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Your ex PM may like their collection of tattoos and maybe choses his favourite one
I am not british although I am from another US puppet state: Sweden.
…some German journalists call German MoD Boris Pistorius, “Pistolius” (as in pistol), due to his idiotic belligerent attitude and nonsense talk…
What I wonder is this: did anyone calculate how much Russia could retaliate, before the EU/USA started to confiscate/”freeze” Russian assets in the west?
The EU/USA have now sanctioned thousands of Russian nationals, while Russia, (naturally) have confiscated/expropriated millions from Western companies in return.
Didn’t any Western politicians foresee this? I know Ikea, Carlsberg, Echinor (old Statoil) have lost millions. And countless(?) others.
It seems to me that Western politicians have been busy shooting themselves (ourselves!) in the foot.
This is the big question: How much of this was prepared?
As a layman I would assume as far as Germany/EU is concerned there was no planning or preparation.
The US had plans. How well those were worked out is unclear.
And also how many contesting plans were out there competing for WH and Pentagon approval. Since I myself have read other RAND papers that suggested a path of cooperation.
We know now those were ignored. Much else of a similar kind exists for sure which we have never heard of.And much even worse than what we have now.
To a certain extent the US saw no need to overprepare due to their sheer wealth which could eventually absorb any to be expected economic fallout. After all in essence this is an exchange of wealth from the EU to USA, not RU to USA.
So there was no resistance to be overcome coming from the EU.The ones meticulously prepared were the RUs.
I assume if you went through the archive of “naked capitalism” since 2022 you would find a few pro in-depth pieces on this subject. Unfortunately I never had time for such research. Or RU online ressources for sure.
I know, from personal experience, that many in the US disliked Gorbatshov/Glastnost/Perestroyka, because he ended the Cold War. The end of the Cold War meant the end of huge military spending, including for some Ivy League University Programs. So even US Ivy League Universities reseachers said “damn Gorbatshov!” in the 1990s.
Of course, then we had 9/11, and it was “glory times” for the weapons industry again.
There is a saying, “Follow the money”. I am surprised that the (western) financial newspapers hardly ever “Follow the money” when it comes to military conflicts.
The US *needs* wars. That is the sad truth. The US has less than 4% of the worlds population, and nearly 40% of the worlds military expenditure (in 2022):
And guess what happens when European leaders does what US leaders want them to: The US economy prospers, while the European economy falters:
Who could have guessed? Well, everybody, except our present inept leaders.
“I am surprised that the (western) financial newspapers hardly ever “Follow the money” when it comes to military conflicts.”
This unwillingness is indeed dazzling. But as such it´s probably the normal result of what sociology calls immanence.
No system / institution will allow to produce results that question their very existence. What would happen to WSJ if WSJ started to publish every day who is in what ways harming US economy and destroying livelihoods of the American people, providing statistics, names and figures.
What you say about Ivy League is probably mirroring what some parts in the Western intelligence community thought too.
Early into the UKR war Chris Hedges wrote a good piece mentioning the infamous Last Supper Speech by US (Deputy) SoD William Perry in 1993. Where he summoned CEOs of the US arms industry warning them that the era of spending was over.
We know how that went.
Perry, I was told today, has turned towards religion. But apparently has always been perceived as a rather decent individual. (He is 1 year older than Noam Chomsky!)
Can’t find the Hedges right now, instead I bumped into this interesting looking lengthy Boston radio conversation about that speech and former CEOs who took part:
“‘The last supper’: How a 1993 Pentagon dinner reshaped the defense industry”
or 47 min.: starts:
“In 1993, then Secretary of Defense Les Aspin invited the CEOs of America’s largest defense contractors to a secret dinner.”
michael norton
I am surprised Mr. Putin has not been asked to attend – even by internet?
Zelensky said more than 80 countries would attend, peace talk in Switzerland.
Taoiseach Simon Harris said he plans to lead an Irish delegation to the peace summit in Switzerland next month.Speaking in Co Limerick this afternoon, he said this would provide an opportunity to “pave forward” what peace can look like in Ukraine.
An unnamed U.S.A. official said that the United States will participate in the summit, but declined to say who or at what level.
