Ukraine (Date: Nov. 2023)

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Ukraine (Date: Nov. 2023)

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  • #99094 Reply


      Congratulations – according to Mr. Podolyak you are now a combatant.
      Isn´t that neat – without doing anything, like join the Russian Army.

      #99106 Reply

        ICC add another 2 top rank russian officials to be arrested:

        ICC issues arrest warrants for Russian officials over alleged Ukraine war crimes
        Army chief and ex-minister of defence accused over missile attacks on civilian targets including power plants

        One wonder why Ukraine is never targeted by the ICC, one read about attacks on ukrainian Russia proper border every week which seems to have no legitimate target. Not to mention war crimes pre Russian invasion, starting from 2014 with ukrainian attacks on Donbass, Luhansk etc.

        Just compare with Israel/Palestine, where it was apparently so very important by ICC to create some absurd parity between the crimes of Israel with that of palestinians even though there is none unless some 1000 killed israelis on the October 7 is somehow more than 40,000 killed in Gaza for 9 months straight, not in my book.

        #99121 Reply
        michael norton

          Americans are getting “conflicted” as the cluster munitions they sent to Ukraine have been used by Ukraine by inserting them as the munition for atacms. These exploding over a beach near Sevastopol, killing children, on the beach during a religious holiday, on Sunday.
          So, the Americans have supplied the atacms to Ukraine.
          The Americans have supplied the cluster munitions to Ukraine.
          The Americans have supplied the Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk,
          which was thought to be the coordinating drone, that relays target information and control.
          This is a new level of coordination against Russians in Crimea,
          largely controlled by America.
          one minute to midnight.

          #99125 Reply

            TASS reporting

            “In Ukraine, from July 16, evading mobilization faces deprivation of housing and a driver’s license.

            According to the Telegraph publication, all those liable for military service who do not update their military registration data by July 16 will have to be taken to the military registration and enlistment offices by the police.”


            #99129 Reply

              michael norton

              Good point. Imagine if it was Russia that so openly participated in killing americans with russian arms/ammo. somewhere in the world.

              Remember the brouhaha some years ago about the alleged (and later on debunked) claim that Russia paid afghan warlords and talibans bounties to kill americans.

              U.S. Intel Walks Back Claim Russians Put Bounties on American Troops


              …still, today something far more dangerous and in actual fact occur openly in Ukraine, by the americans and no one in power in the west seems to pay attention how dangerous this is.

              #99195 Reply

                Gordon Hahn: “WAR OR PEACE: Towards a Ukrainian Peace or a Direct NATO-Russian War”


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