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- This topic has 58 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 5 years, 5 months ago by
michael norton.
October 6, 2019 at 20:39 #47743
– “…it’s a shame”
Tatyana, your English is easily good enough to enjoy Gravity’s Rainbow in the original English, should you wish to.
Although poetical and surreal, Gravity’s Rainbow is about the development of the V2 Nazi terror weapon that was the first viable rocket of the Space Race, and it is set in Europe at the end of World War Two; all the national borders were down so the whole area was just called “the Zone”. The USSR and the Western allies converged on Peenemünde, to where they had traced back the trajectory of the V2s.
Basically, and in conformance with their respective ideologies, the Western allies got the Nazi officers of the missile teams (Operation Paperclip), whereas the USSR got the engineers. The USSR got the better end of that outcome!
Th end of WWII in Europe was basically a race for the V2 technology, and it was all about nuclear weapons. From the bombing of Hiroshima onwards, the whole world knew that nuclear weapons were practical, but there was no commensurate delivery system; bomber aircraft are highly vulnerable to being shot down before they reach their target. So the superpowers desperately wanted ballistic missiles, and they recognised that the V2 was what they were looking for.
– – – – – – –Ah yes, I had heard of the air leak in the ISS which turned out to be a small drilled hole. Some suspect sabotage, others a manufacturing error before the component was launched.
October 6, 2019 at 20:44 #47744Clark
I was surprised when I realised how important the keyboard player Richard Wright was to Pink Floyd. He did much of the arranging:
This is why humanity must have a space programme.
October 7, 2019 at 09:20 #47758Tatyana
re. “The abuse of non-human animals in early space programmes was met with protest demonstrations in a number of countries.”I’ve came across a joke. Sorce is here Aldrin (the second man who set foot on the moon) joked about why Alan Shepard became the first American in space: “Actually,” he said, “they wanted to send a monkey, but a bunch of letters came to NASA in defense of animal rights, and in defense of Shepard not a single letter arrived. They sent him. ”
October 7, 2019 at 10:44 #47761Tatyana
“Disinformation for Hire” by Jeff John Roberts, published in the ‘Fortune’ September 30, 2019
article summary:– a cyber-security company in Massachusetts called Recorded Future created a fake U.K. company
– then it hired two Russian PR firms to wage information warfare on the company’s behalf
– the range of services offered by the Russian PR firms is startling
– the price to plant news articles in English-language media outlets includes
Reuters: $8,360
Wallpaper*: $8,404
Mashable: $13,370
Financial Times: $49,440
– Recorded Future hides the identity of its analysts who engaged the Russian firms
– director of analysts at Recorded Future is Roman Sannikov
for more detail please read the source, here is the article by Vladimir Kornilov analyzing the Fortune’s news:
in russian– investigators do not name either the fake UK company they created, nor the companies they hired (to “protect their sources”) So, it’s impossible to check the story.
– Roman Sannikov‘s company has been providing Russian-English translation services in the US
– he himself claims that he worked as a translator at the FBI for 20 years
– he says he worked at CrowdStrike from January 2014 to September 2016 (it was CrowdStrike who accused russians of hacking DNC server)
– he was a translator for some dignitaries, including former FBI director Robert Muller 7, 2019 at 15:48 #47765Tatyana
another interesting piece of info comes form the russian article by Roman Kretsul, Yuri Bogdanov and Michael Moshkin November 27, 2015 about the oil sold by ISIS, Alexander Frolov says:
“Could it be tracked a year ago, two years ago? …our Western colleagues… accuse Turkey of profiting. I would like to ask: friends, didn’t you really know how it all looked? … Go to the ship-location sites and see, for example, an Ukrainian oil tanker approaching the territory controlled by militants. Do you believe she goes to enjoy the local landscape?”
It made me think of ukrainian oil tankers, and Ukrainian oil and gas company, which paid big money to the son of a US vice-president, who demanded to fire Ukrainian prosecutor, and the desire of the new US President to investigate the case led to the impeachment proceedings.October 11, 2019 at 21:30 #47832Brianfujisan
Yes Agree The Keyboards/ Piano arrangements of Richard Wright are Breath Taking .. ‘ Us and Them’ Too..almost everything really –
Such Beautiful Music…So Emotionally So.
