Ukraine (Date: Nov. 2023)

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Ukraine (Date: Nov. 2023)

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  • #99643 Reply

      I find this document honestly deeply shocking and disturbing:
      “Hollywood Goes to NATO: Telling the Story of the Alliance”
      47 min.

      #99676 Reply

        “Globalists Are Prepping FINLAND To Be The Next Proxy-War | Prof. Tuomas Malinen”

        Ukraine was sacrificed on the altar of neocon globalist world-domination fantasies. And the people responsible for this are not done with Europe. The crazy thing is, that the globalist elites of European nations are fine with the prospect of their states becoming the next proxy-war battle ground. They are whole heartedly invested in Trans-Atlantic world domination. No better example of this than what is currently happening in Scandinavia.

        On Monday, July 1, Finland’s parliament approved unanimously a brand new military treaty with the US, granting the US—not NATO—unprecedented military rights in 15 bases, just next to Russia’s North-Western border.

        What is happening here? How did we go from Finnish neutrality to unfettered US base building in less than 2 years? I know we have talked about this before here but it’s a monumental shift in Europe’s security structure that deserves a lot of attention. To help make sense of it, I reached out to Tuomas Malinen, wo is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Helsinki and the CEO and the Chief Economist of GnS Economics, a macroeconomic consultancy firm. He specialises in economic growth, economic crises, central banks, the business cycle, and he also talks about Finnish foreign policy on TwitterX, which is where I found him.

        The text of the new Finnish-US (In)Security Treaty On Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
        “Defence Cooperation Agreement with the United States (DCA)”,Forces%20Agreement%20%28NATO%20SOFA%29

        #99688 Reply

          Serbian-US economist, formerly with the World Bank, Branko Milanovic with a wise comment on his Substack in a book review, about the West looking at Eastern Europe during the Cold War and aftermath:

          The reason is as follows. Ich bien ein Easterner: I do not need to be told how it was. Most of what I would be offered to read in English, was, I though, fake. The personal memoirs that, I thought, had a chance to appeal to Western readers, and particularly to become best-sellers, were such as to reinforce the Western views or prejudices what the life behind the Iron Curtain looked like. It was composed only of political trials, executions of former Bolsheviks, exiles of dissidents, long queues for meat and toilet paper, parading tanks and dour bureaucrats. Everybody wore a fur hat and lived in permafrost. Indeed some of these things were true, but for different countries and different periods. But practically none of them was true in my life experience and I would say for 90% of other people living in Eastern Europe in the 1970-90s. But writing about how life really was for my generation and those a generation younger, what we and others around us really believed and thought, would not get published nor read by the Western audience. The Eastern stories that would become bestsellers would be, I thought, invariably made-up or would deal with minor special cases. I had no interest in them.

          #99699 Reply

            United Nations published this! I cannot believe my eyes!

            Press Briefing:
            Dan Kovalik,
            Jackson Hinkle and
            Christopher Helali
            following their recent visit to Donbass and Moscow

            They tell it all. The background of the war in Ukraine, about that underage girl who was targeted by Ukrainian ‘kill list’, about the massive graves of people killed in Donbass since 2014, they even speak about 48 burned alive in Odessa Trade Union building.
            Can you believe things like that finally voiced in the Unated Nations?

            #99700 Reply


              #99701 Reply

                You’re welcome, AG.
                I met this video on YouTube, published by GermanyTV channel, the sound is in Russian and subtitles in German available

                #99702 Reply

                  I am not familiar with UN procedures. So I don´t know who decides over who can do a press conference like the above. Which means to ask – has anything shifted within UN for making this possible. Or not?

                  I am stating this because the RUs in the UN-SC 1,5 years ago or so, had a very long presentation with statements prepared by a couple of reporters who were in Donbas, including video/interview footage.

                  That was of course on the behalf of the RU SC-representatives and due to their granted rights to present material in the UN-SC. But this UN briefing is “neutral” UN territory I would assume.The same space where Albanese spoke about Gaza or the Ukraine war crimes mission (including Bucha) spoke about its investigation.

                  John Helmer from Moscow with a report abut the crazy Polish government and its defense plans against RU, who will attack tomorrow, and their crazy defense spending, highest in the EU, 4%

                  #99704 Reply

                    I wish I knew the names of those journalists sitting there at that briefing. Or, the names of the media theu represent. I’m curious what did they make of that? Any articles? Opinions? Anything? I need the names.

                    #99705 Reply

                      May I please post a joke?

