SARS cov2 and Covid 19

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      “The story certainly gave that strong but misleading impression so I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you were taken in by the story rather than deliberately collaborating in the deception.”

      This statement has a very clear meaning, that you kindly and patronisingly giving me the benefit of the doubt and that I have been duped rather than deliberately collaborating with the deception. Oh thank you so much, such kindness. And you also need to explain what the deception is. Sorry, you can of course pick and choose which questions you wish to answer while throwing insults around.


        ONS ALL deaths figures up to Dec 4 week 49

        UK Gov dashboard:

        All the data needed for anyone wishing to see is there. Clark has already summarised it in aseveral posts. The excess deaths over the 5 year average correlate well with the numbers of covid related deaths/people tested positive/hospital admissions/patients in hospital in both peaks and troughs. If you have a credible alternative explaination for this correlation then please propose it and make your argument supported by facts. Please don’t just point to someone elses argument, make it yourself.


          “I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.”

          Ripley, Aliens.

          This must be how other countries feel about the UK since our inadequate lockdown selected for a new strain that causes ADE. We are filthy, a pariah.


            So here’s what happened. A new strain arose that was more infectious; that means that its R number is higher. Because overall infection prevalence was rising a short, weak lockdown was ordered, which reduced the average R – that is, R for all strains together – to about 0.8, so overall infection prevalence fell. But R for the new strain was higher, so it remained above 1, so while the original strain got reduced, the new strain increased. When the “lockdown” ended, the new strain had been given a head start.

            Brilliant, eh? Looks like France might have closed its borders to trucks from the UK:


            “We can’t lock down it’ll destroy the economy!”



              Highways England
              Be prepared for long delays & ensure you’ve got food & drink if planning on travelling to @Port_of_Dover today. There’s long delays on #A2 from Lydden Hill affecting all travellers. Also delays to freight traffic on #A20 from #M20 J13. Also delays for freight accessing @LeShuttle


                And Clark and E.T. there are some who say that Covid is not the problem it is that lockdown that is the cause of the problem. Figure that one out.


                  SA, 10:39“…you kindly and patronisingly giving me the benefit of the doubt and that I have been duped rather than deliberately collaborating with the deception. Oh thank you so much, such kindness.”

                  These possibilities are the only two ever granted by conspiracy theorists – unless you agree with them, you’re either stupid or evil. Promoting conspiracy theory is all about feeling morally and intellectually superior.


                    It’s not good news. Multple times now after taunting others the UK gov has had to eat their collective hats in regard to covid. It is bizarre. In fairness, it isn’t just the UK. Advice to UK government (and other countries), tell the f***ing truth, good, bad or indifferent. Don’t paint bright future pictures when you cannot know. It ruins your crediblity for when you actually really need credibility.

                    ps. (in jest :D) I need to visit an optician, this damned reCAPTCHA thing is hard sometimes!


                      Inadequate “lockdown” is similar to not completing a course of antibiotics. It applies selection pressure; the more susceptible pathogens are killed off, leaving the resistant ones to spawn further generations.


                        “tell the f***ing truth”

                        That’s our First Demand in Extinction Rebellion.


                          Here is the paper on ADE:

                          An infectivity-enhancing site on the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is targeted by COVID-19 patient antibodies

                          These findings suggest that the production of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 infectivity-enhancing site could be considered as a possible exacerbating factors for COVID-19 and that a spike protein lacking such antibody epitopes may be required for safe vaccine development, especially for individuals with pre-existing enhancing antibodies.

                          Roland Baker, Molecular Genetics, U.C. Berkeley Alumnus:

                          “Well I’m terrified now.”

                          Twitter @RolandBakerIII, 20 hours ago.


                            “tell the f***ing truth, good, bad or indifferent. Don’t paint bright future pictures when you cannot know. It ruins your crediblity for when you actually really need credibility.”

                            This is why I blame government and the “news” media for the rise of conspiracy theory. Conspiracy theorists are supremely annoying and their messages can cause actual harm, but they are a symptom not the cause; they are a reaction against the dishonesty of government and media. They mistake reaction for true independence of mind.

                            CTs: you’re right not to believe, but don’t just reflexively disbelieve either.


                              So basically all the squillions the state handed over to Big Pharma for vaccines didn’t protect anyone much at all because a new strain appeared, even before the Army got their syringes out on council estates, in supermarket car parks, and in football stadia. Funny the government didn’t realise what the “2” meant in “SARSCoV2”. SARS has already mutated into another strain. That’s what the big virus is that’s going around, that everyone’s been talking about for 9 months.

                              The new strain has been impressively labelled “VUI202012/01”, standing for “Variant Under Investigation No.1 of December 2020”. Something wrong with the existing number space, was there? The public relations boys decided “SARSCoV3” or “SARSCoV2.1” wouldn’t sent the right message?

                              So mRNA vaccines, a type never before used on humans (and which involve stimulating healthy body cells to produce “harmless” rather virus-like entities) didn’t work…. Or maybe they did work, depending on what the aim was…

                              Meanwhile we’re not supposed to gather in groups of more than two, under the watchful eye of the police and army, while another lockdown is imposed and the only shops that stay open are the supermarkets which it doesn’t seem will have their usual stocks of vegetables… AND THEN SOME.


