New World Shifting to the Indo-Pacific new nuclear powered submarines

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  • #79841 Reply
    michael norton

      There must be a huge number of NATO warships near China at the moment.

      “The Pentagon meanwhile insisted that Dewey’s and Winnipeg’s transit through the Taiwan Strait demonstrates the commitment of the United States and our allies and partners to a free and open Indo-Pacific.”

      On 22 May 2021, following a farewell visit from Queen Elizabeth II, the U.K. Carrier Strike Group left HMNB Portsmouth on its first operational deployment, a seven-and-a-half month roundtrip to the Pacific.

      Mainly to let China know we are watching their every move.

      #79867 Reply
      michael norton

        The U.S.A. warship Dewey is fitted with LaWS

        “The LaWS is designed to be used against low-end asymmetric threats. Scalable power levels allow it to be used on low power to dazzle a person’s eye non-lethally to turn away a threat, and to be used at high power, up to 30,000 watts (30 kW), to fry sensors, burn out motors, and detonate explosive materials. By lasing a vital point, LaWS can shoot down a small UAV in as little as two seconds. When facing small boats, the laser can target a craft’s motor to disable it, then repeat this against other boats in rapid succession, requiring only a few seconds of firing per boat”

        This is what they are sailing past Taiwan, now.

        #79909 Reply

          “Mainly to let China know we are watching their every move.”

          “We”? I don’t feel any need to watch China’s every move; China presents zero military threat to the UK. Do you feel such a need, Michael?

          #79955 Reply
          Pigeon English

            Nice to have Royal Navy and Michael watching China’s every move. We can sleep in peace!
            Thank you M N

            #79962 Reply

              What is 67,000,000 UK meant to do against 1,400,000,000 China anyway? Sailing aircraft carriers at it is ridiculous! The fleet’s computers were probably made there.

              #79984 Reply
              michael norton

                If you do not believe in the United Kingdom, then there is no need to believe in the Royal Navy.

                #79993 Reply

                  Michael, I don’t know how to interpret the word ‘believe’ in that sentence. ‘Believe’ is a difficult word at the best of times.

                  I believe in the existence of both, but I’d need to expound even on that. I doubt that the Royal Navy could be much more than a nuisance to the Chinese government and military. I don’t like the government of the country I’m stuck in running provocative errands for US corporatism, especially not in the middle of a pandemic with fuel shortages and supply chains under severe stress.

                  #80007 Reply
                  Pigeon English

                    Example of jingoism
                    If you do not believe in the United Kingdom, then there is no need to believe in the Royal Navy.

                    #80030 Reply
                    michael norton

                      Wow, I did not know this.
                      The U.K. and France have recently been doing aircraft carrier war simulations together using Charles de Galle and Queen Elizabeth as well as many other assets.

                      All the shouting and nastiness must be put on show for the peasantry of France and the U.K.
                      How astonishing, just when we have been told France is “concerned” about being left out of the “Inner Gang”
                      However, these joint aircraft carrier wargames, was just before the announcement of AUKUS.

                      #80035 Reply
                      remember kronstadt

                        preparations are already in ‘progress’ for nuclear war down under. natives and rugby players will be encouraged to participate.


                        Human Cannonball

                        #80215 Reply
                        michael norton

                          Things seem to be really hotting up between U.S.A. and China.

                          “When asked whether the U.S.A. would defend Taiwan in the event of a conflict, President Biden told a CNN reporter: Yes…The US has a commitment to do that.”

                          I suppose, this is what AUKUS is for, to counter the terrific rise off China.
                          It is hardly unexpected that Xi will not be going to Glasgow but Biden and Obomber will be.

                          #81082 Reply
                          michael norton

                            The new Royal Navy Submarines will be powered by a mainly American designed reactor:
                            Dreadnought prototype review exposes flaws in naval reactor programmeNuclear Information Service (19 Apr 2018)

                            The last planned Astute will also be equipped with PWR3 reactor.

                            The Vulcan Naval Reactor Test Establishment at Dounreay, Scotland, has recently been decommissioned?

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