SARS cov2 and Covid 19

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      ET, 01:16, #64399 – “…wouldn’t the droplet production be subject to physics of the respiratory tract rather than a change in viral genome”

      Yes, droplets will be produced in all sizes, just as they always were. But with the new variant smaller droplets are now dangerous, and these smaller droplets can float further and for longer.


        MODS you’re welcome to delete my non-covid “Nukes over Iran” replay to Dave as well. Let’s keep this focussed; ultimately, nature is more powerful than politics.


          N_, 12:04, #64405 – There is such a strong element now of saying “any old sh*t” because the success of the internet in degrading the culture has meant there’s no problem with the vast majority of the population believing it, or at least acting as if they do – and if you do that enough, you end up believing it.

          Huh! You haven’t looked into any mirrors recently then, N_?

          There’s no “them”, there’s only us, a load of confused and often angry apes desperately trying to decide how to cope, many of us misapplying our entrenched ideologies.


            glenn_uk, 12:49 – “Same behaviour is seen in pretty much every country…”

            See? That proves it’s a conspiracy! Just like fire engines all over the world squirt water at burning buildings; what the hell do they make’m do that for, eh?


              Simon Dolan of Keep Britain Free crowdfunded an attempted Judicial Review of the illegal lockdowns. Illegal because the Government/Politburo are using the 1984 Public Health Act to impose their communist tyranny, but the Act doesn’t allow for a vastly disproportionate response to a seasonal respiratory virus. The courts for process reasons (as in the US) refused to hear the merits of the case.

              This appears to mean the government can’t be formally challenged in court, but they can be challenged in court, but you need a courageous hero, Piers Corbyn, to do so, by getting arrested and insisting on a court case, and then challenging the legality of the ‘law’.

              To avoid this the Police advise, then issue PCNs then threaten £10,000 fines and make a point of making a rough-handling arrest, but then release people after hours in jail, without charge but perhaps on bail. But as its illegal nothing goes to court and if it does the Judge dismisses it, as the penalty sought is far too excessive to be considered justice.

              This I believe is what happens to Piers. The problem is, there are outraged people, as opposed activists, who don’t know the rules of the game, who fight back and end up charged on non-corona offences such as resisting arrest/assault.

              @ N, this is why they use “You should”, “You must”, and “You can only” without clarity, because the restrictions are not a legal requirement, they are government guidance, dressed up as rules, with the intimidation of ludicrous fines, as if they were law. Many people are duly intimidated to go along with it, but if you read the small print of the ‘rules’ on the website you’ll find we are all exempt, if we have the gumption to claim our exemptions.

              That said the restrictions are primarily to ban all anti-Globalist/freedom protests under guise of fighting a virus.


                Indeed, we can’t be sure whether such buildings were destroyed by, or merely with fire. After all, many were old and had structural weaknesses, their construction included old-fashioned materials etc. But you can be sure that the authorities will have them all classified as destroyed by fire, no matter what!

                Wake up!


                  D: “[…] the Act doesn’t allow for a vastly disproportionate response to a seasonal respiratory virus.”

                  Fine. But C-19 isn’t a “seasonal respiratory virus”. Everything following that fallacy above is therefore null and void, sorry Dave.

                  Oh, and Piers Corbyn is an unhinged lunatic, not a freedom warrior. No wonder you like him so much!


                  Just as an aside, I watched an old Law & Order programme from the 1990s a couple of days ago, and it concerned some unfortunate individual suffering from schizophrenia. This poor confused person was convinced that mind control was being imposed through vaccines and medical treatments for non-existent illnesses – and guess who was behind it all? Step forward Bill Gates!

                  • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by degmod.
                  • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by degmod.
                  • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by degmod.

                    Today when I received an item I had bought online it came with a note from the seller begging for positive feedback – i.e. unpaid help with his advertising. That is not unusual but this was the first time I have had a communication which ended with the valediction “Stay Safe” followed by its author’s name.

                    Will this become the “new normal”? Mustn’t say “Regards” or “Take care” or “Best wishes” in writing, or “Bye” or “See you later” or “Cheers” in speech, but to be a good obedient citizen always make sure you say “Stay Safe”?