Us (Us, us, us, us, us) and them (Them, them, them, them)
And after all we’re only ordinary men
Me (Me, me, me, me, me) and you (You, you, you, you, you)
God only knows it’s not what we would choose to do
“Forward” he cried from the rear
And the front rank died
And the general sat and the lines on the map
Moved from side to sideBlack (Black, black, black, black) and blue (Blue, blue, blue, blue)
And who knows which is which and who is who
Up (Up, up, up, up, up) and down (Down, down, down, down)
And in the end it’s only round and round, and roundOctober 13, 2019 at 10:28 #47890Tatyana
Ukrainian news report October 10, 2019
“the United States arrested two businessmen who helped Rudi Giuliani to lobby the investigation into Joe Biden”
source in ukrainian two detained men are Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, they are accused of violating campaign finance rules (Donald Trump’s election campain).
Ex-USSR; lived in Odessa, Ukraine; both are US citizens.
Igor Kolomoisky claimed that they also came to Israel and asked him to help to meet new Ukrainian president Zelensky.
Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman also lobbied for the dismissal of the US ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Jovanovic.Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko says that Marie Yovanovic gave him a do not prosecute list during their first meeting.
source in english, The Hill“…Yuriy Lutsenko said he wanted to open an investigation into the likely Ukrainian interference in the 2016 elections. But he would have to “work out” the director of NABU Artyom Sytnik. He, on suspicion of Lutsenko, published information about secret money transfers of former Ukrainian leader Viktor Yanukovych to Paul Manafort to harm Trump. That is, he acted in the interests of Hillary Clinton.”
But Sytnik was in the “do not prosecute list” handed to the ukraininan prosecutor by the US ambassador.
source in russian 13, 2019 at 19:28 #47897Tatyana
As I see, US diplomats’ work is sometimes far from diplomatic duties 🙂 That is what I read in russian news on the protests in Moscow this August:
… US mission in Russia published a detailed map showing the time, route and the places of meeting of the ‘protest march’… The senator (Andrey Klimov) noted that unauthorized actions in Moscow “wonderfully” fit into the plans of a private intelligence company that works in the interests of the US government.… Deutsche Welle directly called for participation in unauthorized actions… State Duma … Roskomnadzor … Prosecutor General … Foreign Ministry consider the issue of depriving Deutsche Welle of accreditation in Russia. Zakharova (spokeperson for russian Foreign Office) :
… Moscow and Beijing did a great job of analyzing relevant information materials … we see the hand of “one master” both in Russia and in China in the context of interference in internal affairs … our Western colleagues, especially the USA, and also the countries that we conventionally call ‘the collective West’, are behind this.—
ah, and I can’t go without an old joke on the top of it 🙂
– Why is it impossible for a color revolution to happen in the USA?
– Because there is no US embassy in the USA.October 13, 2019 at 20:16 #47898Clark
Hello Tatyana, sorry I dropped out of the conversation; I’ve been with Extinction Rebellion in London:
October 13, 2019 at 21:29 #47902Tatyana
today, October 13, Syria decides to stand against Turkey:
“Syrian army will be deployed along the border with Turkey, to help Kurds to repel the attacks”
So, Damascus is going to wage war with Turkey. I’m waiting for Putin’s statement, re. what will Russia do now.
source in Russian is here (either translate it with on-line translation tool, or wait for RT to cover it for you in english) 13, 2019 at 21:31 #47903Tatyana
Hi, Clark.
I’m too excited with todays news, Syrya is going to stand agains Turkey and it all can really break out into the wholescale military conflict with Russia involved into.October 13, 2019 at 23:11 #47906October 14, 2019 at 06:03 #47908SA
Exiting developments in Northern Syria. Preliminary reports suggest that the SDF and the Syrian government have reached an agreement and that the Syrian army is moving into Kurdish areas to protect against the Turkish invasion. If this proves the case the long awaited peace in Syria will have materialised and regime change has failed.
Amongst items discussed was that the SG will take custody of the Da’esh fighters and families that are prisoners of the SDF.
Maybe there is method in Trump’s madness after all!October 14, 2019 at 09:22 #47910Tatyana
The autonomous administration of the northeastern Syria officially announced on Sunday that it had reached an agreement with the Syrian authorities to deploy the Syrian army along the entire Syrian border with Turkey to help repel the attack of the Turkish army and pro-Turkish groups.
