Mineral Future

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  • #100796 Reply

      Good luck, LA. My own Dad had heart problems which got completely fixed at the local Hamas Command Centre. Sorry, I meant hospital. Gave him another good 10 years. Even frightening sounding heart procedures like bypasses are considered routine these days.

      #100806 Reply
      Lapsed Agnostic

        Thanks for your well wishes for my dad, Clark, which I’ll hope to pass on. He’s had some tests done and they think it’s atrial fibrillation. Unfortunately, he also had a scan, and they’ve found a growth on his left lung. Anyway, back to the oil & stuff:

        P90 reserves (sometimes called proven reserves) are ones which are classed as having a greater than 90% chance of being economically recoverable at today’s prices with today’s technology. They are usually assessed by independent, highly-qualified petroleum geologists with full access to the appraisal well data. In the US and several other countries, oil company executives can get in a lot of trouble for exaggerating P90 reserves as it’s viewed as misleading investors and, at worst, could end up sharing a cell with Bubba – so they don’t tend to do it. At current consumption rates we have around 50 years of them left – hopefully most of them will be staying put though.

        I’ve had a look at the charts for global oil consumption, and found that in 2023 it was only 0.4% higher than it was in 2018, so I’d say it’s almost plateaued. I’m not really a gambling gal, as Bradley Walsh says on The Chase, but I’d put folding money on average consumption in the years 2025-30 inclusive being lower than in 2023, as well as the average price per barrel being lower. Hopefully, I’ll live long enough to find out if I’m right.

        Tradespeople who remove copper piping from people’s houses and replace it with stainless steel etc, will probably transport it in vans running on either petro-diesel, biodiesel or, most likely, a mixture of the two. Many people in the West will literally give their copper piping away for free, as well as putting up with some minor inconvenience, in response to calls from politicians who tell them it’s necessary to address the climate emergency, just like they queued for hours to have experimental vaccines that had received the absolute minimum of safety testing, and whose manufacturers had full indemnity for any adverse effects (including death), injected into them. Fortunately, the vast majority of them seem to have experienced no significant ill effects – at least so far.

        I’ll try to respond to species preservation / rewilding stuff in due course. Off to the pub now. Enjoy the weekend.

        #100807 Reply
        Lapsed Agnostic

          Thanks for your best wishes for my dad, ET & Glenn. I’ll try to remember to pass them on. As much as I don’t like them, I should be grateful that we still have hospitals in this country – unlike the situation in most of Gaza and, the way things are going, maybe soon most of Lebanon.

          Enjoy the weekend.

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