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Pigeon English
according to you, energy in UK went up 32 times or over 3000 % and you talk about indo-pacific and you want UK to tell France to fuck off!
michael norton
Pigeon English, it does sound incredible, does it not, that is why it heralds an Economic Crash of World Wide Proportions – watch this space.
You cannot have the price of fuel go up by thirty times in just over a year, without a World Crash.michael norton
France are so angry with England they are spitting Cockerel Feathers. There has been a rivalry between France and England for a thousand years. They hate the fact they are riddled with corruption and inefficiency and decay. We both had massive empires, both now gone but England has the Hinterland of the English Speaking World, South Africa, U.S.A., Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland and the United Kingdom. Aviation runs on using English. Science runs on using English.
All this makes France Angry as Fuck.michael norton
Pigeon English, the U.K. voted to EXIT the E.U. eventually we did leave the E.U. Nobody thought we would be allowed to leave but fantastically we did go it alone. We do not care one half penny what the E.U. says or does, we have left. The U.K. was the first Global Power. Alright, we will never be Number One again but we will be Number Five. France is virtually done.
They have a hated President. They always have riots.
This almost never happens in England. The French Economy is based of Government Money, some say 40% of people in work in France get paid by Government Money. The French Economy is in a death spiral.Pigeon English
According to your link you picked up the lowest point. Why not One year or Two?If NS2 gets certified, prices will drop quickly (not sure about UK).
I am pleased to know that there is no corruption in UK and you are governed by clean government with big public support.
According to world in data you are 6th. (India 5th)
You do not care about EU and likewise they care even less about UK
Public service % of GDP UK about 41% ?
Pigeon English
“Nobody thought we would be allowed to leave”
Who had a power to not let you leave?
Most ridiculous statement!
michael norton
Pigeon English, what I think I mean, is that almost everyone I know, voted for the U.K. to Leave the E.U. and regain our sovereign status. We are now being branded as The United Kingdom. Almost everyone I know, did not think we would be allowed to leave as Britain is so valuable to the E.U., we gave them status.
Our own Prime minister, David Cameron, was against the U.K. leaving the E.U. Most of Big Buisiness was against us leaving. Most celeberaties, were against us leaving. Most scientists, were against us leaving.
You could say most University educated people were against us leaving, so in a way, it was a “peasants revolt”
or you could say the biggest decision in the history of the U.K. that allowed Democracy to win.
In my area, there was a Big majority for leaving, I think in the North East they had the biggest majority for leaving, this was partly about de-industrialisation and consequent poverty. The Levelling-Up, is targeted at the North East.
Blyth for example is where the HVDC Interconnector comes ashore from Norway.
There are plans for a monster undersea fertilizer mine.
Now with added need, as Methane has skyrocketed.
All these elements are geopolitical.
Part of the mechanism for Global Britain, as much as AUKUS, probably more so.
But so much of the U.K.assets are to do with our seas, that is why there is a rapid build up of the Royal Navy.michael norton
“Emmanuel Macron’s high-handed attitude to Brexit made every step more difficult. Even the French media are now comparing our head of state to Napoleon Bonaparte, suggesting that ‘Napo-Macron’ wants to use sea blockades to ‘starve the English’ into compliance.”
Royal Navy needed more than ever, to defend the U.K. against our”partners” over the other side of the English Channel.Macron is acting like a child who has had his sweets confiscated.
michael norton
“A common thread in these face-offs is the fact that Mr Macron and his cronies are preparing for a presidential election in April. Mr Macron is determined to win a second five-year term and establish himself as the de facto EU leader after the retirement of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
As France moves further to the Right, Mr Macron knows he has to attract extreme nationalist voters to defeat rivals such as Marine Le Pen of the National Rally party.
An obvious way of doing this is for ‘Napo-Macron’ to take on his country’s historic enemy at every opportunity, so prepare for Britain to be blamed for every French ill in the coming months. He might not win every battle, but if Mr Macron finds himself back inside the Elysee Palace, his aggression will have served him well – whatever it does for Britain’s relations with one of its closest neighbours.”