Yasin Aktay, Adviser to the Turkish president, said that the Turkish army will fight back in case of a clash with the Syrian Army on the border of countries.’s state TV reports that Assad’s army reached Tell-Tamr in the northwestern province of Haseke.
Lebanese TV channel al-Mayadeen reports: the Syrian army entered Tabka in the province of Raqqa, which was previously controlled by the Kurds, and moves further north. ‘Admiral Makarov’ frigate tested Caliber rockets and anti-aircraft systems in the Eastern Mediterranean.
She goes to Tartus (syrian seaport and russian navy base). The ship will be on a long voyage as part of the Mediterranean squadron by the end of the year. 14, 2019 at 12:34 #47912Tatyana
US congressman Brian Mast congratulates US Navy with the photo of russian battle ship 🙂
Sometimes I think they do it on purpose. They cannot be really so stupid, can they?
a lot of fun comments there, thank you tovarisch Mast!
“Republican U.S. Rep. Brian Mast is joining Gov. Ron DeSantis in returning campaign cash from businessman Igor Fruman…” 14, 2019 at 12:59 #47913SA
There is an equivalent of RIA Novosty in English, called Sputnik news that has the same report—reports/October 14, 2019 at 13:44 #47914Node
Oops, I got those links back to front and I didn’t even mean to post them here in the first place. I was just using this thread to format my comment to post elsewhere. Sorry Tatyana.
But since I have posted it here …. I was trying to contrast the policing of the two protests, and hence the government’s attitude to them. The contrast would be even more stark if you compared the BBC’s news coverage of them.
I’m not sure who Extinction Rebellion claim to be rebelling against but it ain’t our government.
October 14, 2019 at 17:28 #47921Tatyana
it’s ok, Node. It’s general off-topic thread.
Why is police so strict with the Extinction Rebellion?October 15, 2019 at 13:44 #47941Node
Why is police so strict with the Extinction Rebellion?
It’s the other way round Tatanya, but I mixed up the links and confused you. The police are very tolerant of the Extinction Rebellion protesters, and so is BBC news coverage, which suggests that our government is in favour of it too.
Why? No matter what your view on man-made climate change, it cannot be denied that powerful people are trying to use it as a means to impose global control over nations, through green taxes and legislation. These globalists have a strong influence in our government.October 15, 2019 at 13:46 #47942Node
TatanyaTatyana … sorry again!October 15, 2019 at 17:12 #47946Clark
Extinction Rebellion are rebelling against the toxic system everywhere; there were actions in capital cities all over the world. In Brussels, they were attacked with water cannon, tear gas and baton charges.
– “…global
control over nationsprevention of ecocide, through green taxes and legislation>”I can’t deny that such measures are needed, and much more besides. Are you opposed to international law, Node? Would you prefer cuts to the Public Sector?
XR get on well with the Met, mostly. It’s the non-violence, see?
October 15, 2019 at 18:53 #47947Clark
– “Why is police so strict with the Extinction Rebellion?”
In London, they’re not; It’s the other way around…
Members of Extinction Rebellion, some of whom call themselves “Arrestables”, block a road or an office building and, completely non-violently, simply ignore all requests to get out of the way. Police tell them to get out of the way or be arrested. The Arrestables don’t, so they get arrested. I think over 1300 were arrested over the last week.
The police can only process them so fast, and there are only so many cells.
It’s peaceful non-violent direct action. Civil disobedience. In what are usually immense road junctions stuffed furious with traffic, XR set up civil spaces with music, arts, performance, information, free food etc. There are discussion groups anyone can participate in; People’s Assemblies.
It was that lunatic Roger Hallam’s idea; blame him:
October 15, 2019 at 19:54 #47948Tatyana
Node, Clark, thanks for explaining 🙂
I’m concerned with ecology, the issue is slowly moving to the public attention in my counry. Ordinary citizens litle by litle learn to sort wastes. I see big bins for plastic in public places. And the most important, we have a civil movement “Чистомен” (like Superman, but Clearman) – enthusiasts clean places and share on the social media, others learn and follow the movementЧистомен/hotOctober 15, 2019 at 19:58 #47949Tatyana
By the way, what is your opinion on Greta Tunberg?
October 15, 2019 at 20:34 #47950Tatyana
Russian defence ministry publishes the map of Nothern Syria, posiions on October 15, 17 p.m.
Contact line between Syrian government forces and the Turkish army is patrolled by the Russian military police.
Something’s cooking -
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