Ukraine (after 2023)

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  • #99895 Reply

      Tatyana and fonso. My post may have come across as a bit cranky which it wasn’t meant to. It isn’t that I don’t believe a transnational corporate entity such as Blackrock could or would say such a thing. I do however think they would be careful not to say it publically nor include it in any document. Also, I have searched a bit for this story and found only the same three short paragraphs recycled on the few websites I found referencing it. It all seems to come from a video interview with Bulgarian politician Plamen Paskov. He may be correct but he doesn’t allude to any corroboration. I’ve never heard of the guy before, which of itself isn’t much, as I’m not familiar with Bulgarian politics. I watched one or two short videos from him and, well, he talks a lot.

      As far as them buying huge chunks of Ukraine land I can also agree that has a high probability. The black sea grain initiative we discussed earlier in the thread I think. data for that is here and yeah, the majority got nowhere near poorer countries.

      #99903 Reply

        It’s ok, ET. I myself only once met the name Paskov some time ago in some news. I only remembered it because Plamen is ‘fire’ in Russian language. Even it is rather ‘flame’ than ‘fire’.
        The story about cemeteries I find plausible, because in fact if the land is used for graves it cannot be used for anything else for very long time,maybe even for centuries. Quite natural would it be for the BlackRock to put a request of the sort that Plamen described.

        The real question that bothers me now is – if US big corporations have any significant asset in Israel too?

        #99905 Reply

          “Two-thirds of Ukrainians have lost a relative or friend to the conflict.”

          from NYT:
          “War Shatters Dating Scene for Women in Ukraine
          While the pursuit of love might seem secondary to dealing with the horrors and privations of the war, many Ukrainians say they need romantic relationships to help them cope.”

          Naturally this means soldiers. So consider the number of KIA which has also been heavily discussed on this blog in the past.

          The above phrase is from this survey/study

          “How many Ukrainians have close relatives and friends who were injured / killed by the Russian invasion: results of a telephone survey conducted on May 26 – June 5, 2023

          #99906 Reply

            Unfortunately it is not only the F16s but western provided arms in general that is just pouring into Ukraine freely, Russia is very slow in moving and taking out other big military vehicles, the western provided military vehicles, ammo, guns etc should of course be taken out as soon as they reach ukrainian soil. But Russia are not doing that and thus these arms could freely be used and transported to the eastern border with Russia. I do not get that, at all.
            To be honest….I am not surprised Ukraine keep on fighting, why should they lay down their weapons if Russia is going to pussyfoot around this war? That strategy will not bring any win.
            I know this view is probably a minority here but I feel something is incredibly backwards with the russian strategy in this war, like they are not really up to dare of what is going on, do not care, do not realize the severity of things etc.

            The other week a russian strategic bomber was, allegedly, hit by an ukrainian drone.
            Some days ago Ukraine, again allegedly, hit a russian subarmine.
            I mean these type of critical incidents should not be able to happen, especially not 2 years into the war.

            Ukraine intensifies its long-range strikes, sinking a Russian submarine and striking an airfield


            Russia must show they mean business otherwhise Ukraine wlll just push forward and who knows what or whom they manage to hit next time…

            #99930 Reply

              Imagine if it was Russia that threatened and pressured a small nation like this. But when the west systematically does it, it is hardly reported, and if it is reported it is framed in a such a way by the useless journalists in the west, that it is something normal, ok behavior to do!:

              US suspends $95m aid to Georgia over foreign agent law


              The US may introduce sanctions against Georgia to force the former Soviet republic to change its policy course in line with Western countries, Deputy Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O’Brien told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday.


              Stop treating Georgia as a creature of the US and the West
              The narrative of ‘Russification’ risks a real electoral crisis in October, one which Washington and Brussels seem to be encouraging, at everyone’s peril


              Georgia aims to ‘reset’ relations with U.S. after Washington pauses aid


              EU pressured Russia’s neighbor to send mercenaries to Ukraine – MP


              …so much for respecing democracy and domestic politics of smaller nations by the west.

              #99932 Reply

                Mali broke off diplomatic relations with Ukraine on Monday due to Kiev’s support for local terrorists. Niger made the same decision on Wednesday.

                As the newspaper Monde reported, citing a Malian military source, terrorists from the alliance of Malian armed separatist groups CSP-DPA went to Ukraine for training.

                Mali and Niger have appealed to the UN Security Council to investigate reports of Ukraine’s support for armed groups in northern Mali, Deputy Chairman of the Security and Defense Committee in the Malian transitional parliament Fuseinou Ouatara told RIA Novosti.