Macron thinks he will soon have the U.K. tided over a French barrel.
He ought to remember that The Germans thrashed the French three times, in recent history, it is two hundred years since the British done for Napoleon, the last war between France and England ended in 1815.
Why does he want another war, with his near neighbour, because we left the control of the E.U. of which he wants and expects to be soon crowned Leader of Europe. Yet the French hate the squirt. They despise him.
No, Pigeon English, the U.K. is better off apart from the E.U.Pigeon English
It’s called Projection.
You accuse others of what the UK is doing.
Who is pretending of being Churchill? who is sending Royal navy left right and centre? who is mentioning WW2?
who is constantly blaming EU? It’s all the time UK against EUSSR.
michael norton
The First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff has been appointed as the new armed forces chief, making him the first sailor to get the top military job in 20 years.
So there you have it, the Royal Navy is now back at the top of the tree.
They control two huge aircraft carriers and the Nuclear buttons.Pigeon English
Happy to know that British Empire is back in the game!
Are you parking one Aircraft carrier in La Manche to fight the Frogs and dinghies or to deliver food and petrol to the nation?
With a sailor in command finally Brexit Britain is Safe and ready to rule the world. Step aside Biden, BJ is coming – no pun intended!
Did you finally get some airplanes for Carriers?Even in the linked article past wars were mentioned and obviously Germans.
One of the purposes of the EU was to have friendly co-existence guided by common interest instead of this Brexit Bellicose rhetoric!!
I am happy that Brexit is just giving benefits as promised.
I fully trust BJ and his henchman to turn idle working class (Britain Unchained book) into a well-paid high-productive work force. The rise in prices will be worthwhile and I kind of agree but paying unskilled lazy workers double to get half a job done is very risky. I am sure Brexitears will step in for the country and pick vegetables, slaughter pigs, and nurse their compatriots. At least the army is doing something useful like driving lorries! After all, we have the Royal Navy to protect us with their boats …
[ Mod: For the record, a recent reply from michael norton was deleted because it contained the phrase “The Frogs are hopping mad!”. He has been warned many times about his xenophobic rhetoric – particularly towards the French, Scots, and Chinese – and he may be suspended for it again soon. ]michael norton
Following the announcement of the formation of AUKUS, it is important that the First Sea Lord is made top dog of all the Armed services. It does show that the Royal Navy is back in charge of the nation’s protection. If we think about it a bit, this has probably been in the making for the best part of forty years, since the Falklands Conflict, which would not have been possible without the Royal Navy.
Pigeon English
Oh, I forgot to say I am pleased the Army is on the way to take control of Britain.
The Navy in control of outside security and the rest of the army in control of internal affairs and deliveries.
PS MN did not inform us about 100 Chinese planes flying into the Taiwan “Air defence zone”.
Taiwan and the Royal Navy did not have the guts to shoot them down – I wonder why?michael norton
For the avoidance of doubt, I do not hate the French. I have very many times been to France, I have stayed with and engaged with French people. I have French fiends, we have more than once hosted French people in England staying with us.
michael norton
Multiple sailors on board the USS Connecticut submarine were injured following an incident in international waters, defence officials have revealed.
On 2 October 2021, Connecticut was damaged after the submarine experienced an underwater collision while maneuvering in the South China Sea. About eleven sailors were injured.
Michael, I have to believe that one of the reasons you read and post on CM’s blog is that you are somewhat mistrusting of the main/maniacal stream media. Don’t you think that a lot of the Anti-Chinese especially but also anti-Russian coverage of late is somewhat bogus and appears to be manufactured similar to the Saslisbury novichok poisonings which you have stated elsewhere you disbelieve? Why are you so keen on AUKUS which represents more unnecessary military build-up and spending, money that probably could do more for ordinary people elsewhere?
michael norton
ET I do not believe that Russia is in any way a danger to the U.K. The U.S.A. did their best work to break up The Soviet Union, in the end it did break up. Partly as a result of things orchestrated by the U.S.A. but it probably would have broken up one day. Russia is relentlessly tagged by the U.S.A. administration as being up to no good, weekly. I try and follow what happens in Syria. The U.S.A. tried their hardest to break up Syria, which goes against the Ethos of the United Nations. They make up endless lies about Syria and Russia.
