The Salisbury Poisonings Episode Was All Staged

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  • #91981 Reply
    Allan Howard

      I put the following together last night over a period of several hours, and wasn’t really sure what I was gonna do with it, then I remembered the Forum on Craig’s website and thought maybe I can post it on there. So here it goes:

      It just occurred to me that ‘Salisbury’ was concocted and contrived to paint Putin as evil in the UK and European public’s minds in preparation for when the US/Nato finally provoked him into invading Ukraine (so as to prevent Ukraine becoming a member of Nato). The point is that ‘Salisbury’ was undoubtedly staged, and there is no reason on the planet why Putin would want Sergei Skripal bumped off. And there is no way on this planet that even if he did, that it would be planned and executed in the way it (allegedly) was – i.e. coating a nerve agent, Novichok, on the door handle of Sergei Skripal’s front door. AND, to (allegedly) do it on the Sunday morning/lunch time in broad daylight. And it is inconceivable that it took the chemical weapons experts around three weeks to discover it (on the door handle), and in the real world, as soon as it was determined that the Skripals had been poisoned by a nerve agent, the chemical weapons experts would have been there straight away, and the first thing they would have checked before entering the property is the front-door handle. And needless to say, the chances of two people who had come in to contact with a nerve agent several hours earlier becoming incapacitated at exactly the same moment are absolute zero. But thank heavens they didn’t stay at home after coming into contact with it!

      Just came across the following, which is news to me:

      On 16 February 2019 The Sunday Times reported, without identifying sources, that Sergei Skripal “has suffered a deterioration in his health and is being treated by doctors”. On 7 June 2020, The Sunday Times reported that Sergei and his daughter have been settled in New Zealand under new identities.

      I don’t know how widely this was reported in the MSM, but I just did a quick search and found a Sun article dated Feb 17, 2019, and headlined ‘Poisoned Sergei Skripal’s health is ‘deteriorating’ as troll hangs Russian flag on Salisbury Cathedral a year on from novichok attack’. Hmm, what an amazing coincidence that someone should hang a Russian flag on Salisbury Cathedral at the same time as the first news about Sergei Skripal in eight or nine months should appear in the media (The Times and the Sun, anyway). I mean this is actually two weeks before the first ‘anniversary’, so if someone was doing it to be vindictive – and given that they obviously knew it would be taken down shortly after it was spotted – then the obvious day to hang it there is on March 4th (in the early hours of the morning). I really can’t see anyone sympathetic to Russia doing it…. the exact opposite in fact. And another coincidence is that Sergei Skripal’s health should just happen to deteriorate a couple of weeks or so before the first ‘anniversary’. But it’s obviously just coincidence of course.

      Anyway, I was just checking out something in relation to the (alleged) Salisbury poisonings in March, 2018 – i.e. just verifying what they were initially calling the Novichok prior to identifying it (and as I thought, it was ‘unknown substance’) – and ended up reading a Guardian article that came up in the results (which I probably read at the time, along with numerous other articles in the mainstream newspapers), and whether I read it or not, it’s very interesting to read it some five years later and, as such, pick up on things that you didn’t pick up on at the time. So, for example, in the article it says the following:

      A police van was outside Skripal’s home in Salisbury on Monday night. James Puttock, a neighbour, said that he had lived in the area for more than seven years. He was “very quiet”, he said. “If I see him in the street I say hello. Police have been here since Sunday afternoon. They’re in the house asking questions now.”

      In the house asking questions now?! Asking questions of WHO??? As for the police being at the house since Sunday afternoon, the only thing I’d come across prior to now, was that DS Nick Bailey and a couple of colleagues went to Skripal’s house on the Sunday evening (where he (allegedly) came into contact with the Novichok on the door handle), but for some inexplicable reason it took two days before HE became unwell (or so unwell that he went to the hospital – again! – see below), unlike the Skripals, who became incapacitated within a few hours of (allegedly) coming into contact with the Novichok on the door handle, even though he (and his two colleagues) were wearing hazmat suits. Just why they would be wearing hazmat suits, or think to take protective clothing with them in the first place, has never been explained (see interview below in which it HAS been explained!). And it is also inconceivable that they wouldn’t have taken the guinea pigs with them, and the cat(s) if it was around, and if it was out, then there would undoubtedly have been a couple of bowls on the floor (in the kitchen most likely), one with water in it, and one that had some meat or cat biscuits in it, or was empty, but was obviously on the floor to feed a pet cat (or cats). And if the cat wasn’t in the house, then the most obvious thing in the world for them to do once they’ve determined that there is no-one there who has taken ill (which was their sole reason for going to the house) and removed their hazmat suits, is to knock at next-door neighbours to ask if Sergei Skripal has one or more cats. Of course you would, given the situation (apparently it was near midnight when they went to the house, as I learnt from an interview I came across an hour or two after writing this, as you will see further down the page). But then again, maybe the cat WAS there, but they just left it there along with the guinea pigs. As if!! And then there was Sergei Skripal’s vet, who phoned the police as soon as he learnt it was Sergei Skripal – as reported by the Sun on March 17th in an article headlined ‘PET POISON PUZZLE Russian spy Sergei Skripal’s pet cat and guinea pigs are taken away for tests’ – presumably on the Monday evening when his name was first made public.