                    I could see it happening – a SARSCoV2-era update on “Heil Hitler”. Cops and all sorts of tinpots would love it. “Stay Safe” continues the alliteration too. Get an artist on the case to design a symbol for the initial letters?

                    Scottish nationalists could do a “Mc” version. After all, they organised a mass doorstep clapping event for their leader Nicola Sturgeon’s 50th birthday, subsequent to the Boris Johnson-led “clap-ins” for the Holy NHS. Perhaps “Stay Safe and Freedom Soon!” would fit the bill? “Tomorrow Belongs To Us” is too wordy.


                      I have been offered discounts to leave reviews which usually involves registering with a third party review site which I refuse to do. presumably the third party sites pay for each sign up hence discount and make their money on your data.

                      Stay Safe. Have you not parted company from someone with “Drive safely” or “safe journey?” Reflection of the times and a PR exercise all in one. Not sure I’d read too much into it.

                      The ONS has uploaded week 52 figures.

                      • 2020 All Deaths 604,045
                      • 5yr avg Yearly All Deaths 531,129
                      • 2019 All Deaths 527,234

                      76,811 increase over 2019 or 13.8% that figure being 12.7% of total 2020 deaths. 72,916 increase over the 5 year avg or 13.7%.
                      The 2020 figures break down age groups in 5 year increments whereas the previous years don’t. So that said I looked at the age group 15-44 and 45-64 as that was what was available in the previous years.

                      • 2019 age 15-44 = 14714
                      • 2020 age 15-44 = 15443
                      • 2020-2019 15-44 age = 729 or 4.95% increase over 2019 or 4.72% of 2020 deaths for that age group.
                      • 2019 age 45-64 = 63195
                      • 2020 age 45-54 = 71979
                      • 2020-2019 45-64 age = 8784 or 13.9% increase over 2019 or 12.2% of 2020 deaths for that age group.
                      • covid related deaths (mentioned on death cert) 2020 = 77,686
                      • resp deaths 2020 = 62,420
                      • resp deaths 2019 = 71,674
                      • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by modbot. Reason: List formatting

                        At 8pm tomorrow (Thursday), it’s “Clap for Heroes“. The BBC article includes a photo credited to the AFP press agency showing a pair of d***heads wearing “Thank you” tee-shirts with rainbows. One is making a “heart” shape with her hands, while the other has his hands thrown in the air as if he’s either a “born again” Christian or an “Occupy” loony showing his appreciation of the guy behind the microphone by giving it some “jazz hands”. They had lots of your type at the Nuremburg rallies, mate.

                        Here is Annemarie Plas – front person for both “Clap for Our Carers” and “Clap for Heroes”, whose original “initiative” was praised by the British monarch, joining in with Tory leader Boris Johnson clapping outside Number 10. Don’t tell me you were ever worried about it “becoming political”, Annemarie – you’re full of it. You wouldn’t be doing it again if you had any real problem with it.

                        Plas is connected with “Together“, a group that requires investigation.

                        Talk/together is the UK’s biggest-ever conversation about what divides and unites us, and what could bring our society together in these difficult times.

                        A Steering Group will oversee its direction and evolution, which is chaired by the Archbishop of Canterbury and includes a broad range of organisations and individuals from the NHS and ITV to the Scouts, Guides, the British Paralympic Association, trade unions and the CBI.

                        Members of the “steering group” are listed here. Google, the Economist, Aviva, the Sun newspaper, Reach (formerly Trinity Mirror), ITV, and Richard Dannatt – the former chief of the General Staff – are all involved. Chair of the committee is the Archbishop of Canterbury. They don’t seem to have managed to recruit anybody yet from the trade unions, despite their statement of intent. Maybe it was a case of “my tongue is brown, but it’s not THAT brown, so get away from me!”


                          One thousand deaths a day and there are still people arguing that the virus is no worse than seasonal ‘flu. Blinkered stubbornness and denial.


                            ET, thank you for summarising the mortality statistics.