                #99935 Reply

                  As I said the other day, incidents like this should not be able to happen I do not even know how it could happen, how could Russia miss the massing of hundreds of troops, tanks going to the russian border time and time again?

                  Ukrainian incursion into Russia: What we know so far
                  An invading force of some 1,000 servicemen and dozens of armored vehicles has entered Russia’s Kursk Region


                  #99937 Reply

                    Jack, I think incidents like this are inevitable if you have some 2000 km land borders and some 300 km sea borders with a hostile state giving its service to a biggest military alliance in the world.

                    #99951 Reply


                      Russian Intelligence services should be able to pick up on these plots by Ukraine especially when these incursions, and attacks occurs repeatedly. Not to mention, Russia should be able to pinpoint and strike these western provided big tanks and other vehicles that are provided in the far western ukraine and then obviously are systematically and freely going/transported all the way to the eastern border and even into Russia proper.

                      #99954 Reply

                        Jack, I’m not a military and don’t really understand how it all works during a war.
                        As an ordinary person, I have an excellent solution to the problem.
                        IMO, Russia should return to its borders of year 91.
                        But not 1991, which was a real catastrophe for millions of the former USSR citizens. But to the borders of 1891, when Kiev was a province of the Russian Empire. Or, to the borders of 991 (10th century), when Kiev was the capital of the Russian state.
                        Because these lands, historically inhabited by Russians and owned by Russians, now have suddenly turned into a semblance of Afghanistan, with wild gangs receiving weapons from the West, and with a government that discriminates and even exterminates the population on ethnic grounds.
                        This land has been captured by warlike aliens.

                        #99972 Reply

                          Here we go again:

                          Nine injured in Ukrainian strike on Russian region – governor
                          Kiev has conducted a “massive” drone attack on multiple targets across Lipetsk Region


                          Dozens in need of medical help amid Ukrainian incursion
                          Kiev’s troops have been deliberately targeting civilians and medics, Russian officials have said


                          German heavy armor back to fields of Kursk Region after 80 years – media
                          Kiev’s forces have reportedly used Marder infantry fighting vehicles their cross-border incursion


                          Russia should kick the military and intelligence brass command for failing to curb these ongoing attacks otherwhise the attacks by Ukraine will only soar and be more severe, critical.

                          #99974 Reply

                            fair criticism, Jack
                            I also think that it’s no longer possible to show all kinds of caution and reluctance to escalate. The enemy takes this for weakness.

                            #99975 Reply

                              …it would be unwise by the Russians to fundamentally change approach. It works very well which is why AFU chooses such suicide missions in the first place. Desperation. Wehrmacht did similiar thing. Other armies when losing did it during WWII and other wars. As Tatyana said you can´t protect an entire borderland. Especially if the world´s best reconnaissance is directed against you. But all of that is without substance…AFU losses are now daily between 1000-2000, weekly up to 14.000…Many Ukrainians might not dare admit it openly but they know very well the Russians have and never had any intention to destroy Ukraine or any such madness. I would take a guess that many RU planners still have that in mind looking into the future. What worries me, will Kiev and DC allow to settle that way? Knowing the RU real terms very well. It might be up to the populations in UKR and EU to not allow their governments to carry on with this crime.

                              p.s. Boxing analogies in wars are popular but not necessarily decent. Yet, I remember one commentator comparing it with Foreman v. Ali when Foreman less skilled was eventually knocked out after exhausting himself.

                              #99978 Reply


                                Yes, these attacks, incursions has been going on far too long now. Of course it is easy for me, or anyone else, to sit here and criticising – I have zero knowledge about military issues but even so I reckon something is obviously flawed on the russian side.

                                – The Ukrainian military said on Friday it had hit a Russian military airfield in the Lipetsk region of western Russia overnight, damaging stockpiles of guided bombs and causing a series of detonations.

                                Video of, one of the attacks:

                                Ukraine launches ‘massive’ drone attack on Russia’s Lipetsk


                                #99986 Reply

                                  Jack and AG, I mentioned once that I have both Russian and Ukrainian ancestry (the differences between the two cultures are minor, in fact and clearly just variations of the same root).
                                  In this conflict, it was not Russian and Ukrainian national identities that collided, but rather the political and geopolitical interests of some elites.
                                  So if I see that someone is happy about the military success or military failure of one side or another, then to me it looks like an outside passerby is watching me and my brother fighting, and is unhappy that he bet on the wrong player in this boxing match. It’s painful. The fact that they bet on my victory and not my brother’s, does not save the situation. It’s my deep conviction that the role of bystanders should always and solely call for an end to the battle.