      But what the neighbour says – James Puttock, that is – is that the police have been there (at the house) SINCE Sunday afternoon. In other words, the police have been in attendance since Sunday afternoon. And he doesn’t say ‘Sunday evening’, which is what you would think he would describe it as if it was 5.30/6.00pm (or a little later). As I recall it, the Skripals only arrived at the hospital around 4.30 pm….. I thought I’d better just do a quick search to verify the time, and this is what it says in the Wikipedia entry for ‘The poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal: ‘At 17:10, they were taken separately to Salisbury District Hospital by an ambulance and an air ambulance’. So how COULD the police, and why WOULD the police, have been there Sunday afternoon. I don’t recall if a specific time was given for when Nick Bailey and his two colleagues went to the house, but it was definitely described as (the) Sunday evening, or Sunday night.

      About three years ago, perhaps a bit longer, I came across an interview that Nick Bailey did with the Radio Times about a year after the (alleged) poisonings; but I can’t find it now, although in the process of looking for it I came across a lengthy interview he did with someone called Andy Coulson on a website called Crisis What Crisis. Here’s a (quite lengthy) segment from it (I’ve no idea what the numbers represent):

      00:11:45.23 Andy Coulson:
      Let’s go to that day, if that’s okay. What I’d like you to do, Nick, if you’re happy to, is talk us through it. You know, you were on a shift, as I understand it, Sunday evening at your desk, you’d heard that there’d been an incident in town and it was partly kind of boredom that you thought… because it wasn’t kind of beholden on you to get down there, you thought, actually I’ll just go down and help out.

      00:12:08.01 Nick Bailey:
      Yeah, it was literally that.

      00:12:09.23 Andy Coulson:
      Pick it up from there, if you don’t mind.

      00:12:12.17 Nick Bailey:
      Yeah, so it was a normal evening shift. I think it was a Sunday evening shift, I was just sat at my desk doing some normal work, as a detective sergeant and I heard this call on the radio about two people being unconscious or semi-conscious on a park bench in the city centre. That wasn’t necessarily something that CID would be involved in straight away but I am a bit of a nosey bugger and thought well that could be a whole number of things but I will at least go down and offer my support. You know, my uniformed colleagues were down there dealing with it and doing a brilliant job and I was never, my intention was never to go down and take over the scene because there might not have been anything to take over. It was just to go down and have a nosey around and just see if could help in any way. And it kind of went from there.

      00:12:59.17 Nick Bailey:
      So yeah, went down to the scene, the two patients who we now know to be Sergei and Yulia Skripal had already gone. They’d been taken off by paramedics and there was certainly nothing at that point that kind of pointed at it to being a crime or a crime scene. So we kind of went back and we did some research back at the police station and started talking. And obviously by that point we were starting to get a little bit of information back from the hospital about how they were. And as I recall they were unconscious and they certainly weren’t very well at all. And the evening kind of just progressed.

      00:13:38.23 Nick Bailey:
      There was a moment that I will never forget when we were talking to the Duty Inspector who came down, the force Duty Inspector came down to kind of oversee what was going on and we were talking to him about the different scenes. By this point we’d found Sergei’s car which was in a nearby carpark. So we had his car there, we had the bench which was the scene and we also had his address which we’d asked police officers to go and secure, or certainly just be there just in case we needed somebody to do anything at the scene. And we were talking about how we needed, really, to go into the house to see if there was anybody else in the house, there were any other medical emergencies, any other patients there and if there was any evidence there. If we could establish what had happened to these two people maybe it had happened at the house, we were just none the wiser. And I remember vividly deciding between us, you know as a collective decision that the best thing to do was to ask the neighbour who had a key, she had a spare key because she used to go in and help out or let the cat out…

      00:14:47.04 Andy Coulson:
      Look after the cat, yeah.

      00:14:48.22 Nick Bailey:
      Yeah, look after the cat, I think it was. And I remember vividly saying, ‘Right, well what we’ll do is we’ll ask the neighbour to go into the house and we will accompany the neighbour on the pretence that we’re…’ Make sure the house is secure because we didn’t know how long they were going to be in hospital for. ‘…And whilst we’re there we can just make sure there’s nothing untoward there.’ And that was the plan and we even radioed the police officer who was at the scene to say ‘This is the plan, go to the neighbour, let the neighbour go in, unlock the door and go into house.’ And literally two minutes later my colleague, who was sat at her computer, she called me over and said, ‘Serg, you’re gonna need to see this.’ And I just walked over and looked over her shoulder and she googled Sergei’s name and brought up newspaper articles. I can’t remember what the newspaper was but it was a picture of Sergei behind bars and it was basically saying that he was an ex-Russian spy why had been released as part of some kind of spy swap. And obviously at that point it became incredibly significant.

      00:15:58.03 Andy Coulson:
      This is one of the kind of remarkable, the smaller points in a truly remarkable story. This guy was, as you say, a google search away will tell you of an extraordinary life. As you say he’s a former spy, now here living in the UK in plain sight. There was no protection, he’s not living under some kind of programme like you see in the movies. This guy was living in Salisbury and everybody knew who he was and he was still using the same name. And the google search revealed that. So in your mind you were quite quickly you realised, hang on there could be, it could clearly be something much darker at play here. But you still went to the house?