                      The Russian company Fores will pay 15 million rubles to the soldiers who are the first to destroy the American F-16 fighter.

                      – Air defense officers: ok🔥

                      – Military aircraft: challenge accepted 🔥

                      – Petrov and Boshirov: are we talking specifically about the SMO zone or, can we do it right at the American airfield? 😌

                      – Strategic Missile Forces: +1 to the previous speaker, and, where do I see the current pricelist for wholesalers? 🧐

                      #99706 Reply

                        difficult to find. My archive is an oddity because it developed and changed over time.
                        One thing I found online via “Donbass” “UN Security Council” “Russia”:

                        The original presentation I am looking for was presented by UN´s webTV as well I think.
                        I would even assume I posted it here back then.
                        If I find it I will post. (But nothing in it that you wouldn´t know).

                        There are only a couple of Western journalists who report(ed) from East Ukraine. An Italian photographer among them, a Dutch reporter, also Eva Bartlett, etc.
                        If you try to break through the wall of media silence your career is being destroyed unless you back off again.
                        That´s why you had almost nothing in the daily media in Germany, but the same is true for most other countries in Europe.
                        So not only incompetence. There is massive coercion. A front of jingoist unity of the government and the media, who are supposed to – check-balance the government?! Come on….

                        #99707 Reply

                          This might interest you:
                          Swiss Neutrality Studies talks with German journalist Patrik Baab from Berlin. He wrote an excellent book on his travels to East Ukraine and has been kicked out of the system for telling the mundane side of the truth (which is really NOT revolutionary.)

                          His book was on spot 13 of the bestselling book list in Germany but among the first 20 of that list his was the only title not displayed publicly by book shops.
                          His university kicked him out for stating simple facts about the war which is why the following court ruling forced the university to reverse its decision because it was simply illegal. And so forth…Fortunately he just retired from his job as a long-time state broadcasting reporter and foreign correspondent. The court ruling was also important because the university was intent to deprive him of parts of his pension. People who used to be his colleagues…

                          #99720 Reply

                            German conservative daily DIE WELT interview on the surge of the RU economy, NOT LIMITED TO WAR:

                            ““It is not just the armaments industry that is growing in Russia. Almost all sectors are benefiting””

                            WELT: Isn’t the strong growth a false boom that was only driven by the war? The German Reich also reached the peak of its industrial production shortly before the end of the war in 1944. On paper, it looked great, but in reality, collapse was imminent.

                            Astrov: No, that is not comparable. It is not only the arms sector that is growing in Russia. Other industries are also benefiting indirectly. This applies to suppliers such as steelworks, but also to almost all other sectors. Real wages have risen despite high inflation, which is boosting private consumption. The catering industry is benefiting, and domestic tourism is flourishing. Growth is therefore broad-based and not just war-driven. The German National Socialists demanded renunciation under the slogan “guns instead of butter”. In Putin’s Russia, there is currently both: guns and butter.

                            Vasily Astrov is an economist at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (VIIW) and an expert on Russia. The native Russian studied in Saint Petersburg, Münster and Warwick. He has been working at the VIIW since 1997.

                            #99726 Reply

                              On connections to and exoneration of the OUN today.
                              From the excellent blog of Moss Robeson

                              An open letter by Gareth Jones´ great-nephew Philip Colley:

                              “Gareth Jones Society responds to British Banderites
                              Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain demands explanation about Nazi collaborators and continued existence of OUN”
                              March 9th 2024

                              #99762 Reply

                                Is there a false flag in the making by Macron to garner support for sending troops to Ukraine?

                                5 april Macron claimed:
                                Emmanuel Macron says ‘no doubt’ Russia will try to target Paris Olympics

                                French President Emmanuel Macron believes Russia could try to sabotage the Paris Olympics, including in terms of manipulation of information, which is a part of “Russia’s arsenal of warfare” today


                                Paris prosecutor opens probe into ‘criminal’ attack on France’s high-speed train network

                                French train operator SNCF on Friday said that the country’s high-speed network had been targeted with widespread and “criminal” acts, disrupting travel for hundreds of thousands of people just hours before the grand opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics. The Paris prosecutor has opened a probe into a suspected bid to undermine “fundamental national interests”.

                                Will they blame Russia for this? I would not doubt it.

                                #99768 Reply

                                  re: TATYANA´s comment on cluster munition –


                                  HRW was able to look through the thick of it in 2014, however failed in 2022 because – as you say – it by then was a foregone conclusion that by design anything bad was RU-born. So when 2022 RU-made cluster bombs were discovered by HRW immediately people said it´s RU, though RU denied it (they could have as well stay silent if HRW were right).