Russia did not crush Iraq, U.S.A. did, after stringing along Saddam, their henchman, to go to war with Iran.I think what Russia has done in Syria, is mostly positive. Very slowly Syria is recovering, no thanks to the U.K., France, U.S.A., Australia or NATO. I also suspect that the U.S.A. has tried to have Erdogan removed from Turkey, they do so much disrupting.
However, I do suspect that China poses a clear and present danger, not because they want to convert us to communists but because they are sucking the life out of the planet and a dazzling acceleration, soon, they will have sucked it to desert.
michael norton
Pigeon English, October 6, 2021 at 21:48,
the U.K. for better or worse has now left the E.U. We may not be the last nation to seek to leave.“The European Commission has warned it will use all its powers against Poland.”
“On Thursday, Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal ruled that key articles of one of the EU’s primary treaties were incompatible with Polish law, in effect rejecting the principle that EU law has primacy over national legislation in certain judicial areas.”
After the U.K. Referendum and the way the vote went, meaning to leave, this set the way, for others to think about their relationship with the E.U. For years Poland and the U.K. have been friends. Nominally, at least, the U.K. entered the Second World War against Germany, because Germany invaded Poland. No doubt Poles still remember that.
Growing up in England, some of my friends were Poles, whoes families had moved to England because of the war.
There have been a number of changes made to Polish law by the current government of Poland that have raised eyebrows not just in the EU but across the world. The stink of the catholic church hierarchy is all over it. I grew up in Ireland in the 70s-80s, the stink is familiar. One of the issues most problematic is the politicisation of the judiciary and legal system, something people reading CM’s blog should be very aware of. They have effectively banned terminations, made IVF impossible for single people and rolled back anti discriminatory legislation amongst other things. Ireland added to its constitution that the state must do its utmost to protect the right to life of the unborn child in 1983. That didn’t go well and has since been removed but it fucked Ireland up for quite a while.
The principle that EU law has primacy over national legislation kinda has to be so and countries that signed up to the treaties signed up to that. If you are going to set up an internal market you can’t have individual countries deciding how to interpret the regulations because you’d soon have all countries interpreting them for their advantage. Also the principle that EU law has primacy over national legislation relates only to those competencies given to the EU in the treaties. Poland is one of the countries that beneftted most from the free movement principle. If you are going to have free movement of workers then you need laws to protect those workers that apply everywhere.
As soon as any country including UK signs a trade agreement you are giving away part of your sovereignty. It can’t be avoided. As soon as you sign a treaty you do the same. The UK fulfilled its EU treaty obligations (better than most countries I should add) until they left, Poland will have to do the same or leave.
“However, I do suspect that China poses a clear and present danger, not because they want to convert us to communists but because they are sucking the life out of the planet and a dazzling acceleration, soon, they will have sucked it to desert.”
Do you think a Chinese person has as much right to use as much energy as a USA person or an Irish person (Ireland uses more energy per-capita than UK)? What right have we to say to a Chinese person that you can’t have as much energy as we have? USA per-capita energy usage is 4-5 times that of China.
michael norton
The Royal Australian Navy is set to dump its troubled fleet of European-made MRH 90 Taipan helicopters, replacing them with US-made Seahawks in a deal worth around $1.3 billion. to be quite a lot of changes going on with AUKUS
Nuclear weapons will avail no one of anything. The world is now utterly interdependent. An internal Pentagon report recently pointed out that the USA was incapable of waging war on China for more than two months because the US military is dependent upon China for manufacturing, among other things, rocket nozzles, integrated circuits and accelerometers.
The best thing the Australian government could do with its shiny new nuclear-electric submarines is moor them permanently and hook their generators into its power grid.