      00:16:47.10 Nick Bailey:
      We did, well, we did eventually. What we did immediately without even talking about it, and I remember this so vividly because I reflect on it quite a lot about what might have been, is without even talking about it we got on the radio and said to the police officer at the scene, ‘Do not go into the house, do not let that neighbour go into that house.’ And I think about that a lot because I think about what could have been. That neighbour would have unknowingly done exactly what I did by going into the house without gloves on, unlocking the door, opening the door, going in. And I just think about how lucky we were and if those events of googling had happened a few minutes later it would be a very different story and we would have potentially had a very sick, seriously ill person being the neighbour. So it’s one of those invisible bullets that you dodge unknowingly.

      00:17:43.15 Andy Coulson:
      Lucky for them. As you’ll now explain, less so for you. So you had the presence of mind to get some protective clothing organised. Again, not a straightforward process as I understand it. You know, one assumes that there’s a cupboard that gets opened and you’ve got all the gear that you need. You had to borrow it, I think, didn’t you?

      00:18:07.08 Nick Bailey:
      Yeah, we did, yeah. The closest…

      00:18:09.16 Andy Coulson:
      Not that you gave it back, I’m sure.

      00:18:11.02 Nick Bailey:
      …equipment… no, funnily enough they didn’t want it back. No, the closest police equipment for that kind of forensic PPE that we wanted, the closest was in Melksham. There were three of us and this was much later on into the night. So by this time the circumstances were a lot more sinister than when we first started. We still didn’t know what had happened to them. We still couldn’t confirm that a crime had taken place but our thought processes were of who he was and possibilities of what could have happened to him were a lot more significant and as I say, a lot more sinister. And by this time we’d been joined by the on-call Senior Investigating Officer who’d come down and decided we had to go into the house.

      00:18:58.19 Nick Bailey:
      And this was much later into the night. This was almost kind of midnight time by the time we went into the house. But we knew we had to go in, we had to check the house to make sure there were no other casualties and start to try and get an idea of what was going on. So yeah, so we kitted up in forensic suits and made our way to the address and that’s the…

      00:19:21.09 Andy Coulson:
      And you’re the first in?

      00:19:22.20 Nick Bailey:
      I’m the first in, yeah.

      00:19:23.24 Andy Coulson:
      And in a way this whole extraordinary situation comes down to you being the person who puts your hand on the doorknob to get into the house. And that’s the doorknob that’s been sprayed with Novichok. And although you had protective clothing on it clearly wasn’t of a sufficient grade to give you the protection.

      00:19:51.22 Nick Bailey:

      00:19:52.06 Andy Coulson:
      You must think about that specific moment, the moment you put your hand on that door to get inside? Or don’t you?

      00:20:00.21 Nick Bailey:
      Do you know what? I don’t really. That was the start of the trauma but it was a very normal enquiry. There was no trauma that came from that specific moment. So me unlocking a door and opening a door handle and walking in, it’s a very, very normal thing for everybody to do and in particular for us. That enquiry was a very straight forward enquiry of checking the address. And yes, that was the moment that I got Novichok on my glove and then subsequently onto my skin or however it got into me. And I don’t really, I don’t really think about that that much. I think that was…

      00:20:46.06 Andy Coulson:
      Other than, as you say, to be grateful that it was not someone else which in itself says something about you obviously, but in itself is interesting.

      00:21:00.06 Nick Bailey:
      Yeah, there were three of us that went into the house and if I could turn back time it would be me every time to go through that door. I wouldn’t wish that on anybody, what we went through. And I know that the two people that I was with they dealt with, to a certain extent, survival guilt.

      00:21:21.04 Andy Coulson:
      Right, you’ve talked about it amongst the three of you, obviously?

      00:21:22.21 Nick Bailey:
      Yeah, yeah. They kind of came out unscathed physically, physically unscathed but they had their own kind of demons because, you know, it wasn’t like, Nick, you’re the one going in, it just kind of came about. I think I might have even said, ‘Oh, give me the key, I’ll go and unlock the door.’ It wasn’t even something that we needed to discuss; it was such a normal, routine thing to do we didn’t need to kind of plan.

      00:21:43.24 Andy Coulson:
      Yeah, but this isn’t a subject for guilt or blame, it’s a subject of fate, no more, isn’t?

      00:21:50.15 Nick Bailey:
      Yeah, yeah, I think it probably is, yeah.

      00:21:53.09 Andy Coulson:
      Do you look at it in those terms? I mean, we’ll get into it in a bit more detail as the story unravels but when you think about that specific moment now do you…? How do you sort of categorise it? Is it fate? Is it luck? Is it kind of, just this incredible chain of events, all the things that had to kind of align for that moment to happen for you? I mean, it’s just… it must be such an impossible thing to fathom? You know people often talk in crisis about the need to find an explanation or some logic or just some sort of… justification is the wrong word but to try and understand it. You know, it must be an incredibly difficult thing for you to have got to the point where you can understand what happened, if you know what I mean.

      00:22:42.07 Nick Bailey:
      Yeah, I mean, what’s difficult to kind of get my head round and what’s difficult to understand for so long was the sheer magnitude of the whole situation as it started to unravel. So the, like I said before, the part of going into the house which is where I got poisoned, is not necessarily traumatic albeit that’s where the trauma came from. And it’s just one of those things. It sounds really silly, I don’t think there’s any explanation behind that, it just happened and if it wasn’t me it would have been somebody else. And I don’t dwell on it too much because I think you could become so engrossed in the why me, what ifs, how did this happen? It happened.

