
Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Perspective

  • This topic has 4 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 8 months ago by Shibboleth.
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  • #99584 Reply

      It’s strange that in every topic of debate there are usually two distinct arguments, rarely unanimity. Politics divided to the right and left, ecologists and climate deniers – for much of the metacrisis there are two opposing sides on different issues. Even when things are obvious, there is an side that cannot see the same thing. Labels such as conspiracy theorists and cognitive dissonance are attached without any consideration to another view.

      It gets very frustrating trying to process a counter argument when it appears so ludicrous. I hadn’t heard about Dr Iain McGilchrist from Skye until recently, but his work in neuroscience and human behaviour is truly remarkable. Watch this documentary and suddenly everything is illuminated. Understand the implications and we may have more chance of another enlightenment after all.

      (You’ll need a VPN and US station to watch)

      [Mod: Also available for free in the UK if you already have Amazon Prime]

      #99758 Reply

        Iain McGilchrist wrote The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World (2009), and The Matter with Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions, and the Unmaking of the World (2021). His work is cited frequently in a podcast I have been listening to, Fight Like an Animal by Arnold Schroder at

        Polarisation of arguments seems to have been on the rise for some years. It’s a pain.

        #99761 Reply

          I’m slowly working through The Master and his Emissary – fascinating and enlightening, but the brain is extraordinary, of course! How 3lbs of grey matter, 73 of which is water can do all the things we know it’s capable of is incomprehensible. If McGilchrist is correct, it might just be the start of a very different journey.

          #99773 Reply

            Comrades here might find this interesting, it’s all about perspective:


            #99803 Reply

              Cheers Glenn – that was a very interesting read.

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