Well if nobody of importance attends from Russia or America, will there be much outcome?
Good question, Michael.
Are they really going to do something to resolve this pointless conflict? Or will this be another PR campaign to continue the war that enriches them?As for the guests of the summit, I assume that the President of Estonia will be invited. In our news yesterday there was his statement that he was going to bring us to our knees!
*to be honest, this statement caused a wave of ridicule on social networks. We remembered a good old joke, I’ll tell you with a short introduction to make the context clear: There’s an extremely small Chukchi people living in the Far North. Their way of life is at the level of primitive hunters.*So, the Chukchi declared war on the Chinese. The Chinese searched for Chukotka on the map for a long time, and when they finally found it, they sent a delegation there. Chinese ambassador enters the yaranga *a traditional hut-type dwelling made of wooden poles and animal skins* and ask:
– Was it you, Chukchi, who declared war on us?
– Yes.
– What’s the size of your army?
– 60 people including me.
– And there are a billion of us! What are you smoking?
– Well, perhaps we were too hasty and didn’t think first where are we going to bury you all.AG
a nice post by Matt Taibbi on Memorial Day, which is today, 27th of May:
“As a boy I read Wilfred Owen’s famous poem about World War I, describing the suffering of young men sent by industrial powers to die in clouds of poison gas. It’s a warning: if you saw what Owen did, and your nights were tormented by visions of blood and death, “You would not tell with such high zest, to children ardent for some desperate glory/The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.”
Owen was killed in November 1918, a week before the Armistice. In his poems you read a soldier’s hope that boys like me would read them before they became old enough to want to prove themselves in combat. God didn’t design us to be killers, he said, noting we aren’t born with claws or talons, and a boy’s teeth are more suited for “laughing round an apple.” I know that’s true of my children, who’ll be taught to remember soldiers like Owen today.”
Yes, Estonia is such a weird extremist country.
EU state’s president pledges to bring Russia ‘to its knees’.
Alar Karis urges the West to keep up pressure on ordinary Russian citizens, to force political “change” in Moscow.
This is like a bee trying to pick a fight with an elephant.One wonder what the Estonian leaders say to each other when there is no camera recording.
“SITREP 5/24/24: Situation Turns Critical as De-legitimized Zelensky Dangerously Escalates”
“Let’s get right into the most pressing development: a narrative overload has swelled around the topic of allowing Ukrainian strikes on Russian soil. It has suddenly become the top coordinated focus for the entire deepstate establishment, with Zelensky and complicit Congressmembers forming a critical mass of pressure against the Biden administration, with some claiming they’re gaining headway.”
The radio station hit is located at Armavir, a couple of miles east of Krasnodar.
This is the press release by German press agency DPA.It´s from Saturday. I was surprised that no one reported about it for such a long time.
“Reports: Hit on Russian nuclear missile early warning system” assume NATO will now look how the various parties react.
Also among the media actors.
Not sure it´s as expected people do not seem happy.
For the moment.
But they will try to care of that.ET
Is it Zelensky who is dangerously escalating or US/NATO/West? I’ve read Simplicius’ piece. What is the play here? Are we really at the point where US/NATO/West are deliberately provoking Russia into making a first nuclear (even if tactical) strike by destroying their early warning systems so that strategic nuclear retaliation by US/NATO/West can be seen to be justified? Or is it an attempt to disable Russia’s early warning systems so that US/NATO/West can make the first strike? Have any of these people looked at a world map and noticed how huge Russia is and thus more resilient to nuclear attack than the US/Europe/West? Or are we all moving to Canada? Is this the insane world we live in where a handful of people make an insane gamble on filling out a poker of aces from a shit one ace hand of cards?
1) RU´s use of a single tactical small nuke makes no sense. They wouldn´t do such a thing. To take out drones over the Black Sea is an idiotic argument in my view. Realistically RU would use nukes if there are no conventional means left to protect the sovereignty of RU. And considering their overwhelming superiority in that field it´s a rather long path for such an event to take place
2) Whatever happens its NATO not Kiev.