                            In 2020, COVID-19 killed nearly ten thousand people before their old age.

                            Since the end of 2020 the death graph has continued to rise more steeply than at any time since the rise of the first wave, and the curve is continuing to steepen, just as we would expect from the steep infection curve, from which we can also infer that the death rate must continue to rise for at least another two weeks.

                            Current case numbers are at least 2.2 times higher than reached before the November restrictions caused them to fall, so I predict that the death rate must rise to at least 2.2 times its November peak, ie. over 1070 deaths per day average. At least.

                            Infections are much higher in England, so the English average mortality per population per day will be even worse than for the UK as a whole. Interesting that patriotic attitudes seem to correlate generally with covid trivialisation and denialism. I didn’t suspect that dying of preventable illness was what “dying for one’s country” was supposed to mean.


                              Interesting piece about criticism of the new “Clap for Heroes”. Annemarie Plas’s voice doesn’t come across well in the article, so it’s hard to be clear about her position. But at least we can say that she has misgivings about “Clap for Heroes” because of the response from people working in the NHS. Perhaps she has been getting a bad taste in her mouth realising what is really behind “Together” and the official support for clapping, and she has decided she doesn’t want to be their poster girl. I hope so. Maybe she should do a website or something, if her visa status makes it feasible. She may possibly have quite an interesting story to tell.

                              One point which should be mentioned is that whereas the clapping was always both nationalistic and pro the authorities (as was happily recognised by the SNP who adapted it to a campaign of adoration for their Leader, who is also the leader of the Scottish government), it is now becoming militaristic too. It’s no accident that the slogan “Clap for Heroes” recalls “Help for Heroes”, the military charity that many on the far right (and in the “base” of the far right) have stickers for on their cars, and which has quite a presence both in “white van man” and traditional Tory bourgeois areas.


                                I agree, the clap for heroes thing is a nonsense. A trinket.

                                I heard today from a friend who is a nurse that they have been asked to turn off the tracing app whilst at work in an effort to reduce those going off work. This person is community based so not in a hospital.


                                  Hi Clark..I You Have a Better 2021..I hope we all do.. I hope Squonk is Ok too..I know he is lingering around…

                                  I wanted to show you this Documentary.. The Inuit Elders – Know before being Told – Climate


                                  Stay Safe


                                    Hiya Brian; thanks for the vid and good to see you. Squonk’s OK now the trouble in Washington has calmed down.

                                    Re. “Clap for the NHS / Heroes”; it’s the sort of thing that puts everyone automatically in the wrong, whether they support it or reject it. It is unavoidably divisive. As supposed support for the workers it is paltry, an insult by being so obviously a propaganda ploy, but to abstain can only look mean. It’s an embarrassment. And yes, the new militaristic echo just makes it worse.


                                      Good news: Clap for Heroes yesterday seems to have been a bit of failure. Or at least those who are behind it (see below) look as though they will have to change it a lot.

                                      I am hoping that the underlying reason is a sense of growing unease among working class employees of the NHS, such as nurses, about all the Covid-related absolute bullsh*t that is going down. Maybe some of them are even sensing the ongoing build-up to a Malthusian “cleansing”. If that doesn’t give them the collywobbles, nothing will.

                                      From this perspective the idea of “Don’t clap for them; just give them more pay” would be a result of the trade union leaders having been called in by big business and government to help out. Please DON’T let this be the angle from which you oppose “Clap for Heroes”, because it’s a trap.

                                      (Yes, this is how propaganda works in fast-moving situations. You are seeing how control over opinion is actually wielded. Shifts like this can say a HUGE amount about how the rulers actually rule, about divisions and strategy and dynamic, but you need to have worked out a fair bit about all of that first in order to understand it I think. Most critics understand little about this, because they are too busy deploying their petty bourgeois idea that bad management is some kind of big reason for stuff, when it isn’t. A good book to start with is Edward Bernays’s “Propaganda”. Bernays practically invented modern marketing and knew what he was talking about.)

                                      I am all in favour of nurses getting more pay, but seriously that goal or demand should NOT be the main issue right now. It’s not as if they’re starving.

