Need to cancel my subscription

Latest News Forums Site technical issues and feedback Need to cancel my subscription

  • This topic has 5 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year ago by Douglas Gallacher.
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  • #94308 Reply
    Donna Newman

      …and can’t seem to find anything on the site allowing me to do this. Thanks!

      #94325 Reply

        Donna Newman, I assume you have a PayPal subscription, in which case you can cancel via PayPal. I don’t think I’ve seen a cancel button on any site, ever. But I’m no authority on this, and I haven’t been on this site’s team for years, but I’d say cancel via the payment company.

        #94327 Reply
        Donna Newman

          Thanks for the response. The weird thing is that I used the credit card associated with my old PayPal account but had closed that account some time ago so using it to cancel isn’t an option. With my other subscriptions, because of the sites they’re through, I can go in and cancel at any time.
          Again, thanks for the response; I will figure out how to accomplish this.

          #94329 Reply

            Have you tried to login to your old account? If you had closed/deleted your old account all transactions related to that account should have been terminated.

            If you have any outstanding balances on an account, either positive or negative,you cannot close it.

            Try logging into your old account. Or try call paypal customer services, they are usually ok. Failing that contact your credit card issuing bank.

            #94342 Reply

              Donna Newman:

              “With my other subscriptions, because of the sites they’re through, I can go in and cancel at any time.”

              If you link to a good example, I’ll hassle the site team, see if they can implement something similar here. Though other eminently sensible things I’ve hassled for have never been implemented :-/

              #94855 Reply
              Douglas Gallacher

                Please cancel my subscription . I’ve cancelled the recurring payment with PayPal.

                Many thanks


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