                                  Nobody pointed at the obvious that both armies used the same bombs.
                                  Which for me weighs heavier than the correct assumption from 2014 because by 2022 the West had a much more vested interest in lying about the events.

                                  Since Biden allowed officially to send cluster munition to Ukraine past summer, I wouldn´t be surprised if RU forces then saw no necessity to hold back. However the opposite is possible as well.

                                  And then there is the issue of military or civil targets and which forces of the AFU are using the munition, some of them are sick terrorists, many of them I assume are not. (Those who believed the lie that their country will be destroyed and they have to defend it and fought, as Scott Ritter put it, extremely well as “citizen-soldiers”. I still think it was idiotic to take up arms. But it´s too late now.) But I could imagine they tried to fight “fair”.

                                  Biden´s despicable press statement:

                                  “(…)On June 7, 2023, the US Department of Defense announced that President Joe Biden had signed a “determination” that the transfer of cluster munitions to Ukraine was necessary for the national security interests of the United States. He authorized the transfer of an unspecified number of cluster munitions that have a greater than one percent unexploded ordnance rate to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.(…)”
                                  Which means, by then they most likely had already been supplied by the US.

                                  It would be a separate task to sort out the various reports and their correctness by the Russian side and by HRW how the use of cluster munition has developed since.

                                  As HRW is concerned:

                                  Ukraine: Civilian Deaths from Cluster Munitions
                                  New Research Details Ukrainian Use of Widely Banned Weapon
                                  July 6, 2023

                                  Cluster Munition Use in Russia-Ukraine War
                                  May 29, 2023

                                  All of this is Western sourced so if serious one would have to look into lesser known sources from outside Europe/NATO countries, like Serbia or Africa or BRICS states.

                                  #99769 Reply

                                    Russia seems to be totally outmaneuvered by Ukraine. Apparently Ukraine managed to strike a strategic bomber plane the other day with drones
                                    Ukraine Strikes Russian Long-Range Strategic Bomber: Report
                                    Time and time again Ukraine manages to strike this type of plane or this type of boat or this type of civilian building in Russia proper. This is just embarrassing for Russia and only emboldens Ukraine/West. Why stop fighting if they manage to strike these targets?

                                    Apparently this attack was also done very close to Norway/Finland; there are some claims that the drones could have “taken off” from any of these Nato nations.

                                    #99827 Reply

                                      From Andrei Martyanov´s comments section:

                                      Swedish Minister of Finance Elisabeth Svantesson and seven European finance ministers posted this open letter a week ago;


                                      President Vladimir Putin and his authoritarian regime are peddling the false narrative that the Russian economy is strong, and that its war machine is unharmed by western sanctions. This is a lie that must be rebutted. In fact, there are many signs that the Russian war economy is deteriorating. The sanctions and other measures to weaken the Russian economy are effective, but even more can be done. We must continue to increase pressure on Putin’s regime and support Ukraine.

                                      * * *
                                      Be honest JACK – isn´t this FUN?!

                                      rest here:


                                      “Russia is lying about its economic strength: sanctions are working – and we need more”
                                      Published 25 July 2024
                                      Opinion piece by Minister for Finance Elisabeth Svantesson and seven European finance ministers, The Guardian, 24 July 2024.

                                      #99862 Reply

                                        BlackRock has asked that Ukrainian soldiers not be buried on the land it owns in Ukraine.

                                        Representatives from BlackRock recently visited Kiev and requested that soldiers no longer be buried in the ground.

                                        They have already bought 47 percent of Ukraine’s land.

                                        BlackRock has asked that this land not be used for burials and that the bodies be cremated or disposed of in other ways.

                                        #99866 Reply

                                          Fonso, can you please reference credible sources for your claims, emphasis on credible. This whole thread is source linked to what each post is about.

                                          #99869 Reply

                                            ET, I’ve seen it yesterday on Russian social media.
                                            They say the claim belongs to Bulgarian politician Plamen Paskov and they link Vzglyad (Glance) media

                                            “Paskov, on air at the PolitExpert video blog, said that BlackRock came and demanded that Kiev stop burying soldiers in the “traditional way,” since they occupy “too much land,” RIA Novosti reports.
                                            The corporation stated that 47% of this land has already been bought out, he added.
                                            According to him, the conglomerate consists of several trillionaires who are involved in global issues. It includes BlackRock, State Street Corporation, Fidelity Investments, and The Vanguard Group.
                                            Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost more than 60,000 servicemen in the SMO in July, with the largest number of fatalities recorded between July 20 and July 31.”