                                      In fact if they are given more pay that will be advance warning (if any were needed) that they will be given some orders to do some very dirty stuff indeed. When you see how they are increasingly being presented to the majority who do not work in the “health” sector as some kind of soldiers or at least “home guard” force, be very afraid.

                                      Anyone sceptical of the idea that the unions are helping out big business and the government should first try to wrap their heads around who the backers of “Together” actually are. Backers include Google, the global company that is deeply involved with the NHS’s Covid-19 “app”, and Aviva, one of the “Big 4” providers of private health insurance in Britain. When interests like that tell you to all stand together ritually clapping for the state’s heroic hygiene service…think a bit before saying “yes sir”.



                                        No..You will See VERY LITTLE Of Ths in Scotland

                                        On an OT .



                                          How likely is that the vast majority of the population in Britain etc. may have already contracted SARS-CoV2?

                                          Some may pooh-pooh this idea, but wait a minute…

                                          A negative antibody test provides NO indication that a person hasn’t already contracted the virus and beaten it off. This is because they may have an immune system that manage to kill the virus with its “first line of defence” without calling out any “specialised” antibodies. Therefore the published figures for “cases” do not refute the hypothesis.

                                          It is a glaring fact that the authorities aren’t lifting much of a finger to spread information about how to keep your immune system in good shape. If they were serious about preventing deaths from this kind of coronavirus (i.e. SARS) in a pandemic, they would do precisely that.

                                          Note that we live in conditions where “flu vaccines” are promoted all over the place – by Tesco, by the government, by local “GP” quacks, etc. Only a moron takes a flu vaccine every year like a compliant little sheep. Not very many people at all know about how to reduce your risk of falling ill with the rhinoviruses that cause most cases of the common cold, the coronaviruses that cause about 1 in 6 cases, and the flu-type viruses that cause flu. (Those who want to start informing themselves, start with vitamin C. But for goodness’ sake don’t buy the tablets that contain artificial sweetener, OK? Try orange juice.)

                                          It is an admitted fact that black British and Pakistani British people have died “with Covid” in larger proportions than white British people, and also that working class people especially if working in “insecure” jobs are more “at risk”. (The death rate too probably varies a lot by “socioeconomic group”, i.e. class, but I have found no documentation to that effect – too touchy a subject, presumably. But it’s admitted that black and Asian people in Britain are dying in this pandemic in proportionally greater numbers than white people).

                                          It must be true that the TESTING network (its protocols, logistics, laboratories, and communications) featured in the pandemic “exercises” such as Event 201 as well as in other planning.

                                          Now put all the above together.

                                          What I’m suggesting is that if you haven’t bothered keeping your immune system in good shape – whether you’re a couch potato or you’re somebody who “goes to the gym” to build up your muscles, which have little to do with your immune system – and then you fall ill for example with “seasonal flu”, then if you get any kind of medical attention whatsoever you had better WATCH OUT. Especially if you are black, South Asian, or working class…

                                          * because the test when it comes back may well say you’re SARSCoV2 positive even if you aren’t;

                                          * because your flu-type symptoms may get you “diagnosed” with “Covid” regardless, in which case don’t expect to get any proper contact with your family and so on, which is very important to keeping up people’s “will to live” when they are ill and makes them (slightly) less vulnerable to bullsh*t stitch-ups too;

                                          * because if you’re in the hospital you may REALLY get hit by SARS-CoV2 (again and worse than before) because of a high viral load, and

                                          * because if and when you catch the pneumonia which is so rife in hospitals, they may just kill you off. (If more people understood about “DNR” [1] and “QOLY” [2], there would be riots in the streets.)


                                          1) DNR – “Do Not Resuscitate”
                                          2) QOLY – “Quality of Life”. (I wouldn’t be at all surprised if “medical records” contain a number for this for almost everybody. The metric is calculated as in the following example: “10 years of 100% quality, followed by 5 years at 60% quality and 1 year at 20% quality, give this person a QOLY socre of (10 * 100%) + (5 * 60%) + (1 * 20%) years, equals 13.2 years. That’s how medics think of you. Vets think of pets in the same way – how long you’ll still be bringing your pet to them and how much money they think they will make out of you in that time.