      00:23:39.08 Andy Coulson:
      Let’s get into that in a little bit more detail in a moment. We should obviously just sort of make clear that this Novichok is a weapons-grade nerve agent developed by the Russians in the seventies. It’s a military weapon, you know, designed to be deadly in even the sort of smallest doses. And although its impact on you was not immediate, as I understand it you went home that evening, you did feel a bit rough, you kind of had yourself checked out and clean bill of health initially. And then much later the following day, if I’m correct, please correct me if I’m wrong, Nick, then you started to feel, you know, you realise that something was quite wrong. Let’s get to that point in the story. Tell me how that sort of manifested itself. Even at this stage, as I understand it, we still don’t have clarity about what was going on with the Skripals, right? I mean, there’s still a world of mystery around what all this is about. So you’ve got no frame of reference. You just start to feel seriously ill.

      00:24:38.07 Nick Bailey:
      Yeah, so I finish work Sunday, well, the Monday morning after that shift. And I had some effects which I know to be, I obviously now know to be as a result of being poisoned which I didn’t think about at the time because I didn’t know I’d been poisoned. And my pupils were like pinpricks and I was a little bit sweaty and I was very tired. But I put all those things down to just being stressed and exhausted from a very long and abnormal shift at work. And I went home, got home seven o’clock, Monday morning, went to bed for a few hours. I was up because I had a phone call from the oncoming team that were in asking me some questions about it. And I still felt, I didn’t feel right but I didn’t feel horrific.

      00:25:24.05 Nick Bailey:
      But it got to the afternoon and I was just like, you know what, something’s not right and I need to get checked up. So I phoned the hospital and just said, ‘This is me, this is how I’m feeling, this is what I dealt with yesterday.’ And they asked me to come into the hospital and I was seen almost immediately. Literally, I actually was seen immediately, I’ve never spent such little time in A&E, it was incredible. And they checked my vitals and they said everything’s absolutely fine. They couldn’t account, they couldn’t explain that my pupils being so small. But they basically gave me, at that point, kind of a clean bill of health. It was overnight Monday into Tuesday which was into the 6th March where it kind of took a real turn for me. I didn’t really sleep, I was sweating profusely, I mean, just dripping with sweat, I was having, how I would describe as hallucinations or very, very vivid dreams and nightmares.

      00:26:21.04 Nick Bailey:
      One of them being like this tsunami of fire kind of collapsing over me. And I describe it as being if you could so close to the Sun is how I imagined the Sun would look like. Like these waves of pure heat. And that’s how it felt. And it was quite scary, it was terrifying. I remember getting up early Tuesday morning and needing a drink and my vision had gone very strange. My vision was juddering, like in still frames, just moving around instead of being kind of like flowing and looking around normally. It was like it was in still frames, just juddering across. And my eyes were, my vision was crystal clear which was also weird because I wear glasses and I wore contact lenses at the time, I didn’t have them in by my vision was crystal clear.

      00:27:13.09 Nick Bailey:
      And I managed to get downstairs, I kind of stumbled downstairs, got myself a drink. I had to sit down because I was feeling pretty ghastly, I went back upstairs. By this point my wife was getting up ready to go to work and I just said, ‘Look I’m feeling really, really rough.’ And then I threw up and wasn’t able to take my youngest daughter to school. I just couldn’t even consider driving, I couldn’t do it I felt so poorly and ended up going, being taken into hospital, we phoned them to say I’m coming in. So they were already aware of who I was and the circumstances of the Sunday night. So they knew that I’d been in contact with the house and so I went in and I was seen pretty quickly. I vaguely remember just there being lots and lots of consultants and doctors just kind of milling around and I had a number of blood tests.

      00:28:08.10 Andy Coulson:
      Has anyone mentioned the P-word at this stage? If I can put it that way. Has anyone said, because their level of knowledge in terms of the Skripals, you’re in the same hospital, in the same intensive care unit, the level of knowledge still isn’t especially high is it, or certain, is probably a better way of describing it at this stage?

      00:28:29.01 Nick Bailey:
      I don’t, I’m not 100% sure, I don’t remember being told about potential poisoning whilst I was in A&E. I remember being taken up to intensive care and I vaguely remember them saying, I think I vaguely remember them saying something about, there’s a possibility you’ve got something in your blood system. And we’re going to give you this drug and we’ll keep you here for twenty-four, to forty-eight hours just to monitor your health and hopefully you’ll be able to go home. And that two days then turned into twenty-two days. But I do vividly remember being told by one of the consultants, who is now a good friend of mine through all of this, him sitting down with me and my wife saying ‘You have got Novichok’ and he said those words which were obviously new to us. It was certainly new to him as well. Certainly new to everybody, it’s a very unheard of thing. And he said ‘it is in your blood system, it’s in your bloodstream and we’re gonna give you various things, we’re gonna make you better’. And that was terrifying. Absolutely terrifying because you just don’t know how it’s going to go.