                                  #99987 Reply


                                    True, the conflict is clearly artificial, geopolitical in nature, russians and ukrainians sharing so much: cultural, traditions, history, mentality, language and so on but the extreme ultra-fascist-nationalism and the extreme anti-russia(an)-sentiment became normalized and took hold of Ukraine for no reason.

                                    It is like 2 brothers, where one of the brother decided to take money from abroad (by west/nato/us/eu) to pick a fight with the other brother believing they will get into EU and Nato but both have turned them down, not realizing they are using this “brother” for their own ends.

                                    #99990 Reply

                                      I’d always been under the impression that making an attack on a nuclear armed country was a Really Bad Idea – that was the entire point of having them.

                                      However, given the Ukrainian incursion into Russia (assisted by NATO), this appears to have been an unfounded assumption.

                                      In which case, I wonder what’s the point of having them? When would any use of them be justified? Perhaps the answer really is very simple: It’s always OK if we do it. And not otherwise.

                                      #99991 Reply

                                        Tatyana, thank you for your post of August 9, 17:25, #99986. I wish I could stop the UK government from prolonging and escalating the war. I tried, I supported Jeremy Corbyn, and I will continue to try.

                                        #99992 Reply

                                          Listening to William Taylor, ex US ambassador to Ukraine on BBC News tonight, I fear we are on the verge of insanity. What has been served by this proxy war for the west against Putin on the battlefield of Ukraine? Taylor takes delight in the use of US arms enabling an expansion of the conflict into Russia by some distance, taunting Russia as impotent against NATO backed US firepower. The record spending is no more that an attempt to boost the failing economy; loan the money to buy your weapons to prolong a war other people are fighting for you on their soil so your economy gets a boost to delay the inevitable collapse because you don’t know what else to do. I feel so sorry for the many good innocent people caught up in this utter madness.

                                          Stupid, stupid people.

                                          #100005 Reply


                                            I share your sentiment especially from my past acquaintances with Russians and Ukrainians. When we spent time in public and they were asked nationality never mattered to them. In fact I was initially taken totally by surprise by this Ukrainian nationalism which ate itself very violently into German public presence with 2022. I have zero sympathy for it. (I have no concept of patriotism myself in the first place but that´s another topic.) I didn´t experience it this way ever and it´s totally strange to me and I reject it wholeheartedly.

                                            So now if you meet Ukrainians in public, they most likely are part of the artistic “intellectual” class, you better take cover. It´s hatred, self-righteousness, negligence, dishonesty, racism. Forgot anything?

                                            With that said it might be clear they are a minority group but as such in the West their presence is dominating the image of Ukraine now especially in the media. (Countless mothers from Ukraine with their kids here, I doubt they have any interest in nationalistic division but no reporter is gonna ask them.)

                                            But then, that´s nothing new. The East in the West has always been regarded as a psychosis, an aberration. Why? Because that´s convenient on so many levels. It offers material for “deep” public panels; contrived cultural essays (Kundera); great material for cultural products (the Ukrainian female writer is a brand in itself), until recently Germany had a literary award especially for German literature written by Eastern Europeans, we have at least two major film festivals dedicated to Eastern European films; it´s to ascertain oneself as the real, complete society; but above all: it´s good for coming up with an enemy.

                                            #100006 Reply

                                              e.g. below is a selection of German art exhibitions dedicated to Ukrainian art, suddenly soaring, after Feb. 2022.
                                              For a population (Germans) who knows virtually nothing about the history of Russia and Ukraine and not so long ago had a very opposite prejudiced view of Ukraine: corruption, mafia, prostitutes. Now all of a sudden Ukraine has turned into rebirth of Classical Athens, cradle of occidental democracy.