3) A first strike by the US is probably always a lingering threat. But what is much more worrying and NOT addressed by SIMPLICIUS (I think) is an error.So taking out the radars could be provoking an erroneous RU reaction starting nukes due to false intelligence with underequipped early warning – since that´s one of RUs major Achilles´ heels – and if that happened nobody would want to defend RU In the UN-SC, even if it were porovoked by the US. Try to prove that. Thus on the level of intelligence sharing and monitoring a close cooperation with CHINA would be important, may be life-saving.
Kit Klarenberg with a detailed account:
“How Britain Sabotaged Ukraine Peace”
May 16th 2024
on the attack Mark Sleboda
TC 9:50 -21:30
(he too quotes that Art. 19 of the Doctrine)Mark Sleboda: NATO/Kiev Targeting Russia’s Nuclear Launch Early Warning Detection System, Ukraine Military Sitrep, more… (28 May 2024) – Video/Radio Interview, 28m 34s
Absolute reckless how west escalate now with Nato boss and Nato nations respectively give green light for Ukraine to use long range weaponry against Russia proper.
This is like giving a child a machine gun: they do not know how to use it, they do not understand the consequences of using it.
Obviously west pick WW3 before coming to peace with Russia. What is disturbing is that west play down fears of conventional world war but even ridicule people when they fear this might escalate to nuclear war!?
The west have lost it completely. Atleast before WW1 for example, there were opposition, where is the opposition to world war today?!AG
“Ukraine War rips veil off of US weapons superiority
Many of the failures, including the HIMARS, have been due to their reliance on GPS”
by Andrew Cockburn
May 29, 2024
Jack, re. “This is like a bee trying to pick a fight with an elephant.”
I suggest new name for Estonia – Angry Chihuahua state 🙂AG, i see no mention in Russian news about Armavir, other than copter was downed near it. Also in Jankhot and Krinitsa (resort villages on the shores of the Black and Azov seas).
I googled. All mentions about the attack on Early Warning Detection System come from Ukrainian media and unfamous CIA sheet RadioLiberty ( Perhaps we will get verified news from Russian MoD later.Jack
Rogozin kind of mentioned that there had been some critical strike by Ukraine the other day: need to point out their red lines to this reckless escalation more clearly.
In other news:
Britain’s King Charles accepted award from Ukrainian Nazi – media
The royal received an honorary degree from a former member of a Ukrainian Waffen-SS unit in 1983, a UK media outlet has revealed
thx for looking.The attacks on both sites including Armavir did take place. But I am pretty sure they were only superficial – which is – of course – the exact opposite of what you read here. It´s again a show of professionalism by the RUs to keep a low profile on this very issue – which is not to be underestiamated.
For NATO its´still like a game. War as sports. Imagine something like this happening on US home soil.
Good God…just remember that ridiculous weather balloon by the Chinese and how US media were salivating over that.AG
German soccer club “BVB” from Western city Dortmund, in the upcoming finals of the Champions League facing Real Madrid has now announced its new sponsor: arms manufacturer Rheinmetall.
I can´t yet grasp this incredibly imbecile move. It´s just…very very very sad….
on the radar site attacks:
“Former high U.S. defense official says Ukraine’s May 23rd hit on Russian radar site might lead to WW III.”
by Eric Zuesse is often a bit odd. But he does provide sources (so you end up figuring that he is a bit off). But here he points out the hidden hipocrisy correctly.
Stephen Bryen´s Substack entry (which Zuesse refers to) with a bit of image material (Bryen was part of the Reagan administration on defense issues):
Our society here is discussing something else – Yuri Dud interviewed Khodorkovsky. The latter said that during the privatization of Russia’s national property, he was the nominal owner, but Baron Rothschild acted as the “protector.”
I know that Mr. Murray wrote about illegal predatory privatization. I would very much like to draw his attention to this interview (if it were not so inappropriate during events in Gaza).
Khodorkovsky directly and clearly states that he took advantage of the imperfections of the legislation and even openly mocked officials directly to their faces about this. Since Khodorkovsky now lives in London, supports Ukraine and is a fierce critic of Putin, I would be curious to know our host’s thoughts on the connections of the anti-Putin coalition in London, Russian and UK extra-rich people with jewish roots, possible ties with the state of Israel, and most of all – with strange Russia-related assasinations in the UK. -