      The only thing I’ll say for now in respect of the above is that Nick Bailey was heralded as a hero in the MSM at the time who was one of the first responders on the scene etc., etc., who came to the aid of the Skripals and risked his own life and got poisoned himself as a consequence. But it was all a lie, and Nick Bailey obviously knew it! But those who concocted and organised the whole episode couldn’t very well tell the media what actually happened because they wanted the MSM to go on endlessly speculating about how the Skripals came to be poisoned, so as to completely and totally brain-wash the public that it was all real, and the reason they DID so is precisely because it wasn’t, the key thing being to keep the public emotionalised, because – as propagandists know all too well – once emotionalised, critical thinking goes out the window, and THAT is undoubtedly the reason why they left it for three weeks before announcing they’d found Novichok on the door handle of Skripal’s front door (and sometime later we were to learn that ‘Russia tested nerve agent on door handles before Skripal attack’, which just proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that it was the Russians wot done it).

      #91988 Reply
      Allan Howard

        Afterthought: In the final paragraph I said the following:

        ‘….. But it was all a lie, and Nick Bailey obviously knew it! But those who concocted and organised the whole episode couldn’t very well tell the media what actually happened….’.

        As I learnt many years ago, it is often really convoluted and confusing trying to dismantle the machinations and falsehoods of the Dark Forces and the propagandists, and obviously I wasn’t thinking straight when I described it as ‘what actually happened’, because I don’t believe any of it did, and believe it was all staged. So anyway, I’m trying to find a way to verbalise what they did, and the only way I can think of to convey it is that those who wrote the story realised early on that if it just involved one relatively elderly man who had been a double agent who was poisoned, it wouldn’t have anywhere near the impact as it would if there was a relatively young woman involved as well, who turned out to be his daughter, and then ALSO a brave heroic policeman who came to their aid and had no thought for himself and his own safety, and who both got poisoned as well. And we were all taken on a roller-coaster ride of emotions…… first we were told that Sergei and Yulia were very ill, and perhaps they won’t make it, but even if they did pull through, there would probably be long-term effects, and then first Yulia makes a full recovery, and then her father! Hallelujah! And then there were the guinea pigs who were found dead, and the cat who was in such a bad way that it had to be put to sleep, and sadness, and then, within a matter of two or three days, it became increasingly clear that it was the Russians wot done it, and the evil Vladimir Putin in particular, who was undoubtedly directly responsible, and mass hostility (the emotion of) was brought into the mix.

        As for Nick Bailey, the storyline was that he would go to Sergei Skripal’s house to check out whatever and, as such, ALSO get poisoned, but would only get added to the story a couple of days later, and because the authors of the story decided at some point that they wanted to keep the speculation as to how the Skripals came to be poisoned going for as long as (was reasonably) possible – knowing of course that it would finally be revealed that the would-be assassins had coated Novichok on the front-door handle of Sergei’s pad – they had to initially conceal (in the story) that the policeman – ie Nick Bailey – had gone to Sergei Skripal’s house that night and, as such, been contaminated, because that would have been a dead giveaway and brought that chapter to an abrupt end. And so the authors turned him into a hero, and one of the first responders, and had us all thinking and believing that he was somehow contaminated when he went to the assistance of the Skripals on the bench in the Maltings.

        GFB, I just this second came across the following whilst doing a quick search, and I’m so gobsmacked I can’t even remember what my search was for now – i.e. a Daily Mirror article from Jan 21, 2019, headlined:

        Salisbury poisoning: Teen reveals how she rushed to help collapsed Skripals

        Brave Abigail McCourt, 16, was out with her mum when she spotted Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia slumped over a park bench – but has never told her story until now.

        The astonishing thing is that they don’t mention that her mother (who she was with at the time) is the Chief Nurse of the WHOLE of the British army, and what it says is this:

        The teenager has now scooped the Lifesaver Award at Spire FM’s Local Hero Awards – after being nominated by her mum.

        Proud Alison, said: “As a qualified nurse it was a fairly routine situation for me but my daughter was amazing.

        I wasn’t aware until now that any of the MSM had covered it – just a local paper if I remember correctly, and Craig of course – and I’d just assumed they would steer well clear of the story for the obvious reason; but to cover it and just nonchalantly omit to mention who she actually is takes some front. I don’t know if links are allowed on the forum pages, but I’ll give it a go and see what happens:

        #91990 Reply

          “a lengthy interview he did with someone called Andy Coulson…”

          Andy Coulson as in David (‘Agent’) Cameron’s former spin doctor?

          And you know it was Cameron who ‘lost’ some ‘canisters’ (almost certainly primitive nukes) on his way back from South Africa with the late Dr David Kelly? Thick as thieves, this lot, and they’ve been in it for decades…

          #91999 Reply
          Lapsed Agnostic

            Former DS Nick Bailey has pretty much the same tale to tell in this (fairly obscure) podcast, Allan – except that he says they went to a fire station, rather than a police station in Melksham, to collect the PPE:


            My favourite bit was when he said that, despite suffering all manner of toxic symptoms, he’d dismissed the possibility that he might have been poisoned at the Skripal house as “too ridiculous”, having earlier hit panic stations that Skripal’s neighbour and another bizzie could be in mortal peril if they so much as set foot in the place without donning full protective get-up, immediately after he and his colleagues discovered that Skripal was a former Russian spy – whilst not apparently being concerned in the slightest that other Wiltshire rozzers had recently handled his jacket and wallet without even wearing gloves.

            (Interview 23:40 – 1:24:50; relevant part 43:30 – 1:02:50)

            #92001 Reply
            Pigeon English

              I joined this blog at the time and hardly missed any comments since ?.

              #92002 Reply
              Pigeon English

                I remember Mary keeping resumes and chronology and contradictions of BS.