                                            #99885 Reply

                                              As I said before, I do not get why Russia do not strike these weapons/arms/shipments to Ukraine

                                              American jets spotted over Ukraine (VIDEO)
                                              Videos shared online purportedly show US-made F-16s flying over Odessa


                                              One thought the problem was the slow-moving Shoigu but the new guy seems to be as incompentent too.

                                              #99886 Reply


                                                Try to not be too harsh based on what we get in the news.
                                                I assume the RUs know very well why they do what and what not.
                                                F-16s are mostly garbage in this military theatre.
                                                And to let them fly and shoot them down then, not before, when they are loaded off the ships might have a similiar advantage as the repeated limited bombing of certain electricity hubs in order to find the weak spots in Ukr air defense. Intead of taking them out on the first best occasion. F-16 falling from the sky might be good for PR too. May be even luring new generation fighters into circumstances where they show weaknesses.

                                                #99887 Reply

                                                  A translation of a German text about why RU admitted that the man behind the assassination of a Chechen terrorist in Berlin was indeed a RU asset just as the German court had claimed. He was part of the recent prisoner exchange.

                                                  #99890 Reply

                                                    F-16 are based in neighbouring countries, like Poland. The one noticed flying over Odessa was from Moldova, according to Lebedev (btw, did you know there’s a pro-Russian resistance in Ukraine? Lebedev is their representative).
                                                    So, Jack, I really don’t think that Russia should strike airfilds in Moldova, or Poland, or Germany.

                                                    #99894 Reply

                                                      @ET, in continuation of yesterday’s topic with BlackRock, today’s article is in our news

                                                      Machine traslation is weird sometimes, I’ll do a short summary.

                                                      Blackrock Corporation assets exceeded $10.6 trillion, it’s currently the world’s largest investment firm by assets under management.

                                                      This is the same big business, huge companies and transnational corporations that have long been intertwined with the government and directly push through political decisions that bring profits and allow them to grow further.

                                                      The BlackRock board of directors includes:
                                                      – Wally Adeyemo, who is also the US Deputy Secretary of the Treasury;
                                                      – Eric van Nostrand, senior adviser to the Ministry of Finance for Russia and Ukraine;
                                                      – Mike Pyle, former economic advisor for Biden and the chief economic adviser to Kamala Harris.
                                                      As is easy to see, all these people are directly related to finance, both corporate and government.

                                                      Ukraine has a moratorium on selling land to foreign buyers. There are persistent rumors that Blackrock has bought up almost half of the local black soil through various schemes and shell companies. Even if the rumors exaggerate and Blackrock indirectly manages let’s say a third of Ukrainian arable land, this is still about ten million hectares.
                                                      This area is equal to all the arable land in Poland or Germany.

                                                      The US allocates money to Ukraine for weapons and restoration, culture and science. But the money flows through the winding and opaque channels of all sorts of funds, often private ones. It is these assets that Blackrock manages, having received a special license a year ago to carry out certain events for the restoration and development of Ukraine.
                                                      All government contracts for any type of restoration work within Ukraine must be concluded through the Blackrock subsidiary fund.

                                                      Blackrock can control all funding for Ukraine, military or civilian. The important point is that the terms of the fund’s work are valid until the end of hostilities, that is, they are interested in the war continuing as long as possible.
                                                      The main assets of Ukraine bought by Blackrock and similar funds will belong not to the state, but to private individuals. They will be the ones most interested in preserving their acquisitions.

                                                      A hundred years ago, the Bolsheviks and socialists were able to dis-propagandize the armies of both sides, convincing them that it’s not worth fighting for the interests of the bourgeoisie and the rich. If it was possible then, it is even more possible in the Internet era.

                                                      The article doesn’t mention The Grain Deal, that treaty on making safe passage for ships with grain from Ukraine. It was arranged, among other things, with the mediation of the UN, which expressed concern that the poorest countries would be subject to famine if Ukraine did not supply its grain to the markets.
                                                      As it turned out later, only about 3% of the grain reached the poor countries, and the main part was sent to Europe.
                                                      I think that we will never be told whether Monsanto or a similar transnational corporation owned the rights to that grain.

                                                    Viewing 25 posts - 651 through 675 (of 817 total)
                                                    Reply To: Ukraine (Date: Nov. 2023)
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