New Skripal Theory

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  • #49650 Reply
    John Pretty

      Thank you again Martin. I refer to your quotation:

      “But why not kill them both in hospital? This would have strengthened the novichok claim.”

      If Yulia was the poisoner then she could not have tried again even if she wanted to until she had recovered sufficiently.

      However, she may have changed her mind or may be being actively prevented from attempting again by those who are currently holding her.

      Of course, we do not actually know if Sergei Skripal is still alive and Yulia have only been seen once since the poisoning in the famous interview she had after she had recovered.

      #49761 Reply

        For me the most suspicious part of the puzzle is the lack of surveillance of Skripal house. UK government placed over half a million cameras in London, on every street corner, everywhere, but did they forgot to put a camera next to Skrypal home entrance ? Even if they did, if I was in his place, I would do it on my own. So I don’t belie that there was no video-surveillance, just that they can’t release it, because it would shown that the alleged :”Russian agents” never approached the house to put the poison on door handle.
        Another story how such poison could start acting after several hours, but exactly in the same time in both of them?
        How both get in contact with poison on handle? Could both touch the handle when going out and closing door? Does not make sense.
        It was a set-up to frame Russia, but by whom? Israel, Ukraine, UK?
        Timing (two weeks ahead of Russian presidential elections, 3 month before World Cup) would suggest that someone who orchestrated this wanted to harm Putin / Russia. Israel motive – Russia military support for Assad in Syria. Ukraine motive – Russia support for rebels in Donbas. UK/USA – maybe they have discovered a network of Russian diplomat-spies but could not present any evidence and just wanted to get rid of them as soon as possible and needed a motive for expulsion.

        Julia suicide theory not impossible, but not very appealing for me. Why do it in public?

        #49762 Reply

          Poisoning of both father and daughter would make sense to have a better effect in media on public opinion to make Putin/Russia look bad. If just one old ex spy is poisoned, then people won’t care so much, but if a young woman is also poisoned with him, then he is no longer regarded as ex-spy, traitor, but as father and daughter – family tragedy. The public outcry should be stronger in such case. It was not strong enough, so we got next story with poisoned British couple, right in the middle of Russia World Cup.

          #61889 Reply

            It does look as though there was an intention that everything be visible, and to look like a state-sponsored murder (or murder attempt). Even the “two stoopges” behaved so as to draw attention to themselves.

            If the intention was simply death, it could have been done quietly – hit-and-run car, burglary gone wrong, simple disappearance.

            A message was being sent to someone.

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