                #92005 Reply
                Pigeon English

                  Good to know they are safe in NZ and no one is bothering them for interviews according to
                  ? ?. Daughter and dad quality time

                  #92008 Reply
                  Allan Howard

                    Well spotted LA! Yes, the official narrative/storyline is full of sinkholes and disparities and inconsistencies! And yes, Clark, I just checked, and it IS *that* Andy Coulson (of phone hacking fame etc.). Anyway, in a previous post I said, in effect, that Nick Bailey hit the headlines a couple of days after the Skripals, but I just checked, and it was actually the Thursday, March 8th, the story being that he had been admitted to Salisbury hospital the previous day. Anyway, here are a few examples of what the media were saying and quoting about him:

                    From a Guardian article on March 8th:

                    The prime minister, Theresa May, paid tribute to the emergency services in Salisbury who had reacted to the initial call on Sunday “and those who continue to respond to this appalling and reckless attack”.

                    She added: “In particular, my thoughts are with DS Nick Bailey, one of the first responders, who remains in a serious condition in hospital…..’.

                    From an Independent article on March 8th:

                    Amber Rudd told the House of Commons both remain unconscious, in a critical but stable condition.

                    “The officer was one of the first responders on Sunday, acting selflessly to help others,” the Home Secretary said.

                    NewScientist March 8th (in article headlined ‘What was the nerve agent used to poison Sergei Skripal?’:

                    Sergei Skripal, 66, and Yulia Skripal, 33, were found unconscious on a bench outside a shopping centre in Salisbury on Sunday and taken to hospital, where they remain critically ill. A police officer who first arrived on the scene is also in a serious condition in hospital.

                    Evening Standard March 9th:

                    DS Bailey, 38, rushed to the aid of Russian double agent Sergei Skripal, 66, and his 33-year-old daughter Yulia, after they collapsed on a bench in Salisbury city centre on Sunday.

                    USA Today March 8th (or so it’s dated in the listings, but that’s at odds with what it says in the article, bearing in mind that the 8th was the Thursday):

                    About 180 British military personnel with expertise in chemical weapons were deployed to the southern English city of Salisbury on Friday, after a former Russian spy and his daughter were targeted with a nerve agent while out shopping…..

                    British Home Secretary Amber Rudd said Thursday that the police officer who first attended to Sergei Skripal, 66, and his daughter, Yulia, 33, on Sunday is conscious and talking. The officer, Sgt. Nick Bailey fell ill after he found the pair slumped unconscious on a bench near Salisbury’s Maltings shopping center.

                    #92049 Reply

                      In our public library there is this one DVD. It says “Salisbury – drama TV series”. I could never convince myself to take it with me and watch. I have no idea if anyone in this part of town does. But after watching “The Comey Rule” about FBI director Comey vs. Trump – based on COMEY´s MEMOIRS! – I have become less patient with this sort of show. Regardless if some of them are well produced.

                      #92083 Reply
                      Allan Howard

                        One thing that just came to mind which occurred to me at the time is that in the Real World, as soon as each of them was getting back to normal, you would question them about their movements that day – ie on the Sunday morning – and what time they left etc to go to the cemetery, and where they went after that, and what time they got back home before going out again to go into town. As far as I can recall, there were several hours on the Sunday morning unaccounted for, and if I remember correctly, didn’t they both have their phones turned off. The point being that what with it being such a massive big story, and worldwide at that, you would think that the MSM would be dying to get such details and fill in some gaps in the story. But no, not a dickybird!

                        And it also seems highly unlikely that Sergei didn’t have security cameras at his place, which Yulia’s cousin said that he did. And I have little doubt that any hit-squad planning to bump him off would conclude – in the process of making their plan of action – that it’s pretty much a certainty that he’s got CCTV (and no doubt other people living in the vicinity have too).

                        #92096 Reply

                          Everybody in the world knows that Sergei Skripal was/is a spy. But it can’t be acknowledged in a court room. It’s just too dangerous.
                          You don’t need to speak in jigsaw to identify him as a spy, even our host can say he is a spy.
                          Hell fire, Craig could start selling jigsaws with all the scenes from the Salisbury saga on it to raise funds, but you can’t say Skripal was a spy in an English courtroom.

                          Mind you, I’m of an age when I can remember being told that I’d never see a nipple in the Daily Express…_

                          Ministers ridiculed at Salisbury Novichok poisonings inquiry after refusing to admit that Russian spy Sergei Skripal was an MI6 agent, by Sam Greenhill and Iris Harmsworth (Daily Mail, 6 Sep 2023)

                          UK government’s refusal to confirm Skripal spy role is ‘surreal’, lawyers say, by Steven Morris (The Guardian, 6 Sep 2023)

                          #92097 Reply
                          Fat Jon

                            Reading through that original post, I get the feeling that it has been compiled by AI and is some form of fishing expedition to try and get contributors to this forum to reveal how much, or little, they know; now that the Wayback Machine has been trawled for contradictory contemporary reporting and truthful articles removed.

                            Anyone who had even a passing interest in events from March 2018 is unlikely to suddenly come to the conclusion that the Salisbury incident was staged after five and a half years. Most people had worked that out after a week.