                                            Don’t forget too that vegetarians on average live 8 years longer than flesheaters (9.5 years for men, 6.1 years for women). Obviously there are other variables involved too – no doubt about that – but still the statistic says an awful lot about how a healthy lifestyle can help you live much longer in this world in which there are loads of bacteria and viruses flying about all the time that in some cases kill people.


                                              “How likely is that the vast majority of the population in Britain etc. may have already contracted SARS-CoV2?”

                                              Well, how fast are infections rising, followed by deaths? Would that be happening if there was widespread resistance or immunity?

                                              “A negative antibody test provides NO indication that a person hasn’t already contracted the virus and beaten it off. This is because they may have an immune system that manage to kill the virus with its “first line of defence” without calling out any “specialised” antibodies.”

                                              Oh, you know all about this, do you? It’s the field you’ve studied and specialised in for a few decades, is it? Or are you just parroting Yeadon? ‘Cos you didn’t say any of it before Yeadon said it. Yeadon who said there could be no second wave, immediately before the second wave and its tens of thousands of deaths.


                                                N_, your posts have been so full of hate for all and sundry, can I assume you’re spreading the covid denial conspiracy theory in the hope of killing off as many of your fellow humans as possible?

                                                You’re always going on about some impending “cull” by our “masters”; psychological projection, possibly?


                                                  “If more people understood about “DNR” [1] and “QOLY” [2], there would be riots in the streets.”

                                                  QALY and WELBY are imperfect attempts to quantify things that are pretty difficult to quantify. Mostly used in assessing cost effectiveness of interventions. It is a government’s job to ensure value for money where there are limited resources.

                                                  Charlie posted a link to a parliament committee discussion in this thread where these terms were invoked:

                                                  I have never seen QALY in any medical notes, not ever. As I have said before N_ you have a real issue with doctors which you demonstrate incessantly in your posts in many threads. I can assure you QALYs never come into individual patient care decisions. I am fairly sure that a large number of docs have never heard the term.

                                                  As for DNR orders. Many patients request this themselves. Think of an end stage cancer patient who does not want medics jumping on their chests to resuscitate when they know they are going to die very soon anyway. I think that the vast majority of the public is well aware of DNR orders and understand their place. Decisions relating to DNRs are made after discussion with patients where possible and family members. The most senior person on the medical team is involved as soon as practically possible.

                                                  Far from rioting I think most people in the UK would understand what a QALY is attempting to be and I am certain anyone who has had a relative with cancer or other end stage disease knows the place for DNRs.

                                                  As for flu vaccinations, I think you need to reassess your opinion. Prior to this pandemic the effects of the annual excess winter deaths was being addressed by the NHS. More and more hospitals and GP surgeries were emphasising hand hygiene, use of PPE dealing with suspected flu and recognising its role as a significant cause of death. Vaccination was encouraged in the vulnerable groups and latterly more broadly. Protocols were drawn up on caring for suspected flu patients in hospitals with more emphasis on isolations and PPE. It was moving in the right direction.

                                                  I note that the deaths from Respiratory causes other than covid are significantly down in 2020. I suspect because of the general anti-viral measures being adopted by more people.


                                                    New Age hippiedom is exceedingly ugly. Food prejudice, health prejudice, dismissal and wilful ignorance of science, moral relativism, and the incessant carping on about the “immune system”, of which they have less than rudimentary understanding. As an ideology it preaches that each adherent’s opinion is just as good as that of anyone who has studied a subject and practised in its field for a significant portion of their life. Mentally lazy, emotionally shallow, individualistic and uncaring; a very sad thing to have developed from the 1960s psychedelic movement and those brave activists who opposed the US devastation of Vietnam. Once subsumed by it, I’m proud now to have rejected it.


                                                      Ten countries in the world account for 57 out of the 88 million cases of Covid-19 in the world that is 64% of cases. These top 10 include 5 of the G7 nations. The US alone accounts for a quarter of all cases. What do these statistics say?

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