninsula, they have not seen anything with their own eyes, they have no connection with the politicians of Crimea, nor with public figures, they did not speak with people on the streets of Crimean cities. The preface to my book was written by Georgy Muradov, there is a speech by Yuri Hempel, there is an interview with Olga Timofeeva. So I give the stage to the people who have never been heard in the Western world, because their opinion is “under sanctions”.
– How objective is your view of Crimea, how do you yourself evaluate?
Hendrik Weber:
– Oh, I’m already looking forward to talking about the fact that Vladimir Putin personally paid for the publication of this book!I link the russian source Goss
Thanks Tatyana. I see that your comment on the current thread has npt attracted a great number of comments on this thread, just you, me and Brian.
We have a saying “There’s none so blind as those who don’t want to see!”
It’s friday evening, that is why, imo
Tatyana..They Do Not..I watched Many of the UNGA representatives Speak.. Many of them are very Wise..
John is youyr Sponsorship thing Closed..Forgot about that..Sorry..Very well Done You
“We in this sceptred isle do not even know that Kiev’s forces are still bombing the villages and towns of Donbas. I know but I am alone.”
You say you know, John, but are alone? How do you know and not others in this country? I would be interested to learn what your sources are. This is a subject of interest to me. Have you seen my Russia thread?
Thanks for your latest posts Tayana. I fear that Resch is in danger, because when the JIT comes out with their amended report, without having heard’Ottos’ evidence, that they would like tp stop him publishing it fully as it would make their secret investigations questionable.
I hope that I’m wrong.
John Goss
I know there are a few more than just me but in the main scheme of things hardly anyone is aware. Sorry I have not seen your Russian thread. My main source is a US journalist and film-maker Patrick Lancaster living in Donbas. 2 days ago a villager was admitted to hospital with a shrapnel wound to his face. There are not as many wounded admitted to hospital only one or two a week.
So sorry for the people of Donbass!
The elder lady speaks ‘surgik’ or ‘balachka’ – a dialect, a mixture of russian and ukrainian languages, like two my grannies did. I understand it perfectly.John Goss
Brian I don’t think The Big Ride for Palestine has closed and this is the link.
For some reason this year donations appear to have gone into a central pot and it does not look like anyone can directly sponsor individuals on Global Giving so I have no idea who has sponsored me though a few have told me they did. My personal donations have all gone through in my name. I shall be raising this at the next committee meeting. All these “giving” sites make a bundle out of hosting so I take care when I donate. There is a Donate Now button with a kind of orange background. Let me thank you now because I won’t know if you have donated and that goes for others. But the cause is the same. And it’s a good cause.
John Goss
The video in this article is allegedly of a team of Russian journalists being fired upon by Ukrainian forces broadcast earlier tonight. The article says they had to take cover in a basement till the shooting stopped. The source is Izvestia and tbe video is overwritten with News from Izvestia.
John Goss
And today Ukraine forces (or uncontrollable rogue battalions) opened fire on a Kindergarden.