                            #92098 Reply
                            Allan Howard

                              Well I have to confess it took me a bit longer than a week, but I never for one moment believed it was Russia wot done it. As I alluded to in my initial post, it’s interesting to revisit the saga years later and, as such, pick up on things that you didn’t pick up on at the timmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Malfunction! Malfunction! Close programme

                              #92099 Reply

                                Not exactly placed prominently in The Daily Telegraph, but at least it is mentioned.
                                He’s a spy Jim…_

                                The Government refused to admit that Sergei Skripal was a British spy at a hearing into the death of Dawn Sturgess, the Salisbury woman who was contaminated with Novichok poison intended for the Russian by Putin assassins sent in March 2018.

                                Solicitors acting for the Government and the security services stuck to their line of refusing to “confirm or deny” whether any individuals are agents of the state at the preliminary hearing held at the High Court yesterday, before a full public inquiry into her death. It came in response to the family of 44-year-old Ms Sturgess calling for transparency in regards to documents that might shed light on her death

                                #92101 Reply

                                  “timmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Malfunction! Malfunction! Close programme”

                                  Ooh, a real Luke Harding moment! Check for marmalade, but milk it for dirt on Russia anyway 😀

                                  – – – – –

                                  Personally, I think the “response” was mostly staged, “pin as much muck as possible on Putin” being Standard Operating Procedure then and now, but that the incident itself was some sort of spy drama fuck up, possibly an intersection between the chemical weapons wargames that were going on just up the road, and Skripal being the major source for the Steele Dossier (“Russia controls Trump through blackmail”) released by private sector spook outfit Orbis Business Intelligence. These matters are closely related, because Trump as US President was an obstruction to the long term NATO objective of provoking Russia to invade Ukraine.

                                  I don’t spend much time on it, because all the real evidence is controlled by spook outfits (government and private, any nationality), so we’ll never know what really happened. It’s like a collection of dark pieces in a jigsaw; we don’t need to know precisely how they fit in order to understand the overall picture.

                                  #92111 Reply
                                  Fat Jon

                                    That is just the kind of childish response I would expect from someone who thought they could get away with it.

                                    Have you tried the Wayback site for UK newspapers in the first half of March 2018?

                                    Let me know how you get on. With your superior intellect you might be able to find the original MSM version of PC Plod’s response.

                                    #92112 Reply
                                    Fat Jon

                                      “”Well I have to confess it took me a bit longer than a week, but I never for one moment believed it was Russia wot done it. As I alluded to in my initial post, it’s interesting to revisit the saga years later and, as such, pick up on things that you didn’t pick up on at the timmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Malfunction! Malfunction! Close programme””

                                      Oh and also, could you tell me your version of the death of John Charles De Menezes? Remember to include the testimony of those witnesses to the inquiry, and why you think the statements by members of the public disagreed completely with the submissions of the police?

                                      And also, while you are at it, could you suggest reasons for why the image of the bus where the people getting off in Tavistock Square after the 7/7 explosions, is different to the bus shown in the MSM photographs on the day after the power surge incident?

                                      #92128 Reply
                                      Allan Howard

                                        I’m sorry Dave, but I’m not programmed to give you that information.erk…….Daisy, Dais….erK…. I mean I’d rather we stick to the topic under discussion if you don’t mind.

                                        Anyway, as I was saying, I didn’t believe for one moment that it was Russia wot done it, no, not for one billisecond. I was probably the last person in the country to hear about it, as I was switched off…. I mean I wasn’t well on the Sunday and the Monday. I used to watch RT quite a lot back then, and on the Tuesday morning I put the TV on and tuned into RT and they just happened to be showing some promo videos to celebrate 100 days to go until the World Cup Football Tournament started, and it wasn’t until a bit later that I heard about the Salisbury poisonings. by which time the finger was starting to be pointed at Putin and Russia. And of course I very quickly realised that the last thing Putin’s gonna do just two days before the Hundred Days To Go celebrations, and just three months or so before the tournament kicks off, is to poison a former Russian spy and his daughter with – as it was being described at that point – an unknown substance, but of course the media kept referring to the Alexander Litvinenko poisoning and the similarities between the two episodes.

                                        I’m not really into football – chess is more my thing – but I assume it’s standard for the country that’s hosting the World Cup Football to do a countdown of the days, and for promo videos to be produced to be shown in countries all around the world when it gets to 100 days to go. Now I didn’t think of it at the time, but I’m absolutely certain that none of the main TV channels showed one or more of the promos in their news bulletins, which they would normally have done towards the end, or right at the end of the bulletin. And if I’m right about that – and it was definitely the case with the BBC – then what perfect timing. And I forgot to mention that it was ALSO the first time Russia was hosting the tournament, and so we’re supposed to believe that Putin was suddenly so desperate to have Sergei Skripal bumped off that he didn’t care about putting the tournament in jeopardy or it being overshadowed by the assassination attempt, or the international condemnation etc that would follow. As if!

                                        But if you were an enemy of Putin and Russia…….

                                        #92131 Reply

                                          Russia (AKA Putin) is expert at this own goal business, it is right out of the Kremlin playbook. Examples abound, NS2 own bombing, Nova Kakhovka dam, and even do this during important events such as the Prigozhin assassination during the BRICS meeting.