                                              I call this artistic fanaticism:

                                              »The Captured House« (Alte Münze, Berlin, 8.–15.5.2022); »Worth Fighting for« (eigener Ausstellungsraum, Köln, 15.11.–14.12.2022); »Sense of War« (Frappant, Hamburg, 14.–22.1.2023); »Früchte des Zorns – Versuch einer Annäherung: Ukraine« (Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin, 20.1.–19.3.2023); »From 1914 Till Ukraine« (Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, 11.3.–23.7.2023); »Timeless. Contemporary Ukrainian Art in Times of War« (Bode Museum, Berlin, 17.3.2023–17.3.2024); »Motherland: Ukrainische Künstler:innen hinterfragen Heimat« (Museum Ephraim-Palais, Berlin, 4.5.–10.9.2023); »Kaleidoskop der Geschichte(n). Ukrainische Kunst 1912–2023« (Albertinum, Dresden, 6.5.–10.9.2023); »Ukrainische Moderne 1900–1930« (Museum Ludwig, Köln, 3.6.–24.9.2023); »Kunst und Leben in Zeiten des Krieges« (Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, 17.6.–13.8.2023); »Ukraine für immer« (Galerie Kunst unter-uns, Lörrach, 11.8.–9.9.2023); »Wenn der Krieg ins Museum kommt. Kunst von Kindern und Jugendlichen aus der Ukraine« (ZKM Karlsruhe, 26.1.–25.2.2024); »Kyiv Perenniale« (nGbK, Berlin, 24.2.–9.6.2024); »Kunst deines Nachbarn. Kunst aus der Ukraine« (Städtische Galerie im Haus der Begegnung, Pfaffenhofen, 18.5.–9.6.2024).

                                              #100007 Reply

                                                German hypocrisy is evil:

                                                “Ukrainian conscripts no longer receive replacement papers in Berlin”

                                                “Since April, Ukrainians who are subject to military service abroad have no longer been able to obtain passports from their embassies. They now generally have to return to Ukraine to do so.”


                                                Even officially it is acknowledged that 800.000+ men are hiding from conscription. It is known that they are forced into the army. It is known that they are regarded as cannon fodder. It is known that up to 2000 die on a day. It is known that 2/3 of all Ukrainians have a friend or a relative who has died. It is known that they will lose the war. It is known that RU started peace negotiations on day #1 of the attack.
                                                The same people in Berlin who carry out this criminal administrative act are hanging Ukrainian and Israeli flags in front of the town halls in every quarter of Berlin. These are sick, lying bastards.

                                                #100008 Reply


                                                  Yes same here in Sweden, where people have always looked down upon people from the “east” (Russia, Poland, Ukraine etc) but somehow now they have fallen in love with ukrainians and hate the russians in total. Little do they know that ukrainians and russians are almost one of the same people.

                                                  Yes also telling how westn now reject refugees, just compare the situation a few years ago with syrians, iraqis coming to europe. THat just proves how little the west really care for ukrainians, they rather see ukrainians die on the battlfield for western interests than see shem living in peace in europe. Very cynical.

                                                  #100047 Reply

                                                    Haha so typical, the hawkish warmongers are the most pathetic ones that would flee in case of a war.

                                                    Take the Lithuanian FM are one of alleged toughest on Russia. But now
                                                    EU state’s FM accused of ‘preparing to flee country’

                                                    Lithuania’s Gabrielius Landsbergis is suspected of buying a villa in Greece just before the outbreak of the Ukraine conflict so he could escape if the hostilities spilled over
                                                    Lithuanian opposition MPs have accused the country’s foreign minister, Gabrielius Landsbergis, of making preparations to flee the country right before the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out in 2022 in the event the hostilities were to spill over, several news outlets have reported.


                                                    Same guy that wanted to send NATO troops to Ukraine

                                                    Baltic state backs sending NATO troops to Ukraine

                                                    …yeah he will obviously not send himself to the actual warzone, that he is too scared of doing, better sending his own people into the meatgrinder while he sip on drinks in Greece. Disgraceful man but it is so typical for these alleged tough guys, they bark alot but when push comes to shove, they run away with their tails tucked between their legs.

                                                    #100058 Reply

                                                      LOL cicrus keep on going regarding Nouth Stream attack:

                                                      Zelensky gave initial order for Nord Stream attack – WSJ

                                                      The paper claims the CIA pressured the Ukrainian leader to withdraw permission to target the key pipelines in 2022


                                                      Germany issues first arrest warrant over Nord Stream blasts – media

                                                      The suspect has reportedly been identified as Ukrainian national ‘Vladimir Z’
                                                      German officials have reportedly filed a cooperation request with their Polish counterparts in the hope of locating the suspect, who is said to have been tracked to a location west of Warsaw before disappearing.

                                                      ARD reported that it had managed to reach the suspect by phone on Tuesday, adding that ‘Vladimir Z’ insisted he had nothing to do with the sabotage.

                                                      German prosecutors are skeptical of the Polish version of events, ARD reported. Polish officials also supposedly told their German counterparts that CCTV footage of the yacht and its crew had already been deleted.


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