Civilisation’s only way out of its predicament is peace.
Michael, it breaks my heart to see you manipulated by propaganda.
You are falling for the age-old trick of “divide and conquer”.Look. You could very well have posted a quote like this:
– “At the same time,
Kim Yo JongHillary Clinton, thedictator’s sisterPresident’s wife who was elevated to the country’s powerfulState Affairs Commissionsecretary of statelast weekin 2009…”Or, compare this:
– “George Prescott Bush (born April 24, 1976)[1] is an American politician and attorney serving as the commissioner of the Texas General Land Office since 2015. – A fourth-generation elected official as a member of the Bush family, he is the eldest child of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, nephew of the 43rd President, George W. Bush, grandson of the 41st President, George H. W. Bush, and great-grandson of Connecticut U.S. Senator Prescott Bush. He is a candidate for the Republican nomination in the 2022 Texas Attorney General election.”
Now I shall slightly reword one of your Daily Mail quotes:
– “A common thread in these face-offs is the fact that Mrs May and her cronies are preparing for a general election in June. Mrs May is determined to win a second five-year term and establish herself as the first female Prime Minister since the esteemed Margaret Thatcher, and the woman who freed the UK from the EU.
– As England moves further to the Right, Mrs May knows she has to attract extreme nationalist voters to defeat rivals such as Ed Miliband of the Labour party.
– An obvious way of doing this is for ‘Maggie-May’ to take on her country’s historic enemy at every opportunity, so prepare for France to be blamed for every English ill in the coming months. She might not win every battle, but if Mrs May finds herself back inside Number 10, her aggression will have served her well – whatever it does for Britain’s relations with one of its closest neighbours.”
Michael, power structures are the same throughout history and the world over; they manipulate the masses. It is never the “leaders” who go to fight in wars. They send the ordinary peasants to fight, it is always the ordinary peasants whose homes are bombed to smithereens, whose land is reduced to a radioactive wasteland, whose sons are reduced to a bloody pulp, and whose wives and daughters are raped by “the enemy” whichever side ends up doing the raping or the getting raped.
And propaganda never changes either. The people are equated with those who rule over them – “the French”, “the English”, “the Chinese”, as if the rulers truly represented the interests of the people.
You wrote:
– “For the avoidance of doubt, I do not hate the French. I have very many times been to France, I have stayed with and engaged with French people. I have French fiends, we have more than once hosted French people in England staying with us.”
How, then, can these friends of yours also be your “historic enemy”, as claimed by the Daily Mail ? How can you relish conflict between Paris and Westminster, when that would in fact consist of young men from England in the Royal Navy, and young men from France in the French navy, confronting each other in the English Channel, firing weapons at each other’s vessels, mutilating each other, drowning each other, blasting each other to a bloody pulp?
There has to be a contradiction… but where?
Could it be that the news media is actually just propaganda? Just the way that the rich and powerful manipulate the poor and the powerless?
Michael, I should have explained; I had not read this thread recently. When I returned and reviewed it, I was shocked at some of your ideas that I found here.
On the climate thread you have repeatedly suggested that people should get by with less stuff. But one of the most costly and energy-hungry things that humans do are the military activities and conflict.
The EU was not responsible for the UK’s deindustrialisation; that was caused by keeping the pound “strong” in comparison to the Euro. Imports into the UK became cheap because one pound bought 1.60 Euros, but conversely UK goods became expensive in Europe, because one Euro bought only 62p. This worked to the advantage of finance in the UK, but against manufacturing. The UK’s “strong” currency also encouraged immigration.
How is the UK to cope without guaranteed energy-sharing with Europe? For renewables to work their net has to be cast as widely as possible. UK gas is depleted, coal is irresponsible and you don’t like nuclear.
– – – – –Apologies to moderators and to Pigeon English; these thoughts would be more appropriate on the climate thread, but the comments that led to them are here. These matters are inextricably linked, because one of the main things that governments fight over is energy.