                                          #92135 Reply
                                          Allan Howard

                                            Yes, of course, and it was just purely coincidental that the chief nurse of the whole of the British army just happened to be walking by at the time. But, it is rather strange is it not how the likes of Theresa May and Amber Rudd were both saying how brave and courageous DS Nick Bailey was, and how he rushed to the scene to help the Skripals, and yet he didn’t even turn up at the location until after they’d both been taken to hospital. I wonder if anyone involved will ever explain how THAT happened. Probably just a misunderstanding, eh, which just happened to ramp the story up several notches, and have most people thinking that if HE was poisoned as well, then the Skripals must have been poisoned when they were sitting on the bench. I know *I* did.

                                            Mind you, something I didn’t pick up at the time is that by the following day (the day after the media reported that a policeman – DS Nick Bailey – had been admitted to hospital etc) the media were reporting that Bailey went to Skripal’s house on the Sunday evening/night (why the media weren’t reporting the day before that he’d gone to Skripal’s house on the Sunday night doesn’t make sense). Thing is that it was known to investigators by the Wednesday that Bailey had been poisoned as well AND, that he went to Skripal’s house on the Sunday night, and in the Real World, the chemical weapons experts would have been at his place in a matter of a few hours, and the very first thing they would have done before entering is take samples from the front-door handle, and then along with other samples taken inside the house, take them to Porton Down to be analysed, and at the very most THAT could have all been concluded by the weekend, and the Monday at the very latest, and yet we didn’t get to learn that Novichok was found on the door handle of the front door until two weeks later. And I have a feeling that we won’t ever be getting an explanation for THAT either.

                                            But I wonder what the odds are on two people who had come into contact with a nerve agent several hours earlier becoming incapacitated in exactly the same moment. I’d say about absolute zero.

                                            #92137 Reply
                                            Fat Jon

                                              “I’m sorry Dave, but I’m not programmed to give you that information.erk…….Daisy, Dais….erK…. I mean I’d rather we stick to the topic under discussion if you don’t mind.”

                                              I’m sure you would like to instruct everyone on which topics should be for discussion and which must never be mentioned.

                                              However, it is a free-ish country still, and we can choose not to discuss any topic our controllers instruct us to avoid.

                                              But, continue speculating on the subject which most of us were doing 5 years ago, if you wish.

                                              #92138 Reply

                                                Threads in the discussion forums should stay on topic. The topic is determined by the title and the initial post. In this case, the focus should remain on the Salisbury poisonings episode and related issues that shed light on that event. Participants may ask relevant questions about statements made by other commenters, but it is not acceptable to interrogate them with a persistent line of ad hominem questioning about their attitudes to other matters.

                                                The normal guidelines about cordial interaction apply. Sarcastic remarks and snide insinuations about other commenters are not conducive to constructive debate; previous instances have derailed other threads and prompted complaints, so they are eligible for deletion and could justify restriction of participation.

                                                NB: Any remarks concerning this moderation notice should be posted in the Blog Support forum, not here.

                                                #92184 Reply

                                                  Not sure if this contains anything beyond mundane, since its from 2021.

                                                  But being a Bulgarian investigation site I thought it’s not one of the usual sources:

                                                  “UK Defence ministry document reveals Skripals blood samples could have been manipulated
                                                  By Dilyana Gaytandzhieva
                                                  September 8, 2021”


                                                  Just found it tonight as I am about to try get into these cases, including the German “Tiergarten Murders” also stuck onto evil Mr. P. in the German press and parliament back in 2019. It’s part of the same basket of MI-6 plotted conspiracies it seems.

                                                  P.S. Just looked into French/Polish director Roman Polanski´s 2010 polit-thriller “Ghost Writer” with actor Ewan McGregor based on a script by novelist Robert Harris.
                                                  By now it has become more prophetic than Harris would have believed 13 years ago I would assume.
                                                  (A Ghost Writer discovers that the US First Lady is a CIA agent and is manipulating her husband the President. The Ghost Writer is killed when he finds out.)

                                                  #92263 Reply
                                                  Fat Jon

                                                    It is interesting that the article shows the ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos side by side, because after close scrutiny the woman on the left does not appear to have identical features to Yulia Skripal on the right.

                                                    The distance between the bottom of the nose and the lips of the mouth is longer on Yulia’s image. This is something that can’t be faked in a body double. Note the short dress, probably a deliberate attempt to divert attention away from the face.

                                                    The left hand photo, purportedly showing a healthy Yulia walking in a garden, was issued around the same time as the Wiltshire Air Ambulance (a public charity funded helicopter) flew a return trip to/from Porton Down to Manston airfield (which was officially closed at the time). On the same day a helicopter from the East Midlands air ambulance flew to SW England and spent the day there before returning.

                                                    Why else would an air ambulance fly such a strange mission, except to spirit the Skripals out of the UK as quickly as possible while everyone was looking at a photo of a woman in a summer dress?

                                                    #92319 Reply

                                                      The Alternative Skripal Narrative, by Michael Antony for The Saker Blog

                                                      “What if Sergei Skripal was a triple agent trying to escape back to Russia to tell the world the truth about the Steele Dossier, which he had helped to concoct as a scurrilous, obscene joke and which had unexpectedly become the new bible of the insane war party in Washington?

                                                      This is the alternative narrative I will set out in detail here so that the reader can judge whether it forms a more plausible and coherent story than the mishmash of improbabilities, absurdities and contradictions served up by the British police and MI6. Of course in the absence of all the facts we must sometimes use imaginative reconstruction to fill in the gaps, but the point is to see how many thorny problems, raised by the facts we do have, can be solved by this narrative and cannot be solved by the official one.”

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