                                According to Nick Loman, the profe$$or of microbial genomic$ and bioinformation at the Univer$ity of Birmingham (who is connected with a venture at the university called “Loman Labs”) who was cited in the Briti$h Medical Journal on 16 December 2020, the variant was first spotted in late September and now accounts for 20% of viruses sequenced in Norfolk, 10% in Essex, and 3% in Suffolk. “There are no data to suggest it had been imported from abroad, so it is likely to have evolved in the UK.”


                                What were the ABSOLUTE numbers of cases reported in British local authority areas in, say, the first week and month after the first case was reported? (Indeed where was the first case reported?)

                                And out of interest, how many cases have there been near Porton Down?


                                  Did the Event 201 pandemic “exercise” model the mutation of a more infectious strain? Just asking.

                                  One point that needs stressing is that Britain seems to be heading for a central role in the spread of the new strain, VUI202012/01. What exactly this role will entail is unclear, but for obvious reasons many eyes will be on this soon-to-be-failed state.

                                  Britain was the birthplace of extermination merchants Thomas Malthus, Francis Galton, Herbert Spencer, and H G Wells. It has never been made illegal to praise the work of these guys in the way that since 1945 it has been against the law in Germany to praise Nazism. Spray a bit of paint on a statue to mass murderer Winston Churchill and they lock you in jail in Britain.

                                  Guess what happens to islands on which a killer virus is spreading that has yet to spread much outside those islands.


                                    N_, the problem was inadequate caution; these vaccines were rushed to market. Time and time again we heard the prime minister and his closest aides telling us how the UK would be a “world leader”; “we” stood to make a lot of money from covid-19. Well now we’re a world leader in deadly filth.

                                    1) GET THE INFECTIONS DOWN TO SMALL NUMBERS – Big Bad China actually did this. So did Taiwan, South Korea, New Zealand and, eventually, Australia.

                                    2) (you now have time for) Everything else.

                                    Vaccines have to be targeted, so stop the bloody target from moving, ie. evolving, ie. diversifying.

                                    This necessitates regrettable but TEMPORARY restrictions upon civil liberties. The government could have tied the end of restrictions to a specified reduction of infection prevalence, eg. “these restrictions will apply only until we have X or less infections and Y or less deaths per week – that’s our collective goal, population and government together”.

                                    It also necessitates the government giving the population the MEANS to observe restrictions, ie. a guaranteed income.


                                      Scotland has closed the border with England.

                                      Mid 20th century notice at Dover:

                                      FOG IN CHANNEL
                                      CONTINENT ISOLATED


                                        “Guess what happens to islands on which a killer virus is spreading that has yet to spread much outside those islands.”

                                        – “I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.”

                                        Ripley, Aliens.


                                          Here’s how the new strain has been doing:


                                          Look how it kept going up during the “schools open lockdown” while overall prevalence was falling.



                                            MODS – I’m trying to get the graph to embed.

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                                              Brexit, Britain’s exit from the EU, seems likely to morph into England’s exit from the rest of the world.

                                              Mass exodus from London in progress. But you can’t run away from yourself: Bob Marley – “Running Away” (YouTube, 4m 16s).


                                                Hiya Clark… Fascinating Thread you all have here. Great stuff… I can’t help thinking this would be a Squonk realm here.

                                                The border closed…A vital move..But Took Scot.gove a wee bit too long… As many people could already be on the move.

                                                Stay Safe everyone.


                                                  ” Mass exodus from London in progress”.. I’ve been trying to pin down a source for this Nonsense…Cos it’s driving my daughter to distraction.


                                                    I tried to find who first called VUI202012/01 a variant, given that the position of various protein molecules on the virus varies a fair bit without that term being used. The answer seems to be British kingdom scientists. (Reuters). Why do they name it after the month of December when according to the BMJ it was first noticed in September?

                                                    What a Christmas this looks like being! Britain is unusual in that traditionally many or most people in employment stay away from their paid work from Christmas Day until after New Year.

                                                    Meanwhile there is a Great Conjunction right now between Jupiter and Saturn. The apparent motion of both planets is slow, so it’s not just a one-night thing, but it will be especially cool to observe on Monday, the day of the winter solstice. (Look southwest close to the horizon after sunset.) Such a conjunction also occurred in 7BC and is thought by some to be referenced in the story of the “Star of Jerusalem” that led “wise men” or “kings” to where a family of Palestinian refugees (don’t forget this) had just had a baby.

                                                    Meanwhile in Kent there are huge queues of lorries waiting to leave the country.

                                                    The Port of Dover’s chief executive Doug Bannister says the rush in freight in the run-up to Christmas could mean that the following weeks were quieter. Yes indeed it could. No freight companies want their lorries stuck in a country where the economy has collapsed. The queues are going out, not coming in. I don’t believe they are mostly caused by British companies “stockpiling”, i.e. buying more stuff from the continent than they would do usually. They’re more likely to be caused by companies saying hey let’s play it safe and get our lorries somewhere they will actually be able to transport stuff and continue to bring us some income when Britain goes “pop”, i.e. let’s get them to the continent ASAP.

                                                    Unusually high concentrations of people in an area during an epidemic are surely a bad idea? Lorry drivers have to pee and eat like the rest of us…

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