Trump v Biden

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  • #100176 Reply

      It seems that, only because Kamala is a woman and a woman of color (and laugh hysterically) she has to become the next president according to the western media. Very odd and frankly racist, since it reduce this person to her gender and the color of her skin, not what she actually believe, say, do and stand for politically – something that actually matters.
      Meanwhile you have equally racist attitude on the other side, Trump should win because he is white claim the hardline white Trump-voters.

      #100182 Reply


        “Racism is “in” again at the DNC
        Don’t watch the DNC alone. Mourn with Katie and Aaron at every racist and cringeworthy moment.”

        Katie Halper and Aaron Maté
        Aug 23, 2024

        70 min.

        #100192 Reply
          #100197 Reply

            VERY GOOD!!!
            “WATCH: CN Live! — ‘Assessing the DNC’”
            CN Live! will discuss the four-day Democratic National Convention just ended with guests Margaret Kimberley and Niko House.

            #100199 Reply

              if they play it smart they indeed make him the CIA-guy (as rumours had suggested) which would guarantee them the vote of every deep-state aficionado between Seattle and Key Largo.

              (I personally never delved into JFK assassination theories. I think it was mostly meaningless. But with that I am obviously a minority. Everyone else would vote for Trump due to RFK alone. Though RFK a new SoS would be more likely? Or the “tech-guy” in the cabinet? And instead make Burns the new SoS if he vows to not interfere too much via CIA? Burns always pined for that post and would do anything to get it. And with him still in the WH CIA might get along with Trump enough to not get both sides killed. He could even protect Trump from too much Republican Neocon influence, those who wanted to prevent Vance…)

              #100200 Reply


                Taibbi & Kirn Special

                RFK Endorsement Livestream

                Of course what has been severly criticized here by others already re: Taibbi (don´t know about Kirn), Gaza to RFK doesn´t mean anything to say the least. In general I do not understand his popularity. I did not do before Oct. 7th and after. (But neither do I understand Trump´s success…)

                On the other hand his speech impediments which I did not know of (I had ignored US elections since 2000 until now) apparently did not put off voters. Which sheds a positive light on our media society despite all its horrible misgivings due to only judge matters based on their appearance.

                #100348 Reply

                  NICE interview with Jill Stein / Butch Ware on how the DEMs are obstructing THE GREEN PARTY by any means
                  CHRIS HEDGES:


                  #100475 Reply

                    While I did not watch it, it seems that Trump did not really make a good impact in the debate vs Harris reading some comments on it. Also, why did Trump accept debating Harris on ABC? ABC, a very pro-Harris/DNC organisation. The 2 moderators seems to have been very biased again Trump.

                    From what I know there will not be any debates on lets say a more pro-Trump organisation like FOX so partincipating in this ABC event was just a loss for him.

                    #100494 Reply

                      “US elections 2024: Jill Stein leads with Muslim-American voters in three swing states, survey shows
                      The Democratic and Green party candidates each command close to a third of the Muslim-American vote”


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